Article by Saptarishis Astrology
Lomesha Rishis Application of Using Degrees of Planets For Predictions
With prayers to Lord Ganapathi & submission at the holy feet of Lomush Rishi we start this work to give us success in this venture of understanding his work, as it was he who ‘first’ revealed the usage of degrees to Sujanma, though at this stage we are unable to discern the methods mentioned by him. We pray to Lomush Rishi to kindly grant us knowledge on this by the end of this paper or to the readers who can in turn decipher and decode a correct understanding of the works of Lomesha Rishi as mentioned at the end in the Appendix.
Two yrs back in July-Nov 04, when we had finished working on Patel Sahebs exposition of the Hora Sara Method, we had tangentially then thought of the usage of degs. At that time due to no encouragement from seniors very little testing on this theory was done. What was the basis of the testing?. Say why is Ven or any other planet at only 17 degs or 20 degs why not at 19 or 24 degs, at cases navamsa (the Fruit of a Chart) also doesn’t change so what’s the use e.g a planet in 2 deg Aries or 3 deg will still be in Aries Navamsa but do the planets behave differently at different degs. John Thomas (Charubel 1826-1908) & Sepharial have done valuable work in their books on nature of different degs, but here we had a theory which as usual was rejected instantly by great astrologers who had spent 30-40 yrs in astrology. The theory was simple as we were working on nadi for a long time in everything we could see years, so our theory was ‘The degree of any planet represents the years of one’s life’. There are only 30 degs in a sign so all years of life cannot be covered, there might be a method to go beyond the 30 yrs but is not the scope of this paper though it has been adequately touched in this article.
One of the reasons astrologers of repute do not share their techniques is due to the fear of constant criticism betted out in forums and astrological circles and often these criticisms get personal at the end of the day. As a result many good techniques have never come out. Few years back in 2006 we sat with mentor in one of the 5 star hotels in Mumbai with a session that normally lasts 12-14 hours. When we presented this very same article to Mentor he dismissed it saying that’s not the full technique it’s already there in BPHS. We said we have not found it in BPHS, he said Venkateshwar Press BPHS, but as it is in Hindi our lack of the language has till date restricted us from reading it or other works in Hindi. Scribe still remembers Mentors words ‘If you cannot read Hindi you will miss out great many things in astrology’ – this is so true since today most astrologers on forums and websites are products of English books of astrology of last 20 years and they do not have the real knowledge base of what Hindi belt astrologers in India have, something this scribe also lacks.
Finally we got a friend to translate that chapter in BPHS but by the time it came to us our interests were drawn to other areas of astrology. The story goes like this, that particular chapter in BPHS of Venkateshwar Press (one of the oldest BPHS and Venkateshwar Press was one of the most reputed publishers in olden days), has been rejected by scholars since that chapter is supposed to be by Lomesh Rishi to Sujanma and how can it form a part of Rishi Parasara’s BPHS. We like mentor likes to look at it the other way, if there is a verse even if it was wrongly inserted in BPHS by the writers of BPHS of Venkateshwar Press, a verse needs to be looked at it from its astrological point of view and not to spend decades discussing whether it was a part of BPHS or not.
That’s the difference between Mentor and Scholars, scholars waste time arguing mentor spent the last 25 years going from master to master trying to understand that chapter. As per mentor the late authority on astrology Shri Nanakchand Sharma from Delhi who was originally from Lahore knew the secret of this chapter and knew how to use it in practice. He promised to mentor that he would teach him this but it never happened. Late Shri Nanakchand Sharma had learnt astrology from his Guru in Lahore and mentor once asked him that timing of events is not properly happening via dasas. The old man then replied that the original purpose of dasas is not entirely timing of events (this is contrary to popular knowledge till date) and for timing of events he told mentor that mentor should study the chapter of Lomesh Rishi given in Venkateshwar Press BPHS (this was prior published to Sitaram Jha’s BPHS). Sharmaji said that this chapter was actually from Lomesha Samhita and his own Guru had taught him many things from Lomesha Samhita and BPHS (that was published in Lahore much before Venkateshwar Press edition), the chapter in Venkateshwar Press BPHS on Lomesh Rishi was just the tip of the iceberg and the real thing is in Lomesh Samhita which is a super fine method for timing of events than any known.
Must digress here and talk more on Sharma ji, well Mr. K N Rao & many old timers know of Shri Nanakchand Sharma and one of our team member Mr Anuj Bahl from Delhi, at a very young age of 8 or so was saved by Sharmaji via remedial measures. Mr Sharma knew by memory all verses of BPHS & Jaimini Sutras and as per authentic sources he was the finest in Jaimini Sutras, mentor had actually gone to him for studying cure for cancer as a Lama from Tibet who had done similar work was staying with Mr Sharma. Sharmajis knowledge of Ayurveda and tantra was so great & he was often consulted by the ministers of Delhi, he was also appointed by Govt of India for the Ayus Project and given land in Delhi for Ayurveda. The end is he could never share the real secrets of this chapter of BPHS with mentor and mentor says that after travelling all over India he never met a person who had even dwelled on this chapter in a serious form.
Coming back as the original idea was written by Lomesha Rishi and there is no original idea or original research though many claim it since everything that is to be is already there in the Ethereal Universe we are just antennas grasping it hence the title of this article is given as ‘Lomesha Anshak Paddathi’ giving credit to the Rishi though the technique matches with only one or two verses of the Rishi. Anshak means degree and Paddathi means Methodology. The reason this is being released now is since due to some grace we have been successful in removing few chapters of the most ancient manuscript ever which is the Lomesha Samhita which has been duly translated by Veneet Kumar and manuscript donated by a great astrologer friend who truly believes in serving the rishis rather than himself, he hails from outside of Maharashtra and wishes to remain anonymous.
Lomesha Anshak Paddathi
Theory 1
- ‘The Degree of every planet corresponds to a specific Age in the life of a native & would give results according to either its main karakatwa or lordship from Asc/Moon/ Arudha Lagna/Specific Point in the Horoscope’
Theory 2
- ‘The number corresponding to the deg of the planet is the age in actual i.e based on formula 1 deg is 1 yrg. 25 deg of Ven is the 25th year of life, 0 deg is 1st year & so on’
Theory 3
- ‘The Deg of a planet is to be treated in 3 ways
- a) If planet is at 25.30 degs it is the 25th year in ones life event concerning it will happen
- b) If planet is at 25.30 degs we round off the degs to also the 26th year
- c) The minutes of a planet can be calculated into months e.g 60 mins = 365 days, so 1 min = 6.08 days but for simplicity we shall ignore this for now.
