Article by Kat Miller, USA
Switchwords are powerful one‐word affirmations which attract desired experiences, help clear unwanted energies and can be used to help ease astrological imbalances, enhancing life experiences. Switchwords were first introduced by James T. Mangan “The Secret of Perfect Living” first published in 1963. Shunyam Nirav brought them back into focus with his book “Switchwords, Easily Gives to You Whatever You Want in Life” in 2006.
The Switchwords and Switchphrases in this article are also available for easy access and use without need to memorize or research them through the Astrological Imbalances, Karmic Problems and Bad Luck file linked to the Emotional Freedom vial. The Emotional Freedom vial is an energetically charged vial of water. This vial of water has instructions to energetically put the vibration of positive affirmations, Switchwords, Switchphrases, etc., into the energy of the body millions of times in seconds. The Emotional Freedom vial is a great way to SUPERcharge Switchwords.
The Emotional Freedom vial is available at:
Transits and Switchphrases
February through June 2009
February 1: Mercury back to direct motion
This Switchphrase means: Transition, let it go (anything that has been causing problems for you), stop regretting, end laziness, begin (whatever you have been putting off) and progress.
February 7: Mercury transits to Capricorn
This Switchphrase means: Let go of fault finding, immerse in thoughtful conversation, free the mind and breathe easier.
February 12: Sun transits to Aquarius
This Switchphrase means: Promote improved perspective, progress spiritual and psychic awareness, turn setbacks into uplifts, shield yourself, be solid and be strong.
March 5: Mercury transits to Aquarius
This Switchphrase means: Transition to improved comprehension, finalize decisions and grow.
March 6: Venus goes Retrograde
This Switchphrase means: End desire for revenge, allow setbacks to transform into uplifts, expand and build character and become master of your life.
March 7: Mars transits to Aquarius
This Switchphrase means: Stop looking for trouble, be beautiful, lighten your mood, release sensitivity, avoid carelessness and promote forgiveness and elimination of remorse.
March 14: Sun transits to Pisces
This Switchphrase means: Relax, regain control, quiet your ego, intensify intents and become a success.
March 22: Mercury transits to Pisces
Switchphrase: DivineORDER-PUT
This Switchphrase means: With great efficiency, build.
April 14: Sun transits to Aries
This Switchphrase means: Intensify intents to promote progression, be sharp-witted, gain power, expand and improve perspective.
April 15: Mars transits to Pisces
This Switchphrase means: Eliminate remorse, help others, relax and stop talking about it (whatever you are regretting).
April 18: Venus goes back to direct motion in Pisces (house of exaltation)
This Switchphrase means: Increase comprehension, take responsibility, dispel greed, dispel sorry, expand beyond perceived limitations and safely move rapidly ahead.
April 24: Mercury transits to Taurus
This Switchphrase means: Increase sturdiness and balance, be a good orator, improve the situation, dispel hypersensitivity and clear inertia.
May 1: Jupiter transits to Aquarius
This Switchphrase means: Be generous, increase comprehension, let go of anger and resentment, accept love and dispel pain.
May 7: Mercury goes retrograde in Taurus
This Switchphrase means: Increase personal ability to express yourself, increase focus, be protected and turn setbacks into uplifts.
May 14: Sun transits to Taurus
This Switchphrase means: Reconnect with Source, dispel anger and resentment, find comfort, go beyond previous limitations, and produce high spirits.
May 17: Saturn goes to direct motion in Leo
This Switchphrase means: Be in touch with yourself, take responsibility, turn setbacks into uplifts, enjoy the task at hand, center attention on yourself and promote discovery.
May 24: Mars transits to Aries (its own house)
This Switchphrase means: Release tension and resistance, expand capacity, manifest refined protection and share yourself.
May 25: Mercury reenters Aries in retrogression
Switchphrase: ACT-LIGHT-NOW
This Switchphrase means: Use your words to lighten your load and act on good impulse.
May 31: Venus transits to Aries
This Switchphrase means: Allow yourself to be beautiful, eliminate remorse and allow yourself to know the way.
June 5: Mercury transits to Taurus
This Switchphrase means: Increase personal ability to be a good orator, attract, accept and experience love, begin to help others, increase focus on self, be caring and master of your world.
