Article by Saptarishis Astrology
This is one of the secrets of astrology that has not been given its due weight due to its simplicity. Human mind is such that the more technical education we get in our teens, later in life when we study astrology we want more complicated techniques and reject simple looking techniques. It’s like comparing Ingrid Bergman of yesteryears vs Lady Gaga, no one now is fascinated by that simple beauty of ‘Casablanca’. This technique is presented here in a small part and not the full part so that the technique becomes simple to understand and at the same time a senior astrologer whose mind is free of the 6 Shadripus will easily be able to reach the finer & more detailed secrets of this method which is not mentioned here and might be mentioned at a later date.
In not so olden days of astrology before the advent of jyotish softwares when two astrologers would meet and discuss a chart, the first thing one would ask the other is what is the birth dasha balance of the chart?. Upon this the astrologer would say Mars dasha so and so is the balance or Jup dasha so and so is the balance. Some modern softwares do not give the dasha balance which is a sad thing and readers must write to the software creators and ask them to do so. Now what is this dasha balance planet, it is nothing but the nakshatra lord of the Moon. For e.g. if one is born in Chitra then the nakshatra lord and the birth mahadasha ruler is Mars
Back Ground, Acknowledgement & A Long Sermon
Seeing the current condition of astrologers & for a very specific purpose such a long introduction is written. Those whose Saturn are not strong may omit this. If someone is instrumental indirectly in helping you remember to write an article or re-membering a technique, he or she must be acknowledged even though the world will think that instrumentor’s contribution is small. There is this astrologer at the foothills of Himalayas who has 24 generations of astrology lineage in his blood, we were introduced to him by a simple and respected lady friend called Pa… from USA whose one Egyptian friend (he is from a country near Egypt) has come down to India and is studying with this astrologer for last one year. Infact many foreigners learn from this Himalayan astrologer and those foreigners who want real knowledge in astrology do not learn from Indian astrologers residing in cities, they learn from these kind of astrologers in small villages or towns is what we have gathered so far. We were sent chart readings on 45 charts by one student and these readings were done by this Himalayan astrologer. After seeing those readings we were stunned & convinced that this guy is the best, the very best that can be since we had never heard or seen such kind of readings inspite of many great astrologers of India writing books that seem revolutionary. Not at liberty to share his readings but a few one line samples from another source of readings –
when he was shown this scribes chart the first thing he said was this man is into astrology, no city astrologer in India had predicted that till date, when shown the chart of a unknown Spiritual guru he said this man is a Mahapurusha and would be deep into spirituality, when asked the reason behind it, he said if Moon is in the 12H and Saturn is in a moveable sign in the 10H, it can lead one into spiritual domain, when shown another chart, he said this man is an artist and infact the chart holder was into sculpting as a profession, when shown the chart of a Cabinet Minister of India Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, he said this man must be a very high level politician, not an ordinary one but maybe a Prime Minister kind, infact all of us in India know that Mr. Pranab is the right hand man of the Prime Minister, when it was disclosed to him that the chart belongs to Pranab Mukherjee he said then the chart is not totally correct, the nakshatra must be shifted to the next one inspite he making a correct prediction that it is a high level politicians chart. He is consulted by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan the bollywood actress and also he was instrumental in giving the remedies to Salman Khan a bollywood actor for the deer murder court case, Indians who followed that court case would know that now since few years the court case seems to have disappeared at least temporarily.
M r.d was introduced to this astrologer by us before we took solemn oath not to part with astrologers of rarity. Mr. D has so far not ditched us and probably will never will as he is a simple man not desirous of fame or money. He gave us feedback that even though he had met many rare and great astrologers who were better than the ones who have written books in English, but this village astrologer is the best he has so far encountered, infact he felt earlier that this village astrologer has some kind of siddhi (super natural power) for his astonishing predictions but in subsequent meetings realized that he has ‘simple’ technical reasons for each of his prediction and it is no Siddhi. Few things Mr. D learnt was that this man only asks for the nakshatra one is born in, that is the Moons nakshatra and does not bother to look into the nakshatra other planets are placed in, this is to be noted. He does not even look at the navamsa (D9), he says it’s useless and he does not need it. One can always think what about twins charts but that question remains unanswered for now.
