Article by Dr. Muthiah Chidambaram, UK
ஜாகம் -4
1. சந்ின் ககது கபில் சணிசீம்
குருவும் சாடி
நெந்ியும் நெகரும் கடம் நேகன் வீண
ந்ிில் இி ாகு ல்கிடும் சசன்ம்
இந்ாறு கிகம் ின்நால் இம்நெவீர்
தனணணத் ாகண.
(Chart as given in the book)
1. Goddess Parvathi asks: Please tell the results of a horoscope with Cancer lagna with Moon and Ketu in Scorpio, Saturn in Leo, Jupiter in Aquarius, Mercury and Venus in Aries, Mars in Gemini, Sun and Rahu in Taurus.
C. G.Rajan‟s notes:
க ரும் ணகாசி ாம் 11-ம் கி சணிக்கிண தகல் 8 30-க்கு கல் 14 க்குள்
ஆங்கினத் கி – 23-5-1891
க்கிஹங்கபின் தா சாம்.
கிருத்ிணக 4-இல் சூாின், ிசாகம் 4-இல் சந்ின். ிருகசீர்ம் 3-இல் சசவ்ாய்.
தி 3-இல் நென். நேட்டாி 1-இல் குரு. அசுணி 3-இல் சுக்கின். நேம் 2-இல் சணி.
காஹிி 2-இல் ாஹூ. அநம் 4-இல் ககது.
The date of birth is given as, 11th day of Vaisaka month, in the year „Kara‟, on Saturday; the time of birth is between nazhigai 8:30 and 14. (This means between 3.5 hrs to 5 hrs after sunrise on that day which corresponds to 09:15 to 10:45 am, as the sunrise that day was 05:46:43 in Tamilnadu).
Notes from Yenbeeyes: Traditionally-cast horoscopes may indicate the time of birth referring to the Naazhigais elapsed after sunrise on the day of birth – “Surya Udayaadhi Naazhigai”. Sixty Naazhigais (Ghatikas in Sanskrit) equal to 24 hours and each Ghatika is subdivided into 60 vighatikas. Thus an hour will comprise 2½ Ghatikas; that is 24 minutes make one Ghatika (Naazhigai). One minute is made up of 2.5 vighatikas (Vinaadis). So if birth is to be between 8:30 to 14 Ghatikas – the standard time would be – (8:30 x 24 minutes and 14 x 24 minutes) i.e. 3 hours 24 minutes to 5 hours 36 minutes when added to Sunrise would give 09:10:43(05:46:43+03:24:00) to 11:22:43 (05:46:43+05:36:00) as the birth time duration.
The corresponding English/Gregorian date is 23rd May 1891.
These are the planetary positions:
Sun Kritika 4th pada
Moon Visaka 4th pada
Mars Mrigasira 3rd pada
Mercury Bharani 3rd pada
Jupiter Purvapadrabhada 1st pada
Venus Aswini 3rd pada
Saturn Purvaphalguni 2nd pada
Rahu Rohini 2nd pada
Ketu Anuradha 4th pada
Notes from Yenbeeyes: Mean nodes have been considered.
க்ஷத்ிம் ிசாகம். குரு ணசில் இருப்நெ ாங்கள் ஏள, ாட்கள் திணணந்து.
Janma nakshatra is Visaka
Balance in Jupiter Mahadasa: 0 yrs, 7 months and 15 days.
(This gives: 23-05-1891
Jupiter dasa ends on 07-01-1892 and Saturn Mahadasa starts on 8th January 1892.)
Notes from Yenbeeyes: Since the ending of dasa at birth is given by G.C. Rajan, we have to adjust the time accordingly. As per Jhora, if we take the time as 10:43, the dasa ending will also tally.
My experience with Saptarishi Nadi is that almost all charts I have seen till now have the birth in and around Old Chengalpat district which has been now bifurcated as Chennai, Kancheepuram and Tiruvallur. Some births are in Vellore district also.
Tiruvallur – North Latitude between 12°15‟ and 13°15‟
East Longitude between 79°15‟ and 80°20‟ It lies between 11°00‟ and 12°00‟ North Latitudes and 77°28‟ and 78°50‟ East Longitudes.
Vellore district lies between 12°15‟ and 13°15‟ North Latitudes and 78°20‟ and 79°50‟ East Longitudes in Tamilnadu State.
Hence I have taken it as Vellore. For this place and the time above the planetary positions as well as the balance of dasa at birth tallies.
Comments from Editor-Yenbeeyes:
Justifications for the birth time:
I request reference to my article titled „Horoscope-Male or Female?‟ published in Saptarishis Astrology Volume 5 – Page 394 and based on the calculations explained therein the time of birth 10:43 will give a male child.
For a full explanation readers will have to refer to the article mentioned above.
Another method: Convert the Ishta Ghatika into vighatis (by multiplying Ghatikas with 60). Divide the same by 225. If the reminder is 0 to 15 or 46 to 90 or 151 to 225 it will be a male child and if it is between 16 to 46 or 91 to 150 it will be a female. Ishta Ghatikas are available in Jhora software and for this chart for the birth time of 10:43, Ishta Ghatika is 12.3450 or (12.3450 x 60) = 741 vighatis. Divide by 225 (225 x 3 = 675) and hence reminder will be 741-675 = 66 which falls in the male category. Hence birth time may be taken as correct.
