Article by Saptarishis Astrology
Keeping in view the readers who tend to shun away from the cumbersome hassle of remedial measures suggested by the indian astrologers to eradicate the occurance of problems detected and suggested in ones horoscope, we must write this introduction to eradicate the fears of the Red Book. This book is not just a work on remedial measures but it is a Complete System not entirely diffferent from traditional astrology except that it has different system of reading the effects of planets in various houses as well as aspects causing Special Combinations which materialise at specific age span/times.
The difference lies in
- Significators of Planets as well as their dieties are slightly different from traidtional astrology, for e.g Moon in Lal Kitab is the significator for Life Span and Sun is the significator for Employment in any administration.
- It has special aspects of planets
- A special system of Annual/even Daily Progression of Birth Horoscope to determine effects & therefore events in life.
- A different system of reading combinations (yogas) for which this article is being written
Today the Red Book is popularly called as Lal (red) Kitab (book) in India and considered mainly for its remedial measures and being too Indianish it is chiefly ignored by Vedic Astrologers in the West. To our reckoning it appears to be an ancient system which employes the elements of palmistry and fengshui (vastu) as well along with the horoscope, though this system came into existence in the form of 5 books which have been produced from 1939 to 1952.
Red Book indicates that the horoscope can be made from the palm print and even the horoscope of the House you live in can be made via this system and there is a special way to make the Moon chart quite different from the traditional indian astrology.
Red Book also offers many combinations and what is presented below is a one line technique that has probably escaped the attention of the best enthusiasts of Red Book, this scribe must make it clear at the very start that he has not read the Red Book and only while browsing for a minute from a modern day write up of the Red Book by Mr. R.S.Chillar he got this technique. The testing of the technique has given us so much pleasure that it must be dedicated to the 1930 born Mr. R.S.Chillar.
- To make a prediction more than 20-30 factors are taken into account whereas an article is always about one particular factor and this is the mistake even experienced stalwart astrologers make when they read an article, sit with their students (chelas) and criticize an article without retrospecting at how many real techniques have they contributed.
- This write up is an experiment on testing the technique on few charts and is not indicating that this is the technique by which death is to be predicted. Readers will also find cases where it does not work and if at all you find this combination in your chart and start worrying about it then pls throw your chart out since astrology cannot be learnt objectively keeping ones or dear ones chart in view. Above all do not make the mistake of testing a technique on a non-dead mans chart and if you test it on a dead mans chart pls find out the real reason of death especially if you are in India where the real reason of death is not disclosed due to social stigma of the dead man having died a bad death due to bad karmas he might have committed. Unfortunately this sound advice no one gives in modern organisations that conduct courses in astrology.
If Moon is placed in the 12H and simultaneously Mars is placed in the 8H in a birth chart, this combination makes the native accident and injury prone. Such people can die a sudden death.
– Page 272, Lal Kitab (Red Book): Application of Principles and Curation Measures by R S Chillar, Sagar Publications.
The above is from his Enlarged Edition and in the earlier edition this verse was on Page 162-163 under the chapter ‘Special Description Of Planets in Twelve Houses’.
Chart 1: John F Kennedy Sr – Mercilessly Assasinated
Our verse states the condition of Moon being in the 12H and Mars in the 8H and this is satisfied in the chart of the President of America, Late John F Kennedy and the combo seems to have given him a sudden death when he was assasinated and his assasionation has been one of the most mysterious unsolved crimes of the world till date. Note Moon is the lord of Cancer, the natural 4H of vehicles (he was in a vehicle when it happened), at the same time Moon is the lord of the 11L of spouse and children and Mars is 3L of short trips/bullets aspected by the 10th aspect of Saturn who is the significator of death and also is the lord of the 5H of children. Moon sits in the Sign Leo which is the sign of Seat of Power, he was in office (in power) when he was assasinated and also Mars has 10L Mercury which denotes he was in office during that period. Mars is in Aries the sign of the head, he was shot in the head.
