Article by Saptarishis Astrology
An Honest astrologer whether amatuer or professional will admit once in his life that when several planets are found together in one house, it becomes very difficult to predict such charts. Most astrologers avoid such charts including this scribe. There are many results of such combinations yet what is presented below is an experiment on 7 charts and a different view. What is not written ever but old very old astrologers know is that if there is one or more planets in a house, the result of it is given in some other house ‘also’ and the energy is derived from some ‘other’ house. This is actually a master key to understand astrology and yet no one has written about it in detail and we ourselves hunger for such an article if anyone of you can write.
Take the charts of Nov 1982 borns and one finds that Jupiter, Mer, Saturn, Sun & Venus are together, sometimes Venus moves out and Moon gets included. How to see this combination is the experiment presented herein below with some postulates.
5 Planets Including Jupiter in Libra
Observations & Postulates
a) Imp Rule Of Energy Derived From/To: Wherever this 5 planet combination is sitting 6th from that house would be the ‘Result’ or the ‘Energy is being drawn from that house and transferred to this house where the 5 planet combo is sitting. E.g If these 5 planets are in Libra in the Asc, then do not forget the 6th house, keep it in your subconcious while deriving the results.
b) Observe the house owned by Jupiter, the result of this 5 planet combination will either be derived from one of the houses of Jupiter.
c) It would mainly be the house of Sagittarius, which is considered the Head Office of Jupiter and approx 30% would be from the house of Pisces broadly speaking.
d) It is the toughest task in astrology to determine a planet which owns 2 houses/signs, out of these two which one it would give more prominent results?. There are various theories abounding in this context, the traditional being that it would give the result of its Head Office Sign (in case of Jup it is Sagi), this theory is often followed but its not the full truth that you discover in your practice.
e) Then the other theory is if planet is in odd sign then it would give the result of its even sign (e.g Jup in Gemini then it would give result more of Pisces) and vice versa.
f) The other theory is that the sign (amongst its two signs) it aspects it will give more of that signs result (e.g Jup in Virgo will aspect Pisces so it will give more of the results of Pisces).
g) Then the other theory that the sign it aspects most in all the divisional harmonics it will give those results.
The list of other theories is endless and this scribe spent the best part of 2006 asking the topmost astrologers of the world on this query and still the search is on. Let us test the above postulates on charts and see if a ‘subtle’ hint is given by the charts. Unfortunately we could get only 6 charts from ADB ( & 2 from personal databank with 5 planets in Libra, so our experiment is very limited in its exposure.
Chart 1: England, Lynndie – American military
Step 1: Observe 5 planets in Libra in the 6H of enemies, courts, torture and jail.
Step 2: Note that Jupiter is the lord of Sagi and as mentioned in the Postulates, we have to mainly concentrate 70 % on Sagi, here Jup is the ruler of Sagi dispositing two cruel planets Mars and South Node (Ketu), one must not forget that Mars is the Commander In Chief Of the Army. Note that Sagittarius is in the 8H of darkness and hidden things.
Step 3: North Node (Rahu) sits in the 2H of one’s name and reputation and aspects this Libra with its 5th aspect, North node stands for photography. Now read what ADB states about this native:-
American military, England was among the soldiers who were photographed while they were allegedly torturing detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad, Iraq. In one of the photographs she is seen holding a leash around the neck of a prostrate naked man. England and other soldiers face the possibility of a court-martial for their deeds, which reportedly occurred in early 2004 but which didn’t come to public attention until May 2004 when the troublesome photos were aired on television.
So you can see that Jupiter has played the role of bringing out in the limelight (Jupiter stands for light) this torture (6H) in prison conducted by her on her enemies (6H) and faced court martial (6H of courts) and also facing imprisonment (Jupiter is dispositor of Mars who is 12L of jail/imprisonment). Thus one can vaguely say that apart from other planets Jupiter is a key planet in this 5 Planet combination in Libra
5 Planets are in the 6H and we must see for the result of this combination, will be given in the 6th from it (as pointed out in the postulates) and that will be the 11H where Pisces is sitting. Pisces is the 12th sign in natural zodiac showing seclusion and imprisonment and its lord Jupiter is in this case in the 6H of court martial. She was sentenced to 3 years in prison on 27th Sept 2005.
Logic & Master Key For Decoding Combinations
Our 5 planets are in sign Libra, but how to determine which planet amongst the 5 would be the worst or best for us. Here is revealed one of the Master Keys which is normally never written in books of combinations.
Take Libra as the Asc and see the rulership/lordship of all planets from Libra as the central point
- Saturn: It is the 4L of fortune and 5L of trine, so for Libra it will generally give good results.
- Sun: It is the 11L of gains from Libra, but 11L is a double edged sword
- Mercury: Is the 9L and the 12L of ‘Imprints from the past life & Lessons from Past Life’
- Venus: Is the Asc lord but is also the 8L of ‘Ups and Downs & Death’
- Jupiter: It is the 3L of death/efforts/free will and 6L of troubles/diseases/pending karma.