It was on the statement of the ‘what is the nakshatra native is born in’ by this village astrologer was a bell in our ears, though everyone has heard this question so often, this bell reminded us to write about this pending technique and we must acknowledge this village astrologer for reminding us. Just for information, it must be mentioned here that he told us on the phone that if you charge money from Indians then Saraswati will leave you in this lifetime or the next.
Readers & old friends are requested to not put us in an uncomfortable position by asking for contact details of this Himalayan astrologer or any other astrologer, as few very bad incidents have made us go into a shell. The only reply you would get from us is all the above written by us was bogus and such an astrologer does not exist. The only thing we can get solace is from the saying in The Last Book of Astrology by the Great Yogi ‘If you want to understand astrology avoid astrologers, especially city astrologers’.
Observant readers should note that the Yogi does not use the word predict inplace of understand, predicting is easy it’s a gift or at times a curse from a previous life but understanding astrology is far far difficult and even many lifetimes are not enough.
The Technique
Even after reading this article many would ignore this technique as too basic, only few blessed ones will go deeper and be able to taste the nectar.
- Observe the Mahadasha Ruler operating at the time of birth
- This planet and the houses it lords or the planets it conjoins with or aspected by will show ‘Ones Pattern in Life’ , it will at times show very clearly ‘Why One is Born’
- The word Janma Nakshatra has to be decoded, Moon is the most important planet as it is nearest to the earth where we are placed and it is the fastest moving one, so its importance increases. Astrology is a science of the stars, so the star Moon is placed in at the time of birth or the star where Asc is placed in at the time of birth will be the most important star. The strongest of the two will dominate but the less stronger of the two must not be ignored.
- Common Sense Astrology: Use the other normal procedures of seeing a chart, for e.g. if the Mahadasha at birth is Jupiter, see the sign it is placed in, the lord of this sign will give clues. See the aspects this Jupiter gets.
- Satyachareeyam by Sage Satyacharya, translated by the great nadi astrologer Late C G Rajan of Chennai gives a very important verse which now an internet parampara calls it as coming from their own parampara after it was pointed out by a young guy on an internet forum one year before the parampara started calling it as their own parampara. The verse says to select Vimshottari Dasa from either the Moon or the Asc whichever is stronger. The biggest hurdle is to determine strength there are no clear cut rules though some would like to believe so. Those who do not have this book Satyachareeyam, may read Satya Jataka published by Delhi Publishers and it is word by word the same as that of C G Rajan, even the example given by C G Rajan has been plagarised. After reading this work only a scholar will realise two things a) why Varahamihira the great astrologer always fell back on Sage Satyacharya b) Some of the verses in Satyachareeyam are the finest for predictive astrology and has not been decoded till date by any single english astro writer.
- For the last 5 years mentor has repeated hundreds of time with 2 question to us, 1) why are we born in so and so nakshatra and nakshatra pada, what is the reason behind it. 2) Why are we born at a specific Asc degree. If a person having spent 49 years in astrology is asking such basic questions and also hinting that the question is not so simple, then the question is of immense value that has not been answered till date.
Let us take some charts
Chart 1: K N Rao, Astrologer
Step 1: Mahadasha Operating At Birth from Moon Nakshatra
Moon is in Chitra, nak lord is Mars and the Mars dasha is operating at birth. Mars signifies bold, ink, angry nature and a warrior. Mars in this chart is lord of the 2H of administration and 7H of public limelight/figure.
Step 2: Associations of MD ruler
Mars is associated with 10L of fame and karma Moon and 8L of occult, sadhana and 1L of self, it being Venus here.
Step 3: Mahadasha Operating At Birth from Asc Nakshatra
Asc is in Vishaka ruled by Jupiter and obviously the Jupiter dasha would be operating at birth if one calculates the Vimshottari Dasa from Asc Nakshatra. Jupiter is lord of the 3H of travel and writing, 6L of enemies and research. It has the research planet Rahu placed in its house and Rahu also signifies foreigners. Now note this Jupiter carrying all these energies of foreigner, research, travel writing is exalted in the 10H in sign of cancer (vidya, institutions, throne). Jupiter signifies Guru, teacher and in the 10H or aspected to the 10H can also show management.
