Prashna Shastra (Horary Astrology) is an important facet in Astrology. Prashna Shastra is more predominantly adopted for analyzing and giving prediction to a particular event of life or activity. One should venture into this branch of astrology only after thoroughly understanding all facts of astrological dictums. Otherwise one cannot succeed in this branch which requires an absolute professional analysis. Then the accuracy of prediction given by the astrologer of course varies not only with the expertise of each astrologer but also with the character of the astrologer. Prashna Shastra demands certain disciplines from the querist also. The querist has to approach the astrologer with fruits, flowers, Tamboola and Dakshina and with a clear intention of asking the question in sincerity and not with a motto of testing the astrologer’s knowledge. Many times we come across people without horoscopes and they can be tackled in this system of Prashna Shastra. This is called “Nasta Jataka” system and we can even construct a chart by getting information about their life events. The astrologers can even before the question is asked, can indicate as what is the problem and purpose of the querist‘s visit. This is to a great extent possible by a shrewd astrologer who is well conversant with the surroundings and the eternal atmosphere connected to the question i.e. Kala, Desha and Varthamana. Though there are a number of methods to answer questions, it is always better to answer only one question at a time for maximum accuracy, whatever the method the astrologer follows.
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