If an event is seen in 25th year then we predict it as 25/26th year a similarity often found in nadi readings
Theory 4,5,6,7
4. ‘Yogas’ have to be fruitfully used with the degs
5. ‘Planets’ in different houses are in a constant state of chemical reaction of plusses & minuses – this has to be understood subtly & well.
6. ‘Couple of Planets in a single house will function in an intricate manner of pluses & minusesg. Ven, Mer, Sun all 3 in one house then Ven deg will denote age at one event & so on for Mer & Sun and at the same time Ven deg + Mer deg= another event, Ven deg +Mer deg + Sun deg = another event & so on. Use aspects on planets also to give another event.
7. ‘A malefic when used in addition (above) either delays event by corresponding year (deg) so we add malefics deg and/or like in Longevity concept of traditional astrology it reduces the years of ones life – this has to be used judiciously.
8. Retrograde planets are to be treated differently, since they are moving backwards. Rahu Ketu are constantly retrograde so it has to be treated 2 ways e.g. if Rahu is at 0.30 deg then it is in its 1st deg and/or also it has already covered 29.30 degs in that sign so it is in its 30th deg= 30th
There are many more rules which we shall see in the examples to follow, also in the examples one would see a fine mix of ‘Fixing Astrology’ (Match fixing astrology!!!) & ‘Fast Food Astrology’ but the intention of this write up is to induce further research & fine tuning in this topic. Match Fixing Astrology has two sides to it one the obvious for which most astrologers are accused & other side is it helps in ‘Development or Discovery of Techniques at times’ – the mixture of it can at times become ‘Observational Astrology’ which is far greater than any form & is the Guru of Gurus.
The following is not a mathematical method but an intuitive method hence a more advanced student can get greater success & precision in this is scribes experience.
Degrees are everywhere but finding the planet/s that cause the event is the key to any prediction & even in this method. More the mastery of this science the better one would be than this attempt below.
Logic can be the greatest asset of an astrologer and yet the greatest enemy of an astrologer, honest brilliant predictors know when it is the greatest enemy of an astrologer whereas the scholar only lands up misguiding himself and others with logic whose base is 200 books & not 20,000 manuscripts of our ancients. Only when you learn at the feet of the Guru by giving your life to the Guru you learn when to use or ask for logic and when not to. Extreme Usage of intuition is only required when full clarity on technique or full technique is not there (like this one).
Once you master this technique you can use this technique to fine tune the time of birth very accurately is our experience since years, this technique and our D 60 technique has proved to us a superior technique than any other birth time rectification technique.
Example 1: Kerala astrologer & Saptarishis Astrology Team Member
We shall deal with only one or two planets in each charts (except detailed in Ex.8) to illustrate method & also to add variety. Native of this chart is an advanced sadhak, his father & grandfather were well known, both were excellent Vedic scholars adept in mantra shastras.
Mantra initiation at age 13 & 10.
- Jup is exalted in lagna, its deg is 12:01 so it is in the 13th deg of the sign, which means either 13th year of life or after the 12th year a event concerning Jup should happen
- 5H is the house of mantra, the 9th house (5th from 5th) is the house of Advanced Mantra, Jup is dispositor of father (9H) & Ketu who is 5L of mantra sits in 9H, Jup is also exalted so the native in the age of 13[1] was passed a very secret (ketu) & advanced (9L Jup) mantra (Jup) by his father (9H). This was reported to scribe as a turning point in natives life.
- Now see rule/theory 6 & apply here, as Jup is in 1H & Asc deg is also there, so we can add or subtract both to get some event. Asc-2.50=3 years & Jup is 12.00. Subtract both & we get 12-3=10, in the 10th year the native was given the first mantra initiation by father (Jup is 9L & Jup is mantra)
Death of Father – 3H – 18th year
- 3H is maraca for father from 7H of father, for those who use 10H as father, 6H from 10H is the house of ‘Unnatural Death or Akala Mrityu’ a concept not utilized by astrologers for 3H.
- Sun stands for father & it is at 21.36 deg which means 22nd year & from 9H of father it is 6L in 7H of maraca & 3H of death from lagna
Rahu stands for dramatic event & is in maraca house for father & is also 8L in 3H signifying someone’s death & 12L in 7H from 9H of father (we can also use 10H for father). Rahu is in 3.04 deg so either 3rd year or 4th year, minutes being only 0.04 it leans more towards 3rd year
- Mer is 12L & 3L from Asc & 7L in 7H of maraca from 9H, Mer is 27.38 deg=28th year
- So out of these 3 one of them or all of them in various permutations & combinations the event for father will happen i.e Sun(22)+Rahu(4)+Mer (28) or Sun – Rahu(malefic) or various other combinations
- Sun = 22nd year
– Rahu= 4th year
Total = 18th year (19th July, 1996)of this natives life his father expired suddenly which was in a fashion only true astrologers do it, he did his evening prayers, said GoodBye to his family members who were curious as to why he is saying that & then he slept never to wake up. The native further adds that “We used to do the Nithyapuja to the goddess. The puja ended at 8.30 pm as usual. He sat in the swing and started to speak with my younger sister on a particular stotra “Vishnubhujangam”. It is one of beautiful poems composed by Shankaracharya on his mother’s deathbed. It is mere coincidental that, on that day, we recited the same shloka. :)”
Cancer to Mother
- Ven is the 4L in the 4H with maraca Mars 7L & 2L from 4H & 4L, Mars is blood among many things, Ven deg is 37 which means 27th year or 28th year an event in the life of natives mother is expected
- If we add year of birth Oct 1978 to 27th (year) we get Oct 2005, well in Nov 2005 (28th year) this scribe received emotional call from a Loving Son that his mother is suffering from Blood Cancer & he is rushing to his native place. The chart owner performed a special Mrityunjaya pooja himself & miraculously within 2 days his mother was out of danger to the astonishment of doctors.
- Sat powerful 3rd aspect which either destroys or growth aspect is on this Ven Mars in 4H, if we take growth aspect then the white blood cells growth happened which is blood cancer. {The chart bearer after reading this added ‘Why this Saturn’s 3rd aspect is growth oriented? an explanation came to my mind is Saturn is aspecting from the 11th an upachaya or house of growth (3, 6, 10, 11)}.
We can spend lifetimes arguing as to why we didn’t add the degs of Ven & Mars or instead simply use this technique & predict spectacularly with intuition, this scribe has no answer to the above dilemma except that one event will be at the age of Ven & another at the age of Mars & another two by adding or deducting Ven & Mars degs. The issue is how an astrologer uses intuition with the above technique, stares at the grahas and the grahas will talk back otherwise why does anyone write ones intuition has to be strong and at the same time ask for logic as to why this or why this not ?