June 15: Sun transits to Gemini
This Switchphrase means: Be secure, expand capacity to turn setbacks into advantages, increase pep, and finish lots of meticulous work.
June 15: Jupiter goes retrograde
This Switchphrase means: Rejuvenate, increase comprehension, harmonize well with others, and remember to ward off apartness.
June 30: Venus transits to Taurus (its own house)
This Switchphrase means: Regain control, get energized, keep the secret of enjoying tasks, release guilt and give respect (to yourself and others).
June 30: Mercury transits to Gemini (its own house)
This Switchphrase means: Transition to love and acceptance, nourish ambition, let go of anger and resentment, make yourself beautiful and calm emotional distress.
Universal Switchwords List
Universal Switchwords are words that work for in 95-100% of people. Following is a comprehensive list of Universal Switchwords.
ACT- be a good orator; transition
ADD – find or increase percentage; enlarge what you have
ADJUST -create balance; assume or carry a burden; handle uncomfortable or unpleasant conditions
ALONE – nurture or heal; increase focus on self
AROUND – gain or improve perspective
ATTENTION – do detailed work; avoid carelessness
BE – be at peace and in good health; have good form; dispel loneliness; skill in sports; to be unaffected by ridicule
BETWEEN – use or enhance telepathy; increase psychic awareness
BLUFF – dispel fear or nervousness; enhance imagination and dreams
BOW – dispel arrogance
BRING – unite with; manifest; make it so; deliver the goods
BUBBLE – expand beyond perceived limitations; get energized; get excited
CANCEL – eliminate negativity or unwanted conditions; eliminate, erase or dis-create debt or any kind of negativity, or any unwanted thought or condition; dispel annoyance; to dispel worry; eliminate poverty
CANCER – calm emotional distress; soften (from astrology’s Cancer the Crab)
CARE – memorize; remember; retain
CHANGE – dispel emotional or physical pain; get something out of the eye
CHARLTON HESTON – stand straight and tall (or use someone you know who stands straight and tall)
CHARM – manifest your heart’s desires
CHLORINE – mingle; share yourself; make a difference; blend; become one with
CHUCKLE – turn on personality
CIRCULATE – end loneliness; mingle
CLASSIC – appear cultured, suave
CLEAR – dispel anger and resentment
CLIMB – rise; enhance your view point
CONCEDE – stop arguing, “kiss & make up”
CONFESS – end aggression
CONSIDER – be a good mechanic, a fixer of things
CONTINUE – create or increase endurance; continue swimming
COPY – have good taste; increase fertility
COUNT – make money; reduce smoking
COVER – reduce nervousness; subdue inner excitement
CRISP – dispel fatigue; feel refreshed; revitalize; enhance; rejuvenate; brighten
CROWD – dispel disobedience in children, pets or subordinates
CRYSTAL – clarify the situation, things; look to the future; improve clairvoyance; purify; neutralize; access Universal Knowledge
CURVE – create beauty; make something beautiful
CUT – for moderation if tempted to excess; sever ties
CUTE – think; discern; be sharp-witted; be clever
DEDICATE – stop clinging
DIVINE – work miracles or extraordinary accomplishment; increase personal ability
DIVINE-LIGHT – multiply intensity; increase enlightenment; brightly focus positivity
Divine ORDER – anytime you have some organizing or cleaning to do, or packing for a trip, be efficient; clean up a mess; put in optimum order; revamp
DO- eliminate procrastination
DONE – create completion; meet a deadline; keep a resolution; build willpower
DOWN – stop bragging
DUCK – dispel hypersensitivity
ELATE – transform a setback into an uplift or benefit
FIFTY THREE – pay primary concern; take responsibility
FIGHT – win a competitive game; intensify intents
FIND – build a fortune
FOR – promote
FOREVER – keep a secret
FORGIVE – eliminate remorse; end desire for revenge
FULL – optimum level; go beyond; expand capacity
GIGGLE – get in the mood for writing; enjoy the task at hand
GIVE – sell; help others
GO – end laziness; begin; progress
GUARD – protection of body, spirit or property; preserve personal safety
HALFWAY – make a long distance seem short
HELP – eliminate indecision or uncertainty; increase focus
HO – relax; to reduce tension; to yawn; to sigh
HOLD – build character
HOLE – be attractive, appealing
HORSE – be solid; be strong; gain power
HORSESHOE- remain steadfast; strengthen the soul; safely move rapidly ahead; increase sturdiness and balance