Chart as generated by Jhora for birth time 10:43 and place of birth as Vellore:
Mean Nodes position is taken
2. தார்ி ககட்கும் கதாது தாசரும் கூறு கின்நார்
சீர்நெக ாண்தால் ஜன்ம் சசப்நெகாம் திநந் இல்னம்
கூநி டசன் வீி குடகுன் ாச னாகும்
ஆறுா நைகன்ன் ககாஷ்ட ிந்ிடும் டகீழ் ன்ணில்.
Sage Parasara answers Goddess Parvathi: This horoscope, with this planetary situation, a male child was born. I will tell about the place/house where he was born: The house would be situated in a street which runs north to south; the house will be facing west. On the north-east side of the house, there is a damaged temple of Lord Subramaniyan.
3. உத்ம் ந்ி ிற்கும் உணக்கிகநாம் சற்கில் அம்ால்
சித்சன் ணணச ாித் கந கற்கில் ங்கும்
தக்ிாய்க் கிக்குத் சற்கு தாணயு நைண்டு கண்டாய்
ித்கி கசாணன சூி ிபங்கிடும் சிற்றூர் ன்ணில்.
3. Directly on the north, there is a Ganesh temple; on the south, there is a temple for Sri Vishnu and on the west there is a temple for Lord Siva. On the south and in the east, there are pathways. In that village, there are lush gardens and ponds or water reservoirs. This is the village where this male native was born.
4. ிகுனம் ணிலு ிப்தான் ாகன் ஜணண காகம்
ிநுல் ாிர் காகம் அன்ந்ண துணர் காகம்
சிினா கபத் நெத்ர் சாற்றுகா நைன்தின் ஜன்ம்
ிிிணால் கரு சாந்ி ிபம்நெகா ிந்நூல் ன்ணில்.
4. This native would be born in an agricultural caste/community. In this treatise, we will tell about his fortunes, about his parents, brothers and sisters, spouse and children; also his past and future births along with remedies.
5. ந்ணின் ர்க்கம் ன்ணணச் சாற்றுகா ிருான் காகும்
சாந்ிடும் சினக ாநைம் ிகா ாண்தால் ண்டு
எந்ணக சதண்தா சனான்று இம்நெகாம் ீர்க்க ாக
சந்ம் திாகு த்ணச் சாற்றுகாம் ககளும் ாக.
5. We will tell about the co-borns of his father: The father was blessed with eight Coborn’s; some of them will die; two brothers and one sister will live long. Mother!We will tell about the father‟s characteristics. Please listen:
6. இருிநம் சக கத்ன் இன்தாய் ார்த்ண சசால்ன்
சதருர் கசம் சகாள்ன் திஞ்ஞகன் ணணத்து ிப்தான்
உநன்நைணந சச்ச ாழ்ன் உறுிா ணத் ணாகும்
குறுநைணி கதாகன கல்ி கூறுாநணக சாற.
About the Father of the native
6. He will have double complexioned body; his body parts will be proportionately built. He will be talented in speaking sweet words; he will have the friendship of elders. He will be strong devotee of Lord Siva. His family life will be appreciable by his relatives. He will be strong-willed; he will excel in education, similar to the sage Agasthyar. He will be very intelligent.
Translator‟s Notes:
(Agasthyar: this sage was created by Lord Siva when he married Goddess Parvathi. At the time of Lord Siva‟s marriage, all the devotees, Gods and demigods were expected to assemble in Mount Kailash which is at the north tip of India; so Lord Siva anticipated the north of India to weigh heavily and dip down while the south India would rise. So, he created Agasthya, who was short and bulky, and ordered him to go to South India, mainly to equalize the imbalance of the earth but also with extraordinary intelligence and power to carry out a few other miracles.)
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
The word used to indicate Lord Siva is – திஞ்ஞகன் – which means Siva with matted hair, also as adorned with the Ganges, the crescent Moon etc on his head.
About the complexion of the native‟s father:
9th house of father has no planets. Its Lord Jupiter is placed in the house of Saturn and Rahu and is also aspected by Saturn and as such imparts blackness. Karaka of father Sun is with Rahu is also another indication for blackness of body.
7. தண்டிம் ஞாணம் கற்தன் தனருக்கு ல்கனா ணான்
அண்டிகணார்க் குி சசய்ன் அகணகாய்ப் நேி கசர்ப்தன்
சதண்டிால் கீர்த்ி சகாள்ன் இருி ார்த்ண சசால்ன்
துண்டாய்ச் சசால்லு நைள்பான் துணண ஆ ாிப்தான்.
7. He will learn knowledge in medical science; will be good to all the people; he will help all those who come to him. He will increase his landholdings. He will earn fame through women. He will be an expert in speaking words with two meanings. But his words will be strong and commanding. He will support his co-borns well.
8. சித்ி வீடு சசய்ன் சிறுத்ர்க் குவு ாணாம்
தத்ிணி க ணாகும் திி கபிச்ணச யுள்பான்
உத்ர் கம் சகாள்ன் உடறணில் தித்ச் சூடு
குற்நங்கள் சபிி டாான் குது சீன சணன்கநாம்.
8. He will construct a beautiful house. He will help those who are less abled and poor. He will be affectionate with his wife. He will be interested in ornaments. He will be friendly with good people. He will have bilious problems in his body; he will suffer due to that. He will never expose his faults or others‟ faults outside. In general, he will be of good character.
