Re-Translated: Rohit Sharma, India
Saptarishis Astrology Manuscript Series
With folded hands and respect I would like to present here the very ancient and hidden prediction technique from Sage Bhrigu. This teaching was presented in Hindi language by Pandit Hardev Sahaye of Meerut (India) for the first time for the welfare of the society. I take the privilege to re-transcribe the same knowledge in English and present it to the world. There could have been a vision where in Sage Bhrigu saw that it would be difficult in the future for the souls to get learned in the path of jyotish which is vast like the ocean that brought this simple form of prediction from the great seer.
In this great gift to the mankind Sage Bhrigu created a simple chart of numbers from 1 to 160 with 10 numbers in a row. The seeker has to just follow some simple steps and keep his finger on any one number in the table to get the prediction and remedies to his problems after a small calculation. The answers are broad general ones but the remedies are the key part of this form of Horary Astrology. In the analysis section either one or all the points written could be meaningful for you. In my experience with this work which I have used aggressively I would like to say that I have had immense success via it and the remedies seem to work if done with faith.
My clients have come back to me within a week many a times giving either positive feedback and success over it or some movement in the matter. Tatkalin if loosely translated would mean ‘Present’ so westerners can refer to it as ‘Present Bhrighu Horary System’. This is like a form of methods that is famous in India called ‘Prashnaavali’ of which there are many types of Prashnaavali in India in the name of famous saints and Saptarishis Astrology would in the future bring out many of the famous Prashnavalis especially of saints from Maharashtra state of India, that have been passed on from generations and work very accurately at times.
These Prashnavalis have been resorted to by village astrologers for centuries and closely guarded though our scientific minded astrologers might term it as too broad a tool, yet when you use this system for a long time you would realize that the system works too well than our normal astrology, the secret is to use it often and seek the blessings of the sage to guide your clients via the Prashnaavali. One must note that there are various types of Bhrighu Prashnavali and this is just one of them, which is more of a broad prediction yet the remedies are powerful. In other Prashnavalis of saints of Maharashtra which is in the possession of Saptarishis Astrology the readings are far more detailed though only one liners and since few years it has been tested by SA. Out of the 160 Analysis only 30 are being presented here and this would be a series. I seek pardon from Sage Bhrigu if I have committed any mistake & also from the readers.
Important Information:
- The seeker in search of his answers through this book would get the right path with divine blessings. The seeker needs to pay some amount towards each of the question asked. You might have bought many books on astrology subject but book of this kind is a gem in the crown.
- Irrespective of the gender of the seeker the most vital thing to keep in mind is that the seeker should be of good character and clear heart. He should first worship the book and bring some fruits, flowers and donation as a token of respect. Empty handed seekers looking for divine answers is not a good sign.
- As per the philosophical aspect a person should never go empty handed to a priest, doctor or to his daughter’s in-laws, this is a bad sign and may attract evil omens.
- The questions that are most important are to be considered and placed forward only, as testing of the book may attract bad luck.
Steps To Ask the Question:
- The seeker should sit facing East.
- The seeker should remember sage Bhrigu in his mind.
- Seeker should visualize his question in his mind.
- After a proper visualization he should remember Lord Vishnu.
- After an internal prayer to the Lord he should keep his finger on any one of the numbers in the chart.
Steps To Get The Answer:
- Count the number of alphabets in the Name of the Seeker.
- Count the number of alphabets of Sage ‘Bhrigu’.
- Add the above two numbers to the figure from the table.
- If the count exceeds 160 then that number has to be subtracted from 160 to get the actual number.
- Once the actual number is found, check the questions on that Analysis Part, if the question matches then read out the prediction and the solution from the same Analysis.
- If the question is not there on that page then redo the calculation part to get the exact number.
Note: This technique would not work if there is any doubt or the seeker wants to test the technique.
Calculation & Example:
- Numeric value for BHRIGU when Sanskrit is used is 4 or 6 in English letters counting.