Step 4: Associations of MD ruler
The lord of Jupiter the MD ruler is Moon which is with the planets Venus, Mars already mentioned in Step 1, making this association much stronger than found in the charts of others. Next Rahu aspects MD ruler Jupiter, Rahu as signifies foreigners, research, mystery, occult, astrologers, revolution, rebirth, impact even after one is dead. He is an astrologer, his writings always been mysterious and will have an impact even after his death. 6H signifies enemies, legal confrontations. Since the aspect of Rahu is from the 6H & Jupiter is the 6L it will create many enemies, his writings in 90s against commercial astrologers and spurious pundits were revolutionary, he also had to go to court to defend astrology.
We will leave the piecing together of all the steps to the intelligent readers.
Chart 2: Steve Jobs, Founder of Apple
One must note that it’s a border lagna, yet if for academic sake let’s see this. Before we get into this chart, note the Pending Karma Technique as revealed in our previous editorials – which was in a nutshell observe the planets in the 6H and the placement of the 6L. Mer the planet of communication/communicative equipments is placed here. The 6L is exalted Saturn placed in the 3H of communication/communicative equipments/computing (3H) in the sign of beauty Venus, and this Venus goes in the 5H of creativity with the planet of revolutionary impact and also of movies that is Rahu. Steve Jobs created Mac a revolution in Personal Computers, I Phone, I Pad and so on. All were revolutionary and decades ahead than his competitors, they were all pieces of art (Venus), for the first time these equipments and their communication systems showed beauty, he was also the creator of some of the best animation movies and still considered revolutionary, winning many awards.
Quickly see the pending karma technique in the chart of K N Rao, 6L of pending karma is Jupiter placed in the 10H of father figure, also disposits the planet of astrology, revolution and research Rahu and is the 3L of Upadesha (advice – an astrologer gives advice) and writing, that’s what he did in this life.
Now let’s get to our technique of birth nakshara and Steve Jobs chart.
Step 1: Mahadasha Operating At Birth from Moon Nakshatra
Moon is in Uttara Bhadrapada ruled by Saturn who obviously becomes the MD ruler at birth. Saturn is the 6L of research and 7L of business, having the communication planet Mer in it and the planet of brightness (Tejaswi) Sun in it, note that Saturn is exalted placed in the 3H of communication/communication equipments in the sign of Venus. He created and did business of Communication equipments like computers (Mac) and Phones (I Phone).
Step 2: Associations of MD ruler
Saturn is aspected by own sign placed Mars, who is a yogakaraka for Leo Asc placed in the 9H of fortune and Guru. He became a Guru/One Looked Up To for the computing and telephony world professionals and also users which probably constitutes the whole world as probably more than 60% of the world use both computers and mobile phones.
Step 3: Mahadasha Operating At Birth from Asc Nakshatra
Asc nakshatra is UttaraPhalguni ruled by Sun, hence the MD ruler from birth asc nakshatra becomes Sun, now Sun is the lagna lord of self which denotes popularity and projection of self, Sun denotes Creation (BPHS) and is the natural lord of the 5H of creativity, he was known to be extremely creative, Sun as the 5L is the supreme significator of Communication, since the 5H is the arudha of the 3H of communications, hence 5H is that of author since author writes (3H), so what one writes (3H) its effect makes him an author (5H), thus 5H is the arudha of the 3H. Sun is placed in the 7H of business, his creativity of communication got him into business of it and made him a public figure (Sun in 7H) and a king (Sun).
Step 4: Associations of MD ruler
The MD ruler Sun is aspected by Jupiter who is the significator of new light and is the 5L of creativity.
Thus the Life Pattern or Why One is Born in Life, can be traced through this technique which gives us broad hints. In future examples these detailed steps will not be given and also the points would be kept at the very briefest.
