Article By M.M. Mistry
Earlier articles have narrated types of defects called Vedha and its interpretations used by the Shilpacharyas of various treatises. They have coined the one word terms –Terminology wherein it explains the meaning of defects that may occur in design and construction of buildings. Sanskrit words are self explanatory. This article is intended to offer analysis of exceptional rules advocated by our ancient scholars. These rules are on the basis of diurnal sun movements and wind directions during various seasons of the year.
Forty one types of Vedha Dosh and ten exceptional rules to qualify as good for a house or a building. These are recapitulated as under.
- The distance of twice the height being left from door or building to the Vedha, there occurs no Vedha Dosh.
- The Vedha falls in diagonal line of house or a building creates no Dosh.
- The building and the Vedha is separated by road or compound wall or any other wall or fort or castle, it forms no Vedha Dosh.
- The Vedha if not visible from the house or building has no Dosh.
- The Vedha happens to be across the river, it does not form part of a Dosh.
- The Vedha is not applicable to lower caste.
- Dilapidated temple or ancient building or restored house causes no Vedha Dosh.
- Silpa Acharya Garga Muni has said ‘Mind and eyes feel satisfied at a first glance, such Vastu are always innocent’
- Building devoid of Vastu doctrines, but increases positive feelings in mind and liked by eyes, it is free from Vastu Dosh.
- Sukracharya has observed that Scholars do not appreciate the buildings which do not conform to Shastriya dimensions. But few scholars feel ‘What so ever house may be if it is captivating and satisfying, Vastu Dosh should be ignored.
Rule No’s Viii, IX and X are based on aesthetic aspects. Rule no I, is inter- linked with ii which covers height and orientation of building. Rule no iii & iv deals barriers and rule no v relates to the human eye field of vision. Rule no vi and vii are related to caste and fractured and repaired old buildings.
Rule no i and ii reveals the insight of our Shilpa Acharyas on solar azimuth and altitude at different hours of the day. They have determined the distance between building and Vedha as two heights. To prove the point, examine following table.
Rise Set 64˚ 0˚ 90˚ 0˚ 116˚ 0˚
O6 18 68 9 – – – –
07 17 73 22 96 14 117 04
08 16 77 35 103 27 124 15
09 15 80 49 111 41 134 26
10 14 83 62 124 53 146 35
11 13 85 76 146 63 162 41
12 noon 00 9 180 67 180 44
Altitude of sun and height of object or building is known, the distance can be worked out trigonometrically. Tan ɸ = H / D [opposite side divided by base]
Hindus consider 60 Ghatis as day length from sunrise to next sunrise, is divided by eight called eight Prahars starting from local sunrise. Prahar duration is 7 Ghati 30 pala =approximately 3 hours.
Normally, at 9 am and 3 pm sun altitude varies from 44˚ to 35˚ for stations falling between 8 to 35 degrees latitudes for the month of March. On December 22nd at 9 and 15 hours of morning and evening, before 2nd and after 3rd Prahar, altitude 27˚ angle tan ɸ value is twice the height. Thus, statement made by ancients hold good. [e.g. D=2H]
This can also be used to assess the shadow of building or object casting in a well after 2nd and 3rd Prahar of the day. In other words, well should be equal distance to the height of the building or object.
Housing for king, minister, chief of army and four castes are specified in width to length Ratios such as length is 1/10, 1/8, 1/6 and ¼ more than width dimensions. These ratios have tan ɸ value of 42˚-18’; 41˚-36’; 40˚-36’ and 38˚-36’ for Brahmins, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Sudras having orientation in north, east, south and west direction respectively. However, door direction for Sudras is west facing, Brahmins- north, Kshatriyas- east and Vaishyas should have door facing to south. Plots in east direction controlling fiery signs should have four numbers of doors facing S, W, N & E; south-earthy signs should have no doors on west wall; west-airy signs should have only one door on eastern face wall and in north- watery signs should blank walls on north and west directions.
It is of interest to note the building dimensions are base on azimuth of sun angle within the range of June to December month at local mean time at 0900 hours.
[Refer: figure below] Some one may question Gandhinagar capital town of Gujarat did not exist when Vastu Shastra was written. This Latitude is very near to tropic of cancer and obliquity of ecliptic angle has prompted for selection.
These are some of the very simple examples. Vedic culture has highly developed knowledge base in Astronomy, Astrology, Physics, and Mathematics. Together with Arabs and the Chinese the oriental knowledge base has been supreme, even without the modern instrumentation of the contemporary science.
Vedha situated in diagonal line of building or plot, does not obstructs the sun light penetration at sun rise to 2nd Prahar. The azimuth of sun has been deciding factor for size of plots as well as non Vedhable location of the object.
Walls or barriers creates hindrance and restricts ingress of energy in the building so these are Vedha. It appears the Vedic scholars have considered road, a distance wall or river are non obstructive, do not create Vedha Dosh.
Human vision has 60˚ solid angle and vision length 6×6 means 6 meter is normal clear vision. Thus, any Vedha beyond the orb of 6 meter- 20 feet or 13 Hasta 6 Angula, is ineffective.