Lordships in placements of house indicate the ‘Omen’ of how events will manifest in real life. So an astrologer of the by gone era’s who would see the chart of JFK would say ‘when he is travelling (mars 3L) in a vehicle (Moon) along with his Spouse and children (Saturn + 11L Moon) then death (Moon) via a metallic object (Mars) will happen.’ The ones who use progressions (1H-1 year -BCP) will see that the 47th year was activated (he had completed 46th year and his 47th year was on) and thats the 11H of this chart where Saturn the siginificator of death is sitting activated by Tr Saturn Tr Moon from 5H and Tr Mars with 3 other planets in the 3H of death. Our combination planet Mars Moon both got activated in Progressions and Transits.
Vim Dasa: Dispositor of Moon is Jupiter, Saturn aspects Mars, he died a sudden death in Jup/Sat/Saturn. Note what we have about role of Saturn and Rahu in the next page.
Chara Dasa: Ar/Sc –
- Aries contains the combo of Mars and Sc AD is the owner of Mars, the co lord of Sc is Ketu who goes in Gemini so dangers through travels since Sc is in 3H of travels and Ketu is in the 3rd sign of the zodiac.
- From Sc AD Mars is in the 6th house and 8th of the main chart
Red Book
If you want to buy this book then go to and in the search button type R S Chillar. In case you want the whole lot of books on the Red Book then it can be seen under the left menu bar by clicking on the link on left titled ‘Lal Kitab’
Our Observations So Far with additions/clarifications
- Sudden Death/Bad death/Can be slow death due to disease
- Mysterious Death
- Not a normal death
- Note: Even a heart attack is a sudden death at whatever age
One must remember that in olden days a good death is what was wished for but in todays age thanks to the chemicals injucted in our body via food and environment added with stress every 2nd person is dying of cancer of some organ, or heart attack, so if this combo (Moon in 12H Mars in 8H) is present in your chart it means no big deal.
Hence forth we would at times called this Moon in the 12th House and Mars in the 8H as the ‘Combo’ in the space of this article wherein we would test this verse in some charts.
Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H – injuries or sudden death or bad death
Theory, Logic & Observations
- Moon in 12H, the 12H is the house of hospitals/secret enemies and Exit from the world and the natural 12H sign is Jupiter, the significator of Life Force.
- Moon is the natural 4th house, the sign Cancer where Mars gets debilitated. So note the connection of Moon and Mars and thus the verse. The natural 4H is the house of mother, one (1H) cannot be born without the mother (4H). Creation of body (1H) is dependant on the mother (4H), hence this deep link of Moon Mars, something that has not been said in earlier works.
- Mars owns 1H of body and the 8H of death in the natural zodiac, the 8H is also the house of chronic diseases
- Moon gets debilitated in Sc which is owned by Mars and Mars gets debilitated in Moons sign of Cancer, see another supreme link between Moon and Mars.
- Thus creation (1H-Mars), Mother (4H – Moon) and Death (8H-Mars) all exist in the circle
- 8H has one significator which is Saturn and so does 12H has the same significator, the verse is about moon in 12H and mars in 8H and thus if Saturn forms a link between this Moon Mars combination then this technique becomes more powerful to deliver.
- The poisonous part of Saturn is Rahu (something not known to many) and incidentally Rahu (North Node) is also the significator of the 8H where this Mars (from point of view of verse) is to be located. 8H is the house of sudden events/darkness/surrender/worst troubles/death/sex diseases/scandals and for all these scandals Rahu is the significator. So note if Rahu forms a link with the Moon Mars combo it will play a role in giving unnatural death.
- In the schemes of periods (dasas) you would often find these signs Pisces/Sc/Cn/Ta getting highlighed and the planets Saturn and Rahu cannot be forgotten while judging the power of this 12H Moon and 8H Mars to give sudden death.
- Remember writing an article in astrology is like writing an article on one part of the body but for that one part to function and give results, every other part or some major parts of the body like brain and heart must come into play everytime. A writer only writes about the kidney and not brain and heart since it is an understood thing but when the same writer wants to criticise he conveniently forgets the brain and heart functions/roleplays.
