Practical Astrology: Key Highlights
Continuing education is as much relevant to Astrology as it is to any other science. This is particularly so in the case of predictive astrology. Predictive astrology comprises of the reading of horoscopes and the judgment on the basis of horary charts. Understanding basic principles of Astrology and the study of an authoritative text book on the subject may very well enable a person to embark on reading a horoscope and giving predictions but a deeper study of principles and formulae enunciated by different authorities and followed by eminent Astrologers – both past and contemporary — is required to l9netune a person’s expertise in the predictive field. This book is meant to serve as a guide in that direction.
The book has been arranged in such a manner that starting with the event called birth, it progresses to give practical hints on judging the various aspects of a horoscope, e.g. how to correct an error in the recorded time of birth; how to evaluate a horoscope by studying important houses and planets; how to look for and find out an agreeing spouse ; how to detect any unfavourable planetary position in a horoscope etc. I will be contented if the book serves as an aid to those interested in the subject.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my brother K.S. Narayanan, who himself is an Astrologer, “a votary of K.P. System’ for giving suggestions and for e-mailing the draft of the book to the publishers. I am also thankful to Sagar Publications for readily agreeing to publish the book.
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