- If 4 do not get to the proper Analysis for each number presented below you can take it as 6 (English) this has been my experience, though writing a Hindi or Sanskrit word in English like the name of Sage Bhrigu can be done in many ways a) Bhrigu or b) Bhrighu and thus you can get 6 or 7 respectively. I have used Bhrigu and as there are 6 letters to that name I use 6. Readers can form their own method and share their experiences. Eventually it is my belief that whatever number you use for Bhrighu say 4 or 6 or 7, the energy will on its own direct the client to choose a number more or less from the Table Given below and thus the addition will come out correct only as all such Prashnavalis are self correcting systems as per some scholars.
- Regarding the name of the seeker, only the first name is to be considered and the alphabets should be counted in the same language (English or Hindi) that is used to see BHRIGU.
- Let us take an example to see how the calculation is done.
a) Rohit Sharma is asking question so take Rohit which has 5 letters = 5
b) Add to it the name of Sage Bhrigu which has 6 letters = 6
c) Now meditate on the question and say you select number 16 from the Horary Table (Prashna Chakra) given below =16
d) Now add step a, b and c =5 +6 +16 = 27
e) Now go to Analysis No 27 and read it, that’s it.
Prashna Chakra
1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 |
91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 |
101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107 | 108 | 109 | 110 |
111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119 | 120 |
121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 | 128 | 129 | 130 |
131 | 132 | 133 | 134 | 135 | 136 | 137 | 138 | 139 | 140 |
141 | 142 | 143 | 144 | 145 | 146 | 147 | 148 | 149 | 150 |
151 | 152 | 153 | 154 | 155 | 156 | 157 | 158 | 159 |
160 |
Analysis – 1
Your work is going s0-so (medium) from some time and there is not much benefit in anything that is coming from the current work.
- You do not get benefit as per your plan and there is some struggle.
- You are suffering from internal emotional imbalance, body pain, hidden fear about your enemies and worldly affairs hunt you down, enemies gaining power.
- Since some time you feel laziness and there are some marks of pimples or wounds on your body.
Question in mind:
- Would my task be complete?
- Is there anything bad that I have done in the past for these happenings?
- Would I be benefited with the journey?
- Would I be blessed with a child? (Jeev ki prapti hogi)
- Would the person come back? (Jeev ki prapti hogi)
- The task that is taken or is there in the mind would take some time to materialize but the effects would be beneficial.
- What is gone is past and do not repent on it, look forward for the happiness and good time that is coming shortly.
- There is benefit and gains from your current journey.
- Yes there are good signs.
- Yes there are good signs.
Remedial measures:
There are couple of malefic planets who have the influence on your rashi.
You may resort to donation and do mantra japp (japa) for the malefic planets which would bring abundance and happiness.
Analysis – 2
Your work is not going well since sometime and there are unwanted tensions creeping inside you.
- Income is not steady and the outgoing is more, there are expenses which are at all not needed or untraced expenses.
- You are very much attached with some person and which worries you the most, there are feelings that rise in your mind related to that same person similar to the tides in the ocean, but these feelings remain as it is inside you only.
- There is some task that is out of your bound and you are not able to tackle if properly.
Question in mind:
- When would I rise?
- When would the income be steady?
- When would the sad period end?
- The bad phase is over and you would get success very soon.
- You would get the news of promotion in your life and job very soon and this would stabilize the income.
- What is gone is past; by blessing of god you would get good news very soon.
The question that you have asked would be fulfilled, keep faith on Lord God. All your tasks would be done with the blessings of the divine.
Remedial measures
Check your kundali chart from the malefic planets and do worship of the plants to get rid of the malefic effects.
Worship lord Shiva in the morning and evening.
Analysis – 3
Oh Seeker, the task would be fulfilled.
- Initially the phase that was running was not good, but it is over and the good phase is about to come.
- There is a constant worry regarding the health of self and family.