Gain of Job
- Scribe knows that the native works for Govt in a state away from his home state, so scribe asked him on the basis of degree of Sun (21.36) if he got this stable job in govt at the age of 22, he confirmed it. Note Sun is the 2L of income placed in the 3H of away from home & 12th from 4H.
- Additionally the native said that at the age of 18 he got his first job, scribe immediately looked at his D10 & saw 5L of new opportunity Moon is placed in the 2H of income with swagrahi Mars, forming a chandra mangala yoga with A6 (service) & Gulika (unhappiness/change) & Moon is in D10 is at 17.45 deg = 18th year alongwith being Amk (career) so an event in career can be expected at the age of 18 (Job timing with this method is more intricate & complex than simplified version above, young readers should not get impressed with the above.)
Note: Jaimini Karakas is to be ‘Only Last’ as an aid in determining nature of event, every time it won’t work the same way it is to be used in vim dasa.
Example 2: Just Married & Divorced
Before we go on to the next chart, let us think that to master just one method of timing like say Vimshottari Dasa it takes one years if at all one masters, that too with so many books and commentaries to our aid, so to master any new method of timing for e.g. this Lomesha Anshak Paddathi how long will it take especially if we have just touched the tip of the iceberg & the remaining sutras (at the appendix) remains to be interpreted by masters.
Event 1: Divorce
- Ven is exalted but retrograde, retrograde is Past life issue & can also mean reversal of path. Ven is with 6L of divorce Sun & 7L of marriage. Of all the 3 planets Ven is closest to the Asc deg (self) making it more powerful.
- Ven is 8L & 3L & from 7h it is 2L of sustenance of marriage along with being the controller of Bhagya (9L from 7H) of marriage so this planet becomes a bigger key than Mer.
- Ven deg is 43 so either the 29th year or the 30th year will give a Big Event in marriage area or any other area connected with Ven & Associated Planets.
- Birth date is Mar 1977, so 29th year of natives life will be from Mar 2005 to March 2006, now in Mar 2005 (29th year) natives wife left him & in Jan 2006 they were legally divorced – all this a shock to the native. Thus the degree of Venus being 29 gave him event in the 29th
Event 2: Brother
- Taking the above discussion forward we see that an event in 29th or 30th year can be seen.
- Now 3H is siblings in GENERAL & we narrow down to 3H for younger siblings & 11H for elder siblings, but we cannot forget that 3H is still siblings in general. 3L is Ven so an event in the life of Brothers should happen in the 29th/30th
- On 31st Aug 06, in the 30th year of native’s life, his elder brother died due to heart attack under mysterious circumstances, natives brother was only 36 yrs old.
Pls note that Ven is AK (atma karaka – soul significator) so whatever happens due to Ven would be soul shaking events or/and very very karmic which is what happened in the years indicated by Venuses degree in the chart.
- Another interesting observation is in D3 Ven (involved in our yog) is at 09 deg =30th year, Ven is the 7L of maraca & 12th lord of Exit of life placed in 1H of body, so exit of brother circumstances happened in the 30th year of natives life.
Event 3: 27th Nov 2004 Marriage i.e. in 28th year
- Here 5L is Moon placed in 2H of family (addition in family) but it is with ketu (breaks). Moons deg is 41=28th year
- Lagna degree is 27.51=28th year, again indicating a specific event to self in the 28th year.
- Lets see D9 & degs in D9 – Mer the 7L in D9 is only in the 10th deg again too low for marriage, lagna deg is again low, but lagna has Ven (the Amk in D9 showing karma of D9) & it is in 27 Pisces =28th year, 7H has Sun (AK- soul, karmic angle to marriage – remember he got divorced within 1.5 yrs from Indian standards point of view) in 28.00 Vi= 28th year.
- So far 28th year has repeated 4 times, so something concerning his marriage event can happen in this year which is what happened.
Theory 8: Retrograde planets are to be treated differently, since they are moving backwards. Rahu Ketu are constantly retrograde so it has to be treated 2 ways e.g. if Rahu is at 0.30 deg then it is in its 1st deg and/or also it has already covered 29.30 degs in that sign so it is in its 30th deg= 30th year.
Example 3: Worlds Favorite Superman
Event 1: Romance with the ‘S’ Emblem
When Superman starring Christopher Reeves was released people fell in love with the Man of Steel, for the first time we could see a man really flying – it was Wowwww. Reeves the eternally handsome man became embedded in the hearts of women & men alike world over, every one wanted to be him – Reeves fame was immortal as if he alone was born for this role they said.
- Ketu (accident) in lagna is what strikes first, but then we see Moon the famous debilitated moon often found in the charts of famous men, this moon is in the 5H of fame with swagrahi mars, involved in powerful Gajekeshari Yoga in D9 with swagrahi Jup in 5/11 axis of fame, in another GKY yoga in 3H of rides/flying (Superman) in D10 & another GKY yoga in D60.
- This Moon is with Yogakaraka Mars (Yk being 5L in 5H), so Mars can further give the results too in a combined manner.(Mars is further in 5H of fame/films in D10)*
- So we see the deg of this Mars 25.03 Sc= 25th year or 26th year, adding it to yr of birth, 1952+25=1977 & with 26th year we get 1978. In 1977 he got the greatest role of his life that would give him fame (Moon Mars in 5H two kendra lords in 5H), shooting began in March 1977 (25th year) & movie was released in 1978 (date not known)
Event 2: Directional Debut in 1997 with HBO film ‘In The Gloaming with Glenn Close, Whoopi Goldberg, Bridget Fonda, won 4 Cable Ace Awards, was nominated for 5 Emmy Awards including ‘Outstanding director’
So obviously his 5th house should be activated
- Earlier we calculated that Mars gave him 1977 (1952+25 deg of mars), now lets add Moon which is also there in the 5H in the 20th deg giving us 1977+20= 1997 the year of the film, fame etc a 5H activity where both Mars & Moon are placed.
Event 3: Fatal Accident while horse riding on 27th May 1995 (43rd year) which paralyzed him.
An event must be as usual corroborated by many dashas, many types of transits & many methods within this deg method to get confirmation of rough year
- Another innovative way of seeing horse accident is see 6H shows accidents, the sign here is Sagi which denotes a man on a horse merged, lord is Jup who is retrograde in Karma Sthana, since it is retro it is past life event & also is 5th (past) from 6th Jup is with A8 (chronic accidents). Now from Jups placement, the 6H has 3 malefics showing accidents so our attention is more on 3H now.