9. ந்ணாள் நேி ில்னான் ணினான் அணனச்ச லுள்பான்
திந்ிக நேி கசர்ப்தன் நெண்ிம் சகாஞ்சம் சசய்ன்
ந்ர்க் கன்ண ீன் ருநூ னநிா ணாகும்
அந்ி கானந் ன்ணில் அணுகிடும் ா சித்ி.
9. He will not have inherited land or wealth. During his younger days, he will wander a lot. Later in life, he will accumulate lands, on his own efforts. He will do charitable feeding. He will learn Vedic literature. During his old age, he will get paralysis/stroke.
10. காகித் ிணயும் சகாள்ன் உத்ம் ஆசாணாகன
கதாகங்க பநத ிப்தன் நெத்ி ாணச யுள்பான்
தாகாய்ப் கதச ல்னன் தடிாள்க ளுணட ணாகும்
ஆக நுணுக்கம் கர்ன் அம்திணக ாகப ககபாய்.
10. Goddess, please listen: he will involve himself deeply in a state of meditation which admits of the full exercise of one‟s mental powers, the body remaining inactive as in sleep, in the northern direction, through a guru. He will enjoy well all the worldly pleasures. He will be very fond of children; will be a talented speaker; will support lot of servants; and, he will learn Vedic literature thoroughly.
Characteristics of the Native
11. இக்கு நைணட ந்ணக் கிநக அஞ்சாம் ஜன்ம்
ிக்கக யுிப்தா ணாகும் ிபம்நெகா ன்கு த்ணச்
சிக்கிண ில்னா ணாகும் கிகல் திாி ணாகும்
தக்கு ாக ார்த்ண தகருான் ககாதி ான்.
11. The native will be born as the 5th child, for his father who has such characteristics. Now, we will tell about his characteristics: The native will not be a miser and spends lavishly. He will be a devotee of Mother Goddess. He will speak in such a way that the listeners will be attracted to him. He will also have angry temperament.
12. ாணிநம் டிச்சல் ககி ருான் கல்ி சகாஞ்சம்
கன்சாி ார்த்ண சசால்ன் ிாகிாம் கீர்த்ி கற்தன்
ஆணர் கசம் சகாள்ன் அநகி சுகிசதா சிப்தன்
ான்ிி ார்கள் கன் அடிணக ளுணட ணாக.
12. He is Fawn colour or tawny in colour. His body will be lean. He will be slightly cunning. He will be educated to some extent. His speech will be sweet like honey. He will be a liberal donor or charitable person; will earn fame; will be friendly to elders. He will be very intelligent and enjoy the worldly pleasures. He will be loved by women and will have many servants.
13. ந்ணாள் நேி ன்ணணத் ாணன் ிருத்ி சசய்ன்
திந்ியும் நேி கசர்ப்தன் நே நைணட ணாகும்
கந்ன்ன் தக்ி சகாள்ன் கானர் கசம் சகாள்ன்
ந்ிா வுணட ணாகும் ாகி நேணச நேண்தன்.
13. He will improve and expand his inherited lands and will also buy more lands on his own accord. He will earn ornaments. He is also a devotee of Lord Subramanya. He will be kind towards the servants. He will also possess cattle, both bulls and cows. He will also be initiated into Devi Puja by a Guru.
14. ித்ி ாம் சசய்ன் ாணின ல்கனா ணான்
ஜம்சசய்ன் எடுத் கணன சீனணாம் றுண ில்னான்
அனாால் சதருண நேண்தன் அண்டிகணார்த் ம்ணக் காப்தான்
தில்னா ணத் ணாகும் தாத்ிற் குட்த டாான்.
14. He will be learned in medical science. He will earn a good name in the village where he lives. He will encounter success in the jobs he undertakes. He will be of good behavior. He will not be poor. He will be honored by others. He will help and save those who come for his support. He will be brave-hearted. He will not engage in sinful deeds.
15. சசவுக ளுணட ணாகும் கிில் சசட்டுச் சசய்ன்
ணசது கூநா ணாகும் ருத்ண சபிி டாான்
தணசாண குடும்தி ான் தவுதகா ணான்
ிணசாண ணடயு ான் கிணில் டம்த நைள்பான்.
15. His job will be weaving of clothes. He will also do business. One can say that he will spend wisely. He will not scold others. He will not disclose others‟ secrets. He will have a prosperous family. He will help others. He will walk fast and will also be ostentatious.
About The Siblings Of The Native
16. இநணடத் துணர் ம்ண இணசக்கிகநாம் நத்கார் காகாம்
அணிிகனக ாிணபகா ாில்ணனஅன்தின்நெ ிருத்ி சன்கநாம்
தநைப ஆண்தா சனான்று தாணயு வ்ா நாகும்
இணகளும் ீர்க்க ாகும் இணபன் கசி ககபாய்.
16. Dear Goddess Parvati, now we will tell about his coborns. He will not have any elder coborns and he will be the eldest. The next younger coborn will not survive too. The second younger coborn will live long. He will have one younger brother and one younger sister. They will be long lived. Now, we will say about his younger brother. Please listen.
Translator‟s note:
Rahu or Saturn in the 11th will prevent having elder coborns. The third lord, Mercury is conjunct Venus and Venus can destroy coborns. This is as per Jaimini Sutras Chapter 1- Pada 4 – Sloka 33 which states that if Venus is placed in the 3/11th to Upapada or its Lord, younger/elder coborns will not survive. In this chart UL falls in Aquarius. In the 3rd house of Aries Venus is placed along with Mercury who happens to be the lord of 3rd house (from Lagna) of younger co-borns.
