Timing Events Using Nadi Nakshatras
Is a first attempt in making timing of events in astrology a very simple exercise that even a 1 year old astrologer can effectively predict within one second that “Something significant would have happened in your life at so and so year”. He might not be able to tell what happened since that requires years of astrology practice. In Nadi astrology specific ages when events would happen are significant and this is used through combinations of planets or single planets but in this book we have used only nakshatras.
Each Nakshatra gets activated at a particular age so any planet which is in any nakshtra in turn gets activated at that age and gives the event. This book is on purpose not exhaustive and only gives small number of ages per nakshatra so that all can remember it and only given small number of ages per nakshatra so that all can remember it and use it. Bellow are some of the testimonials for our expanded course on Nadi Nakshatra that we have been doing over the last 2 years and force the student to test each technique on minimum 5 charts and submil as homework as without practice no technique can be perfected. When these same students will practice it for 5 years the same technique they will become super perfect.
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