All charts taken from ADB with AA or AAA ratings on the accuracy of their time of birth and dates are in the American dating format. God bless Late Lois Rodden and her team for their contribution of ADB to astrology, Indian astrologers should thank this lady who has done that work which no Indian astrologer has been able to do inspite of having numerous data. Lois Rodden is the Dhanveer Karan of Modern Astrology.
Chart 2: Haston, Dougal – Avalanche Death
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, satisfies the condition laid out in our verse as stated in the Red Book. ADB states :-
Scottish minor actor, writer and mountaineer. He was Clint Eastwood’s understudy in “The Eiger Sanction” and is the author of an autobiography. Haston was killed in an avalanche while skiing in Leysin, Switzerland 1/17/1977. (17th Jan 1977).
Vim Dasa: Death during Rahu/Mars/Rahu – Rahu is karaka of 8H and Mars is placed in 8H
Chara Dasa: On 17th Jan 1977 it was Pi/Ge –
- Note our focus planet Mars & also Venus is in the 3H of adventures (he died while skiing) from MD Pisces.
- Then see that the AD Ge has our focus planet Mars & also Venus in the 12th of death from Ge and Mars Venus is in the natural 8H of death – double whammy.
BCP: Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi
- He Died in the 37th year which is the 1H as per BCP and the Lagna signifies body and its lord Venus is in the 8H of death with Mars who is a perfect maraka for Libra lagna being 2L and 7L and placed in the 8H of death.
- One thing to note is that the dispositor of A8 Saturn was in Tr in the sign of Moon in 10h and retrograde so it will effect the 8H of downfall/death.
Chart 3: Brown, Dawn – Shot Dead
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, satisfies the condition laid out in our verse as stated in the Red Book. Before you read further note that this Moon is the 3L of siblings and now read the story which ADB states :-
American homicide victim shot to death by Tony Diaz on 7/10/1993 (10th July 93) by mistake, as he mistook her for her sister Kim. Kim had an affair with Diaz in 1991 that waned in 1992. He was enraged and depressed at the loss of Kim, and had begun to plan her execution. Engaged to be married, Kim returned to Quincy for a bridal shower. On the night of 7/10/1993, Dawn, her boyfriend and a nephew went out for ice cream. When they parked near a Dunkin’ Donut shop, Diaz called out “Kim,” thinking that Dawn was her sister. When Dawn turned, he shot her in the face. Diaz was not tracked down until 3/22/1996, when he was found in Guyana, South America. He was extradited to the U.S., where, a year later, he was convicted of first degree murder.
Vim Dasa:
- Jupiter is the dispositor of Sag where Mars is sitting and Sun aspects from 6H the Moon, both Mars and Moon are the planet in our consideration.
- In Vim Dasa it was Sun/Jup/Moon period when death occured, the sychronicity is seen.
Chara Dasa:
- On 10th July 1993 when death happened the Moveable Period (chara dasa) was of Sagittarius (Apr 93 to Feb 94) which is the 8H of death and where our planet combination under consideration Mars is sitting.
Chart 4: Curley, Jeffrey – Gasoline rag stuffed down the throat.
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, satisfies the condition laid out in our verse as stated in the Red Book. Before you read further note that this Moon’s dispositor is Venus sitting in the sign of Taurus (throat) and Mars is in Gemini which rules lungs (blocking air in lungs), also Mars is in the 8H of sex and Moon in the 12H of bed pleasures, Mars is with Mer the 11L of older brother, now read the story which ADB states :-
American homicide, a boy killed by sexual predators at the age of ten. A friendly engaging child, he was accustomed to the company of his older brother as play mates. On 10/01/1997 (1st Oct 1997) around 3:30 PM, he was lured into a car by Charles Jaynes and Salvatore Sicari with the promise of a new bike, and abducted. When the boy struggled, resisting the attempt to sodomize him, Jaynes killed him with a gasoline-soaked rag stuffed down his throat. He then sodomized Jeffrey and the two men put the body in a large trash-can and dumped it into a Maine river. Following the arrest of the two men, Jeffrey’s father, Robert Curley, became a passionate advocate of the death penalty and had the procedure reinstated in Massachusetts.