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
In Verse 11 it is stated that the native will be the 5th child and as per this verse it is seen that he will have no elder siblings. It means that the earlier siblings must have died. 9th house of father is Pisces and from there the lord of 5th house of children Moon is debilitated and has conjoined Ketu and aspected by Rahu as also by Sun who happens to be the 6th Lord for father. Hence no wonder he has lost many children.
About The Younger Brother Of The Native
17. கல்ிாநணக சாற கட்டுார்த் ணகளும் சசால்ன்
இல்ணனசன் றுணக்க ாட்டான் எிாிண சிம் சகாள்ன்
சசால்லுக சநியுள் கபாணாம் துிாண ணத்ா ணாகும்
ல்ன ணாகி ாழ்ான் டணசங் கீ ிட்டன்.
17. The younger brother will be well educated. He will be intelligent and will possess the capacity to speak fluently. He will not say „no‟ to those who come to him asking for Alms and will donate. He will have the ability to charm his enemies. He will be a man of probity. He will be brave and will be good to others. He will also have liking for dance and music.
18. ணகநைலு நைண்டாகும் காகி ான்
கணம்சதாி குடும்தது கணத்கார் கசன்
ணிிார் தன ா ாின்தம் ன்ணில்
ணல்சகாள்ான் ாணிம் ிருத்ி சசய்ான்
உய்யும்ணக தண்டிங்கள் கிருி ாலும்
உர்சசால் ாந்ிாிகம் சசட்டு ாலும்
ணக கல் சதருண யுள்பான் ந்ண கனாய்
ாழ்குான் கன்ணிஜன் ருா சணன்கநாம்.
This Is Different
18. He will have cash in hand. He will be a yogi – one who has achieved a high level of spiritual insight. His family will be respectable. He will have the friendship of wealthy people. Many beautiful women will be friendly to him. He will have gains with all the nine type of grains. (Nine type of grains, called “Nava Dhannyam” are wheat, paddy, redgram, green gram, ground nut, beans, seasame, black gram and gram, called as wild gram – a grain of light black color). His livelihood will be due to his business with medical treatment, agriculture, weaving and a bit of magical work (incantation). He will be famous and will live with more respect than his father. His natal lagna will be Virgo.
19. ருணண ாள் ன்நாகும் உத் சன்கநாம்
ஆண்ணன இண் சடன்கநாம் சதண்தால் நன்று
ிருகளும் ாசநைபான் அிி கன்
சசன்நிடங்கள் சதருண யுபான் சிநப்தாய் ாழ்ன்
அநசநிணக் ணக ிடான் ா ககி
ஆாிப்தான் ண ணணக அசு சசய்ன்
இருகல்ி சினாட்கள் அன்ணி கச
ககுான் சகடுதாி சய்தும் ாகப.
19. He will have only one wife and she will be born on the northern direction. This couple will be blessed with two sons and three daughters. He will be wealthy always and this is described locally, as „Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth‟ will live in his house always. He will entertain guests with love and affection. He will earn respect and he will be treated well wherever he visits. He will lead a respectable life. He will not abandon dharma or justice. His body will have a vata constitution. He will support his brother who is the native in this treatise, with the Cancer lagna. He will have a governmental job. He will be talented in types of learning which might be in two languages which could be English or Hindi with Tamil. He will also travel to foreign countries.
20. இன்ணநைம் ிதம் ண்டில் இம்நெகா ிநக் ககான்
அன்ணன் த்ின் கானம் அணநகின்கநாம் ருதா ணாநில்
கன்ணிணக உத் த்ில் காற ாதுர் ர்க்கம்
ன்ணிகன ருா பாள் சாற்றுகா ள்கு த்ண.
(This is different)
Timing Of Marriage Of The Native
20. We will tell more in the second part. For the native for whom we are giving the forecast and who is born with Cancer lagna will be married on his 16th year of age. The bride will hail from the northern direction. She will hail from “Mathru varkkam”. (Means she will be coming from the mother side relations). Now we will about her characteristics.
Translator‟s notes:
16th year will be in Rahu bukthi under Saturn Mahadasa; Saturn being the 7th lord and Rahu being the Upapada lord are capable of giving marriage.
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
Saturn is placed in the 2nd house of family and aspects Rahu placed in the 11th house of marriage (BPHS). Dispositor of Saturn is Sun who has joined Rahu. This combination falls in the 7th house from Chandra Lagna. As per Jataka Parijata Planet associated with the Lord of the 7th bhava (SaturnRahu linked through aspect) can bring about marriage.
Also marriage at 16 is to be considered as young marriage. According to Jataka Tatva „If a benefic is placed near the Lagna or the 7th house, the native will be married young‟. Here we find that Jupiter the natural benefic is placed near the 7th house and Mars the functional benefic for cancer Lagna is placed near Lagna. (For the Sloka reference readers may refer to Virgo Ascendant – Chart 1.)
BCP Method: As per BCP 16th year indicates 4th house of family. Its Lord Venus is karaka for marriage and is placed in the 10th Kendra (Sukhasthana for 7th house of marriage) along with Mercury who is Lord of 3rd house (Dharmasthana of marriage) and 12th (Bed comforts). The dispositor of Venus and Mercury is Mars, placed in the 12th house of Bed comforts and aspects the natal 7th house. Dasa Lord Saturn is aspecting the focus house of 4th.