- 3H is secondary house of chronic accidents (8th from 8th), & also important in our context it carries the karma of the 6H of accident (10th from6th) , there are 3 planets in 3H, 2 of them dreaded enemies of each other (remember he suffered from asthma & allergies –3H effect). One can refer to wikipedia to see the problem in concerned body parts & corroborate with the chart. Now 3H becomes focal point, add the degs of all planets in the 3H the total arrived is 42 degs = 42 yr, whereas the accident happened in the 43rd year of his life.
- D6 shows the accidents in depth, 2nd & 7th houses are maraca houses & lagna of D6 shows the body.
In D6 Asc shows self (body) & Ven is the 8th & 3L of chronic accidents in 2H of maraca (death) & 7H of maraca has Jup lagna lord (body) & 10L of karma of D6
Asc = 5.22
total=42.36 = 43rd year = 43+1952= 1995 – year of his fatal accident
Confusion will always prevail and it is left to the most intuitive astrologer to decipher to choose the planets which to add with his experience, to arrive at as a confirmatory tool & use the right dasa to pinpoint further.
Event 4: Death on 11th Oct 2004
- Ketu in the lagna usually shows some fatality, lagna is body so adding lagna + ketu
Asc: 25.53 (26th year)
Ketu 27.28 + (28th year)
========= ========
53.21 i.e. 53rd or 54th year
========= =========
53rd year would be from 25th Sept 2004 to 25th Sept 2005 & he died within this year in Oct 11th 2004.
If we take 0.21 as balance out of 53.21 gotten above, we would get it as 127days or 4.1 months which will add up to Jan 05, if the lagna deg is deducted by 1 min one gets near Oct 04 when he expired
Food for Thought: It is common sense that all those who have ketu in lagna cannot die in the year indicated by adding both, but what it indicates is some event can happen to the body (lagna) in that year of non-good nature (ketu), when one gets the event year then one can check with 3 dasas minimum & transits to get conclusion.
Event 5: ‘Nothing is Impossible’ by Christopher Reeves on New York Times bestseller for 10 weeks
- Mars is ink & is powerfully disposed in 5H of writing (3rd to 3rd), Mars is Yogakaraka too in 5H of buddhi, add Ygk to lagna (25.03+25.53=50.56=51st year) & we get 51st year i.e. from Sept 02 to Sept 03 when his book was published called ‘Nothing is Impossible’ (did mars suck energy out of the moon).
Example 4: Bush Jr – Timing Traditional Yogas
Event 1: Texas Governor (49th year)
- Much has been written about his Gajakeshari Yoga so we omit that. Let’s time when (all) his GKY will fructify with this method.
- Jup-25.02 deg & Moon-23.36 – Gajakeshari Yoga in 3H, which shows the karma (action also) of the 6H of contesting. For lovers of Jaimini kindly note Jup is Amk – career, i.e. start of real career.
Jup 25:02
Moon 23.36
48.38 = 49th year i.e. from July 94 to July 95
& in this period on 17th Jan he became governor of Texas. (note by other method of roundoff we get 50th year). But when we predict we should always predict 49th or 50th year of life event can happen i.e. in 1995 or 1996.
Event 2: Presidency
- Sat delays the real fruit (doesn’t deny), now this Sat aspects this GKY (Jup Moon combo) & this delay can be either of 1-2 yr (traditional way of seeing) or by 4 years as Sats deg is 3.24=4th
Sat + GKY=4+1995/1996=1999 or 2000 year an event concerning his bhagya (Sat 9L) & Jup (amk) can happen and it was in this period of 1999/2000 he ran for the most powerful office in the world & won elections in 2000 Dec.
Example 5 : J.S – a predictive attempt
In brief
- Scribe predicted in 16th year looking at D10 Amk deg & was wrong in predictions (no dashas), but then we came back to D1 & saw another planet in the 16th deg that is Moon, who is PK (love) , 5L of D9 & in 4H of mother, so it was asked if in the 16th year was there a love affair & if there was something to do with mother or property matters (4H matters), lady replied that in 16th year she fell in love with her first boyfriend & her mom had some health problems. First love is a significant event.
- Then she was asked if in her 28th year of life i.e. from Feb 1982 to Feb 1983, what happened in terms of career & 8H matters & Jup matters, she replied that ‘’ Feb. 1982-Feb. 1983 I continued working in the same job that I had since 1978 but was offered a significant job raise to operating room supervisor (which I declined). In Dec. 1982 I decided to leave my first marriage and we divorced in April 1983.’’
See, this was asked for two reasons Jup & Sat are both in the 28th deg, so 28th year should give results of 2H of family, end of marriage & also Jup is in the 8H of sustenance of marriage & career matters as Jup is amk. Now Sat also being in the same deg and is AK so some soul level deeeep karmic event can happen (combine this with Jups significations) & in Dec 1982 she decided to leave her first marriage, correspond this with Nav lagna deg which is in 28th deg so we get another confirmation that something re marriage can happen in 28th /29th year
- Now see D4, the D4 lagna in 29th deg, both for Parivritti Chaturthamsa & also Parasari Chaturthamsa so obviously an event concerning House/Residence can be seen & she shifted in the 29th year from West Virginia to California.
Example 6: Ambassadors mothers’ death in his 6th year
- Lagna is at 6.27 which means 7th year, 2 mins earlier time can always be possible (if major divisionals are not changing) and the deg would be 5.59 which is 6th year hence a significant event effecting self can always happen.
- Now 4H is mother, 3rd from 4th & 8th from 4th house shows longevity of mother and it is lorded by Ven who is combust closely with Sun. This Ven is in 5.26 deg that is 6th deg=6th year hence we can say that in the 6th year there is some possibility of an event effecting the life of mother & that is what happened, his mother died in the 6th year in the dasa of badly associated Moon who is also MK & Tr Sat® was aspecting 4H & natal Sat
Example 7: Mother dies on March 6th, 1977.
Chart belongs to a dear astrologer friend from Europe, who had a tragedy in life when his mother died due to mysterious circumstances of suicide. Before we see his chart, let’s remember the great Prithyuyasas whose Navamsa method in Hora Sara is scribes favorite, where we see that he has shown us to deduct from a sign, that is reverse counting. Say if planet is in 3 deg, we deduct from 30 to get 27 deg and corresponding year.