In this sad case you can see that Moon is in the 12H and Mars is in the 8H satisfying the combination stated and Mars is in the 8H of sex and the death occured due to resistance to sex. Note the pecular combo of Saturn retro in the 1H of body and Saturn is the 3L of rape, the young boy was raped and killed.
On 1st Oct 1997 death occured
Vim Dasa: Sat/Mer/Rahu –
- First see that Saturn is retro and should go be seen from previous house where it conjoins the Moon our planet of consideration
- Mer the antardasha lord is in the 8H of death and sex and conjoined with Mars the Asc lord (body) and it is our 2nd planet of consideration.
Chara Dasa: Li/Aries was running
- Li contains our planet Moon and Mars is the owner of Aries and
- Aries is the 6H of aggresional activities and its lord Mars is in the 3H from Aries, 3H shows rape.
Chart 5: Model, Walther – Nazi Field Marshal who Shot himself
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, satisfies the condition laid out in our verse as stated in the Red Book. Before you read further note that this Venus is the 3L of sucide sitting in the house of Mars, one of the combinatons in our verse and now read the story which ADB states :-
German military man, a General Field Marshal who was one of Hitler’s favorite commanders. He shot himself in the ruins of the Ruhr on 4/21/1945 (21st April 1945) to avoid being taken prisoner by the Allies.
Vim Dasa: When he died on 21st April 1945 the dasa was of Sun/Rahu/Rahu.
- Sun aspects Moon our combination and Jupiter the dispositor of Mars is conjoined with Sun thus making this Sun more powerful to be top contender to give results.
- Rahu is AD and PD and Rahu sits in 10H, aspecting with 3rd aspect Moon and 11th aspect Mars
Chara Dasa: Ge/Cp – note they are 1/8th in the dasa scheme, that is Cp is the 8th (bad events) from Ge.
- The sign Gemini aspects the sign Pisces where Mars is sitting and so does Geminis lord Mer, making Gemini a big contender to give significations related to Mars in 8H of death.
- Cp contains Sun and Jup, we have established importance of Sun and Jupiter is the dispositor of Mars our combo planet and Mars is in the 3H of suicide from Cp the AD sign.
Chart 6: Heitz, Michael – Fiery Car Crash
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, satisfies the condition laid out in our verse as stated in the Red Book. Before you read further note that this Mars is the 4L of vehicles sitting in 8H of death, actually the correct way to write this is see the planet in the 8H, it is Mars the 4L of vehicles and 4L of friends and Rahu (alcohol) is placed there in 8H, so these people/situations would be the Omen when death occures, now read the story which ADB states :-
American accident victim, he and his friend Patrick Murphy, died at about 8:30 PM on January 9, 2004 in a fiery car crash on Route 128 in Manchester, MA when a drunk driver, speeding on the wrong side of the highway, collided into the car in which Heitz was the front seat passenger and Murphy was driving. Heitz wanted to be an auto mechanic and was going to pick up some auto parts for a friend’s car that he had been repairing. He died just five days shy of his 17th birthday.
Note Mars is in 8H with significator of drinking Rahu (North Node) and Mars is also the significator of 6H of accidents
Vim Dasa: 9th Jan 2004 when he died in the crash, the dasa was of Saturn/Mars/Venus – no explanation required, it is self explanatory.
Chara Dasa: Was of Sc/Le –
- Sc is the sign we are talking about (refer start of the article)
- Leo is the sign owned by GK (gnatikaraka – accident karaka) Sun and Mars Rahu is in the 8th from Dasa Rasi Leo. Always note 8th from MD Rasi and 8th from AD Rasi and so on. Planets in the 8th from MD/AD are most important as it will activate the said yoga.
