Gems Therapy
Gems have been in use since times immemorial and are worn by people (both sexes) in various forms as rings, pendants, bracelets, etc. to ward off the evil effects of Grahas (Planets) and to enhance the benefits of certain beneficial grahas and also to add to the wearer’s beauty and personality. In the ancient times, rings were worn on the index finger to convey to others that the person was interested in marriage; on the middle finger, it was meant to indicate that he was in love or already engaged; on the ring finger, it denoted that he was already married and when someone decided to remain single, he would wear a ring on the little finger. The little finger is associated with family attachments and strong & positive family influences on the wearer of the ring. To be fully effective, an amulet with a precious gem should touch the bare skin of the wearer.
Man is influenced by the cosmic forces emanating from the transits of planets. The effect of planets in the form of cosmic radiations varies on different individuals depending upon the strength of the birth chart and the numbers associated with him or her. The gems which are worn under expert guidance are meant not only toward off the evil planetary influences; but they also enhance the benefits of certain benefice and benevolent planets, which the wearer desires. The proper and right use of gems gives greater confidence to the wearer to meet the challenges coming his way.
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