Article by V.Raghavendra Rao
Title of the Manuscript is Tummuna Musti comes under Sakuna Sastra engraved on Palm Leaves in Telugu script and language, placed in the racks of manuscripts Library, Oriental Research Institute, SV University, Tirupati with Accession No: D-1262. Size of Palm Leaf is 6inches in length and 1 inch in width written in 31 leaves engraved on both sides.(Scanned images of all the leaves are attached herewith). Author, Date of Manuscript and Colophon are not available.
In this Sastra time is divided into Jhamu, a time division of ancient Indian system.. For 24 hours 8 Jhamus i.e., Day time 4 Jhamus and night time 4 Jhamus. The Results of day and night jhamus are one and the same. If anybody sneezes, first observe the week day and the direction to which he/she faced and sneezed, note it down and see the table given below for knowing Sakuna/omen.
Week | Direction | 6-00 to 9-00 | 9-01 to 12:00 | 12-01 to 3-00 | 3-01 to 6-00 |
Sunday | East | No use | Good | Miser | Monetary gain |
South-East | No use | Good | Relatives may visit | Danger | |
South | Daring | May listen a news | Quarrel | Union with partner | |
South-West | Danger | Feast | Happiness | Un-happy | |
West | Better | Official work completes | Relatives may visit | Danger | |
North-West | Relatives may visit | Feels Better | Quarrel | Good news | |
North | Monetary Gains | Relatives may visit | Quarrel | Fear | |
North-East | Monitory Gains | Knowledge | Good | Danger | |
Monday | East | Gains | May listen a news | Good News | Good Result |
South-East | Fear of Poison | Will be praised | Fear indicated | Good | |
South | Destruction | Good | Good News | Good | |
South-West | Danger | Monetary Loss | Good News | No use | |
West | Good | Threat indication | Good | Good News | |
North-West | Blessed | Monetary Loss | Threat | Sadness | |
North | Failure | Good | Gains | Danger indicated | |
North-East | Discrimination | Good | Excellent meal | Harm indicated |
Tuesday | East | Delay | Good | Quarrel | Spoiling |
South-East | Dispute | Discrimination | Good Meal | Quarrel | |
South | Success | Happiness | Happiness | Quarrel | |
South-West | Danger | May listen a news | Good | Quarrel | |
West | Monetary Loss | Fear | Be ware of thieves | Monetary Gains | |
North-West | Good | Good news | Good | Monetary Loss | |
North | Good News | Good | Quarrel | Danger | |
North-East | Relatives may visit | Better | Quarrel | Feast | |
Wednesday | East | Monetary Gains | Strength | Good | Harm |
South-East | Better | Better | Monetary Loss | Discrimination | |
South | Success | Good | Monetary Loss | Obstacles | |
South-West | Delay | Quarrel | Stands as it is | Monetary Loss | |
West | Danger | Quarrel | Discrimination | Monetary Loss | |
North-West | Good | Good News | No use | Relatives may visit | |
North | Good | Good News | Stands as it is | Relatives may visit | |
North-East | Relatives may visit | Good news | Better | Delay | |
Thursday | East | Monetary Gains | Good News | Quarrel | Good |
South-East | Relatives may visit | Good News | Quarrel | Danger | |
South | Delay | Good News | Quarrel | Gains | |
South-West | May listen a news | Quarrel | Relatives may visit | Remains as it is | |
West | Remains as it is | Remains as it is | Relatives may visit | Good | |
North-West | Danger | Delay | Quarrel | Quarrel | |
North | Monetary Loss | Quarrel | Good | Remains as it is | |
North-East | Feels better | Quarrel | Relatives may visit | Good News |
Friday | East | Profitable | Quarrel | Good | Monetary gain |
South-East | Danger | Don’t worry | Wavering | Feels Better | |
South | Relatives may visit | Quarrel | Good | Better | |
South-West | Grand Success | Danger | Remains as it is | Good News | |
West | Better | Good News | Quarrel | Good | |
North-West | Delay | Remains as it is | Monetary gain | Relatives may visit | |
North | Delay | Monetary Loss | Quarrel | Good | |
North-East | Danger | Good News | Quarrel | Good News | |
Saturday | East | Monetary Loss | Discrimination | Quarrel | Good |
South-East | Monetary Loss | Good News | May listen a news | Quarrel | |
South | Monetary gains | Stands as it is | Happiness | May go wrong | |
South-West | Relatives may visit | Danger | Quarrel | Fear indicated | |
West | Grand Success | Obstacles | Happy ness | Name and fame | |
North-West | Better | Danger | Quarrel | Good News | |
North | Danger | Good News | Quarrel | Good News | |
North East | Danger | Good News | Quarrel | Good News |
About Author: Raghavendra Rao hails from Tirupati a well known pilgrimage centre in India. He has studied M.A. Indian Culture and M.A. Astrology. He has published 20 articles in Telugu and edited and published Four Unpublished Palm Leaf Manuscripts in Telugu language. He is deeply interested in bringing out rare manuscripts translated into English for the benefit of astrology lovers worldwide. Saptarishis Astrology honors the spirit of Shri Raghavendra Rao.
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