Article by Pradeep Goel, India

Meaning & Practical Use of these 10 Dasmamsas in Modern Context:
1. INDRA: Indra is the Lord of Gods, the God of Rain, lord or ruler, first or best among all. Excessively feared, great physical strength and charm, terror to enemies, protects the Gods and Gurus with great power and strength, sometimes loss to discrimination and can deceive the trusted rivals to get better from them.
In modern context it means the power, lust for power, recognition, lordship over arrogance, dominance, ability to take measures to attain one’s ends without always caring for the means. Arrogant decisions, controversial acts. Such type of persons can obstruct many equal rank persons so that none can get equal status or higher status than himself. He can even deceive the king to acquire his kingdom. So such type of persons can even commit mistakes which could cost them their power and position. The person could suffer because of controversy or conflict with the senior officers or a court judgement against them. Such persons have all the comforts of life but a fear exist in them that they can lose power and position any time. These persons could be the Heads of Department or Organization or State, this is especially true if the lagna of rashi chart falls in Indra Dasamsa.
2. AGNI: Is God of Fire, sacrificial fire which is reported to be of different types i.e. fire of stomach, digestive faculty, bile and cold. It is highly desirable to have lagna or 10th lord in a Dashamsha ruled by Fire God.
In modern context it may mean energy – the fire which helps life to go on to ensure survival, capacity to perform and consume, inclination towards virtues and sacred deeds, fearful when provoked, and limitless appetite. EX: One who has energy, zeal and capacity for achievement of goals. Such persons can be entrusted the work of protecting the valuables/riches e.g. Chief security officer/head of the armed forces or head of the rescue team, head of a team for rescue mission etc.
3. YAMA: Means upholding Dharma (justice/righteousness), law, rules of law and justice and grants the fruits of karmas. Not affected by attachments and allurements. Impartial in his disposition. Controlling, curbing factors, control, restrain, self – religious, great moral or religious duty or observance.
In modern context it may mean a person who witnesses all good and bad deeds of living beings, working under restrictions or in grueling/compelling hard conditions, impartiality, justice, power without discrimination, immense power to enforce rules and justice as well as to give punishment as one deems fit .The person himself has to be restrained and live within the overall limits – on breaking/lapse shall face strict punishments may be health problems/indulging in scandal/bad name etc. This may also indicate working under demanding bosses companies or partners or situation. Professionals under this category could be judges/magistrates/jailors or very strict HR bosses, Auditors, Controller of accounts, election authority or persons having great morale or religious duty or observers etc.
4. RAKSHASA: Evil spirit, demonic nature, a demon or anti god or a goblin against benevolence and virtues. Ruler of South-west (Nirriti) being ruled by demon Nirriti- most inauspicious direction reserved for unclean and undesirable purposes. Raw energy, inclination towards wickedness, great physical strength and untiring disposition with determination, vengefulness.
In modern context capacity to do/take hard and tough acts/decisions (even killing or equivalent to killing) for achieving the desired end or working under situation – circumstances where one is never able to sit idle or under a boss/administrator who has capacity to cause havoc, having Evil/tamsic nature/harsh–ruthless attitude totally getting work done by force, disregarding interests/feelings of others.
This also includes those who work actively in the night, who are deeply involved in research and probe. It is also possible that the native’s own nature could be lethargic and inactive during the day but extraordinarily active during night time.
5. VARUN: God of Waters. Son of Goddess Aditi – the Mother of Gods. Expansive, great learning, hidden strength, expansion ability to pacify tempers i.e. contain / control fire.
In modern context one that is always for expansion – new opening, innovative idea implementation – widely accepted as a leader in some area/group, having army of friends – working overseas, dealing with overseas countries, a sailor, ship owner, marine engineer and seller of marine products, dealer in water or selling water or products extracted from water.
6. VAYU: the God of Wind, also called Maruta. Air or vital air. It is not only air but it is a current or energy that flows through everything in the universe so as to make possible for the individuals to survive. Instability, strength to generate capacity to permeate every where and having wide range of interests – capacity to destabilize, interest in wide range of things, immense strength and energy.