Now Mother is Moon & in 18th deg so in the 18th year of his life some event to mother should have happened or to his mind or as it is in 9H of higher education with a powerful GKY in creative watery sign, and it should be at the fag end of his 18th year as Moon is at 17.50 minutes, he is born in Nov so in Oct – sept of his 18th year something should happen which is what happened. Higher education in classical music started in September 1972 at the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music in Copenhagen.
- Coming back to Moon the MK (Maa) is with Jup who is GK (showing accidents/diseases) & this Jup in D1 is a maraca to 4H (from 4H it is 2L of maraca in 6H). In D12, this Jup is in the 12H from 4H along with the 4L of mother Ven. Jup in D12 is 6L of accidents & from 4H it is 3L of death & 6L of accidents placed in 12H of exit
so this way Jup becomes a very stronger contender to play spoilsport, its deg is 6.43 in natal, deducting this from sign deg of 30, we get 22.17 i.e. 23 i.e. 23rd year and in his 23rd year from Nov 1976 to Nov 1977, she committed suicide (Mar 6th 1977)
Example 8: Using Curses & Yogas
- Ven is at 5.04 = 6th year, Ven is DK, Ven is woman, Ven is in 12H of bed pleasures, Ven is with Sat (servant), so at age 6 an event regarding woman should happen but native is very young so can we predict with confidence, we can’t. But at the age of 6 native was sexually molested by a female servant (servant karaka is Saturn).
- Sat is Amk (career), in nadi Saturn is Karma karaka (career), Sat is 8th lord of change & 9L of bhagya, Sat is in 12H of spirituality, Sat the 9L is with 5L & 12L a yoga for spirituality in the 12H of spirituality, Sat is 26.10=27th year which is May 99 to May 2000. In this year he changed his profession (8L of change) then re-entered it in new capacity & joined a spiritual outfit. This was also the year of sudden shift in his spiritual outlook & met many spiritual teachers of high order.
- Moon is mother, Moon is also Jaimini MK (significator of mother), Moon is in 3H of karma of accidents, Moon is aspected by 6L & 11L of accidents Mars, Mars additionally also signifies accidents, Moon is in 18th deg, in the 18th year of the native which is 1991 natives mother suffered a very bad accident which even till date troubles her.
- Asc deg is 19.24=20th year, Asc shows body & is trine to Mars & Ketu (accidents) in 1H debilitated. In 20th year of life, native did high physical work, outshone others by winning championships & suffered heavy injuries. LL has gone in the 11H of elevation and awards, native won some awards in this year.
- Ketu is accidents & injuries, Ketu is obstacles, Ketu is co-lord of 6th house of fighting spirit & accidents, Ketu is gyanakaraka (knowledge), ketu is in 15.26 i.e. 16th year, in the 16th year all this happened potently.
- Mars is GK (quarrels) & 6L too, Mars is in 9H of father, Mars is in 9th deg, so in the 9th year native’s father had huge quarrels resulting in semi-split in family.
- Lomush Rishi says that the deg of the Sun corresponding to that year one would get great fortune to father (as Sun is karaka of father). This is the only point of Lomush rishi that matches with our theory of co-relating karakas to degreecal years, now see Sun is 26.51 & exalted, so in the 27th year we can say that his father had great fortune, but the opposite was the case, though the year was the same but his father suffered heart problem, had to undergo bi-pass operation & developed complications which ruined his health & wealth for the next 4-5 yrs, this is since Sun is aspected by Rahu (roga) & sun is the dispositor of moon who is close degree trine to rahu & rahu is also close deg trine to Mer who is with Sun. Note Sun is the AK, so soul searching experience, due to this & another incident the native went through intense hardships in this year.
- Ven is 5L of love, Ven(DK) deg is 5.03, now apply hora sara sub method, deduct it by 30 degs of a sign, balance is 24.57=25th year, in his 25th year he fell in love with a girl & was close to getting married to her.
- When Will Curses Act Out: Ven is DK (woman) & Sat is amk (career) Ven is involved in curse of spouse by being in association with Sat & aspect of Mars (Gk- quarrels/health). This curse happens in 12H of abroad & Sat is older woman. Mars is in the nak of Rahu which means foreigner & this mars aspects Ven-Sat. Now see Ven is at 5.03 & Sat is at 26.10, the minutes added up is only 13 min, so can be ignored if wished, add 5+26=31st year or add Ven –5.03=6th year + Sat 26.10=27th year = 6+27=33rd year . So we get two years to predict that either in the 31st or 33rd year the curse of spouse will happen. The native was involved in both the years with two different women who were foreigners, older to him & resulted in wreckage of his life & professional life (sat is amk), native was abroad (all this happens in 12H of abroad) & resulted also in the health of native going down very badly (Mars is GK & 6L), finally the curse acted itself out. Mars being in Rahus nak where sarpa dosha is there, there was certain element of black magic involved in all this drama that happened in native’s life.
- Yoga: In the 33rd year of native’s life, he was abroad in a new job (amk) in a creative field (5L) at a top position; we can see it with basic yoga of 5L (creative) & 9L (bhagya) in 12H (of abroad).
- Jup is at 18.02 – so 18th or 19th year should given an event related to Jup, Jup is 7L of private parts & in house of darkness that cannot be seen even when Sun falls on it, Jup is expansive in nature and above that it is placed in nakshatra of Moon (water). Jup is 12th from 6L Mars, now in the 18, 19th year native a student of Martial arts & an ardent fan of Jackie Chan esp in those years of 1990s when Chan came out with his brand of Comedy Kungfu, the native emulated a daring stunt of Jackie Chan on jumping on a riding bicycle – Project A Part 1 & landed on his testicles on the seat of the bicycle, which resulted in grave injury and Huge Swelling of the testicles for days – Jup is expansive.
Example 9: S.C – ex SJC Guru
Event: Death of Father – Brain Hemorrhage during a train travel (traveling alone – at a Hospital, far away from home) – Apr 24, 1978, early morn
Scribe was given broad range of 1972 to 1981 as the event period of Death of father and scribe fixed it to two dates with dasas but failed maybe due to scribes lowering level of understanding of these dasas.
Jupiter is karaka for 9H of father, Jup is 3L of Akala Mrityu for father placed in the 12th from father and is in 23.12 degrees so 24th year or 24th /25th year something can happen to father. His father died in 24th year plus 2 months. Ketu is headless so something to do with head can happen and it is in 10H of fathers head, he died of brain hemorrhage.
Event 2: Brothers death – Suicide – hanging by rope; at home – Dec. 21, 1997 (44th year)
- See D3 shows siblings, 8H in D3 shows death/ longevity of siblings, over there you see Sun & Venus.