Transits: We have not taken transits into account so far other wise the article becomes big, yet note in this case that on Jan 9th 2004, Tr Mars was exactly in the 8H effecting natal Mars and Tr Saturn the karaka of longevity and death was in Gemini aspecting this natal Mars of our Yoga, thereby activating the sudden/bad death yoga.
Chart 7: Eberhardt, Isabelle – Mysterious Death – Roddens AA rating
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, satisfies the condition laid out in our verse as stated in the Red Book. Before you read further note that this Mars is the Asc Lord (body) in the 8H of death and mystery and change in the sign of Sc a mysterious sign, Mars is one of the combinatons in our verse and now read the story which ADB states :-
Swiss aristocratic, the illegitimate daughter of Nathalie Charlotte Dorothee Eberhardt who was a woman of private means from Moscow. With an unhappy childhood, she ran away to Algeria where she became a Moslem. Masquerading as an Arab man, she spent time as a dock worker and entered worlds that would never have been accessible to a woman. Rebellious, she was a sensation seeker, addicted to alcohol and opium (Neptune in Asc) and inclined to as many affairs as she chose, with one marriage. On 10/21/1904, (21st Oct 1904) she was mysteriously found dead in the desert of Ain Sefra, apparently a murder victim.
An interesting thing is if one takes the date of death as accurate then on that date, the Tr Moon was on her natal Moon & Tr Mars was aspecting natal Mars and natal Moon
8H co-lord is also Ketu sitting in the sign of Leo, owned by Sun. Moon is in Pisces where Venus is exalted
Vim Dasa: On 21st Oct 1904, her body was found, one would not know how many days back she died as the data does not mention that. In Vim Dasa it was Ven/Rahu/Sun –
- Venus and Sun has been mentioned above and Rahu the AD is one of the
karakas of the 8H (note: astrologers today do not use Rahu as one of the karakas for the 8H, test it and see if it works, if it does use it or ignore this rule)
Another point not to be missed about this chart is the native changed her religion and became a Muslim, now see Jupiter is in the 9H of religion and in its own sign. Some say that wherever Jupiter sits he does karako bhavva nasha (destroys the house it sits) but anyone who has practiced astrology knows its only half truth and there is more to it.
Now see that Jupiter and 9H is not aspected by any planet so how come she changed her religion. Only if you use Ketus aspects (5/7/9) you would realise that she changed her religion due to Ketu since Ketu is the karaka of Change, wherever it sits it will change things, where it aspects so will it happen.
Chara Dasa: Death happened in Le/Sg
- Co lord of the sign where Mars our combo planet sits is Ketu and it sits in Leo the MD sign, where A3 (death) is placed.
- Sg the AD is having Jupiter the dispositor of Moon our combo planet and Mars is in the 12th of exit from Sg.
An interesting thing is if one takes the date of death as accurate then on that date, the Tr Moon was on her natal Moon & Tr Mars was aspecting natal Mars and natal Moon
Chart 8: Jouret Luc – Mass Murders
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, satisfies the condition laid out in our verse as stated in the Red Book. Note Mars is the ruler of the 5th of followers placed in the 8H of death along with significator of death Saturn and the 8L is Moon placed in the 12H of exit, both planets Mars and Moon in our combo are covered, now read what ADB states :-
Belgian-Canadian cultist, born in Zaire, the charismatic leader of the Solar Temple Order. He was held responsible for the violent death, a mass murder of collective suicide, of 53 of his following, 48 in Switzerland and 5 in Canada, on 10/04/1994. (4th Oct 1994). A handsome physician, he worked with a colleague, Joseph di Mambro, 69, a French-Canadian known as “the dictator,” the financial mastermind of the cult. Believed to be about ten years old, the Order had an estimated 300 members to whom they preached a hodgepodge of Catholic conservationism and apocalypse. On 1/05/1994, police found what was first considered to be a mass cult suicide in Switzerland, 23 bodies in the half burned out ruins of a farm in Cheiry, 45 miles north-east of Geneva. Another 25 bodies were uncovered in three chalets at Granges-sur-Salvan in the Swiss alps and five more in a villa in Morin Heights, Canada, about 50 miles north-west of Montreal. It was soon found to be mass murder, not suicides. Three of the Quebec victims, including a three-month-old baby, were stabbed to death. Those in Switzerland had been shot, suffocated with plastic bags over their heads or burned to death. The fires had been set off with timers. On October 13th, Jouret’s and Mambro’s bodies were found. Jouret had died in Granges the evening of 10/04/1994. It was believed that rising tensions between the two men over cult control and over vast sums of money invested in properties may have been the motive.