In modern context it indicates fast movement – fast actions, could understand and act deep inside matters i.e. penetrability, able to spread the basic instinct (fire) in widest possible area – every corner , sometimes may cause overall instability thereby affecting masses, movement, circulation, great strength, permeability, working in communication and transmission or in air related projects. It also indicates instability in the working/decision making process or having flexible/adjustable decisions tailored to the needs/situations. It can also indicate wild imaginations and fantasies needed for successful achievement of goal / profession.
7. KUBERA: In the Indian context one can be considered as God of Riches and Treasures, wealthy and prosperous – half brother of Ravana friend of God Rudra, often leading to arrogant behavior in some way.
In modern context having capacity/opportunity of earning wealth and riches and excellent financial income. God Kubera was owner of “Pushpa Viman” (Aeroplane) therefore the one having aero plane or in any means of transportation equivalent to that of an aeroplane or working in aeroplane. It also indicates to be or to be able to remain with the close association with the elite group of the Society.
8. ISHAAN: Lord Shiva: The most auspicious and most benevolent of all the Dashamamsha lords. The professional lord falling into this group could be a ruler, master, lord conferring benevolence, auspiciousness and prominence. A ruler, master, lord, name of Shiva, name of Vishnu. Auspiciousness, prominence, benevolence.
In modern context the one who has basic nature or who works in such a manner that the other person dealing with him is not subject to unreasonable loss/suffering or is not subjected to any sort of undue advantage. For such a business man – he could be buying in cash or may be making prompt payment – not holding the supplier’s payment unreasonably. He could be the one who devoted himself towards charitable activities or the one who is first among the lot in many other benevolent ways, a trustee, a missionary or a religious head with a flock of followers.
9. BRAHMA: The creator – the lotus – born God. Creativity is the prominent feature of this Dashamamsha, freshness, power to materialize, great learning and wisdom and ability to disseminate knowledge.
In modern context the persons having fertile mind with highly creative disposition, the one who brings something new, materialization of new ideas – new methods – creating new avenues/job opportunities, finding ways and means to achieve something which is not in existence. Such an individual can create a world of his own but it is possible that he may not get due credit for his deeds.
1o. ANANATA: Limitlessness, Endless, infinite, boundless, inexhaustible, power to sustain, benevolence, virtue. This is the name for God Vishnu, God Shiv and God Krishan.
In modern context sky is the limit. Not sticking to something one – endless – limitless inexhaustible. Exploration of those areas which are hidden– unknown like treasures of occult sciences or being involved into those areas having no limit – no boundaries. One who gets satisfaction – happiness and contentment at the end.
A) The 10th house of a rashi chart (D-1), in totality, is a house of Social interaction: This house indicates how an individual is able to merge with the society thereby influencing and causing his/her status, name, fame etc.
While the planets, represented by the strongest of the Lord of 10th house from lagna, Moon and Sun along with their Navamsha lords, their nakshtra (star) lords, planets aspecting them, the strongest planet of the chart, the Atmakaraka, Amatyakaraka, the exalted planet of the 10th house/rashi etc., play prime role in creating situations and circumstances due to which the individual is directed to be placed comfortably in a particular category of profession i.e. Doctor, lawyer, engineer, educationalist, police – army duty, banker, chartered accountant, artist etc., Through such placement, caused by these planets, the individual is able to ultimately come in contact with the Society in which he/she gets name , fame and status etc .
B) The 11th house of rashi chart (D-1) indicates the extent, ability and the manner in which an individual is able to take advantage of the promises of the 10th house, as stated above, to earn money, name, fame, gains, social status and reputation.
Each of the 10 Dasamsas indicates the type and manner of such manifestations within the overall spectrum of the category.
Outcome of Vimshottari Dasa:
The Broad outcome of results of the Maha dasha lord and Antar Dasa lord can also be ascertained from each of the 10 Dasamsas in which the dasa lords are placed.
Case No: 1: Dr. B.V.Raman: DOB: 08th Aug 1912 TOB: 19.43 POB: Bangalore: His name and fame and extent of income has no comparison:

Basic Chart: D-1: Ascendant Pisces sign In Uttarbhadrapada Star – lord Saturn – lord of 11th and 12th house placed in 12th house in Mool Trikona Rashi. Ascendant lord Jupiter in Ashwini Star (Celestial Doctors) placed in 2nd house with 6th lord Sun and 4th ( Sukh) and 7th ( 10th to 10th) house lord Mercury – both in Venus Star aspected by/aspect of 5th lord Moon from 8th house . Moon is in Swati Star – lord Rahu. Mars in ascendant – who is lord of 9th and 2nd – yogkaraka – in Star Revati and ascendant lord Jupiter placed in 2nd house of mars, exchange between ascendant and 2nd house. In Navamsha Meena Rashi occupies 7th house with Mars too, and Saturn in fiery sign in 4th house aspecting 10th house and lagna.
In Dasmansha (D-10) Saturn in 4th house aspecting 10th house and ascendant.
How To Be In Involved In Society: i.e. 10th house: Fiery sign of Dhanu – on Rahu – Ketu axis.
10th lord Jupiter – in Ashwini Star (celestial doctor) placed in fiery sign of Aries with 6th lord (Diseases etc) Sun and 4th and (Sukh) and 7th (10th to 10th) lord Mercury aspected by/aspect of lord (education/emotions/feelings etc) Moon from 8th house. Moon is in Swati Star of Rahu and Rahu aspects 10th house from 4th house. Saturn the lord of 11th and 12th aspects from 12th house. Saturn is in Star Shatbhisha – Rahu. Jupiter is dispositor of yogkaraka Mars.
Important: The 10th house lord of D-10 Mars is in Lagna of D-1. The ascendant lord of D-10 Saturn is in 12th house of D-1 aspecting ascendant lord and 10th lord Jupiter from 12th house. The ascendant lord and 10th house lord of D-1 i.e. Jupiter is in exalted state in 6th house of D-10 aspecting ascendant lord and 10th lord Mercury.
Therefore, 6th and 12th house of D-10 and D-1 are linked with lagna and 10th house of D-1 and of D-10. Moreover existence of fiery signs, Rahu, Mars, 6th house, 12th house, Ashwini Star and benevolent aspect of Jupiter on Moon as well as on own (10th) house, leave deep impact on the native to be involved in the society through medical profession.
Source of Income: 11th house:
11th house Rashi: Capricorn Lord Saturn placed in 2nd house from own house, i.e. 12th house from Asc in Mool Trikona sign. Lagna lord Jupiter getting aspect of Saturn indicates income through Service/employment.
In what Manner the involvement in Society is to Manifest i.e. D-10
Basic chart: D-1: Ascendant Lord: Jupiter in Rakshasa Dasamsa 10th House Lord: Jupiter in Rakshasa (Nirriti)Dasmamsa. 11th House Lord: Saturn in Rakshasa Dasamsa.
Dasmansha chart (D-10): Lagna Lord: Saturn: in Rakshasa Dasamsa, 10th House Lord: Mars in Agni Dasamsa, 11th House Lord: Jupiter in Rakshasa (Nirriti) Dasamsa.
In Rakshasa Dasamsa: The native has to work under hard tiring situations and has capacity to take hard and tough decisions even leading to killing or near to killing and one is never able to sit idle.
In Agni Dasamsa: One has energy, capacity and zeal with immense courage to achieve the goal.
Vimshottari Dasa
Maha Dasa: Mercury w.e.f. 4th Apr 2005 and Antar Dasa of Mercury: which is in Varun (Crossing Water) Dasmamsa. He went to UK got employment in a premier hospital in a prestigious post of an Anesthetist who is virtually engaged in putting to sleep every patient.
Case No: 3: Jail Superintendent. New Delhi: Date of Birth: 16th May 1956 TOB:20.29 POB: DELHI.

Basic Chart: D-1: Sun & Saturn = Vargottam, Mercury & Rahu – Ketu in Pushkar Navamsha:
Ascendant: Scorpio Sign (Secret sign) in Jyeshtha-1 Star of Mercury – lordship of 8th and 11th Placed in 9th house with 7th & 12th lord Venus and 6th& ascendant lord Mars.
