Acknowledgements sob First and foremost, I wish to express my deep gratitude to Shri K.N. Rao for his ideas, inspiration, encouragement, support and guidance. Thanks are due to Ms. Abha Sharma for her inputs and support. I am grateful to Shri N.N. Sharma, faculty member and Shri Bhojwani, researcher, for providing useful horoscopes. I am also grateful to Shri Subhash Rao and Smt. K.Vijaylaxmi Rao for rejuvenating me with cups of tea and sumptuous snacks, even at odd hours. Thanks are also due to Mr. Rajendra Singh and Mr. Bharat Singh as without their efficient and experienced handling, this book would not have been possible in such a short time. Thanks are due to my wife Kalpna and children Ruchir and Suhina for allowing me to spread my books and laptop at all places in the house. The financial support of the society for Vedic Researches and Practices is acknowledged.
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