Vim Dasa: On 4th Oct 1994 Vim dasa was Moon/Rahu/Sat.
- Now see that Saturn is the 3L of death and ones action placed in the 8H of death with Mars the 5L of follwers (shisyas).
- Our planet combo of mars has come in the picture and the MD was of Moon another planet in the combo and the AD was of Rahu, the karaka (significator) of 8H of scandal. The event created a huge scandal and uproar.
Chara Dasa: Le/Aq. –
- From Leo our planets Mars Saturn are in the 12th of exit from life and
- From Aq (the mahabadhak rasi) this Mars Saturn combo of 8H is in the 6th house
from Aq the AD Rasi
Chart 9: Baudelaire, Charles – Slow Death of Syphilis
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, satisfies the condition laid out in our verse as stated in the Red Book. ADB states :-
French poet tormented by religion and the struggle between good and evil in man, suffused with his deeply Catholic sense of sin and remorse. He was a Catholic and a Satanist, a debauchee and mystic, cynical sensualist and yearner for purity. Sexually morbid and a sadist, he sought the unbathed women “of the streets.” He changed his address in Paris about 30 times during his adult life, once moving six times in a single month in 1885, seeking to evade creditors. (4L of home is in 8H of changes and is with 5 planets, when so many planets in 8H of change, native keeps on changing his views often or here views plus home).
He collapsed in March 1866 while admiring an architectural point of beauty with friends in Belgian. He returned to Paris in a private railroad car some months later and over the next 12 months suffered a slow death from syphilis (GPI).
By early 1867 he scarcely remembered his own name; by April he had lost his will to live and on 8/31/1867 (31st Aug 1867), he died in his mother’s arms in Paris. (refer to one of our previous articles in Vol 8 in the Thy Experiments with Truth series – one on how death will happen and then also see, that the 8L of death in natal chart Jup is in the 4H of Mother in the 9th Harmonic (D-9), and then see the peotry by which he died in his mothers arms)
Vim Dasa: It was Venus/Ven/Ven – the planet Venus dispositor of A6 (diseases) is the 3L of death with Mars our combo planet and Saturn the karaka of longevity sitting in the 8H of death.
Chara Dasa: Pisces/Gemini – Pisces is where Mars our combo planet is placed with Saturn the 6L of diseases, Gemini the AD has Moon our combo planet in maraca 2nd and in 12th from natal asc.
BCP: 47th year he died, in BCP it would be 11H and the 11L is with badhak lord Mars (our combo planet) in the 8H of death with LL (body) Sun in the 8H of sexual diseases with 6L of disease Saturn in 8H of chronic disease (Syphllis) conjoined with Venus, death was by syphillis)
Chart 10: Suicide Case 10707
Condition Satisfied: Moon in 12H and Mars in 8H, Moon is with 5L of mind and emotions, thus emotions can become the Omen during death, ADB states that American suicide case by jumping who died on 25th Mar 1969 – 3/25/1969, 21:30, Queens, NY.
Brief & Border Line Cases
Astrology is always in a context of the country, verses are made by astrologers of yesteryears and they belong to a country and period and their meanings have to be interpretated in that context. In olden days death during sleep was considered the best and most desired, so it is now but now a heart attack death or kidney failure death is common. Some of the cases below would be of what one can call border line cases.
Chart 11: Rossetti, D.G – kidney failure & neuralgia
Condition Satisfied: Moon in the 12H and Mars in the 8H, ADB states :-
British artist, a painter and poet, and a member of a noted family, one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. In 1872, he suffered a mental breakdown with hallucinations and was taken to Scotland. There he attempted suicide but later recovered enough to resume his painting. He became increasingly more reclusive, filled with bitterness from the attack on his poetry, and he suffered from neuralgia, a disease that caused him much pain. He died of kidney failure on 4/09/1882, Birchington-on-Sea, England.
Chart 12: Bremont, Marie – 115 year old
ADB states ‘French longevity; a woman who lived to be 115 years old when she died on 6/06/2001.’ – Note: one software Jhora gives Moon in Cp the 1H, but Kala and ADB gives Moon in 12H in Sg. What does one do in such a case. Longevity is not the issue but how the death happened, that’s the focus of this article and here we do not have the relevant information on it.
Chart 13: Toulouse-Lautrec – Paralysis
Moon in the 12H and Mars in the 8H, aspecting with its 8th aspect Venus who is the Asc lord signifying body, Moon in the sign of Virgo, the sign of accidents of the natural zodiac. ADB states :-
French artist and painter whose great influence on Post-impressionist French art came after his death. Physically deformed by accidents that broke both of his thighs in adolescence, he abandoned his aristocratic upbringing and immersed himself in the bohemian entertainment of the 1890s, providing vivid portrayals of prostitutes and other performers and audiences of the Parisian entertainment spots of that era, including the Moulin Rouge. The only surviving child of an eccentric count and his shy wife, Henri Toulouse-Lautrec slipped on a polished floor on 5/30/1878 and broke his left thigh. In August 1879, he stumbled into a ditch and broke his right thigh. The accidents left him crippled for life, and his growth was frozen at 5’1″. Despite the deformity, Toulouse-Lautrec’s charisma and wit allowed him to fit in well with Parisian counterculture of his time during the 1880s and 1890s. His life of working all day, drinking all evening, and nightly indulgences (he was also syphilitic) eventually took its toll. He began to deteriorate from alcoholism, and on 3/17/1899, he was sent to a private mental home with delirium tremors, but within months of his release was drinking heavily again. He had a slight stroke in February 1901. He was struck down with paralysis on 8/20/1901, and died at 2:15 AM on 9/09/1901.
Chart 14: Infant Mortality No 8648 – 5 days old
Name: Infant Mortality 8648
Date: 7/15/1940
Time: 18:00 EST (+5:00)
Gender: M
Lat: 41 N 38
Lng: 79 W 43
RoddenRating: A
DataSource: From memory
SourceNotes: DaCosta Williams collection
Biography: American case of infant mortality who died 7/20/1940, 16:45 EST, almost five days old. He was the third child of the family and birth weight was 7lbs.12oz.
Sg Asc with Moon in 12H and Mars in Cancer in 8H with Mer, note Mer is lord of 2 square houses (Kendras in indian astrology)
Chart 15: INFANT MORTALITY 9404 – One year 24 days old
Date: 6/6/1943
Time: 10:56 EST (+5:00)
Gender: M
Lat: 41 N 38
Lng: 79 W 43
RoddenRating: A
DataSource: From memory
SourceNotes: DaCosta Williams collection
Biography: American case of infant mortality who died 6/30/1944, 22:40 EST, age one year, 24 1/2 days. He was the second child of the family and had a birth weight of 7lbs.4oz.
Leo Asc with Moon in the 12H and Mars in the 8H, condition of the Red Book verse is satisfied.
Astrodatabank in total gives 45 charts with Moon in the 12H and Mars in the 8H, in most of the cases the cause of death is not mentioned. We have presented 15 charts and there were other 4 charts of heart attacks. The other charts where cause of death is not mentioned could also be of natives who died a peaceful death and due to lack of more data this technique cannot be called a thumb rule but surely worth exploring more and keeping it in mind for further research. If you have charts with same combination and know how the death took place then do kindly post the data and event to the Guest Book section of Saptarishis Astrology.
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