Ascendant lord: Mars in bhagyastana 9th house-(neechbhanga) in Ashlesha~2 (symbol: Snake) Lord Mercury, Lord of 8th and 11th with Mercury (Intelligence) and Venus aspected by 9th lord Moon who is in Dhanishta~1 Star of Mars. Ascendant has Saturn – lord of 3rd (Parakrama) and 4th (Sukh – popularity) in own nakshatra of Anuradha aspecting Moon the 9th lord, 7th house and 10th house.
Important: The ascendant lord of D-10 is Saturn who is placed in lagna of D-1. The 10th lord of D-10 is Venus who is placed in 9th house in D-1 with ascendant lord Mars and 11th lord Mercury. The ascendant lord of D-1 is Mars who is placed in 10th house of D-10 and the 10th lord of D-1 is Sun who is placed in 3rd house of D-10 aspecting 9th house. Therefore, the ascendant and 10th house of both these are interlinked through ascendant-10th house, 9th house.
How to be in involved in Society: i.e. 10th house: Fiery sign of Simha:
10th lord Sun (Authority) in 8th house (secret/sudden) in Punarvasu-3 Star of Jupiter (Law/Legal matters) placed in 11th house .The Sun is Atmakaraka and is vargottama. In Navamsha Sun is in 7th house aspecting lagna and in D-10 Sun is in 3rd house aspecting 9th house. Therefore Sun is the major planet giving power, position and status with legal background to be linked with the Society.
Source of Income: 11th house: Lord Mercury in Pushya -2, lord Saturn placed in 9th house with ascendant lord Mars and 7th (10th to 10th) and 12th lord Venus who is again in the Star of Mercury aspected by 9th lord (Bhagyesh) Moon from 3rd house. Moreover Mercury is the dispositior of Jupiter who is in the Star of Sun –the 10th lord, therefore, intelligence with legal/law matters forms the basis of receipt of income/money. Since Sun is actively involved service with status is indicated.
In what manner the involvement in society is to manifest. D-10 : Basic Rashi chart: D-1:
Ascendant Lord: Mars in Yama Dasamsa: Native is tough task master-strict in enforcement of rules/law.
10th House Lord: Sun: in Ananta Dasamsa: To be able to probe and investigate everything limitless as part of duty.
11th House Lord: Mercury: In Kuber Dasamsa: To be in a position to earn riches and lots of Money and be able to mingle with elite group of Society.
In Dasmamsha chart (D-10):
Lagna Lord: Saturn: in Varun Dasamsa: Have lots of authority and area under jurisdiction.
10th House Lord: Venus: In Yama Dasmamsa: Use Of Force/Power While In Service.
11th House Lord: Mars: In Yama Dasmamsa : Enforcement of strict rules/laws.
Vimshottari Dasa
Maha Dasa of Saturn with antar dasa of Sun w.e.f. 05th Nov 2006 – 18th Oct 2007: Saturn being in Varun Dasmamsa – indicating power and position and Sun being in Ananata Dasmamsa indicating capacity to probe and investigate limitlessly – he got promoted and posted as Sub Divisional Magistrate in New Delhi.
My Sincere thanks for personal guidance, articles, and lectures to: Hon. Justice S.N. Kapoor, Shri M.N.Kedar, Shri K. RangaChari, Shri O.P.Verma, Smt. Kusum Vashisht and Shri Krishan Kumar besides eminent writers of educative research articles published in various Astrological Magazines.
About Author: I am born on 06 Oct 1953 and took voluntary retirement in the year 1996 as an officer from Punjab National Bank. Since I had deep interest and fascination in Vedic Astrology I joined proper study under I.C.A.S Delhi Chapter II in June 2001 and passed Jyotish Visharada in June 2003 in first class. After completing Post Visharada sessions under the able guidance of seniors and eminent persons like Shri M.N.Kedar and Shri K.Rangachari, I joined ICAS Delhi Chapter-II as faculty member. Subsequently I became the Treasurer of the Chapter and now I am Secretary of ICAS Delhi Chapter-II Hari Nagar New Delhi – 1100 64. In the mean time I also completed the certificate course on IDENTIFICATION AND TESTING OF PRECIOUS STONES AND GEMS by Indian Gemological Institute Govt of India New Delhi. This was to ensure that the Gem stones suggested and worn by the persons are really natural and genuine. I am presently taking classes of Astronomy, Ashtakavarga, Shad Bala.
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