The word Vargas in Sanskrit means Division. In Jyotish this is known as Amsha.
Each Amsha is a division and influences the way a planet would behave. There are sixteen Vargas or Divisional Charts that are used in Jyotish.
The Vargas or the Divisional Chart is an unique way of evaluating not only the real strength of the planets but the level of auspiciousness that the planets bestows upon a native.
After giving an overview I have discussed in details the Divisional Charts. All the divisional charts have been explained in details with a focus on making the reader understand in a simple way the use and application of the divisional charts.
Without understanding and using the Divisional Charts with the Lagna (D1) chart the predictions on various aspects cannot be made. I have in the book discussed Navamsha (D9), Dashamsha (D10) to the Shashtiamsha (D60) in details keeping in mind the predictive aspect of Astrology.
The integrated approach to the Divisional Charts has been brought out in this book which you can apply for better results in predictions. Other aspects which we need to dwell once we have mastered the use of Divisional Charts which has been dealt briefly in the last chapter.
I as always dedicate my work to my father Late Shri K.C. Saksena who was & remains my inspiration to work on this science.
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