The present volume is the result of the culmination of research studies in Jyotisha of Dr. Mohandas. The studies provides one, safe guidance in life on the subject of infertility, children, childlessness and extinction of the family line. Quoting profusely from classical works such as Brihat Jataka, Prasnanushtana Paddhati, Prasna Marga, Jataka Parijata and other, the author draws up a list of planetary parameters that help one gauge the child- potential or otherwise of a horoscope.
Factors such as the Fifth House, Beeja-Kshetra Sphutas, Santana Trisphuta, Navatara Relations and the role of Ketu and Venus and other planets are dealt with in detail. The findings presented here are supported by 224 case studies, selected carefully from the author’s collection of over 1500 horoscopes of fertile cases he has handled over a period of 3 decades as a consultant astrologer.
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