Refining Astrology with Navamsa Techniques – Vision of Shri Patel Sahib and Beyond (Recorded Course)
Course Content:
1. Introduction and Importance of Navamsa, its uses.
2. Recognising Nakshatra and pada from Navamsa and Rasi Position
3. Casting of Navamsa Chart easy way.
4. Importance of Numerical Navamsa.
5. Importance of Dispositors (Rasi as well as Navamsa) in everyday predictions, Combustion of
6. Importance of of 55th Navamsa , Use of 36th 64th & 72nd Navamsa from Moon in transit. 88th& 108th why bad in matching horoscopes, other Good or Bad Numerical Navamsa rules in transits.
7. Circular chart Modified for Numerical Navamsa, 64th Navamsa, as to why stigma is attached to 64th Navamsa, (Astro reasons). When 64th Nav is bad or Good, 64th Nav position and 64th Nav Lord, its position from Sun, Moon, and Asdt as well rest of Planets& other navamsa e.g.,
8. Dharma Artha Kama & Moksha Navamsa.
9. Dhatu, Moola & Jeeva Navamsa.
10. How important are degrees in a Chart.
11. Midpoints of Houses.
12. Pushkar Navamsa as recognized from certain Nakshatra padas & its importance in prediction.
13. Vargottama Navamsa, Shubh or Neech Vargotama.
14. Brighu Bindu
15. Importance of 5th Navamsa, how each planet behaves in 5th Navamsa. What are strings attached.
16. Rasi Tulya Navamsa & Navamsa Tulya Rasi with Navamsa Transit in Navamsa Chart only.
NARAD concept.
17. DEPAC concept.
18. Navamsa Progression for eventful years, advanced rules as Visioned First time ever.
19. Eventful years in one’s life Good or bad- assessment at the beginning of every birthday.
20. Position of Moon at the time of any event.
21. 10 commands of Transit.
22. Longevity simple way by 64th Navamsa & Mode of death in certain combinations.
23. A Quick Glance sheet – A first-time effort ever in Astrological Lineage.
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