Interpreting Planetary Influences
The essence of astrology is predictions, preventing mishaps and changing the unfavorable planetary influences. The art of predictions enables an astrologer to look into the future with confidence and the suggestion of astral remedies helps in preventing mishaps.
Existence of confusions and contradictions, a lack of a systematic approach for interpreting horoscopes and the repeated requests from the students of the divine science of Vedic Astrology impelled the author to go deeper into case studies and present the findings to all lovers of Astrology. The findings with the initial Systems’ Approach predictive techniques were published in the form of a book, “Systems” Approach for Interpretation of Horoscopes” in October, 1991.
In the first edition, the analysis of case studies had been based primarily on the functional nature of the planets. In the second edition other features like the applicability of conjunctions and aspects, along with the transit and multi-dimensional roles of planets were included. The third edition included the advanced predictive techniques and FAQs. The fourth edition included updated predictive techniques and multi-dimensional significators involved in interpreting the planetary influences for various facets of life.
This book was followed by four more books: “Self Learning Course in Astrology”; “Impact of Ascending Zodiac Signs”; “How to Analyze Married Life”; and “How to Identify Significant Events” (revised as “A complete Book on Triple Transit Influences”).
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