Chart 3: Madonna, International Singer
Moon and Asc are in the same nakshatra Purva Phalguni which is ruled by Venus, thus the dasa operating at birth is Venus and it becomes doubly powerful since Moon and Asc are in the same nakshatra. Venus is ruler of the 10H of karma and fame and profession and it is the lord of the 3H of communication and singing being placed in the 12H of international fame along with the fame planet Sun who connects as the dispositor of the Asc and Moon. Now additionally Venus disposits the planet Jupiter who is the 5L of fame sitting in the 3H of singing (2nd & 3H both should be taken for singing) along with Rahu (immortal) and sudden rise karaka. Both Jupiter and Venus, Sun have a common factor being aspected by yogakaraka Mars from 9H of father, church, religion, this is for those who know her Life Pattern.
Chart 4: Mother Teresa, born in Skopje, Yugoslavia
On purpose this chart is taken as it is a tough chart as her birth time is not accepted by some scholars, let us take this chart for its academic value only. Here is what ADB says about her birth time giving it a DD rating.
Marcello Borges quotes the photo-bio “Faith and Compassion, The Life and Works of Mother Teresa,” in Portuguese by Raghu Rai and Navin Chawle, Element Books. Chawle is a civil servant in India and had close contact with the nun. On p.22, “Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born 26 August 1910 in Skopje. The date is often given as August 27, which is the date she was baptized.”
Astrolog quotes Astrol Auskunfsbogen for August 27, 1910, 2:25 PM MET. Helen Adams Garret gives August 26 (with 4:58 AM MET, no source) in the ISAR Email letter Vol.41.
As Yugoslovia was on the Julian calendar, the question remains of whether the date is OS or NS.
Moon is in Bharani, ruled by Venus the MD Ruler, who is the lord of the 6H of diseases placed in the 8H of incurable diseases and dying aspected by Ketu the planet of spirituality, nun hood and sitting in the 12H of charity, bed (patients are on bed). Asc nakshatra is Moola ruled by Ketu the MD ruler from Asc nakshatra, which is placed in the 12H of charity. There is no need to mention what her Life Pattern or Why She Was Born For as she needs no introduction. One can quickly note the BSP-14 technique which states that where Venus sits, the house and sign signifies where one would spend on ones medical expenses. Here Venus sits in the sign of Cancer, the sign of heart. Here is what ADB says about her ‘Petite and of short body structure, she was plagued with heart problems and received a pacemaker 1st Dec 1989. She was treated in California for bacterial pneumonia and heart disease and was hospitalized again in November 1996. She suffered several heart failures and received surgery to unblock two coronary arteries.’
One can profitably use the Venus technique in divisional charts when needed.
Chart 5: Richard Houck
Astrologers spend a lifetime wanting fame and especially wanting it even after their death, so which astrologer would say that after I die my books should not be sold, that’s Richard Houck for you who wrote a super fine book on death titled ‘Astrology Of Death’ and ‘Digital Astrology’ (ashtakvarga). Both works are considered the finest ever. Here is what ADB says ‘American astrologer, pro since 1980, a lecturer and author of over 100 articles in astrological magazines. With a background in the business and computer worlds, and a degree in philosophy from the University of Maryland, he was a partner for many years in ARC associates in Washington, DC. Richard Houck was widely recognized as one of the few astrologers in the world with a practical, integrated grasp of the best of Eastern and Western astrology.
Prior to his astrological career, Rick worked for Arthur Andersen & Company as a manager of the Advanced Computer Auditing Techniques group for the Washington, DC office and was one of their top international trainers in that area. He earned a degree in Philosophy.
In April 1999, he was diagnosed with cancer. Using diet and various alternate healing methods, he thrived through the year, feeling strong in spite of some weight loss. However, in November 1999, Rick released the information that the right lobe of his liver (Jupiter) has six tumors the diameter of a baseball and cancer is wrapped around the aorta and has metastasized through the body. On 4/01/2001, his wife Paula send out the announcement that Rick had died.
Now that you got the details of his life, Vim dasa from moon gives birth dasa ruler as Venus who sits in the 3H of Upadesha (advice – astrologers work – BPHS calls it the 3H of Upadesha) and 3H of computing, he was both an astrologer and a professional in the computer industry. If you take Vim dasa from Asc then the birth dasa ruler is Ketu, who is placed in the 12H of death/exit along with Jupiter, so Richard gave light on the subject of death. Jupiter also signifies liver and Ketu incurable diseases so he had cancer on area of Liver. That’s his Life Pattern for you.