- To keep this brief add Ven + Sun (degs of D3)=25.50 + 18.46=49.96=44th year an event will happen in brother’s life of a grave nature (Yk +Maraca) & that is what happened he hanged himself at home (Ven is 4L of one’s residence)
After you read the Appendix 1 (a more scholarly translation might be needed as one of our friends did it for us years back on an informal basis and now does not wish his name to be revealed) it would be clear to you that what we have written above is nothing as compared to what Lomesh Rishi is suggesting, scholars need to put their mind to this and kindly educate us the system that Lomesh Rishi is employing. If they can teach us that or write an article on it we would be indebted and so would mentor be to them as he has spent decades on this. Provided below in Appendix 1 is English translation and below that in Appendix 2 the pages that we received containing the Sanskrit and Hindi translation.
Lomesh Rishi on Usage of Degrees in BPHS (Venkateshwar Press Edition)
The English translation that our friend from Rajasthan had done was earlier produced here but was deleted as one of Saptarishis Astrology’s translators Mr Veneet said that the translation done by our friend was from Hindi to English and there was flaws in the Hindi translation itself. He then suggested that since simultaneously SA was getting Lomesh Samhita translated via him, this same chapter that appears in BPHS of Venkateshwar Press is their ditto as Chapter 10 in Lomesh Samhita, the Chapter 1 to 6 has been produced in this issue of SA. Hence in order to give as much as correct meaning of the shlokas Veneet’s translation. If the learned find any flaws kindly correct us. Another unstructured thought comes to one’s mind after seeing the translation of Lomash Samhita and comparing the BPHS of Venkateshwar Press one of the first BPHS’s that have the creators of BPHS (in the past many scholars have said it to be a compilation) created it out of Lomash Samhita ? even if one gets BPHS in manuscript form one would find a lot of similarity in BPHS and Lomash Samhita and it should be borne in mind that the manuscript would normally be not more than few hundred years since regularly these texts were copied to maintain longevity. The only reward we would want from the readers is to take each shloka of this chapter, get to its correct meaning and implementation, test it and give us feedback of these results via emails or write articles and show us how to use this chapter since one finds mention of some techniques in this which has never ever come out.
Chapter 10
विप्र उवाच
आजन्मात् मृत्युपर्यंतं जगतः सुखदुःखकं। ब्रूहि मे कृपया सौम्य विवाहादिसुतादिकं॥१॥
Vipra said: O Saumya! Please tell me about the happiness and sorrow of the world from birth unto death; (tell me about) marriage etc and sons etc.
सूर्यांगारागुमंदानी(ना?)मंशान्संयोज्य संस्कृतः। तदायुः शरदाद्यस्य भागं कृत्वा वदेत्फलं॥२॥
तद्भागे दुर्वृत्तं वाच्यं क्वनाप्ते पीडन क्वचित्। वेदोनाप्ते सुखं किंचित् षड्वनाप्ते त्रयामयं॥३॥
दशोनाप्ते हृदि पीडां भूपोनाप्ते हि भेषजं। विंशोनाप्ते स्फुटतनुं तत्वोनाप्ते शु(श्रु?)तौ व्यथा॥४॥
त्रिंशोनाप्ते सितलादि द्विवेदोनाप्तके भयं। पंचाश(त्)न्यूनकेनाप्ते वारिभीतिर्निगद्यते॥५॥
व्यब्द्युनाप्ते ह्यतो बौलं वह्निसप्ततिन्यूनहृत्। खाष्टोनाप्तेऽल्पधा(घा?)तान्हि नवत्यूनाप्तके शुचं॥६॥
शतोनाप्ते सुतोत्पत्तिं व्याधिमष्टोत्तरोनके। षोडशोत्तरशतोनेनाप्ते विवाहं परिकल्पितं॥७॥
विंशोऽधिकशतोनाप्ते मध्याद्यंते मृतिर्भवेत्। एवं भागप्रभेदेन जीवानां सुखदुःखकं॥८॥
The sage said: Add the amshas of Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn. The results mentioned ahead are with respect to the full age of the native (i.e. 120 years). These ages should be scaled based on the age indicated by the sum of the four amshas. Misfortunes should be indicated at the age represented by the number. If zero is obtained then some bad behavior and sometimes physical pain shall follow, if three is obtained then some happiness shall follow, if five then disease connected with the three humours, if nine then pain in the heart, if fifteen then medical remediation, if nineteen then boils in the body, if twenty four then distress in the ear, if twenty nine then small-pox etc, if forty one then fear, if forty nine then fear from water, if sixty nine then one is affected by spirits, if seventy two then kidnapping, if seventy nine then mild injuries, if eighty nine then purity, if ninety nine then birth of son, if one hundred seven then disease, if one hundred fifteen then marriage (in the family), if one hundred nineteen then death shall happen in the middle, beginning or end. In this way happiness and sorrows of beings is determined depending upon the degrees of the planets.
न्यूनांको भागन्यूनेन शुभाशुभं निरीक्षयेत्। तेषां योगे द्विभक्ते वा द्वौ बाणाः प्रयुतौ दलौ॥९॥
पूर्वोत्तरौ हि भवतः समासमौ सुखासुखौ। त्रिभागे तत्त्रिभागे वा घातानप्लान्व्दणान्वदेत्॥१०॥
विस्फोटकं तत्त्रिभागे कलास्तुल्याः समीक्षित। तुर्यांशे तच्चतुर्थांशे मरणं मातृकादयः॥११॥
_(?)आनांशे(धनांशे?) वित्तहरणं सहजांशे च तन्मृतिः। माता मृत्युः सुखांशे तु सुतांशे सुतमृत्युदः॥१२॥
रिपुभागे रिपोर्मृत्युः जायांशे स्वस्त्रियो मृतिः। रंध्रांशे ऋणदो मृत्युः भाग्यांशे च प्रभोर्मृतिः॥१३॥
कर्मांशे पितरं हंति लाभांशे नष्टजीविकां। व्ययांशे यथु वा हारि मृत्युः स्यान्नियतं द्विज॥१४॥
One should study good and bad results from the difference between 30 and the longitude of the planet in the sign. If in the third amsa then indicate injuries and misfortunes, boils in the third amsa… death of mother in the fourth amsa, stealth of wealth in the in second part, death of brother in the third amsa, death of mother or maternal-relatives, in the fourth amsa, death of son in the fifth amsha, death of enemy in the sixth amsa, death of wife in the seventh amsa, death of the creditor in the eighth amsa, death of prabhu(?) in the ninth amsa, death of father in the tenth amsa, loss of livelihood in the eleventh amsa and O dwija!, death is certain in the twelfth amsa.
