Article by D.M.Sudhindra Kumar
For the welfare of the universe , Goddess Parvati prays to Lord Shiva to explain the essence of Jyotish or the knowledge of light regarding time and its effect on the life of people.
After listening to Lord Shiva’s teachings, Parvati blesses the people on earth with the knowledge of results of planets with respect to Moon’s position .
There is reference of Moon because Moon stays for 2.5 days in a Rasi, which helps the common man to understand the results on Rasi basis when the exact birth time is not known or not noted precisely.
Gouri Jataka is a good tool, in rectification of birth day even for lost horoscope. If the birth is in beginning or closing of the day (oo hrs to 24 hrs time counting), then by study of Moon Rasi and other planets, the exact birth Rasi can be corrected to match the type of results indicated (which are experienced by the native ).
The meanings of the words in the sloka are coded (in a nut shell) and outwardly appears straight and simple, but in reality are much deep and broad. Instead of going by literary meaning, the investigators may stretch its applicability over wide perspective. I have tried to furnish few applicable alternate meanings.
Gouri Jataka does not use any Yoga by name, but indicates results in a broader perspective covering personal, social and spiritual domains.
I have tried this translation work with my infant knowledge. Scholars may direct brickbats toward me for mistakes or deviations.
Any helpful data, thanks and appreciation, shall go to SA team.
Result of Budha in 12 bhavas from Moon.
If Budha is with Moon, in the birth chart, the native is endowed with happiness and is handsome (charismatic) , but speaks in vain, hates others and is liked by his close relatives.
- Laxmi Mittal , 15.6.1950, Moon in Vrishabha along with Budha. – sloka 1 applies.
- Amara, 1.2.1919, Bangalore, Moon in Makara with Budha and Sun.-sloka 1 applies
- Cassius Marcellus Clay / Muhammad Ali – 17.1.1942 , Moon in Makara with Sun, vakra Sukra and Budha – sloka 1 applies.
If Budha is in 2nd Bhava from Moon, during the birth time, the native is endowed with money and grains,he gets houses, relatives and servants but dies of cold diseases.
- Bindi Sue Irwin , 24.7.1998, Moon in Karka with Sun and Budha with Rahu in Simha – sloka 2 applies.
- A.K.Anthony, 28.12.1940, before 2 a.m. ,Moon in Vrischika neecha Rasi with Kuja, Sukra and Budha, Sun in Dhanu – sloka 2 applies.
When Budha is in 3rd Bhava from Moon during birth time, it makes the native earn money & wealth, power (kingdom) and ultimately, he joins truly great people.
- Barack Obama 4.8.1961, Moon in Vrishabha, Budha in Karka – sloka 3 applies.
- NRN Murthy, 20.8.1946, Moon with Rahu in Vrishabha and Shani with Budha in Karka – sloka 3 applies.
- B.S.Yeddyurappa 27.2.1943, Moon in Vrischika and Budha with Kuja in Makara – sloka 3 applies.
- Elisabeth Kubler Ross {first of the triplets}, psychiatrist, pioneer in near death studies, having 19 doctorates, 8.7.1926, Zurich, Moon in Vrishabha with Sukra and Budha in Karka – she died of paralysis in 2004. – sloka 3 applies
- Sardar Manmohan Singh – 26.9.1932, Moon in Karka with Kuja , Sukra and Budha in Kanya with Sun. – sloka 3 applies.
- Lawrence Larry Page of Google ,26.3.1973 ,Michigan , Moon in Dhanu with Rahu and vakra Budha in Kumbha – sloka 3 applies. Also sloka 2 applies because Budha is vakra.
- Mohammed Rafi, 23.12.1924, Moon with Shani in Tula and vakra Budha with Sun , Guru in Dhanu. – sloka 3 applied. Also sloka 2 apllied because Budha is vakra.
- P V R Narasimha Rao, 4.4.1970, Moon in Kumbha with Rahu and Budha in Mesha with Kuja, Sukra, Shani – sloka 3 applied.
- Nitish Kumar, 2.3.1951, Moon in Dhanu and Budha ,Guru, Sun, Rahu in Kumbha- sloka 3 applies.
When Budha is in 4th Bhava from Moon during birth time, it makes the native always happy, great benefit from mother side and he enjoys a comfortable life .
(Note : mother also refers to mother land or one who nourishes the native)
- Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar4.1973. Moon with Rahu in Dhanu and Budha in Meena-sloka 4 applied.
- Lata Mangeshkar, 28.9.1929 Moon in Karka and vakra Budha with Kuja , Ketu in Tula – sloka 4 apllied and also sloka 3 results fructify because Budha is vakra- backlog karma.
- Bill Clinton,19.8.1946,Hope, Moon in Mesha and Budha with Shani in Karka – sloka 4 applied.
- B.V.Raman, 8.8.1912, Moon in Vrishabha with Shani and vakra Budha,Sukra ,Kuja in Simha – sloka 4 applied and also sloka 3 applies because Budha is vakra.
- PVN Rao 28.6.1921, Moon in Meena and vakra Budha with Sun, Kuja in Mithuna – sloka 4 applied , also sloka 3 applies because Budha is vakra( karma backlog)
When Budha is in 5th Bhava from Moon during birth time ,
the native is intelligent and wise, handsome (charismatic), very high ambition (expectation or libido), but scanty speech.
- Adolf Hitler 20.4.1889 18.30 hrs, Moon in Dhanu with Guru, Ketu and Budha in Mesha along with Sun, Mars, vakra Sukra – sloka 5 applied.
- Subhash Chandra Bose, 23.1.1897, Moon in Kanya and vakra Budha,Ravi ,Rahu in Makara – sloka 5 applied and also sloka 4 applied because Budha is vakra(karma backlog).
- Homi J. Babha ,30.10.1909, Moon in Vrishabha uccha Rasi with Rahu and Budha with Guru in Kanya uccha Rasi-sloka 5 applies.
- Mukesh Ambani,19.4.1957 , Moon in Dhanu and Budha in Mesha with Sun, Sukra, Ketu – sloka 5 applies.
- Guru Maa Anandamurthi,8.4.1966 , chandra in Vrischika with Ketu and Budha , Sun ,Kuja in Meena- sloka 5 applies.
- Amma ,27.9.1953 , Moon in uccha Rasi Vrishabha and Budha in uccha Rasi Kanya with Sun- sloka 5 applies.
When Budha is in 6th Bhava from Moon during birth time, the native is miser, timid or always in two minds, terribly afraid of argument, is hairy, and has large eyes (or long sight).
- Rahul Gandhi, 19.6.1970 , Moon in Dhanu and Budha in Vrishaba – sloka 6 applies.
- Sathya Sai Baba, 23.11.1926, 6.32 hrs. Moon in Mithuna and vakra Budha in Vrischika along with Sun, Shani, Sukra. Sloka 6 applies and also sloka 5 fructifies because Budha is vakra( karma backlog).
- Mother Teresa, 26.8.1910,14.25, Moon in Mesha with vakra Shani and Budha. Guru in Kanya-sloka 6 applies.
- Maharshi Mahesh Yogi , 12.1.1914, Jabalpur, Moon in Karka and Budha ,Sukra , Ravi in Dhanu – sloka 6 applies .
- Bill Gates, 30.10.1955, Moon in Mesha and Kuja with Budha in Kanya – sloka 6 applies.
- Princess Diana, 1.7.1961, Moon in Makara with vakra Shani, vakra Guru and vakra Budha, Sun in Mithuna – sloka 6 applied and also sloka 5 applied because Budha is vakra.
When Budha is in 7th Bhava from Moon, during birth time,
the native is in the control of woman (wife or any other female), wealthy, miser, and long lived .
- MJ. 29.8.1958, indiana . Moon in Kumbha and vakra Budha,Ravi in Simha .sloka 7 applies, but Budha being vakra sloka 6 also applies.
- A.Raja, 10.5.1963, Moon in Vrischika( neecha Rasi) and vakra Budha in Vrishabha – sloka 7 applies. Also sloka 6 fructifies because Budha is vakra.
- Michel de Nostredame, 14.12.1503, Moon in Mithuna with vakra Guru,vakra Shani and Budha,Ravi in Dhanu – sloka 7 applies.
- Alexander Graham Bell, 3.3.1847, Moon, Rahu in Kanya and Budha,Sukra,Ketu,Uranus in Rasi Meena (neecha for Budha) . – sloka 7 applies.
When Budha is in 8th Bhava from Moon, during birth time,
the native is susceptable to cold and humour(fear of chillness , shivering ), famous among the kings , terrible for enemies .
- Sirimavo Bandaranaike, 17.4.1916, Moon in Kanya and Budha,Ravi in Mesha –sloka 8 applies.
- Dhirubhai Ambani, 28.12.1933, before 5.30, Moon,vakra Uranus in Mesha and Budha in Vrischika – sloka 8 applies.
- YSR, 8.7.1949, Pulivendula, Moon in Vrischika and Budha,Ravi,Uranus in Mithuna.- sloka 8 applies
- Silvio Berlusconi, 29.9.1936, Milan – Moon, vakra Shani in Kumbha and vakra Budha,Ravi in Kanya –sloka 8 applies. Also sloka 7 applies because of vakra Budha ( karma backlog).
- Jayalalitha, 24.2.1948, Melukote, Moon,vakra Shani in Karka and vakra Budha, Ravi in Kumbha – sloka 8 applies. Because Budha is vakra , sloka 7 also applies ( karma backlog).
- Dawood Ibrahim, 26.12.1955, Moon in uccha Rasi Vrishabha with Ketu and Budha in Dhanu with Sun – sloka 8 applies.
When Budha is in 9th Bhava from Moon during birth time, the native goes against his own culture or religion, supports other’s culture, protests and is critical.
- Aurobindo Ghose, 15.8.1872 , Moon,vakra Shani in Dhanu and Budha,Ravi,Sukra in Simha – sloka 9 applies.
- Amir Hussain Khan, 14.3.1965 , Mumbai, Moon in Karka and Budha in Meena –sloka 9 applies.
- Carla Dallioglio, 12.9.1940 La Spezia, Moon in Makara and Budha in Kanya – sloka 9 applies
- Muhammad Paigamber, 20.4.571, Moon in Simha and Budha , Ravi in Mesha –sloka 9 applies.
- John F Kennedy, 29.5.1917, Moon in Simha and vakra Budha with Kuja in Mesha – sloka 9 applies. Also sloka 8 applies because Budha is vakra.
- Mamatha Banerjee, 5.1.1955, Moon in Mesha and Budha , Sun , Rahu in Dhanu – sloka 9 applies
When Budha is in 10th Bhava from Moon during birth time, the native is rajayogi, always. If Moon is in Karka Rasi, he becomes head of the family.
- Julian Assange, 3.7.1971. Moon in Tula and Budha,Ketu in Karka.- sloka 10 applies
- Sawai Man Singh, 21.8.1912, Moon,Guru in Vrischika and vakra Budha in Simha along with Sukra ,Sun, Kuja –sloka 10 applies, also sloka 9 applies, because Budha is vakra.
- Alfred Nobel, 21.10.1833, Moon,vakra Uranus , Neptune in Makara and Budha in Tula with Sun and Kuja – sloka 10 applies.
- Marie Curie, 7.11.1867, Moon in Kumbha with Guru, Ketu and Budha in Vrischika with Kuja,Sukra,Shani- sloka 10 applies.
- Sheikh Abdullah, 5.12.1905, Moon in Meena and Budha,Uranus in Dhanu – sloka 10 applied.
When Budha is in 11th Bhava from Moon during birth time , the native’s profits increases day by day, after marriage his fortune activates .
- Benazir Bhutto, 21.6.1953, afternoon. Moon,vakra Shani , vakra Neptune in Kanya and Budha , Ketu in Karka – sloka 11 applies.
- G.D.Birla, 10.4.1894, Moon,Guru,pluto,Neptune in Vrishabha and Budha,Ravi,Rahu in Meena- sloka 11 applies .
- Chiru, 22.8.1955, Moon ,Shani ,Neptune in Tula and Budha,Ravi ,Kuja ,shukra in Simha – sloka 11 applies
- Clint Eastwood, 31.5.1930 , Moon in Karka and vakra Budha,Ravi in Vrishabha – sloka 11 applies. Also sloka 10 applies because of vakra Budha ( karma back log).
- Elvis Presley, 8.1.1935 – Moon,Shani in Kumbha and Budha with Sun in Dhanu – sloka 11 applies.
- Micheal Demitri Shalhoub a.k.a. Omar Sharif, 10.4.1932, Alexandria, Egypt, Moon with Sukra in Vrishabha ( very good combination) and vakra Budha in neecha Rasi Meena with Sun , Rahu ,Kuja, Uranus – sloka 11 applies , also sloka 10 applies because Budha is vakra.
When Budha is in 12th Bhava from Moon during birth time ,
the native is a miser . Also , his children(also mean students) cannot win and are defeated by others.
- George S. Patton, 11.11.1885, San Gabriel , Moon,Sukra in Dhanu and Budha in Vrischika – sloka 12 applies.
- Akshay Kumar, 9.9.1967,before 15.00 hrs, Moon,Ketu,Neptune in Tula and Budha,Uranus in Kanya –sloka 12 applies.
- K.N.Rao, 12.10.1931, Moon,Kuja , Sukra in Tula and Budha in Kanya uccha Rasi along with Sun and Ketu- sloka 12 applies.
- 4.Helena Blavatsky , 12.8.1831, Moon in Kanya with Sukra and Budha in Simha with Kuja, Rahu, Shani – sloka 12 applies.
About Author : Sudhindra Kumar served in the Indian Telephone Industries Ltd., Bangalore from 1966 to 2001. His work specialized in microwave systems for civilian and defense applications of communication systems. His interest in astrology has been from childhood and has turned into more serious aspects of why and how events take place in different manner to different people. Why two people do not read anything identically but still compromise commercially?
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