Characteristics Of Native‟s Wife
21. டிச்சனாம் சிந் கணி உணக்குநைன் ககாதி ாள்
அடவுடன் நெத்ி சாற அனதண உநவு சகாள்பாள்
டக்ணகயும் ல்ன ாகும் ாணார் தக்ி நேண்தள்
ிடாக்கு தற நைண்டு ித்கி கலுங் கககப.
21. She will have a lean body; will be reddish in colour; slightly short-tempered; intelligent. She will not be friendly with people who are lower in status than her; of good character; will have special devotion towards her husband. Her malicious words will be truthful4, meaning that good words will not bear fruit.
22. ணனகள் ிருத்ி ன்ணண ணக தனத்ணக் காகாம்
ிசணட நைணிர் கூந ாகி ககட்க லுற்நாள்
எதுிக் கா த்ால் இனகாது ணன சன்நீர்
அதுகசி சசால்லு சன்ண அணநகிநார் தாசர் ாக.
22. The sage stated that he could not find proper reasons to tell that she will have the bagya of having children; but Goddess Parvathi requested him to tell in details the reasons of childlessness. So, Sage Parasara tells:
23. அஞ்சிணில் ியும் ீசம் அநடன் ககது கூடித்
ஞ்சா ிருப்த ாலும் கசன் ிணயும் நெக்கத்
துஞ்சிடு ணன சன்கநாம் ஜநைணி கூறுகின்நார்
ிஞ்சி தத்ில் சள்பி ிகன் கூடி ிற்க
23. The 5th house is the house for bhagya of children; Moon is in that 5th house, namely Scorpio, in debility along with his enemy, Ketu; the lord, Mars is placed in the 12th house and due to these reasons, she will be childless. Sage Jayamuni states: Venus and Mercury are placed in the house of fame, namely the 10th house.
24. இதுன்நிப் திணநகா ணஞ்சி றருப்தால் ணன ாகன
அிதர்க்குக் கரு கரும் அற்குகர் சுருி சசால்கன்
ிிநூற ணனந்ாம் தாம் ிபம்திணீர் ிருத்ி சன்று
சிிணால் நைன்நழ்த் காம் சார்ந்ால் சுர்க பீணம்.
24. In addition, Moon being placed in the 5th house, the native of the horoscope will have his last rights or cremation rights carried out by his children. This is what the Vedic literature says. In the rule book, in the 5th Bhava, you have stated that there will be a son. Therefore, he asked Sage Parasara for reasons why he stated childlessness. The Sage answered that this „Putra dosha‟ (curse of childlessness) was due to the bad deeds he did in his previous birth.
Curse Of The Previous Birth
25. நைன்ிணண சசால்லு சன்ண சாிகுார் தாசர் ாநம்
அன்ண ணானங் காட்டுக் கருகிணில் சிற்றூர் ன்ணில்
சதான் சாில் ிஸ் ம்சம் திநந்துக ணணி யுண்டாய்
இன்ணன் தந்து சச்ச இநக ாள ாபில்;
25. When asked what was the curse, Sage Parasara states that the native, in his previous birth was born in a goldsmith‟s family, in the „Viswakarma‟ caste, in a small village near to another village, called „Alangadu‟; he lived with family commended by his relatives.
26. ன்நணட இல்னம் ன்ணில் சர்ப்தநைம் ாச ாகும்
ன்ணி ஒர்ாள் ன்ணில் குடத்ால் சபிில் சசல்ன
இன்ண ணணணக் கண்டு எநெம் கசர்த்து ிட்டான்
ன்ணிகன அந்த் காம் சார்ந்து என்று சசான்கணாம்.
26. A snake was living in his house. One day, when the snake came out listening to the sound of a pipe – a kind of hautboy used by snake charmers, he saw the snake and sent it to the Yama Loka, in other words, killed it. He was cursed by „Sarpa dosha‟, immediately.
27. அந்ி கானம் ன்ணில் அன்சு ாில்னாணாகிச்
சந்ம் நற தக்கல் சார்ந்துதின் ணநகா ணாகன
நைந்ி ணப் தட்டு நைன்ந ணிகண சன்கநாம்
இந்கார் ஜன்ம் ன்ணில் இநக்கக சுர்கள் காம்.
27.In that birth too, he was very worried during his last days, as he did not have any children. After death, now he is born in Cancer lagna. Therefore, he will have this childlessness or „Putra Dosha‟, only in this birth.
28. அந்கார் காம் ீ அருளுகாம் சாந்ி ாகண
நைந்ி சம் ன்ணால் நைற்சிாய்ப் தியும் சசய்து
கந்ம்ாம் நேனம் கசர்த்து கிபர்ணந காருக் கீந்து
எியும் சூி கற்கில் ங்கிடும் அற்கு இன்கணான்;
28. We will tell a remedy to get rid of that dosha. He should make a snake out of silver; he should donate that idol of snake, along with sandal paste, betel leaves and some money as donation to a learned Brahmin. In addition, there is a Ganesh temple on the western direction of his village.
29. நாண்டு ீத சான்று கற்நிக ருாணாகில்
கிில் காம் ீங்கி கர்ந்ிடும் ணன ாநம்
ஆனா ாண்தாசனான்று அணுகிடும் சதண்தால் ண்டு
The fourth line in this verse is missing. However, the contents are reproduced from the meaning given for the above verse.
29. To the Lord Ganesh presiding in that temple, he should light an oil lamp continuously for three years without break. If he does these, the „putra dosha‟ will be Cleared and he will be blessed with one son and two daughters. These words will come true due to the blessings of Lord Subramanya.