- The profits that you think would come from the task you undertake is not fulfilled, the profits are always less.
- This tension and worries would vanish with some expenses towards the same.
- You would get comfort, some hidden profits would arise, you would get success and all the tension and worries and pains would vanish.
There are some malefic effect of the planets in your chart, have a proper study of the chart done from a priest and do the remedies on the same with help of the priest.
Remedial measures:
Donate Rice, White Cloth, Sweets and Silver (as per your wish), this donation would bring blessings that would take your task to the final phase very soon. You would be blessed suddenly very soon.
With calm mind worship any KAL ISHWAR
In case you avoid donation, then the time taken for the completion of the task would increase.
Holy trips are very good at this time.
Analysis –4
Oh Seeker, the current situation in your life with respect to everything is out of control and you are not able to see what to do regarding the problems. Your work is going out of your control. There are many people who are showing hidden enmity towards you but they would not succeed in their plans. You are basically worried about your health and family and there is someone specific regarding whom you are every much concerned.
As the time is going medium phase there would be many depressing thoughts that are overtaking you and you sometimes go deep into the thoughts but not able to get any results for the thoughts that rise in your mind like the waves in the ocean.
Do not worry all your works would come to track and you would get positive results and everything would come back to track.
Remedial measures:
Do Pitra Daan and donate yellow cloths, yellow pulses, turmeric and gold (as per your strength), this would help eliminate the hidden enemies and the depressive thoughts inside you.
Due to the low period that is currently on, you might have some family troubles. Do not worry as the good time is about to arrive and you would get what ever you are thinking of.
Analysis –5
Oh Seeker, the question that is there in your mind right now is filled with worries and tensions. There is lot of money that is wasted and you do not know the reason why this is happening. There is some particular thought that is there in your mind that keeps you in the worried state, this though can be in respect to any living or dead.
There are many disturbing thoughts that overtake you and you are not able to decide as what is to be done. There are many people who are connected with you, are also in the same state of worry at this time; the main worry is related to you only.
During the bad phase of the life even the one who are closest, turn their face off from us. There is still some delay for the work to be fulfilled.
Remedial measures:
There are many malefic planets that are playing the game and you have to go and do proper worship and do donation on the name of the malefic planets.
Recite Batuk Bhairav Mantra (ong aang hring shring batuk bhairavay aapdurdraya sarvvighan nivaranaye mamrakhsha kuru kuru swaha)
This mantra would fulfill your desires and would give you power to overcome the mental tensions that are there within you.
Do Pitra daan and donate yellow cloths, yellow pulses, turmeric and gold (as per your strength), this would help eliminate the hidden enemies and the depressive thoughts inside you.
You are not able to see what to do regarding the problems. Your work is going out of our control. There are many people who are showing hidden enmity towards you but they would not succeed in their plans. You are basically worried about your health and family and there is someone specific regarding whom you are very much concerned.
As the time is going medium phased there would be many depressing thoughts that are overtaking you and you sometimes go deep into the thoughts but not able to get any results for the thoughts that rise in your mind like the waves in the ocean.
Do not worry all your works would come to track and you would get positive results and everything would come back to track.
Due to the low period that is currently on, you might have some family troubles. Do not worry as the good time is about to arrive and you would get what ever you are thinking of.
With blessing of the divine there is success at the last.
Analysis –6
Oh Seeker, your wish is about to be fulfilled, what you desire is to happen and the work would go as per planned. There were some mental worries that were surrounding you due to the low phase that was there. There were unwanted spending happening which were also due to the result of the low phase. You do not have control on your own work and it seems as someone else is the governor of your work. There are tasks that start well but do not get finished and get stuck somewhere in the middle due to unknown obstacles.
There are couple of planets that are not placed well in your chart, refer the panchang (ephemeris) and do worship of the planets with donations and mantra taking help from a priest. This would help you come out of the unknown obstacles and the unwanted worries would also leave you very soon. All the worries that are related with money and the tasks that are stuck due to lack of money would also go once the work on the malefic planets is done.
