The sacred Bhagavad Gita is much more than an epic for Hindus worldwide; in fact, it is the ultimate universal guide to a life of peace and fulfilment. This song of God not only provides a deeply philosophical understanding of the world, or Brahma Vidya, but it also describes clear-cut techniques to implement spiritual precepts in everyday life. This is why it is also called Yog Shastra, which includes methodologies—karm yog, jnana yog and bhakti yog—for the practical application of spiritual knowledge.
Set in the narrative framework of a discourse between Krishna and his disciple Arjun on the verge of the Mahabharat war, the Gita is a comprehensive and easy-to-understand summary of the Vedic way of life. Frozen in inaction, Arjun turns to Krishna for succour. Lord Krishna goes beyond his immediate dilemma to give Arjun a profound discourse on life, both in theory and practice. In it, he encapsulates the essence of spirituality and virtues like courage, honour, death, love and duty.
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