Previous birth of Native‟s father
30. ந்ணின் நேர்ம் ன்ணணச் சாற்றுகாம் ள்ளூர் ன்ணில்
நைந்ி ணநகார் ம்சம் நைன்றுக சதருண நேண்டு
சந் சர் தக்கல் ாணி காம் சசய்து
ந்துக ணன யுண்டாய் றுணக பில்னாணாகி;
30. Now we will tell about his father‟s previous birth: the father was born in a Brahmin family in Thiruvallur; worked with the king with honor; lived comfortably with his children with no poverty. During that time (continued in the next verse)
31. ாகாகத்ிணாகன க ாகி ான்
கணால் ணப் தட்டு ிபங்கிணா ணிகண சன்கநாம்
ாதுவும் ககட்க லுற்நாள் ணநக்குன நைித்ா ணிங்கு
ீிாய்க் கங்ணக ம்சம் கர்ந் காங்கசபன்ண.
31. Died of paralysis, as per the writings of Brahma; was born in this agricultural family. Now, Goddess Parvathi asked what was the reason that a man from a Brahmin family be reborn in an agricultural family (in Gangai community).
32. ணநகணப ிரும்தா ணாகி அன்ணன் சீன ின்நி
ணன்ணர் தக்கல் ாசம் சார்ந்ா றச்சசன்த்ில்
குணநந்து ஜன் சன்கநாம் குனவுிச் சசன்ந் ன்ணில்
ருநூ னநிந்து கலும் ாணினம் ல்கனாணாயும்.
32. Even though he was born in a Brahmin family, he was not interested to learn Vedas, did not have good character; also spent his life, living close to the king and serving him. For these reasons, he was born in an agricultural family; in this birth, he has learnt knowledge through Vedic books and was of good character;
Next Birth of the native
33. அணடிார்கல் சிந்ண ஆனால் றுஜன் த்ில்
ணநக்குனம் காஞ்சி ன்ணில் ந்துக ணா ணாகி
அணடி அர்ச்சித் கத்ி அணாாச ககி
அன்தி கசரு ாணாம் அம்திணக கலுங் கககப.
33. He is very devoted to Siva‟s followers; therefore, in his next birth, he will be born again in a Brahmin family in Kancheevaram; will become rich; will worship Lors Siva; live without any hardship and after death will reach the heaven, called „Sivaloga‟. Please listen, Goddess Parvathy:
About the Native‟s mother
34. ாதுரு சிந் கணி ருநைம் நர்க்கம் ககாதி
ீினா குத்ா பாகும் கா தக்ி சகாள்ள்
ாதுக ந்து தின்நெ நக்கு காகம் ாய்க்கும்
கதாக ாணண சதற்ந நெண்ி சாற ககபாய்.
34. His mother will have reddish body; cunning in nature; stubborn and with anger; despite these, she will also have good characters. She will be devoted to devatas. After her marriage, this family will get good fortune. The mother of Lord Ganesha, please listen:
About Siblings Of Native‟s Mother And Her Previous Birth
35. அளுணடத் துணர் ம்ண அணநகிகநா ாண்தா சனான்று
அணிில் கன்ணி வ்ாறு ாட்டுகாம் ீர்க்காக
இளுணடப் நேர்ம் ன்ணண இம்நெகாம் ணப கீழ்ப்தால்
தநைப அருகர் ம்சம் தாணயும் உித்ா சபன்சநாம்.
35. Now we will tell about her coborns. She will have one brother and one sister; both long-lived. We will tell about her previous birth: there was a blessed place called „Thavalagiri‟; to the east of that place, she was born in a lineage of „Jains‟.(„Thavalagiri‟ is one of the abodes of Lord Subramanya).
36. சுகது குணநச்ச னாகிச் சுர்கள்கல் சறுப்நெண் டாகி
கிரு கடவுள் தக்ி கருால் ி ின்நிச்
சிாண ணத்பாகித் ணன் நைன்கண ாண்டு
ிின் ணநப் தட்டு ிபங்கிணா பிகப சன்கநாம்.
36.In that birth, she was less comfortable; she got disgusted with her children; she was devotion less towards God who gives emancipation; she died before her husband and destined to be born here now.
Next Birth Of The Native‟s Mother
37. இந்கார்ஜன்ம் ன்ணில் ஈன்நகார் சுர்கள் காம்
நைந்ிக கரு சன்கநாம் சாிகிகநா ிள் தின் ஜன்ம்
எந்ணக அவ்வூர் ன்ணில் இநணடக் குடும்தம் ன்ணில்
ந்துக காய்த் கான்நி ாழ்பா சன்று சசான்கணாம்.
37. We have also told that she will be childless in this birth too. We will also tell about her next birth; she will be born as a child in the family of the native who is with Cancer lagna.
Time of Death of Native‟s Mother And Father
38. அன்ணணின் கானம் அணநகிகநா ிருதா ணாநில்
கன்ணிின் ாம் ன்ணில் கறுகாம் கரும் ாநம்
தின்ணணயும் ந்ணக் ககான் கதசுகாம் நைப்தா ணாறல்
உன்ணி க ாம் உணத்ிட்கடாம் கண்டம் ாகண,
38. Now we will tell about the native’s mother’s death. During his 26th year, in the month of Bhadrapada (in Tamil, it is the month of Purattasi which runs from 14 of September to 13th of October, roughly), his mother will meet her death. Now we will tell about his father’s death: his father’s death will occur during his 34th year, in the month of „Pushya‟ (in Tamil, it is the month of Thai which is during 14 of January to 13th of February, roughly).
