Vedic Health Care System
Sushrut Sanhita is the epic of Shalya Chikitsa. The exact meaning of Shalya is the study of imbalance of four humors—Vat, Pitta, Kaph and Rakta—or disease produced by them, identification of disease or the method of curing the disease.
Siravedhan and Mann chikitsa were very prevalent and highly accepted therapy during Vedic period and these principles of therapy were available mainly in Rigved and Atharvaved and got flourished during Sanhita period.
The book endeavours to present Sushrut Shalya Chikitsa, which is almost lost today, in its simplest form so that it may give the right direction to the students and researchers of Ayurveda.Siravedhan and Marm chikitsa were very prevalent and highly accepted therapy during Vedic period and these principles of therapy were available mainly in Rigved and Atharvaved and got flourished during Sanhita period. Dhanvantari has elaborated these methods in a very simple and practical form in Sushrut Sanhita. Uses of herbs, animal products, minerals and metals by different scientific methods and surgical and para-surgical methods alongwith cure of ailments by patient’s own body points were the main methods of treatment.
During that period, treatment through Dhamani, Sira and Marm was in its supreme and highly developed. Gradually with the passage of time and regular outside invasions all Vedic literatures on Astrology, Grammer and Ayurved almost got laded in memory. Fixed misconceptions reigned and ruined the great Hence of Ayurved and non-availability of diagrams and illustrations were also responsible for this. This is the reason that even today Dhamani and Sira are wrongly interpretated as blood carrying Arta)/ and Veins. An important question remained unanswered till today about the location of 24 Dhamanis and 700 Siras mentioned in Sushi-ut Sanbita. Calculations and distributions of 700 Siras alongwith calculations and distributions of 10 urdhva, 10 adhah and 4 tiryak Dhamanis are still unknown. While according to Sushruta Sanhita Sutra Stban 14 and Simi& Stban 9 it is the Rasa which flows in the Dhamani and not the blood.
Sushrut has clearly mentioned in Sharir Sthan 9/ 4-9 and Sutra Sthan 14/3 that these 24 Dhamanis and 700 Siras are responsible for the control of Respiration, Urination, Defecation, Menstruation etc. and only these extract out (yapan) the disease. The body remains healthy, and disease free because of the free and unobstructed flow of Rasa Any obstruction on particular pathway of Rasa results in particular disease and can be rooted out by re-regulating the flow of Rasa by Siravedhan.
Then why and how blunder was committed of confirming Dhamani as Artery and Sira as Veins. Ailments like Asthma, fever, obstruction in urine etc. cannot be rooted out by Artery. Even today few words of Sushnit could not be understood in their right perspective and therefore it might have been the reason of not realising the power of rooting out the disease through Dhamani. The meaning of ‘yapan’ could not be translated and understood and has been in use as such till now. However the meaning of ‘yapan’ unfolds all the pages to understand the curing property of Sira, Dhamani and Marma because the meaning of ‘yapan’ is to extract out (root out) the disease.
Chinese literature of Acupuncture when decoded answers to it. In fact 24 channels (meridians) of Chinese Acupuncture are nothing else than Sushrut’s 24 Dhamanis while points on channels are 700 Siras of Sushrut. Sushrut has very authentically mentioned that Siras are embedded in Dliamanis other than extra canals. Similarly, external Mamas are also composed of these Siras wherein bones, nerves, joints etc. also appear as per their specific locations. In fact this knowledge has already got passed to the nearby countries around India mainly during ‘Buddha’ period and got stored as in cold storage. It is not a coincidence that almost all Buddhist countries have this knowledge and it is the Indian fortune that the origin of this knowledge is from India.
Many unsolved and unanswered subjects of Chinese Acupuncture can be solved and understood comprehensively by Sushrut Sanhita. This work of ours may be of specific help in this direction. Sushrut Sanhita can now be understood in better perspective. Keeping this view the future researchers and translators would unfold still newer subjects and strengthen further the Ayurved and medical science. The detail description and method of treatment in the form of sutra shall help in eliminating the ailments of human being.
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