JACK LALANNE – enthuse (or use someone you know who is an enthusiast)
JUDGE – love to read; increase comprehension
LEARN – be youthful; look youthful; rejuvenate
LIGHT – be inspired; lighten load, mood or stress
LIMIT – set parameters; keep others from taking advantage of you; back off; stop; regain control
LISTEN – predict the future; in touch with nature and self
LOVE – generate, radiate, experience love; acceptance
MAGNANIMITY – be generous; end pettiness
MASK – save from harm; shield
MONA LISA – smile; dispel hate; dispel envy (or someone who represents a smile to you)
MOVE – increase energy; eliminate tiredness; increase pep; clear inertia
NEXT – finish lots of meticulous work; repeat; at this time
NOW – end procrastination; act on good impulse
OFF – quit an unwanted habit; go to sleep
OFFER – dispel greed
OIL – clear friction; smooth; release tension; release resistance; separate
ON – get new ideas; obtain transportation; nourish ambition; build; produce
OPEN – release; tolerate; understand; comprehend; free the mind; breathe easier; be artful; dispel inhibitions; allow
OVER – end frustration
PERSONAL – publish a successful newspaper or newsletter; be a success
PHASE – set goals, routine or pattern; improve situation
POINT – improve eyesight and focus; find direction; decide
POSTPONE – stop pouting; let it go
PRAISE – be beautiful; stop being critical; stop fault finding; make yourself handsome
PUT – build; expand
QUIET – quiet the ego
REACH – locate misplaced objects; reach solutions for problems; repair things; find what you’re looking for such as misplaced items like keys, papers, tools, etc., forgotten ideas, information in your mind or memory like names, numbers, etc., solutions to problems; invent; solve problems; remember, recall; retrieve
REJOICE – stop being jealous
RESCIND – undo; restart; cancel; redo; (similar to Control-Z on a Windows computer you undo last action) Caution: Always use BETWEEN, CRYSTAL and LISTEN with RESCIND to avoid possible time loop
RESTORE – restore fairness; restore honesty
REVERSE – bury a grudge; stop
RIDICULOUS – get publicity; center attention on you
ROOT – dig; discover; grow
SAGE – dispel evil
SAVE – stop drinking alcohol and other unwanted habits
SCHEME – advertise; design; create
SHOW- be devout; virtuous; moral; give respect
SHUT – stop looking for trouble
SLOW – be wise; have patience
SOPHISTICATE – publish a successful magazine; become a larger success
SPEND – dress better; be beautiful
STRETCH – prolong a good feeling or event or sense of well-being; grow intellectually, mentally, spiritually or physically
SUFFER – handle success; handle prosperity
SWEET – be soothing to others; be caring
SWING – have courage; be bold
SWIVEL – relieve constipation; relieve diarrhea
TAKE – become a good leader
TAP – convert; adapt; renovate
THANKS – stop regretting; release guilt
TINY – be polite; be kind; be courteous; reduce size; decrease importance
TOGETHER – master any activity; have it all together; become single-minded
TOMORROW – eliminate remorse; dispel sorrow
UNCLE – dispel untogetherness; ward off apartness
UNMASK – bring into focus; expose; lay bare
UP – be in high spirits; dispel the blues; dispel inferiority complex
WAIT – learn a secret
WASTE – appear rich; show opulence
WATCH – learn a skill; perfect a skill
WHET – stimulate; sharpen; hone; refine; finalize
WITH – be agreeable; compatible; harmonize well with others; immerse in
WOMB – feel cuddled; be cuddly; be secure; reconnect with Source
In addition to Universal Switchwords there are Broad and Personal Switchwords. Broad Switchwords work for most people (50-90% of people). There are thousands of Broad Switchwords. Personal Switchwords work for individual people. Personal Switchwords often are names of family members and close friends, as well as words that have been individual to their experiences in setting up switches which attract the experiences the Switchwords embody.
About Author: Kat Miller is a natural health care practitioner. She specializes in energy healing techniques. She is founder of the Emotional Freedom vial, Healing Energy Vibrations vial, Flower Energies vial and Rescue Remedy energy vial. Kat also brings a new level of understanding to Switchwords, utilizing them to help restore emotional, physical, karmic and astrological balance. Email:
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