लग्नांशे मृत्युर्मित्रस्य गुरूणां सहवासिनां। पंचमांशे प्राप्तिकरः तत्पंचाशे धनं लभेत्॥१५॥
षष्ठांशे दुःखदस्तस्य षष्ठांशे वा विनिर्दिशेत्। सप्तांशे तदगांशे वा घातान्वाच्याः शिलादयः॥१६॥
लग्ने वित्ते शिलाघातः जलघातस्त्रिसूर्ययोः। पुत्रे षष्ठे वृक्षघातः मदे मृत्युश्चतुष्पदात्॥१७॥
धर्मे कर्मे हि कर्काद्यान्व्यये लाभे सरीसृपात्। एवं स्थितग्रहाणां च सप्तांशके फलं वदेत्॥१८॥
अष्टमांशे मित्रयोगः नवमांशे गदं वदेत्। आशांशे पुण्यदानानि निद्रांशे समदुःखकात्॥१९॥
अर्कांशेति व्ययं वाच्यं विश्वांशे मानहानिदः। ईद्रांशे कलहं चात्र तिथ्येंशे चौरिकान्वदेत्॥२०॥
भुपांशे परजायादिसंगावाप्तिर्निगद्यते। अत्यष्टंशे मनोद्वेगः धृत्यंशे शुचमावदेत्॥२१॥
अतिधृत्यंशके यात्रा विंशांशे बंधनादिकान्।
Death of friends, teachers and co-habitants is certain in the amsa of the ascendant, in the fifth amsa one has gains, in its fifth amsa one obtains wealth, the sixth amsa brings sorrows, one should indicate injuries from stones etc in the seventh amsa, in the ascendant one should indicate injuries from stones, in the third and twelfth amsa one should indicate injuries from water, in the fifth and sixth amsa one should indicate injuries from trees, in the seventh amsa one should indicate injuries from four-footed animals or objects, in the ninth and tenth amsa one should indicate injuries from crabs etc, in the eleventh amsa from serpents – in this way one should indicate the results from the planets in the seventh amsa. In the eighth amsa one shall gain friends, in the ninth amsa indicate gada, in the tenth amsa indicate religious merits and donations, in the eleventh amsa indicate sorrows, in the twelfth amsa indicate expenditures, in the thirteenth amsa indicate loss of respect, in the fourteenth amsa indicate quarrels, in the fifteenth amsa indicate robbery, in the sixteenth amsa indicate relations with the wives of others, in the seventeenth amsa indicate restlessness in the mind, in the eighteenth amsa indicate purity, in the nineteenth amsa indicate travels and in the twentieth amsa indicate bondage etc.
अर्को व्यावस्थितो यत्र तत्रैव पित्रजं सुखं॥२२॥
यत्र चंद्रः स्थितस्तत्र विवाहं परिकल्पितं। भ्रातृयोगो भवेत्तत्र यत्रांगारकसंस्थितः॥२३॥
भग्नियोगो हि यत्राप्तो यत्र वाचस्पतिः स्थितः। तत्र पुत्रपशु क्र.(?)स्तत्र कन्या समीरिता॥२४॥
यत्र मंदः स्थितस्तत्र मातृजं सुखमुष्णिता। एवं ग्रहानुसारेण सुखादीन्परिचिंतयेत्॥२५॥
One should indicate happiness from father in the place where Sun is placed, marriage where Moon is placed, birth of brother where Mars is placed, sister where Mercury is placed, birth of son where Jupiter is placed, gain of daughter where Venus is placed, less happiness from mother where Saturn is placed. In this way one should indicate happiness and sorrows according to the planets.
लग्नाधीशमदाधीशौ भागादीन्वेदसंगुणौ। कृत्वा तदंतरमिते वर्षे वाच्यं विवाहकं॥२६॥
Multiply the degrees etc of the lord of the ascendant and the lord of the seventh house by four. Marriage should be indicated in the year represented by their difference.
तत्पौ यत्रस्थितौ भावौ योगे चांतरके तथा। तथा राशिं विहायाद्व(द्वि?)गुणौ तद्वर्षे वा विवाहकं॥२७॥
Add and subtract the longitudes of these two lords after discarding the sign number. Multiply the remainder by two. Marriage can be indicated in these years.
तत्पयोरंतरं कार्यं भागादिराशिना हरेत्। लब्धांकतुल्यमुद्वाह शेषांके वा विनिर्दिशेत्॥२८॥
Compute the difference between the degrees traversed by the two lords. Divide the degrees etc by the sign number. Marriage can be indicated in the year indicated by the quotient or the year indicated by the remainder.
एवं हि सुतलाभाभ्यां पुत्रकन्ये विचिंतयेत्। तथैव भ्रातृभाग्याभ्यां भ्रातृभग्नी विचारयेत्॥२९॥
Similarly one can judge about (the marriage of) son and daughter from the fifth and eleventh houses and about brother and sister from the third and ninth houses.
व्ययलाभांतरं कार्यं तत्पयोरपिरंतरं। भावांतरं व्ययं ज्ञेयं लभ्यं स्वाम्यंतरं क्रमात्॥३०॥
Compute the difference between the twelfth and the eleventh houses as well as the difference between their lords. Expenditure should be inferred from the difference between the two houses and gains should be inferred from the difference between their lords.
सूर्येन्द्वारज्ञेज्यशुक्रमंदानां भगणादयः। तत्तत्संस्थितभावानां राशिभागादयो युतिः॥३१॥
तद्योगो द्वादशशिष्टे जन्ममासान्मृतिर्वदेत्। जन्माहात्तद्दिनं ज्ञेयमेवं घटीपलादयः॥३२॥
Add the bhagana of Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn with the sign, degree etc of the houses in which they are placed. Divide the sum by twelve and indicate death to be after these many months from birth. Similarly the days, ghatis and palas etc from birth upto death shall be known from it.
लग्नचंद्रांतरं कार्यं तत्कलातत्पलामितं। जन्मकाले विहिने तु जलप्रस्रव उच्यते॥३३॥
Compute the difference between the ascendant and Moon and deduct these many kalas and palas from the time of birth. This is said to be the time of the breaking of water.
सूर्यचंद्रांतरं कार्यं तनुयुक्तं तथांतरं। तत्तत्प्रमतिके वर्षे लाभं वा पुष्कलं वदेत्॥३४॥
Compute the difference between Sun and Moon and then add (the longitude of) ascendant to it. At the year indicated by the result one should predict gains or riches.
