Article by Komarairi Venkata Ramana Rao
If a planet is in Neecha (debilitation) in birth-house (lagnam), the planet gives malefic results to the person. But if that debilitation is removed (neecha-bhanga), the person enjoys beneficial results. If the lord of that house in which the planet is debilitated or the planet which is exalted for that house is in kendra (1,4,7, or 10) from the Moon (Indu-lagna), the debilitation is removed and the planet gives very beneficial results (raja-yoga).
Neecha Bhanga
A debilitated planet is in its most feeble state, there are merely ways the planet is strengthened therefore lessening the effects of the debilitated planet. A weak planet will cause problems pertaining to the significations for that planet, also the dasa (period) cycles of that planet can cause severe problems. Neecha means debilitated and bhanga means removal. Here are the main ways by which the debility of the planet can be modified, or cancelled. It is very important to consider this aspect in natal chart during its interpretation. In the opinion of renowned astrologers like Sri B.V.Raman and other ancient and present day astrologers the debilitation of the planet is removed as follows.
1) Lord of the sign occupied by a debilitated planet, is in a Kendra house (angle) (1,4,7 or 10) from the Lagna or Rasi house (the house Moon exists).
2) The planet which gets exalted in the sign where a planet is debilitated is in a Kendra house from the lagna or the Rasi house (Moon).
3) The lord of the exaltation house of the debilitated planet is in a Kendra from the Lagna or the Rasi house (Moon).
4) A neecha planet is exalted in the Navamsa (D-9) chart.
5) A debilitated planet is aspected (drushti) by another debilitated planet; both planets lose neecha nature
6) Lord of the Navamsa occupied by a debilitated planet is in a Kendra house (angle) or trikona (1,5 or 9) (trine); the ascendant being a movable (chara) house or the lord of the ascendant is in a movable house in Navamsa.
7) Lord of the house where a planet is debilitated is in a trine (konam, 1,5 or 9th house) from the Lagna or the Rasi house (Moon).
8) The planet that gets exalted in the sign where the planet is debilitated, and is in a trine to the lord of the exaltation sign of the debilitated planet.
9) The lords of the debilitation and exaltation houses of the debilitated planet are in mutual Kendra houses 10) A debilitated planet is aspected (drushti) by the lord of the house, situated in an auspicious / beneficial house.
10) Lord of the house (sign) in which a planet is debilitated or the lord of the planet’s exaltation sign, or the planet who gets exalted there is in a Konam (trine) (1,5, or 9 house) from the Lagna or the Rasi house (Moon).
Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga
Mercury gets debilitation in Pisces, if lord of the Pisces (Jupiter) aspects the mercury ,that is a powerful neecha banga Raja yoga; generally debilitated mercury gives less happiness in the family life.
When benefic (Jupiter, Mercury, full moon. Venus) planets get debilitation – the good virtue of the native gets suppressed. (particularly Jupiter ). When malefic planets ( Saturn, Mars, Sun) get debilitation (neecha) the bad effect of the native gets suppressed.
Generally debilitated Mercury gives less happiness in the family life and failure in business.
Debilitated Venus may delay the marriage or the spouse may be cruel or the spouse may belong to an alien group / tribe. Persons belonging to other religions or countries are also classified as alien or mlescha group people.
Raja yoga occurs only when the debilitated planet occupies a Kendra (benefic house) from lagna or Rasi house; otherwise its debility is merely removed.
Some illustration of Neecha bhanga raja yoga are given hereunder :–
Example : 1 (Oct—27—2008) This is the birth chart of Smt. Aiswarya Rai Bacahn. World renowned film star, Miss.Universe and a billionaire.
Rahu in the Third House She will have a high opinion of herself. She will have the power of attraction. She will be liberal and spendthrift. This position of the Rahu confers good longevity as the Upachayas ( 3,6, 10 & 11 houses are good for malefics ). This also is a Kubera Yoga – a position for wealth
Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga :- Sun is debilitated in Libra in birth lagna. Venus is the lord of Libra. Venus is in Indu-lagna, conjunct with Moon. So a powerful neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga is formed and this also contributed for her phenomenal rise in career and in life.
Pisces | Aries
Mars |
Saturn Ketu | |
Nov-1-1973 Mangalore | Cancer | ||
Leo | ||
Venus RahGul |
Sun Mercury |
Virgo |
Moon and Venus conjunct in Indu-Lagnam (Dhansu) give her a raja-Yogam. The lord of Indu-lagnam is Jupiter is in Dhanam (2nd house) from Moon. She earns billions worth riches Mars is in his own house (Aries) is Ruchka–yogam; this occurs in 5th house from Indu-lagna (Konam; Sri Maha Lakshmi sthanam). Sun is debilitated in Libra. But this is cancelled by the presence of the Libra Lord Venus in Centre from Moon and also the presence of Mars in Aries (own house for Mars, exalted house for Sun) the 7th house (Kendra). The debilitation of Sun is cancelled by Saturn in Gemini. Sun and Mercury conjunct in 11th house from Rasi house is strong Budha-Aditya yogam and this gives her properties worth billions. Jupiter ‘s debilitation is nullified by the presence of Saturn which is the Capricorn lord of Jupiter’s occupied house, In Navamsa she has Shasya yoga; Jupiter-Venus combination (Aadhikya yoga) in Aries ; Mars & Rahu in Taurus; exchange of Mars-& Venus is formed. Moon in Libra causes a career in cinema (art) & beauty. Jupiter & Moon form Gajakesri Yoga. She is a multi-billionaire and has life of an Empress. Rahu is in 3rd house is Kubera yoga; she is as rich as Kubera.
Example :2
Moon | Rahu | Gemini |
Raasi Bill Clinton; Erstwhile President of U.S.A. Aug-19-1946 | Saturn
Mercury |
Leo |
Ketu | Jupiter
Libra |
Lagna Venus Mars |
In the horoscope of Bill Clinton, Venus is debilitated. Jupiter, the lord of Venus’ exaltation house, Pisces, is in Kendra (7th) from the Moon, forming a Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. Mercury is Venus’ debilitation lord, is also in Kendra (4th) from the Moon, forming yet another Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. Venus is the lord 2nd (family and wealth), and the 9th (father) houses. His father died before he was born, his family life was disrupted; he was brought up by his grandparents. His mother remarried, but to an alcoholic who abused him and his mother and wasted his mother’s earnings. All this suffering gave a great deal of motivation to become great & rich through the planets that cancel Venus’ debilitation, Jupiter and Mercury. In Jupiter-Mercury he became president of the USA. In Venus sub-period, Clinton suffered due to his affair with Monika Lewinsky caused by Venus’ debilitation. We must note that the dasa (main period) and antardasa (sub-period) of the debilitated planet still cause troubles & losses even if there is a Neechabhanga Raja Yoga. Sun is in Vyayam (12th); in his own house; this makes him offer cooperation, harmonious co-existence, and peaceful and non-violent nature. He has Gaja-Kesari yoga due to Moon-Jupiter (in opposition); he is wealthy and successful in life.
Example : 3 This is the horoscope of world-famous Indian cine-hero Sri. Amitab Bachan. He is very much admired all over the world. He is a billionaire.
Pisces | Aries | Saturn | Gemini |
Lagnam Ket
Gul |
Oct-11-1942 04-01 noon at Allahabad | Jupiter | |
Rahu |
Dhanasu | Libra
Moon |
Sun Mars Mercury Venus |
Neecha-bhanga-yoga :- Venus is debilitated in Virgo. Mercury is the lord of Virgo and is in his own house (exalted) and is conjunct with Venus. So the debilitation is removed. His horoscope has Musala yoga, birth-lagna is in a Sthira house and several planets are also in Sthira (fixed) signs. He is rich and proud. 7 planets are in 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th houses like flowers in a garland. This is Pancha-graha-maalika-yogam and also.
Saankhya Kedara yoga; he is truthful, honest and very rich. From Moon Jupiter in in Kendra (10thhouse) and Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. So strong Gaja – kesari yogam occurs; Gaja-kesari yoga :– Chandra-kendre Bruhaspathihi; Gaja-kesari yoga sanjatho, subha-yogam, satha aayu praapthihi. Jupiter is in Kendra from Moon (Kendra; Sri Narayana]sthana). This is raja-yoga and causes financial prosperity.He is very wealthy and successful in life. Mercury is exalted in Virgo and Sun is conjunct; this is Budha-Aditya yogam; he is successful in profession and in business; he is a multi-billionaire. Ravi, Soumya yuthau thathra sva, utcha sthaana gathe Budha-Aditya yogamutchyathe; vishesha dhana laabhanche, vanijya-vardhanam. He is already a multi-billionaire (Karore-pathi). He enjoys best status, riches, power, name and fame and all the best benefits in life. All 7 planets are from Ketu to Rahu in apasavya (anti-clock) direction. Kala-sarpa dosaham causes him frequent troubles and problems. Moon is in Bhagyam & gives luck & riches Mercury is exalted in Aayu-sthanam; he has good longevity.
Example : 4 Bill Gates is one of the top richest persons in the world. He is founder owner / Chairman of Microsoft Corporation. He has Sun in 5th house (Libra) and is debilitated.
Moon | Aries | Ketu | Lagna |
(9) | Rasi Bill Gates | (2) | |
Jupiter | |||
(7) | Rahu | Venus
Saturn Sun |
Virgo Mars Mercury |
Sun is conjunct with Venus in his own house in Libra. Also Saturn is exalted and is in Libra. So he had akhanda raja-yoga caused by Neechabhanga (removal of debilitation) of Sun. Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are exalted. These dhana-yogas caused him multi-billion riches and prosperity and grand success in all his endeavours.
Example : 5 This lady has many strong raja-yogas (dhan yogas) in her chart; for example (1) Srika yoga; (2) Guru in own house (Pisces) in 5th house (Sri Maha Lakshmi sthana) and aspects birth-lagna; (3) exalted Punnami (full) Moon in kendra (7th house; Sri Naryana sthana) and aspects lagna; (4) Budha-Aditya yoga in birth lagna; (5) Venus is in 5th house (Sri Maha Lakshmi sthana) from Indu lagna; (6) Sun and Mercury (Budha Aditya yoga) in 7th house (Kendra; Sri Naryana sthana) from Indu-lagna; (7) Jupiter in his own house (Pisces) and in 11th house (Laabha; prosperity) from Indu-lagna; (8) Sunapha yoga (Mars is in 2nd house from Moon); (9) Dhana-yoga {the lord of 9th house is in 7th house (Sri Naryana sthana) exalted full Moon} = Lakshmi-sthaanam thrikonancha; Vishnu-sthaanancha kendraaha. thayo sambandha mathrena , Raja-yoga adhiakam, bhaveth ! (10) Parivarthana yoga (exchange of house[ Mars is in Gemini and Mercury is in Scorpio); (11) Vidya yoga due to Jupiter in own house in 5th house (she got M.C.A. from India and M.S. from U.S.A. and many more.
(12) Longevity (Deergha-Ayu yoga): Lagne Surya samayukthe, randhre Kuja samanvithe, nrupathulya sukhopetho deergha-ayur-yogam-apnuyath (Jataka Marthandam)= If Sun is in birth lagnam and Mars is in 8th house, the person enjoys royal comforts and has long life span, more than 75 years.
Jupiter |
Ketu | Moon | Mars | |
-4- | RAASI Chy.Sou. Smt. Sussela Bharadwaj Kartika Punnami Star: Krithika | Saturn | ||
Lagna Gul |
-10- |
-2- | Lagna
Sun Mercury |
Rahu |
Virgo Venus |
A Neecha bhanga raja yoga : Venus is debilitated in Kanya. (1) Mercury is the lord of Virgo; he is in birth lagnam. (2) Guru is in his own house Pisces, in the exaltation house of Venus. Guru aspects Sukra. So this is an example of Neecha bhanga raja yoga (royal life) for her. Her marriage was delayed by 3 years, due to Sukra in Neecha house, in Virgo. But she got a highly educated (Ph.D. in Electronics; U.S.A) and rich husband with decent manners and excellent conduct as her husband due to this neecha-bhanga raja-yoga caused by Venus (Significator of husband, marriage and married life). She has about 12 powerful raja-yogas. She is well settled in U.S.A. She is very prosperous and hale and healthy and happy.
Example : 6 Sri Y.S.R. has many raja yogas and dhana yogas like Kubera yoga; Budha-Aditya yoga; Aadikya yoga etc. in his natal chart.
Rahu -3- |
-4- |
-5- |
Sun Mercury |
-2- | Rasi of Sri Y.S.Rajasekara Reddy; Chief Minister : A.P | Venus | |
Lagna |
Leo |
12 | Moon | Libra |
Ketu |
Jupiter is in Makaram (Neecha); debilitated. The planet Mars which gets exalted in the sign (Makaram) where Jupiter is debilitated is in a Kendra (7th house) from the Rasi house (Moon). So he has Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga. Moon is debilitated in Scorpio. Lord of the sign (scorpio) Mars, occupied by debilitated Moon, is in a Kendra house (7th ) from Indu-lagnam (the house Moon exists). So this is another Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga. Jupiter in birth lagnam bestows him raja-yoga all his life, especially during Jupiter’s period.
Example : 7 This is the birth chart of renowned Indian Tennis player Ms. Sania Mirza. She is rich, prosperous and successful in profession . She has many strong raja-yogas in her horoscope; like Kubera yoga; Budha-Aditya yoga; Ruchaka yoga; Dharma-karma adhipa samayoga (Mercury and Venus conjunct in 10th house); Chandra-Mangala yoga etc.
Rahu | Moon | Taurus | Gemini |
Jupiter | BHAAVA: Ms. Sania Mirza | Cancer | |
Mars |
Leo | ||
-12- | Saturn | Sun
Mercury Venus |
Virgo Ketu
-9- |
Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga : Sun is debilitated in Libra; Venus (lord of Libra) is in the same house in moola-trikona in Kendra from Sun (Venus and Sun are conjunct). So Sun gives her very good raja-yoga and huge financial gains. Full moon (in Aries) aspects (7th drushti) Sun, Venus and Mercury also removes the debilitation of Sun.
Example : 8 This is the horoscope of the King of Baroda, Maharaja Sayaji Rao III Gaekwar (1863-1911). He was by birth an ordinary peasant boy. He was adopted by the Queen as her son. His date of birth was 11/12 March, 1863; during night at 2h-03 ms (LMT). He had 18 very powerful maha-raja-yogas in his horoscope
Venus | Aries | Ketu
Mars |
Gemini |
Mercury |
BHAAVA | -8- | |
-2- | Leo | ||
Lagna | Moon
Rahu |
-11- |
Jupiter |
Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga : The Moon had a very powerful neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga. Moon was debilitated (neecha) in Scorpio; the lord of the house (Taurus) where Moon was exalted was Venus. Venus was exalted in Pisces in Kendra (4th house) from birth lagna; this caused a very powerful raja-yoga. In addition, Mars, the lord of Scorpio (where Moon’s debilitation occurred) aspected Moon (7th drushti). These raja-yogas made a very ordinary peasant boy by birth to become the mighty ruler of a huge kingdom of Baroda.
These above examples prove the great benefits the native gets when he enjoys Neecha-bhanga raja yoga, especially in the period of that particular planet, which got its debilitation removed.
Example : 9 This is the birth chart of Sir Md. Mirza Ismail (1883-1959). This has many excellent features. Jupiter is exalted and is in birth lagna and is conjunct with strong Moon (in his own house; Cancer) forming very strong Gaja-Kesari yoga. Mars and Moon are conjunct in lagna forming strong Chandra Mangala yoga. He has strong Hamsa yoga. Mars is the lord of 10th house (Rajya) is in birth-lagna forming Simhasana yoga. Mercury (planet of intelligence)is exalted in 3rd house). All these yogas lifted him to the lofty position of the Prime Minister and de-facto ruler of former Mysore state.
He was highly respected as an efficient administrator and intellectual stalwart by the Indians and also by the British rulers in India. His contributions include the development of Brindavan Gardens, below the Sri Krishnaraja-sagar and the dam on Kaveri river; and launching the first rural electrification programme in India. Like one of his renowned predecessors Sri Mokshagundam Visvesvarayya, he was known for being industry friendly and it was during his tenure that Hindustan Aeronautics Limited was set up. Other industries started during his period as Diwan include paper, cement, steel, fertilizers, sugar and electric bulbs. The period of his administration was an eventful one. He built the superstructure on the foundations laid by Sir M. Visveswaraya. His period saw Mysore State make substantial progress in the field of industries, both in the private and public sectors. He was one of the architects of well-developed modern Karnataka state.
Pisces |
Ketu | Saturn | (12) |
Jupiter Moon Mars |
(7) | Leo | ||
(5) | Sun
Venus Rahu |
Mercury |
Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga : (1) Mars is debilitated in Cancer. But is conjunct with Moon and is in lagna (ascendant) and also Rasi house. Moon is in his own house. This caused a powerful Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga. (2) Sun is debilitated in Libra. Venus is the lord of Libra and is in his own house and conjunct with Sun. Rasi is Cancer. