Article by Saptarishis Astrology
Let us examine one of the simple principles given in Mehta Saheb’s book titled New Rules and Combinations in Hindu Astrology (p. 85). Please note that it is not easy to test any technique unless you know the “complete” life of the chart bearer, and it has been noticed that a great many astrologers dismiss many techniques since they do not know the complete life of the chart bearer; or in another case, the native may still be alive and the event has yet to have taken place. If one approaches this technique of Mehta Saheb’s with the sole purpose of prediction of an event, then one would be committing a mistake, since this technique is presented instead for the purpose of demonstrating a Principle Of Operation of a Planet.
Greatest Untold Secret
The greatest untold secret of astrology relates to the interpretation of astrological aphorisms (shlokas), in that one brief verse does not lead toward an instant conclusion, but points to a particular facet of the chart, so that it does not escape the astrologer’s attention, and so that later, it can be used with other tools to triple check, verify and view the chart “holistically.” The ancient sages, who performed severe austerities and were closely guided by the gods, would offer simple, short verses that were often criticized later by modern readers because these verses did not lend a foolproof interpretation. The verse is only a clue giver, though no sage or author is ever going to stress this, as it is a common-sense approach. These verses were not given for astrologers to be able to make blind predictions, yet many try. This untold secret is a concept taught through the oral tradition by the guru to the student. Yet, it is a concept that often appears to be misunderstood, when readers misinterpret the intent of such dictums. In the yet-to-be published Last Book Of Astrology, the sage explains this concept and more:
A chart is like a human body, where, in order for a human to walk,
the body has to co-ordinate hundreds of muscles and other elements
for the simple action of walking. For an event to be seen from the chart,
it’s never a lone planet that gives the result, it’s every force in the
chart coming together to make that one simple event, and this can
never be forgotten while reading the classics of the sages…each aphorism
[is given] either to underline a principle or to point the reader’s attention
toward a probable event, so that other tools can be brought in to verify
if that event will happen.
The Last Book of Astrology is very clear in stating quite a profound idea in the above verse: “In order to understand how astrology works, observe the human body.”
Here follows an important rule from Mehta’s book New Rules and Combinations in Hindu Astrology:
Technique 2: If in any Ascendant, Mars is placed in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius sign, then one of the houses owned by Mars is damaged, and it is for the astrologer to check which house has been damaged (p. 85).
Note: One should interpret the word “damaged” in an astrological sense as “not giving appropriate full results.”
Charts With Mars in Libra
For a special reason let us take right now only those charts where Mars is in Libra, since it would aspect its own sign of Aries, and in Indian Astrology, it has been believed for thousands of years that a planet aspecting its own sign gives good results for the sign/house it is aspecting.
Chart 1: Anne, Princess of England
British royalty; the daughter of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. She met Mark Phillips at the Mexico City Olympics in 1968, and he was considered an acceptable suitor. They married 11/14/1973, and had two children, Peter and Zara. Brought together by a mutual love of horses, they had developed different interests after a decade. Anne and Mark saw each other infrequently, spending much of their time apart. Though rumors had flickered on occasion that Anne or Phillips had sought solace outside of their marriage, they never reached so far as producing evidence. However, in April 1989, it came to light that one of the Queen’s equerries, Comdr. Timothy Laurence, had written four intimate letters to the Princess, a scandal that was released by the press. In April 1992, the palace announced that after two years separation, Princess Anne would divorce her husband of 18 years. She was the first child of a reigning British monarch to divorce and remarry since Henry VIII. She is well known for her charity.
Now see that Mars is in the 1H alone and unspoiled except for the aspect of yogakaraka Saturn, but Mars aspects the 7H of marriage and instead of giving good results, it has resulted in 2 marriages.
Chart 2: Edoardo Agnelli
Jagannatha Hora gives an 11-degree Leo Ascendant, but Kala and ADB give a 22-degree Leo Ascendant; hence we are taking 22 degrees of Leo as the Ascendant. He was of the well-known Italian family, the son of Giovanni, founder of the Fiat industrial empire. He married and had seven children.
Note that Mars is in the sign of Libra and his two houses are 9H and 4H of vehicles. If you get a similar case, and like this chart holder, both the houses are well fortified and giving great wealth and fortune, then you might think that the technique is not working. In fact, however, until his death one would not come to know which house is damaged, and until one uses the Hindu Mythology story of Ketu signifying Lord Ganesh whose head was severed, and also Ketu’s head was severed by Lord Narayana. Now note that Ketu is in the 4H of vehicles and in 1935 he was in a flying type of vehicle (Vehicle- 4H, Flying -Mars in 3H), read below…
All the children were still youngsters when Edoardo died in a freak accident. The seaplane in which he was a passenger struck a log in Genoa harbor, and when he stood to get out, the propeller cut open his head, killing him instantly, on 7/15/1935. He was 43.
Chart 3: Florence Aadland
American news figure, the mother of Beverly Aadland, who was, at age 15, having an affair with 46-year-old actor Errol Flynn. Born the same date and year as her husband, Florence kicked him out when she found out about the notorious affair. When Flynn died on 10/14/1959, Florence released the couple’s love letters for publicity. Mother and daughter apparently made a good partying team. When police broke up a noisy party in April 1960, they found the two with a group of men in various stages of undress. Florence was found guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor on 8/07/1960.
An alcoholic, she started bleeding internally from cirrhosis of the liver and died in the hospital on 5/10/1965, at age 50…
Mars is in the sign of Libra, and Aries and Scorpio occupy the 11H and 6H of health, and she died at a relatively young age due to cirrhosis of the liver (from alcoholism).
Chart 4: Mahatma Gandhi
Mars is in Libra aspecting the 7H of marriage, and although Mars is not alone afflicted with the company of the 12L and 8L, one can see that Mars is aspecting the 7H of marriage, and is a complete maraka, being the 7L and 2L (in Indian astrology, maraka houses are known as death-inflicting houses).
So one of the two houses, 7H or 2H, has to be heavily afflicted. The 2H is the house of food and family life, and the 7H is the house of marriage, and according to some sources, sex. Gandhi fasted more than he ate, as per the British, and his sex life or marital life was, traditionally speaking, non-existent, as he practiced celibacy. It is left to the readers to guess which house of Mars was more damaged (not giving full results); incidentally this Mars represents metals and bullets and it aspects Jupiter in Aries, and it was in the Jupiter Mahadasha he was killed by gunshot (in 1948).
Chart 5: K N Rao
Mars is in Libra aspecting Aries which is the 7H of marriage; he has remained unmarried till date. One can note that Mars is with 8L Venus but this Venus goes along with Moon to the 12H in bhava chalit.
Charts With Mars in Aquarius
Chart 1: Princess Aiko of Japan
Japanese Princess, the daughter of Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown Princess Masako, born in Tokyo after eight years of a childless marriage. Both mother and daughter are in good health and happy. The new princess will, as tradition demands, be named by her grandfather.
Mars is in Aquarius, Aries is 1H and Sc is 8H of inheritance, and she should ideally ascend the throne, which is her rightful inheritance. Now read below what ADB writes.
Under Japanese law, only males may assume the throne. The last reigning empress was Gosakuramachi in 1762. The imperial family has not had a son since Naruhito’s younger brother, Prince Akishino, was born in 1965; the last seven royal births have been female.
Chart 2: Herve Bazin
French novelist and author of great popularity, whose witty and satirical novels often focused on the problems within families and marriages. His works were eventually translated into 30 languages.
Mars is in Aquarius, and Scorpio is the 7H of marriage. Now read below…
Bazin married on 2/03/1934; he and his wife bore one child; they divorced on 2/13/1948. He remarried a second time on 4/30/1948, and he and his wife had four children; they divorced on 2/08/1967. His third marriage was on 5/09/1967, and he and his wife had one child; they divorced on 4/15/1987. He married a fourth time on 8/08/1987, and he and his wife had one child. He died of a stroke in Angers on 2/17/1996.
Chart 3: Michael Bennett
American dancer and showman who began dancing at an early age. He was the originator, co-producer, choreographer and director of “A Chorus Line,” 1975, which became the longest-running show on Broadway in September 1983. Six years and seven months later, the show that had sold 22 million tickets worldwide, and at the end of eight years took its final bow.
Mars is in Aquarius and Scorpio is in the 8H of chronic diseases, and incidentally Bennett died of AIDS on 7/02/1987, at 7:45 MST, Tucson, AZ. If one had seen this chart before his death, one might feel that the technique does not work.
Chart 4: Ernst Klever
Lois Rodden gives chart accuracy rating as C for this data, and no astrologer ever uses this rating. For this very reason, we have taken this chart as it’s a great chart to see if rectification of data is required or not. Jagannatha Hora gives a 5-degree Libra Ascendant, whereas Kala gives a 15-degree Libra Ascendant. Now see Mars is in Aquarius, so the two houses of Mars, Aries or Scorpio, should be damaged. Aries is the 7H of relationships, where retrograde Venus is placed, and note that Venus is retrograde, being the 8L of death sitting in the 7 maraka house, and Venus is the dispositor of Saturn who sits in the 8H of death, apart from being dispositor of Mars. So something to do with relationships and death should happen, now read below what ADB says…
German homicide; shot and killed 15-year-old Ilse Rogenel on 10/27/1935, with whom he had been having an unhappy affair. Placed in a mental hospital, he died a month later.
Vimsottari Dasa:
Sat MD: /Ven AD/Ven 1935-08-29 – 1936-03-09
On 27th Oct 1935, he was running the MD of Saturn and AD cum PD of Venus, who is placed in Aries the 7H, showing an unhappy affair, and is dispositor of the 8L of death.
Chart 5: Nicholas Squillaciotti
Mars is with Ketu (headless) in sign of Aquarius, and the two signs of Mars are Aries in the 5H of mind (natural sign of brain), and Scorpio is in the 12H of hospitals (doctors). Now read below what is given in ADB as a birth defect: Brain 14753
American baby who suffered brain damage at birth, he functioned at the level of an 18-month-old when he was 12 years old. A jury recently awarded his family $5.2 million in damages due to injury caused when the obstetrician used forceps to deliver him; the physician should have done a C-section.
You can note that Jupiter is afflicted in this chart.
Charts With Mars in Gemini
Chart 1: AIDS 10691
Mars is in Gemini, and the other two houses of Mars are 1H of health and 8H of chronic diseases. This is what is given in, American homosexual male: AIDS diagnosed 2/1984. Severe depression 11/1985.
So Far Not Mentioned
Let us divert now to another broad technique (“Mota Mota Technique”) used in many variations by certain village astrologers in order to discern yogas. Observe the month of birth, for instance, if it is October, the 10th month, and then look to the 10H in the chart from the strongest among the natal ascendant, Moon or Arudha Lagna. The yogas formed in that house will dominate a major pattern of one’s life. The issue is there are some variations in this technique, and some even start counting the year from the Hindu New Year, but the problem is there are many New Year charts in India due to regional variations. There is another variation which is taken from the last Solar Eclipse before one’s birth. Let’s stick to the New Year of January 1, as that seems to dominate in modern times, indicating the time of a mass energy shift, on which numerologists often focus.
Take the case of the above chart, in which the native was born in August, which is the eighth month, so take the 8H as the focus house, in which Ketu is sitting, indicating an incurable disease. Take the case of India’s chart, whose month of inception was the eighth month of August, so the 8H will dominate, which means transformation and changes, and the 8L is in 6H, so natural calamities, health issues, inheritance issues and divorce issues will dominate, in addition to religious atrocities, as it is Jupiter involved as the 8L. Take the case of Jawaharlal Nehru, who was born in November, which is the eleventh month, so we see the focus of 11H of gains and authority. His 11L is sitting in the 4H of “the throne,” and he sat on the throne, so to speak, becoming the longest serving of India’s Prime Ministers. Take the case of John F. Kennedy, who was born in the month of May, which is the fifth month, so take the 5H as the focus point. The 5H stands for love affairs, positions of power, or ministerial power. His 5H has A8 (sex scandals) and his 5L is sitting in the 11H of gains, indicating the power he attained. This 11L is also 6L of accidents and natural badhak (obstacles), which is aspected by Mars (guns and bullets) from the 8H of death. If you note that his whole life can be summed up in few brief words—sexual intrigues, political power and a mysterious death—all can be seen from above. Now if you use BCP (Bhrighu Chakra Paddhati), you would instantly note that the 11H represents the ages of 11, 23, 35, and 47, and so on in multiples of 12. Incidentally, Kennedy died at the age of 47, and as you note the above yogas, they fit well with BCP. If one uses this House-Yoga-BCP principle, one would often find some very important years of one’s life. Last, take the chart of Dr B. V. Raman, who was born in August (eighth month), which is the 8H of occultism, and its lord is Mercury, which signifies astrologers, printing and business. It incidentally sits in the 7H of business, and he was known as a great astrologer but was a genius of a businessman, too.
Chart 2: Albert Camus
French writer, essayist, novelist and dramatist. With great technical skill, he stressed man’s need to carry out responsibilities in a fight against social evils. His books include The Stranger (1942) and The Fall (1957). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957.
Mars is in Gemini, satisfying the condition of Mehta Saheb’s rule, in which the two signs of Mars correspond to the 8H of chronic diseases and death, and the 3H of short travels, accidents due to travels, lungs and smoking (Mercury in 3H relates to travels). Now read below what ADB says…
Having poor health, he suffered from tuberculosis, and was a chain smoker. Camus died in a car crash on 1/04/1960, Villeblevin, France.
Chart 3: Iris Carey
Mars is in Gemini and owns 7H (Aries) and 2H (Scorpio), both maraka houses. It is difficult to determine which one is more damaged, but note that Saturn, the 4L (home/house), sits in the 7H (Aries). Now read below…
American accident fatality, age four when she was killed in a house fire along with her five-year-old sister Violet. A natural gas leak caused an explosion in the Framingham apartment building, where Tara and Heath Carey lived with their two young daughters. The adults escaped but both girls were killed. Iris was pulled out by rescue workers but pronounced dead at the hospital, while her sister Violet had been trapped deeper in the debris.
One way of checking which house is more spoiled is to see that she died in a house fire, and Aries, one of the houses of Mars, has Saturn, the 4L, sitting in it, and Saturn is in the Arudha of the 4H and also aspecting the 4H (by its 10th aspect).
Chart 4: Goering, Female
Jagannatha Hora gives a 29-degree Leo Ascendant, whereas Kala gives 9-degree Virgo Ascendant (which matches with ABD). Mars is in Gemini, so either Aries or Scorpio should be more badly damaged. Now, Scorpio is in the 3H of parental death, a very important signification for the 3H mentioned in Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra and often missed by seasoned students. Incidentally, the 3H also contains Rahu, which signifies poison as mentioned in previous articles. Now see what is given in ADB….
German noted family, the daughter of Hermann Goering who was second to Hitler as the leader of Nazi Germany. Her dad took poison 10/15/1946 after being sentenced to hang for war crimes.
Chart 5: Maria Guarino
Jagannatha Hora gives a 13-degree Aries Ascendant. Kala gives a 5-degree Taurus Ascendant, as does ADB.
Mars is in Gemini in 2H, so either the 7H of relationships and marriage (Scorpio), or the 1H (Aries) would be damaged. Let us see what ADB says about this chart….
Italian woman who loved unwisely. She was planning to become a journalist when she was detoured by a love affair with a Peruvian terrorist, Juan Leon Montero. They had a daughter, Margherita, born in Rome on 3/19/1993, but Montero returned to Peru. Maria followed him, hoping to convince him to give up his life of criminal political activism and help raise their daughter. Arrested, Juan was given 20 years prison, but after diplomatic negotiation, was exiled from Peru in August 1995 and sent back to Italy.
Thus you can see that the 7H of relationships (Scorpio) is damaged, which created this trauma. One can note several things in this chart: Jupiter is retrograde, and occupies the 7H, and is the 11L of spouse and children. The month of birth is May, the fifth month, and hence see that the 5H would be a Focus House as per the technique mentioned in this article. This 5H contains Rahu, which signifies terrorism, and this has been mentioned by us numerous times in our previous articles. The 5H also represents love and love affairs, and she fell in love with a terrorist, which does not mean that everyone having the 5H as a Focus House will fall in love with a terrorist. Such a line of erroneous reasoning is one that most budding astrologers take. However, as one progresses in astrology, he will in truth notice that Rahu occupying the 5H can indicate a stubborn temperament; difficulties with children; or, dramatic, troubled or unrequited love affairs.
As mentioned earlier, when you read the books of the late S. K. Mehta, you would find many techniques that may not appear to work on surface, but when experience dawns on you and you burn the midnight oil, you would notice his genius, which was often hidden by vested interests of other astrologers who did not want his greatness to be revealed, which is why they did not even bother to mention him in their writings. One has to have great courage to write what he wrote; probably he did so because he did not care what other astrologers would feel or what other astrologers would criticize, perhaps feeling confident that few were equal to his predictive ability. He lived in his own world and was a recluse, not conforming to the so called ideals set by our ancients or other contemporaries. He did not bother to create websites like us (SA) and did not spend time in Internet forums (like SA). Charts were his guru, and intuition his guide.
He was what we would call the “Rocky Balboa of Astrology,” the real underdog.
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