Astrology is a divine science and for accurate predictions grace of gurus and gods is necessary.
Our Guru K. N. Rao had guided us in to the right path and divine help come in many forms in the shape of new material on Ashtakvarga which has not so far been published in any book.
Ashtakvarga is a unique system to assess the strength of Bhavas and planets and provided guidance for giving accurate predictions. To give an example, a well placed Sun in the horoscope will take a person to dizzy height. Person with such a Sun will be a born leader and success would come to him easily. Since in natural zodiac Sun is Karka of the fifth house, the house of Poorva Punya, success and high intelligence, it is not possible to achieve high status and success in life without a strong Sun. Similarly a strong Moon will make a person a great humanitarian with interest in public welfare and a great peace of mind. With afflicted and weak Moon a person does not have a proper thinking capacity and is prone to dull and morose life.
It is only Ashtakvarge that will tell us about the strength and weakness of planets and ultimately the periods of happiness prosperity or turmoil and dejections.
Great contribution of Ashtakvarga is that it gives at a glance picture of strength and weakness of the horoscope and provides best guidance for remedial measures.
Ashtakvarge system is not there in any other branch of Astrology of the world and provides a convincing proof that divine science of Astrology took birth in Indian which is the land of Rishis & Munis.
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