राशिलग्नेश्वरौ योगे मृत्युयुक्ते विहीनते। ऋणं वा ऋणमुक्तं वा भवति चंद्रयोगके॥३५॥
Add the longitude of the lord of the sign occupied by Moon and the longitude of the lord of the ascendant. Add the longitude of Moon to it. Add the longitude of the eighth house or subtract it and indicate debts or freedom from debts in these years.
सूर्येंदुलग्नसंयोगे राशीश(?)स्पष्टसंयुते। तद्वर्षे महती पीडा हीने सौख्यं न संशयः॥३६॥
Add the longitudes of Sun, Moon and ascendant. Add to it the spashta of the lord of the sign occupied by Moon. Indicate enormous sufferings at this age and happiness in the age obtained by subtracting the two.
सुतभाग्यांतरं कार्यं तद्वर्षे शीतलादयः। लग्नखांतरसंयोगे पितामृत्युर्न संशयः॥३७॥
Compute the difference between the fifth and ninth houses. Small-pox etc should be indicated in this year. In the year represented by the difference and sum of the first and tenth houses there shall be the death of father without doubt.
राशीशकर्मसंयोगे तदा कर्मोदयं स्मृतं। धनव्ययसमायोगे तद्वर्षे व्ययनीचतः॥३८॥
Indicate the fructification of karma in the year indicated by the sum of the longitudes of the lord of the Moon sign and the tenth house. Add the longitudes of the second and twelfth house. Indicate expenditure on lowly things in this age.
मदनांतरभवेषु सर्वत्रैवोपलक्षयेत्।
One should study all the houses adjacent to the seventh house.
भाग्यादिमृत्युपर्यंतं ग्रहाणां फलमुच्यते॥३९॥
भाग्येशः सर्वदा सौम्यो न क्रूरो बलदायकः। पुत्राधिपोऽपि शुभदः क्रूरोऽपि सुखदः स्मृतः॥४०॥
त्रिलाभरिपुमृत्युनां पतयो दुःखदयकाः। शुभोऽपि शुभदो नैव दशायां गोचरेऽपि वा॥४१॥
अष्टमाधिपतीदोषस्तुलामेषे न हि क्वचित्। अलौ षष्ठमदोषो न वृषभेऽपि न दोषभाक्॥४२॥
The results of the planets from the ninth house upto the eighth house are now being spoken of. The lord of the ninth house is always benefic and never cruel. It gives strength. The lord of the fifth house is also auspicious; if it is cruel even then it grants happiness. The lords of the third, eleventh, sixth and eighth houses give sorrows. Such planets, even if benefic, do not give benefits in their periods or transits. Lordship of the eighth house is not malefic for Libra and Aries ascendants. Lordship of the sixth house is not malefic for Scorpio and Taurus ascendants.
लग्नवित्तौ स्वदुश्चिक्यौ त्रितूर्यौ तूर्यपंचमौ। द्विषात्मजौ षष्ठमारौ स्त्रीरंध्रौ मृतिभाग्यकौ॥४३॥
धर्माधर्मौ खलाभौ च रिष्फलाभौ तनुव्ययौ। पुष्कलालाभयोगाड्यं(ख्यं?) राजे मृत्यु च मुयकं(?)॥४४॥
अमात्यदारुणं कर्म राजरोगं प्रियामृतिं। भाग्यव्ययं राजयोगं भूमिद्रव्यं ऋणव्ययं॥४५॥
वित्तहानिर्द्वादशैते योगानि सर्वदा स्मृताः। अन्योऽन्यगो तथा स्वे स्वे संयुतौ संस्थितौऽन्यभे॥४६॥
पूर्णेक्षितौ मिथौ वापि एकवर्गगतौ यदा। तदा योगो भवेत्तत्र विबलौ नैव योगकृत्॥४७॥
शत्रुयुक्ते क्षितौ पापवीक्षितौ वा युतौ न कृत्। व्ययमृत्युषडायस्थाः अथवा तत्पतीयुतौ॥४८॥
तदधीशौ यदाप्यत्र भवतः नैव योगकृत्। राजामात्यादियोगानि नश्यंति वक्रगाण्यपि॥४९॥
The houses first and second, second and third, third and fourth, fourth and fifth, fifth and sixth, sixth and seventh, seventh and eighth, eighth and ninth, ninth and tenth, tenth and eleventh, eleventh and twelfth, twelfth and first give rise to yogas named Pushkala Labha (enormous gains), Rajmrityu and Amatya (death in a royal place and ministership of a king), Daruna Karma (harsh deeds), Raja Yoga (kingly combination), Roga (disease), Priya (gain of beloved), Mriti (death), Bhagyavyaya (loss of luck) Rajyoga (kingly combination) Bhumidravya (wealth related to lands) Rinavyaya (expenditure of debt) Vittahani (loss of wealth) respectively. When the lords exchange places or are placed together in the same house or if they aspect each other fully or are in the same varga then they give rise to these yogas. If weak then they do not give rise to these yogas. If conjoined with enemies or if weak or if aspected or conjoined with malefics then they do not give rise to these yogas. If placed in the twelfth, eighth, sixth or eleventh houses or if conjoined with their lords or if their lords are in these houses then also the yoga is not created. If retrograde then also the Raja, Amatya etc yogas are destroyed.
एवं भेदानुभेदेन सर्वत्रैवोपलक्षयेत्। जनुषि प्रश्नकाले वा वर्षे कार्यमुहूर्तके॥५०॥
In this way one should study (the placement of planets) at all places – at the time of birth, at the time of the query or (in the beginning of the) year (that is the Varsha Pravesha Chart) or in the muhurat in which a work is begun.
यत्त्वया खलु मे पृष्टं तदिदं कथितं मया। यस्मै कस्मै न दातव्यं स्ववाक्यपरिसिद्धये॥५१॥
All that you had asked has been mentioned by me. If one wants ones predictions to be correct then this knowledge should not be given to anyone just like that.
॥इति श्रीलोमशसंहितायां षष्ठिसाहस्र्यां प्रथमोत्थाने लोमशसुजन्माविप्रसंवादे सुखदुःखादिकथनो नाम दशमोऽध्यायः॥१०॥
||Thus ends the tenth chapter titled “On Happiness and Sorrow” in the conversation between Lomasha and Sujanma in the first part of Lomasha Samhita of sixty thousand verses.||
Appendix 2 – Scanned Pages from BPHS of Venkateshwar Press
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