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
Mother‟s Death:
The native would have completed his 25th year on 22-05-1916 and thereafter his 26th year starts. As per Jhora Mercury Dasa Venus Antardasa will be from 02-06-1914 to 02-04-1917. Maraka powers for mother are gained by Mars (Lord of 2nd to 4th and Lord of 7th to 4th), Moon and Ketu (placed in 2nd to 4th), Venus and Mercury (placed in 7th to 4th), 12th Lord Mercury (to 4th house) and 8th Lord Venus (to 4th house). Dispositor of Mars is Mercury. Hence Mercury with association of Venus has brought about the end of native‟s mother.From the Chandra Lagna also karaka for mother, 7th Lord is Venus and 8th lord is mercury and both have been placed in the 6th house from karaka.
Father‟s Death:
34th year of the native will start on 23-05-1924. Mercury Dasa-Jupiter Antardasa is from 22-01-1923 to 29-04-1925. Mercury gets maraka powers being Lord of 7th house from the 9th house of father and being placed in the 2nd house of maraka for father. Jupiter being the Lagna Lord of father and placed in the 12th house of exit of father. From Chandra Lagna 9th house is cancer and mercury becomes the 12th Lord of Exit and also the 3rd lord of longevity. Jupiter is placed in the 8th house of longevity from Cancer and is aspected by the 7th maraka lord Saturn (taking Cancer Lagna).
Time Of Death Of The Native
39. ஜாகன் கானம் சாற்றுகா றுதா ணணந்ில்
கிணி னாணி ாம் பர்திணந துா சி
சூாண தித் ாயு கான்நிக உடலும் ாடும்
நேன பந்கான் ங்ணக நெண்ி சாற ககபாய்.
39. Now we will tell about the native‟s death: his death will occur during his 65th year during the month of „Jyeshta‟ (in Tamil, it is the month of „Aani‟ which is during the 14th of June to 13th of July, roughly), in the Shukla Paksha Dwadhasi tithi. The death will be due to severe bilious disease9and he will suffer due to that. That will be the reason for his death. Oh, Sister of Maha Vishnu, Goddess Parvathi, please listen:
Comments from Yenbeeyes:
65th year of the native will commence from 23-05-1955 when he will be having Sun Dasa. Under this Dasa, the Moon Antardasa will end on 26-10-1955 and thereafter Mars Antardasa will start. Since the month is between 14th June and 13th July, he must be running Moon Antardasa only at the time of death. Sun is the 2nd lord of maraka and is fully under the control of Rahu who happens to be the 8th Lord. Not only that this combination also pollutes Moon, the Lagna Lord who is already debilitated by aspect. Also note that Sun is in its own constellation and Moon is in the constellation of Jupiter who is lord of 6th house placed in the 8th house of longevity.
As per BCP in the 65th year the Lagna or the body gets affected depending on the strength of Lord of Lagna as well as the planets placed in Lagna. Note the debilitation of Lagna Lord & Ketu signifies end.
Next Birth Of The Native
40. று ஜன்ம் காபத்ி ன்ணில் ன்ணர்ன் குனநை ித்துக்
காிதாி யுணடா ணாகிக் கணத்கார் கீர்த்ி சதற்றுத்
ிருகள் ாசம் நேண்டு சசல்நம் ாழ்ா ணாகும்
அறுநைகன் ன்ணணப் சதற்ந அம்திணக ாகப ககபாய்.
40. Following such a death, in his next birth, he will be born in „Kalahasthi‟ in the kshathriya caste; will own elephants and horses; will be famous; Goddess Lakshmi will live in his house and will have a blessed life. The one who has Lord Muruga as the son, Goddess Parvathi, please listen:
Yogas For This Cancer Lagna Native
41. இன்ணன் காகச் கசி இம்நெகாம் றுண ில்னான்
அன்ணன் ஜணணம் சாட்டு ஐிண்டாண்டு ட்டும்
ன்ணிகன சல்ற ன்நிச் சாற்றுகா ின் கனாக
ன்ணி சல்ற ீங்கும் ங்ணகயுங் ககட்க லுற்நாள்.
41. We will tell the prospects of this native born in Cancer lagna: will not have poverty. Till his 10th year of age, the family will have debts. Then, the debts will be cleared. Goddess Parvathi asks:
42. எப்தடிச் சல்ற ீங்கும் இம்நெவீர் நைணிக சன்நாள்
சசப்நெகன் ககளும் ாக சிநந்கார் கிருி ாலும்
ப்நெடன் சாிற ணாலும் உணக்கிகநாம் ருங்கள் ீரும்
சய்ப்நெடன் னாத சய்தும் ித்கி ககட்டி டாக.
42. Oh Sage, How do you say that the debts will be cleared? The Sage answers: Due to good growth in agriculture and business, there will be lot of income and the debts will be cleared.
43. சல்றம் எவ் ித்ால் சார்ந்ிடும் சசால்லு சன்ண
இல்னநத் ாலும் நேி ிடர் ிர்த் ாலும் கசரும்
சசால்லுகாம் ஈணந்ின்கல் சாணனந்ிடும் துன்தம் ாவும்
அல்னலும் அணு கிடாது அம்திணக ாகப ககபாய்.