Chart 6: Cheiro
When Saturn is connected to the 9H there is a heavy chance that the person might be interested in ancient works or sciences or astrology is a small observation of ours on limited charts. This is from wiki – As mentioned in his memoirs, Cheiro acquired his expertise in India. As a teenager, he traveled to the Bombay port of Apollo Bunder. There, he met his Guru, an Indian Brahmin, who took him to his village in the valley of the Konkan region of Maharashtra, And later Cheiro was permitted by Brahmans to study the ancient book that has many study on hands and the pages of the book was made by human skin and written with gold and still it is guarded and protected with great care. After studying thoroughly for two years, he returned to London and started his career as a palmist.
Moon is in Magha, ruled by Ketu who becomes the MD ruler. Now see where Ketu is sitting in the 5H of fame and intuition in a Jupiterean sign of Pisces (international) and remember the chart of the super fine predictor Kanad Rishi Bhatnagar who also had Ketu in the 5H in a Jupiterean sign. See back chart of Cheiro, the lord of this Ketu is Jupiter who sits in the 3H of hands (palmistry) and ear (he was known to have done sadhana of Karana Pischachini – where in the deity comes and whispers the prediction in the ear). This is how the debilitation of Jupiter played out in his chart.
Now use Asc nakshatra is in Jyestha and its ruler is Mercury, so Mer MD will operate when Vim dasa is calculated from Asc degree. Note Mer is the planet for astrologers and calculations (numerology) and writing (he wrote books that are read first by all when they start astrology, palmistry, numerology) and see Mer is the 8L of occult and 11L of astrology & the planet of mystic part of astrology Rahu combining with 12L of abroad Venus in the Asc making it doubly powerful. Much can be explained here but in order to keep article brief it is left to the readers.
Chart 7: Slyvester Stallone
Charts which are tough are the best charts and articles should at time contain not so direct examples. See the time of birth can be suspect and letters to his celebrity astrologer mother did not evoke a response. When he was born at that time his mother mentally created his chart and knew this boy who was born half paralysed is slated to become a Hollywood celebrity, how many Indian astrologers of current generation do that ?
Asc is Sagi, half animal half human containing a bow and arrow, signifying the animal instinct with a human touch roles that has been potrayed by him in the Rocky and Rambo epic series that we all grew up with. Now remember his movies Rambo series and do you remember many scenes of him holding a bow and arrow in a machine gun movie, does his Asc get confirmed to a slight extent.
Now Moon is in Chitra Nakshatra, and the MD ruler is Mars placed in the 9H of bhagya being the 5L of poorva punya in the sign of the King. 9H is the house of performer, Mars is aggressive signifying the fighter and aspects the 3H of arms and boxing, do you remember Rocky, each Part of the movie broke all box office records in the history of Hollywood. That’s the movie that introduced him and made him what he is today along with Rambo series, let’s not forget the that Mars is also the 12L of foreign and international fame sitting in the 9H of Performer aspecting the 3H of acting. He has been an action hero.
Asc nakshatra is Moola, so MD of birth becomes Ketu who sits in the 12H of sex, exalted (big impact) and divorces and Ketu signifies divorces and fighting, he has had his share of marriages and divorces and he first starred in a porn movie. But the energy of this fighting spirit of Ketu comes back to Mars as it is its co-lord. Thus you can see the pattern of his life.
Chart 8: Elvis Presley
The MD ruler at birth from Moon is Rahu the planet of immortal fame and utmost materialism and maya. Late C S Patel had said to us that Rahu can give much much more than Venus when it comes to material benefits. Now see Rahu is the co-lord of the 4H, dispositor of the 9H of performer sitting in the 3H of singing and acting conjoined with Venus the planet of art and beauty, Venus is also the 12L of sex and 7L of hips, he was known for his famous hip movement while singing.
The MD ruler at birth from Asc is Saturn, who is the 3L of singing and 4L of Throne, sitting in the 4H with the 9L of performer. Who sits on the Throne, only a King, Elvis became the King of Rock as he is still called even after his death (rahu).
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