Astrology is a sacred science. It is an ancient science. Astrology Astrology is an avid has its origin in Vedas. According to Vedic Astrology system. astrology is closely linked with accumulated Karma from past lives which get manifested in the present lives. So what we are today and what we will be later is already decided by our past and present Karmas. This book seeks to examine the question whether astrology has any relevance and meaning in this day and age. This discussion is presented against the backdrop of Karma in human life. What is Karma then? Is it the sum total of the activities, good and bad, we have done in the past? Yes, in a way, it is. If we have done good deeds in our past lives, then the effect of the same will continue in the present life also.
Similarly, if we have done bad deeds, the effect of the same will follow us in the present lives also. The only way to reduce or nullify the Karma effects of past lives is to do good things during the present life. If we had done good things in our past lives but do bad things during our present lives, then the same will be continued in our next birth. The core idea of Karma is that there exists a cycle of birth and death and till such time, we completely nullify the effects of Karma, the same will continue. These can be explained as below, based on the understanding that there are three types of Karmas:
1. Sanchita Karma: These are accumulated works or actions, one has completed and accumulated in the past lives. These cannot be changed but only reduced.
2. Prarabdha Karma: This is that portion of the past Karma that is responsible for the happenings in the present life. If somebody is well placed and happy today, it is because he or she is destined to be so because of his or her Sanchita Karma.
3. Agami Karma: This is the Karma, we are creating for ourselves, during the current life. This will become our Karma in the future. To simplify, if we do good things now, our Sanchita Karma accumulation will gradually diminish which will have positive impacts in the future lives.
To summarise, Karma is, in fact, some sort of a routine. Take an example of a student who continues to do well in lower classes. He will ultimately do well in his graduation or post graduation. It is because it is his habit or it is usual for him to do so. Similarly, a person who did bad things in previous lives will continue to do bad things in the present life, unless he is guided properly that he should do good things to ward off the evil effects of Karma. Astrology can be effectively used as a guide to ward off Karma. This is, in fact, the effectiveness of Astrological predictions.
How will one know about his or her Karma? How will one reduce it? This is where Astrology can be of help. Karma can be understood from the astrological charts, based on positioning of planets. This is the purpose of Astrology. Astrological predictions are nothing but indications of what good and bad can happen to the natives’ lives and the timing of the same. For example, one may want to become a successful businessman. However, if based on his planetary positions (which are indications of his Karma), he is not destined to become a successful businessman, he will not succeed. Similarly, someone may want to become a Doctor.
However, if he or she is destined to become a nurse, the same will only happen. Astrology, thus, can be used as a tool or guide to advise or forewarn the native about likely happenings, so that corrective actions can be taken at the appropriate time. Astrological charts are the ‘instruction manuals’, God has created for human lives, based on which, one has to understand how we need to operate or conduct ourselves in the present life.
Astrology is not all about foretelling. It is also not fatalism. It cannot be hundred percent accurate. Planetary placements and positioning indicate how the natives’ life will move at various points of times. There may be good times and bad times in one’s life and Astrology is supposed to be used as a tool to indicate and predict the same with reasonable accuracy, so that the natives can use it effectively.
To use Astrology as a predictive tool, one has to understand certain basic factors which are critical for ‘reading’ of a horoscope.
The objective of this book is to list some of them, explain in a lucid manner, how each factor or factors will work. I have tried to make the concepts simpler and easy to understand so that, even a reader who has basic knowledge of astrology can do the predictions. How accurate the predictions will be, however will depend on the understanding of the nuances by the person, who is doing the predictions.
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