- Sat-Sun: Saturn is exalted in Libra and Sun is debilitated in Libra, this creates a tremendous fight in that house, especially if this Libra gets linked to those houses where Saturn Sun are the significators then its double whammy meaning pay extra attention to this combo. Linking planetary combinations with significators of the house it is being formed in, is an age old village astrology technique that Indian astrologers have not adequately written about earlier and this concept needs to be expanded by someone into an article.
With these rules you got to decipher the 5 planet combination and you would see from the above 5 points that Jupiter is the worst for a Libra Asc and also remember that too many planets in one sign is akin to too many cooks spoiling the broth, you will come across simplified looking theories that planet with highest degree will dominate and give results but it’s not so easy and it’s a process for that planet, which means that after being polished by hard events of life the results will manifest. The key to unlock for such natives with more than 2 planets in a house is to become pure and pure and pure, e.g, Mahatma Gandhi had 3 planets in the 1st H of self, 1H of personal soul (atma) and his whole life was changing from one end of the spectrum to the other, purifying himself in the fire of Honesty, one has to burn one’s self, burn ones ego in every area of life and bring purity then the whole chart unlocks.
Chart 2: Gustafson, William – Murdered by Drowning
Step 1: Five planets in Libra in the 3h of siblings, free will, rape, suicide, murder and death.
Step 2: Jupiter is ruler of Sagi and also the dispositor of Neptune which signifies water and troubles due to water especially if Neptune is afflicted. Also note that Jup is lord of Pisces who is situated in the 8H of death, 8H is naturally a water sign and Pisces is also a watery sign, so Jupiter will carry these energies back to the 3H where these 5 planets are placed.
Step 3: Note Sun in this combination is the Asc lord (body) and Mer is the 11L of elder siblings.
Now read what ADB states for this chart:-
American homicide victim, murdered by drowning 12/01/1987 at age five, along with his eight-year-old sister (elder sibling) Aligail, allegedly by LaPlante.
5 planets are in the 3H, which is the house of secondary death and the result of this combo will be in the 6th from it which is the 8H of death, which is a water house and also Pisces placed in the 8H is a watery sign, he was murdered by drowning.
Chart 3: August – Ref Austria – Sad Life
This article was pre-released to a special reader of Saptarishis Astrology who spends time on each article testing it on various charts and most important gives feedback which most of us do not land up giving. Now she sent in this chart with birth details 10. November 1910, Graz, Austria at 13:58 h with Asc 14Aq.
Step 1: Five planets in Libra in the 9H of Fate
Step 2: Jupiter is lord of Sagittarius which is the 8th of fear from 4H of mother sitting in the 9H of father.
Step 3: Jupiter is lord of Pisces which is sitting in the 2H of Family Life & Eyes.
After reading this article she seems to have understood the technique and wrote back regarding this native the following:-
Mr. Augusts mother, did not like to have a child, so she gave him away directly after birth, to a foster family.
After 3 ½ years she married the father, and so the father brought him back into the family, when he was 3 ½ year old. He was always fearing his mother, and there was in total 17 years, where they both did not speak together. His mother had high ambitions in life, and she thought, that only because of the child, she couldn’t get them.
He loved his father, and his father was the sunshine for him, but unfortunately his father died by a train accident, June 1944, he was employed by the train corporation.
Mr. August had 6 operations on his eyes, and so he was from 15. December 1934 till beginning of December 1935 in the hospital. In any case, Mr. August wrote in a letter, which I found, that he didn’t see anything for 1 year, and it was a wonder, that he got back the eyesight after all the operations.
5 Planets are sitting in the 9H of father and this house is placed in the 6th House of pending karma from the 4H of mother, the story of his life with the mother is seen with the concentration of 5 planets in the 9H. Now see that the energy of these 5 planets will go to the 6th from this 9H which will be the 2H of family life and eyes. In both areas he suffered heavily.
Chart 4: Birth Defect: Organs 14866
Step 1: Five planets in Libra in the 12H which is the house of ‘Imprints From Previous Lives’ & the 12H of doctors and hospitals
Step 2: Jupiter is lord of Sagi who is in the 2H where Mars Ketu the planets denoting surgery are sitting.
Step 3: Jupiter is lord of Pisces which is sitting in the 5H of stomach/abdomen
Now read what ADB states:-
American baby, discovered by amniocentesis two days prior to birth to have her organs outside of her abdomen. After being delivered by C-Section, she was put into surgery while only 1 1/2 hours old. A second operation was scheduled for three weeks later, and she was home by Christmas. The organs were encased in a sac and fully integrated back into the body. A perfect little baby girl, she is the daughter of a white mom who plays rock guitar and a black dad.
5 Planets are sitting in the 12H of Imprints from Previous Life and before the baby could come to birth and do any karma, a result of some karma from some previous life is already delivered by nature. Now to see where the result of the energy of these 5 planet combination will go, see the 6th from this 12H and that would be the 5H of stomach/abdomen and you would see that she had her organs outsider her abdomen and 2 operations were performed to put it back.
Chart 5: Speranzoli, Leonardo – A love affair media remembers
Step 1: Five planets in Libra in the sign of relationships.
Step 2: Jupiter is the ruler of Sagi which contains the 7L of relationship Mars, so Jupiter will carry the energy of this relationship Mars. Sagi is in the 3H of Television & Media
Step 3: Jupiter is the ruler of Pisces and this is the 6H of the chart indicating mistress (behind the scenes relationships)/the other one/someone else’s things/pending karma and disputes cum divorce drama.
Now read what ADB states about the chart of Speranzoli, Leonardo:-
Italian romantic, the 17-year-old lover of Agnese Proietti. The romantic and tragic affair occupied the mass media at the beginning of 2000. A little before Christmas 1999, Agnese, married and the mother of three kids, left her husband, Valentino. Soon there was gossip that she had ran away with a minor with whom she had begun an affair. In a few weeks, the papers reported that Agnese had run off to Germany with Leonardo Speranzoli, 17. The lovers returned to Italy and revealed that they were expecting a baby. She said that she did not want to return to her husband Valentino whom, it seems, also beat her, and she returned to parent’s house.
5 Planets in the 1H will give result of this combo in the 6th from it of pending karma and the 6H is also the house of trials and tribulations, mistress, relationships that is hidden (being 12th of hidden from 7th house of relationships)
Chart 6: S.I.D.S. 44277 – Baby dies in the 21st month
Step 1: Five planets in the sign of Libra in 9H of ancestors, debilitated Sun with exalted Saturn shows that ancestors are not happy. All traditional cultures over the world link the happiness in current life to happiness coming from ancestors, this is an oft forgotten point when modern astrologers in India try to read a chart, this does not happen to those astrologers who have learnt astrology at the feet of the true astrology Guru.
Step 2: Ruler of Sagi is Jup who is the dispositor of Mars the 3L of death and South Node (Ketu) which signifies end and a new beginning. Incidentally this 5 planet combination is in the 9H which signifies future birth and Libra can at times give very quick results.
Step 3: Saturn is the 12L of exit and also Asc Lord (body) and Mer is the 8L of death, basically 3L of death, 8L of death, 12L of death and Asc lord of body are combining in the 9H.
Now read what ADB states:-
Australian baby, found dead at 21 months of SIDS, the early hours of 9/03/1984. (3rd Sept 1984)
5 Planets in the 9H, the result will be in the 6th from this place, which would be the 2H which is considered a death inflictor house in Indian astrology. Now the question is when will this 2H be activated, something missed by Indian astrologers, unless you use 1H-1 year progression method (BCP) and see that during the 21st month it would be the 2 year of existence and the 2H would be activated and that would be the sign Pisces (signifying exit from world) and its ruler Jupiter is involved in our 5 planet combination. The baby died.
Chart 7: Fleck, Daniel Asher
Step 1: Five planets are in the 10H which is the resultant house of the 1H.
Step 2: Jupiter is the ruler of Sagi and involved in this 5 planet combo, now Sagi is sitting in the 12h of doctors and hospitals.
Step 3: Mer is the lord of the 6H which means some medical problem or medical intervention required.
Now read what ADB states:-
American test tube baby.
5 Planets in the 10H and ruler of Sagi has dominated by giving medical intervention via doctors and hospitals and he was born as a test tube baby. The result would go in the house 6th from it which is the 3h but we do not know what happened to this baby as ADB only gives one line on this chart and no other events.
Chart 8: AK – Mother
We have saved the best chart for the last since it gives a lot of hints to someone who spends time using this technique.
Step 1: Five planets in Libra in the 11H of astrology and gains and personal desires to Succeed in Life and have position.
Step 2: Jupiter is the ruler of Sagi which has Mars the dispositor of 12L of exit and 2L of death inflictor (from 4H of mother) and also Ketu (new beginning).
Step 3: Jupiter is also the ruler of Pisces which is in the 4H of mother and Education.
5 Planets in Libra in 11H and it would implement its energy in the 6th from it which is the 4H of education and mother.
This chart belongs to a native who goes from village to village collecting rare techniques and manuscripts for Saptarishis Astrology. Some 1.5 to 2 years back the collection was going on but the sharing of techniques to the world stopped due to mundane reasons. 4H of Knowledge (Vidya-4H) is owned by Moon in the natural zodiac and moon signifies water which needs to flow and cannot stagnate or be hoarded or cannot be used for self gratification, moon unfortunately signifies mother. Then on 18th Nov 2010 he got to know his mother has last stage cancer, he visited several miracle workers in India but none could be of much use. On 10th Jan 2011 his mother died via Cancer.
This is a work in progress and not a definitive technique as only 8 charts have been used. If you have charts having 5 planets in Libra and the chart is more than 70 years old and also you know ‘everything’ about the life of the native of the chart, then kindly email us with details at
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