Old or dilapidated, fractured or reconstructed or renovated temple or buildings or structure have no further renewable, reflectivity or refractivity of energy. Therefore, it appears ancients have considered as innocent Vastu. It may be noted that the broken, fractured or damaged icons of God are not worshiped as they have lost their energies/ power.
Minimum width of building is 16 hands =4.8 m particularly for Sudra. Buildings having width less than 4.8 m Vastu/ Vedha Dosh is not operative. Considering contemporary scenario in housing field, low cost housing schemes have plot/building width does not exceed the stipulations recorded in Vishwakarma Prakash.
Every human being has perceptibility to judge positive and negative energies aspects within the orbit of Vastu principles. Aesthetics is debatable, to overcome such situations if individuals inner mind appreciate the work, it has no relevance of Dosh.
Perhaps, readers would be more inquisitive to know the influence of Vedha Dosh on the occupants. Sages have not advanced any reasons for the effects. The effects of Dosh relate to owner of the property or some times to aged or children; elders or younger; son or daughter; male or female relations who happens to be the occupants of the house/property. The gravity of influence depends on combination of both man made and natural defects particularly plot and structure. House does not remain the home. Efforts are made to compile the results of Vedha related to subject from various text books.
Nature of defects Influence
01 Plot width too wide Separation from spouse
02 Plot width too narrows Poverty
03 Plot level high/ low Separation from son
04 Plot/building Diagonals uneven Losses due to food poison
05 Court yard not right angle Defective eye sight
06 Surround ground low/ high Loss of progeny
07 House without verandah Destruction of children
08 House with more corners Food poisoning
09 Built-up are in Brahmsthan Progeny denied
10 Fire/ water in Brahmsthan Blindness
11 Low foundation height Incurable disease
12 Plinth level different Loss of fame
13 Plinth height too high/low Losses, no gains
14 Side or rear Common wall Troubles to brother
15 Wall inside or outside tilt Decrease in wealth
16 Compound wall high/low Theft fear
17 Grills in compound wall Loss of wealth
18 Lattice, small windows Loss of status
19 Window size small/big Fame disturbed
20 Base of column/ pillar up/down Loss of grand children
21 Column height low End of family
22 Columns/ Pillars no’s less/more Destruction in Family
23 Loft height too less or more Mental worries/agony
24 Entablature high/ low / flat Destruction to owner
25 Main door in middle of Vastu Longevity of owner in danger
26 Tree in front in front of door Doubtful character of children
27 Road/entrance on main door Contagious disease
28 Mud in front of door / gate Restlessness
29 Water in front of main door Losses
30 Well in front of door/ gate Sudden illness / Fits
31 Temple in front of house Destruction to owner
32 Pillar in front of door Doubtful reputation of females.
33 Doors in mid pada of wall Losses to occupants.
34 Opposite door too high Troubles to occupants
35 Door in front of door Enmity with brother
36 Deformed shape of door Troubles
37 Door self open Worries in mind
38 Door self close Loss of heritance
39 Door size large Fear from king
40 Door size small Danger from thief
41 Door tilting out side Traveling
42 Door/window frame thick/thin Stomach ache
43 Beam/ Truss over mid of door Depression
44 Door-head thin/thick Various ailments
45 Shadow on building Unhappiness
46 Shadow in well Debtor
47 Building height more Enmity in family
48 Building height less Deceases
49 Domes /roofs unequal size Brain problems-Tumors
50 Roof height/slope more Family /dynasty vanishes
51 Roof height/slope less Short life span
52 Variable stairs risers/treads size Paralysis
53 Uneven courses of wall Unstable mind
54 Masonry/ashlars joints thick Instability
Architectural or constructional defects occurring in structure are some times not acceptable to eyes. Workmanship defects like uneven plaster, flooring, minor defects or uneven sizes of elements and components or plumbing heights and installations are occasionally tolerated by the users. Major defects listed by the ancients can prevail in the building and are relevant in present day also with in-situ concrete or pre- cast concrete or factory made components and elements.
Defects such as lack of precision in workmanship of joinery or joints may lead to weakness to physical structure. Rishimunis knew the nature of defects. In order to avoid such defects-Vedha Dosh in building, the Shastras merely indicate to us what kind of consequences may follow in life of occupants. Creation of fear phobia is more effective on the owner and designers. No need to panic to self or others after reading this. Put it on hammer test and convey your feed back to the editor for furtherance of knowledge. This will be service to the vastulogy.
[Vedic: Vastu Vedha Dosh-1, 2, 3 may be treated as “Code of Practice for Building Construction.”]
About Author: M. M. Mistry s 71 yrs old & hails from Baroda, India. He is a graduate in Architecture from M.S. University, Baroda. He was Asst. Director in National Buildings Organization & later promoted to Deputy Director – Designs in same organization. Took voluntary retirement and joined Building Materials Technology Promotions Council, New Delhi as Chief of Planning & Design. He started learning astrology in 1964 & Vastu from 1974 onwards.
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