K.N. Rao (Kotamraju Narayana Rao) retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts Service as Director General in November 1990. He is the second of the four sons of the famous journalist of the pre- independence era, K. Rama Rao, the founder-editor of the National Herald and editor of more than thirty journals in his long journalistic career. Rao was initiated into astrology by his late mother, K. Sarasvani Devi, at the age of twelve in 1943. He regards her as the best astrologer he has known in two areas: marriage and children and prashna (horary).
Rao was a lecturer in English literature before joining thegovernment service through an all-India competition in 1957. He joined the Indian Audit and Accounts Service from which he retired as Director General in November 1990. More interested in games and sports than in astrology in his youth, Rao won brilliancy prizes in chess competitions and two state championships in bridge competitions. He played ten other games also which is why in his astrological writing there are references to games often.
During his service career, he was the planner, organizer and teacher of three international courses on Audit of Receipts as a joint director once and director twice. His interactions with foreigners have been both on professional and astrological levels for more than two decades which is why he has, as an astrologer, a large international network of friends. He went on doing all his fundamental researches in astrology during the service careerbecause of which he went on collecting horoscopes systematically in thousands. He has in his possession more than 50,000 horoscopes with ten important events of each individual noted with him. It is, perhaps the largest individuals collection of horoscopes any astrologer in the world has.
The strain of doing astrology as a mission made him give up astrology many times. But in December 1981 he was forced out of his shell to participate in a three-day-seminar on astrology in Delhi.
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