There are good signs of getting wealth from known or unknown sources but this may take sometime. Future looks very good and everything that is in mind would be completed.
If possible worship Lord Shiva on daily basis.
Analysis –7
The question that is there at this time is related to the work, if the work should be done or not and if done would that be good and would not bring ill fame and name. The period that is in progress at this moment might bring in frauds and hidden tensions that may arise without any need. There would be lot of monetary issues that may effect at this time. There is always a though going in the mind that when this task would be over and the wishes would be fulfilled.
The period that is going on is to finish very soon and the best phase is to start but the work would take some time to settle down.
Worship your Ishta deva (Family God)
Worship your forefathers and offer sweets, cloths, fresh milk (not boiled).
Offer water to the Peepal tree (Sacred Fig/Ficus religiosa). This is a very good remedy.
It is long time since the bad phase and bad luck period is in progress.
Do the worship and you would be blessed with money and the tensions would vanish. The work at this moment would take sometime to be completed as the bad phase is yet not over.
With blessing of the divine there is success at the last.
Analysis –8
Oh Seeker at this time there are many malefic planets that have their bad effect in your chart. When these kind of malefic are seen they give birth to new enemies and the percentage of profit decrease by many folds. You may even have to part from your beloved ones which also sometimes attract sadness and depression. You may even see that sometime the coming income stops due to unwanted and hidden reasons. During this stage if you start with a new work there also you will have to face many difficulties and it happens that the work is also not done.
Do a proper remedy for the malefic planets like worship and donation and recite the following mantra:
(ong aang hring shring kling shree vasudevaya namaha batuk bhairavay aapdurdraya mumrakhsha kuru kuru swaha)
The mantra and the worship would bring peace in you and the hurdles would vanish. You would be blessed with a son and would get helping hand from your friends and also the society.
Analysis –9
Oh Seeker, the question that you have in your mind right now would be fulfilled as the bad phase is almost over. The work that you have decided to do would be accomplished. All the tension would vanish and friends would be very helpful. All the works that are lined up would be completed; it is just because there is a malefic period going on since long, you are having obstacles.
You would get over all these periods very soon and all the loans that are there would be finished very soon and you would gain success.
You have already done many a kinds of remedies but all seemed to have failed, but do not worry God is about to smile back on you and shower with blessings. You would gain success from hidden sources.
To fulfill the question that you have asked you need to worship Goddess Laxmi and Goddess Durga. Donate rice, white cloth, White flowers and Silver as per your will.
These remedies would heal the malefic effects happening due to some of the planets and would bless you with success.
Analysis –10
Oh Seeker your work at this time is out of your control and there is lot of wealth that is wasted without any reason. You always have tension related to the daily expenses and family affairs. You respect everyone and always keep your own respect in cover and protected. You see big expenses coming your way.
You are very religious and pious from heart and you hate to deceive anyone and get involved in any such act.
Your question is related to health wealth and fame, you keep on thinking but do not see success across any thought, this has brought a ill position where you think not even to try for anything new.
Do not worry, do the remedy for Navagraha in form of worship, donations and mantra recitation. God would bless you with success and even you would get some help from near and dear ones and the society.
There are many hidden enemies but do not worry, worship your Ishta devata and all the worries would vanish. You would be blessed with a son and with blessings from Goddess Lakshmi you would get lot of fame and wealth.
Analysis –11
Oh Seeker the questions that are there in your mind at this moment are:
- When would the problems inside the house would go?
- When would the obstacles in life vanish?
- Would I get the thing that I have in mind at this moment?
- When would happiness and well being return back in life?
Oh seeker there are some task that are done from the complete list, but there are some malefic phase that is about to come. Check the chart and do proper worship and donation of those planets and they would bless you with whatever wish you have in your mind.
All the superficial tensions and worries would disappear once the Shanti (propitiation) is done.
Analysis –12
Oh Seeker as per your questions at this moment, you are facing some hidden troubles and some hidden tensions. Mind is concentrated towards a particular task.
There are new thoughts and tension that arise in the mind on daily basis.
- There is little profit that is coming from the current work, would the situation improve and till when?
- When would the overall situations improve and there would be light and happiness in the family and house?
- When would the bad days be over?
- The trouble and internal fight that is there would remain till when?
- Donate sweets, curd, Laddu (round sweets) to a Brahmin (priest) and you would gain success in all your work.
- Worship your Ishta Devata on regular basis in your house.
- You need to do the Pitra Pida (troubles from forefathers) Shanti on an urgent basis.
The remedies once done would bless you with success and you would gain name and fame in the society. Though there are some malefic planets that are effecting the growth and giving some mental trouble but once the remedies are done everything would be perfect.
Analysis –13
Oh Seeker when the time is not good and is running medium all the tasks also tend to follow the same path. All you work and current situations are out of your control.
- When would my wishes be fulfilled?
- Is there any trouble in getting job or there is any kind of loss in the current job?
- Till when would I get an increment?
- Would the work that I am about to do or thinking to start would be successful or not?
- Would I be blessed with a son?
There are some planets that are malefic for you at this time.
- Do donation and mantra jaap for the malefic planets.
- Do the chaya paatra daan for the malefic planets.
Though everything depends on the divine God at this moment, but doing the above-mentioned remedies you would surely get success and blessings of the divine.
Analysis –14
Oh Seeker you are very pure from heart and you always tend to stay away from lies and liars. You have a feeling of hate towards the one who indulges in misleading thoughts and are untruthful.
Your work is out of your control at this moment and even after many tries you are not able to gain back the control.
- Your question is related to the mental tension that is there at this moment?
- Will you be blessed with a son?
- When would you gain success?
- Other tension is related to the higher studies?
- When would I own a house?
At this current phase there is a delay in the outcome for your troubles but yes you would gain success and all your wishes would be fulfilled.
You would get calmness of mind and body, wishes would be fulfilled, tension and troubles would vanish, and your wish related to money would also be fulfilled.
- Worship Devi (Goddess Durga).
- Donate Ghee, Rice, Sugar and white object (Silver) with your own hands.
Analysis –15
Oh Seeker you think about your future a lot these days and you are always creating thoughts and ideas to gain profit from work. Current work is out of your control and the phase is there since many months now. You might have also faced many financial troubles in this period. During this period there is lot of tension, loss and misunderstanding. Job also does not proceed as per you thinking.
- Your question is related to the mental tension that is there at this moment?
- Will you be blessed with a son?
- When would you gain success in both wealth and name?
- Worship Lord Shiva.
- Donate Jaggery, Wheat, Red Flowers, Red Cloth to a Brahmin (priest) with your own hands.
If the remedies are done properly then by blessings of the Divine all your wishes would be fulfilled.
Analysis –16
Oh Seeker you at this moment are suffering from internal hidden tensions and health related issues, there is lot of loss in the wealth that you have seen from some time, this is all happening due to the bad effects of the planets.
You are tensed about someone who is very dear to you at this moment.
- When would I get what I wish, luck factor?
- When would I get justice for the tasks that I have done?
- Will you be blessed with a son?
- Would I get success from my current studies/ how would be the result?
- Would I get a job soon?
- Would I get back the lost object?
There are 3 malefic planets that are playing havoc in your life and all the situation are due to the same effect.
- Check and do proper remedy for the malefic planets.
The above remedy would increase your luck factor and you would get a good job or promotion in your current state. The object that is lost would be recovered soon.
The final result is beneficial and what ever you have desired, you would be blessed with the same.
Analysis –17
Oh Seeker your current question is related with Money and Wealth. There could be two types of question at this stage.
The current tension remains inside you and you keep thinking about the same without any discussion if it with anyone.
All your efforts at this moment seem to produce zero results.
You are worried about your name and fame at this moment.
You have some hope to get promotion or gain from your current work.
- Should I dissolve the partnership?
- When would I get a better job opportunity?
- When would there be a clear vision towards the future and family?
- Would I get success in my work?
The main thing is that it is all dependent on the divine God, you might have seen where the work is about to be accomplished but gets stuck at the last moment and does not move ahead. These are the signs of the rising luck that would bless you soon.
- Worship Goddess Durga
- Check and do proper remedy for the malefic planets
This would bring internal peace and give you a proper vision towards your task. You would be blessed with luck and all the work that are stuck would be wrapped up.
Analysis –18
Oh Seeker since a long time the period was going bad and you have suffered immensely during this phase due to tension, fear, anxiety and hidden problems that hooded without your knowledge.
You are these days very much concentrated on a particular task or a person.
You make new ideas towards the betterment but all seems to go in vain.
The current tension remains inside you and you keep thinking about the same without any discussion of it with anyone.
All your efforts at this moment seem to produce zero results.
You are worried about your name and fame at this moment.
You have some hope to get promotion or gain from your current work.
- When would I get a better job opportunity?
- The things that are there in my mind would be fulfilled or not?
- Should I put my hands forward in a new venture?
- Would I be blessed with my own house?
Your wishes would come true but would take sometime to materialize due to the bad effect of the planets.
- Donate Chayadaan, Jaggery, Wheat, Red Cloth, Gold (as per your strength)
This donation would come as blessings towards the fulfillment of your wishes. This would also bless you with the new or second venture that you are planning.
Due to the bad effect of the planets sometimes the sexual power is disturbed, but the phase is about to change and all would be good in sometime.
Analysis –19
Oh Seeker since some time your work and life is out of your control and you are depressed in different kind of thoughts and you do not see any way out of the situation.
You are continuously worried about the loss of money and friends; your mind is also disturbed due to hidden enemies and what they would do to you.
Physical and mental disturbance are the sign of bad phase of the life.
- Worship Shri Batuk Bhairav and recite the following mantra (ong aang hring shring kling shree vishnu bhagwan mum aapradh shama kuru kuru sarva vighna vinashaya mum kamana purna kuru kuru swaha)
- Feed Birds with Bajra (Pearl Millet)
The mantra would bless you with a son and also increase your business and work gains. You are blessed with fame and promotion in your work. Goddess Lakshmi (wealth) who has gone returns back to you.
All the tensions and worries are taken back and you are blessed with luck and charm.
Analysis –20
IOh Seeker your work and wish would be fulfilled. Your right nostril is active at this moment
The answer to your current question is that all the worries and tension would fly away.
It is just the ash that is left behind once the time is past, who has send you on this earth would take care of you and take you to the path of victory.
You would get success in your work. You would be blessed with happiness and good family. The oneness in the family would return
The person who is very close to you and you very close to him would be always there till the end.
You would get some benefit from land very soon.
Since sometime the period is medium and due to the same the mind get attracted towards the sexual partnership more then anything else.
It seems as the entire task stuck at the end and there is harm from the enemy side.
The period is about to change and everything would be good.
- Check the malefic planets in your chart, do the remedy for the malefic planets.
The work would be completed with help of a group of people and the period is about to bless you with a bright future.
Analysis –21
Oh Seeker your question at this time seems to give a medium result.
During this kind of phase it has been seen that the task get stuck at the final destination.
You have some hope to get promotion or gain from your current work.
You are constantly worried about someone very near and dear.
What ever work you think off do not get initiated and your hidden enemies seem to be at a higher state at this moment.
- Should I go ahead with the engagement of my son?
- Would my son succeed in his life path or the work he is about to start?
- The things that are there in my mind would be fulfilled or not?
What ever you have in your mind at this moment would be fulfilled by the wish of the divine God.
Do the following remedies to overcome the obstacles from your life path. If the remedies are not performed then there are chances that the state would be the same for a longer time but yes at the end the results seems to be good. The remedies would bring the good soon to you.
- Worship your Ishta Devata and do some donations towards them.
- Do some worship and donations towards your forefathers.
Analysis –22
Oh Seeker your question is of the highest grade and now you would get all the success and all your wishes would be fulfilled.
The best phase of your life is to start very soon.
- Would I get back the object that is lost?
- Would I gain success in the work or business?
- Would I get luxury in life?
- Would I get fame for my work?
- Would I get the person who is there in my mind?
- Would all the troubles, struggles and tension be eliminated from my life?
- Would the current journey be beneficial for me?
- Would the plans that I have in mind be fulfilled?
- There are two planets that are malefic, check the kundali and do the remedies for the malefic planets.
The best phase of your life is about to start so all the troubles and struggles that you had since some time would all go away and all your wishes and works would be blessed with success.
You would get the person in whom you are inclined to and your life would proceed towards happiness.
Sometimes due to the effect of Kamadev (God of Sex), the intelligence comes to a halt.
Analysis –23
Oh Seeker why are you worried, there is a very good news that is coming to you.
What is gone is the past and why do you worry about the same, now it’s the time to get the results and all your wishes would be fulfilled.
There is an upcoming trouble that can be seen which would demand for money and extra expenses above that at this stage there seems to be a problem with money also.
Oh Seeker but do not take tension and don’t get dishearten, the work would be done in full pride and you would have gains and profits from many a sides.
You are very much concerned regarding affection with a friend and that friend also have the same feelings towards you.
If you want the things to be fulfilled soon, then perform the following remedies
- Donate Satti, Rice, Curd.
- Feed 5 Brahmins (priests) who worship Goddess Ganga.
Once the remedies are done all your work would be completed very soon and you would get profit from unknown sources.
There was a task performed by you that was malefic and which is keeping you in tension across all the time, it would also be destroyed.
Have faith towards God and you would get everything you have wished for.
Analysis –24
Oh Seeker since long the time it is not going good for you or else you would have got everything that you have thought of.
During this phase there are many hidden enemies who are born and they work against you and your reputation. You may even have to see big losses from the point where you have expectation of profit. You might have gone trough a rough phase along with the family matters also. There would have been a constant fear of losing the name and fame in the society and work.
- Light a ghee lamp at Lord Shiva temple every evening.
- Water the Peepal tree (Sacred Fig) and also bath Lord Shiva with water.
- Give food to Brahmins on Sunday or keep fast on Sundays.
- There are some planets that are malefic in your chart, do some remedies towards them.
Perform the remedies and all your wishes would come true.
Analysis –25
Oh Seeker the bad days are gone now and good period is about to come, the last phase was a very bad phase of your life that you have gone pass.
During this malefic and bad period you were always in tension and taken lot of troubles and loss in all the fields. You lost your mental peace along with money in this phase.
You were also under the tension of gaining a bad name in the society.
But now you have to do the following remedies on an urgent basis.
- Worship your Ishta Devata and do some donations towards them.
- Do some worship and donations towards your forefathers.
- Check the malefic planets in your chart, do some remedies towards them.
After the remedies all your works would start to materialize, you would get back with your old friends and near ones who have gone away due to the effect of the bad phase of the planets.
The enemies would be destroyed and all your wishes would come true. The worries about the coming expense that is there would be gone and all would end in good for you.
Analysis –26
Oh Seeker your question is of the highest grade and the bad days would have gone till now as there are couple of malefic planets who are playing havoc at this time and you have done nothing to neutralize them or the bad phase would have been over till now.
This is the reason for all the worries and tensions.
There is loss of wealth; you seem to be in a state of constant fear due to any reason. Though the work is going good then also the profits do not seem to come near.
Your main tension moves around your family and near and dear ones and also you are connected with worries related to work.
- Donate Chaya Patra, Bengal Gram, Turmeric and Yellow cloth.
- Donate Gold as per your strength and devotion.
After the remedies all your works would start to materialize, you would gain from your work and get promoted in your work.
You would gain from what ever you do and the pain would vanish.
You would gain from property or estate.
Analysis –27
Oh Seeker your question is of the medium grade and what ever you have thought for would take some time to be fulfilled.
Trouble, struggle, misunderstandings, tensions were around you, the work would stop at the point of completion— these are the signs of the medium period that is currently active. If there is any kind of fraud and the blame comes to you would also be not a sign of surprise at this point of time. You are very close to a special friend and there is a hidden enemy. Your desire to be close to the one special person in your life seems difficult at this point of time. It would take some time for the proper relationship.
There are many things that you want to share but they stay tucked inside you and there is no one with whom you can share your feelings.
- Worship and do donation towards Navgraha
Do this remedy and the medium phase would change into best phase and you would gain in all your works.
You would gain what you have desired for and the thing that has gone away from your life would return.
The pain and troubles from your life would vanish and you would gain a high post in your work.
Very soon the period is about to change and you would get a good news.
Analysis –28
Oh Seeker when the period is malefic and the malefic planets occupy the 4th, 8th and the 12th house then these things come in life.
During this phase there is lot of outflow of wealth and you do not have control on the amount of expenditure.
There is a very low inflow of profit.
Mind is in constant thought about a particular person so that you get some relaxation.
Your money is stuck in the market and whom you gave the money are not returning it back easily.
What ever you want to do, think a hundred times on it before proceeding.
It would take some time for your luck to rise.
The ties between you and the one close to you would increase and stabilize.
There are two-three planets that are not good in your rashi and if the work on them is not done quickly then the results could be bitter and bring sadness and misery in your life.
Do the remedy for those planets and you would see all the comforts and the troubles would vanish, you would get a high post in your work, profit would come in your work and there would be a special place where you would gain a lot of wealth.
Do not delay in the remedy of the malefic planets and make sure that you remember to offer bhajan and puja to God every day.
Analysis –29
Oh Seeker your mind is never at rest and you think a lot about everything. You do not believe in God and neither do you take his as the real truth. You do not believe in him who has guided you at every stage of your life and helped you grow and live till date.
He was there and is still there to protect you, worship him everyday and your wishes would come true.
What is gone is past and it’s just the ash that is left behind after a fire, do not take unnecessary worries as phase of relaxation is approaching fast.
There is a work that is to come which would help you a lot.
- Do fasting on Tuesday
- Feed the birds with food and Bajra.
- Do the worship for the bad planets on timely basis.
Keep doing these remedies and you would get what you wish for. All the work would be accomplished and what you think is a big investment would be done very smoothly.
Due to maximum inclination towards the sexual needs, the brain does not function properly but do not worry do the remedies and you would get success very soon.
Analysis –30
Oh Seeker the answer to your question at this moment, is that your work would be done and the period of profit in your life would come very soon that would also bring peace and happiness in your life.
There are different kinds of thoughts that arise in your mind like the tides in the ocean but they settle down very soon as there is no result that is foreseen.
It is since couple of years or months that the period is not in your favor and there was lot of unwanted expenses that happened which resulted in minimizing your investments.
By God’s blessings you would see the best of your luck and all your works would be fulfilled, though there is a small delay in the same but would come definitely.
At this moment it seems as if you lose everything when you are about to reach the destination and the profit slips from your hand.
- Worship God with pure heart.
- Donate Ghee and Sambhar.
Keep doing these remedies and you would see a new beginning of your life which would remove all the tensions and troubles from your life. The troubles that are to come would be removed by the blessings of God and you would see happiness again.
There is a task of a very low quality or a Bad Karma that you have done in your past that is not hidden from the God, worship him regularly and do Bhajans (devotional songs).
All your works would be fulfilled and new opportunities would arise.
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