43. Goddess Parvathi asks: What was the reason for his family to acquire debts? Please explain. The Sage answers: Listen Parvathi! Normal expenses in running a familyand to clear the problems arisen on account of the land holdings, they incurred debts. After his 10th year of age, the debts will disappear. All the other troubles will also be cleared and there will not be any further troubles.
About The Siblings Of Native‟s Father
44. ந்ணின் துணர் கசி சாற்றுவீர் நைணிக சன்நாள்
திந்ிக இருர் ாநம் தின்ணல்கதா சனான்நாய் ாழ்ர்
இந்ாறு ன்ண நக்கு இருதத்து நன்நாண்டின் கல்
சந்ம் கநாய்ச் சசல்ர் சங்காி ககட்டி டாக.
44. Goddess Parvathi asks for details about the Coborn’s of his father; the Sage Parasara answers: his father will have two younger brothers; until the native’s 23rd year 10 of age, they will live happily together like the plaited locks of hair; Listen Parvathi, following that, the family will separate.
Other Matters
45. இன்ணநைம் அர்கள் கசி ிம்நெ காம் ிதம் சண்டில்
இன்ணர் துணர் ன்நா ிருப்தர்கள் சதருண ாக
இன்ணநைம் நேி காங்கும் எத்ிணச கீர்த்ி கற்தர்
இன்ணன் ணக்கு காகம் எய்ிடும் திணந கதாகனான்.
45. The details of the brothers will be explained in the 2nd part. The Coborn’s of this native will also live as a joint family; he will acquire more lands than what he had when he was born; his fame will spread in all directions; his fortunes will grow like waxing Moon.
46. இன்திா ணக்கு ா சய்ிடு சன்று சசான்ணீர்
அணிில் எந்க் கானம் அநிிப்நர் நைணிக என்நாள்
ணிில் இருதான் ண்டில் ல்கிடும் ா சித்ி
சிில் குடகு ிக்கில் சாருான் ஆசாணாக.
46. Goddess Parvathi asks: You mentioned that his father will suffer from paralysis; when will that happen? The Sage answers: when the native reaches the age of 22, his father will get the disease of paralysis11; following that, he will reach the west like a recluse and become a teacher.
Translator’s comments:
22nd year of age of the native will be in Mercury Mahadasa Mercury bhukti. Mercury is in the 2nd from the 9th house, a marakasthana for the father.
Note: in the following verse, the native‟s balance of dasa at his birth and the general prospects of that dasa are told.
47. திநந்கசய் ணக்கு ஜணண கானம் சதான் ணச ணிறருப்நெச்
சிநந்ிடு ிங்க கபளம் கசருாள் திணணந் ாகும்
ிணக சசனவு நைண்டு கர்ந்ிடு காகம் ாநம்
குணநாண ணங்க ளுண்டு குனத்ிணில் சூம் காணும்.
47. He will have at birth, a balance of 7 months and 15 days in Guru Mahadasa. During this dasa, he will incur lot of expenses; will also get diseases, also mental worries. There will be death in the relative circle and that will be a dosha.
(The native was born on the 4th pada of Visaka nakshathra).
Comments from Yenbeeyes: Here we will have to take it that the expenses as well as mental worries may be applicable to the native‟s family rather than to the native himself as he will be too young at this age.
48. நைடன்ன் ணசிகன ான் எய்ிடும் துணர் ிருத்ி
அடவுடன் துணர் கசம் அிகாய்ச் சல்றம் கரும்
உடன் ந்ண துணருக்கு உணநந்ிடும் சுதநைம் ாநம்
உடநடன் சுர்கள் காம் உத்ி ககட்டி டாக.
48. Saturn Mahadasa follows Jupiter Mahadasa; during Saturn Mahadasa, his coborns will increase; also there will be loss of coborns. And troubles will also increase.There will be happiness with this worldly life for the coborns of his father. They too will have „Putra dosha‟.
(Note by C.G.Rajan: According to the sloka in Brihat Jataka, “दिवाकैशुक्रौ पितृमातृसंज्ञितौ शनैश्चरेन्दू निशि तद्विपर्ययात्।”, Saturn too could become Pitrukaraka; and with that it is said that during a good Saturn Mahadasa, the coborns of father will get good fortune).
49. சணிணச நைன் தாகத்ில் சாற்நிகணாம் தனன்க பல்தம்
சணிணச தின் தாகத்ில் சந்ின் கதான காகம்
இணிணாய் ருங்கள் ீரும் எடுத்காாிம் ஜங்கள்
கணநைப சதாருளும் கசரும் காாிணக நெகன்நிட்கடாக.
49. During the Saturn Mahadasa, the first half – i.e. the first 9 and a half years – the results will be less fortunate; but during the second half of the Mahadasa, wealth will grow like waxing Moon and the debts will be cleared easily. Will get success in his endeavors. Dear Goddess Parvathi, he will accumulate valuable materials.
50. தனி னாத சய்தும் தாருகள் ிணபவு காங்கும்
கன நெத்ி ீங்கும் கானாட்கள் ிருத்ி ாகும்
ிணனணாய்த் சாிலு காங்கும் ித்ிம் ணநை சய்தும்
ணனிணந ககப தின்தால் ணகிகநாம் சித்ிங்கள்.
50. He will acquire many articles; the lands will yield good results; there will not be ny malicious thoughts in the minds of any family members (meaning they will live together happily). Will add many servants; the business will grow well; will accumulate wealth. (Addresses Parvati:) The daughter of Parvatharajan, we will tell about his details later.
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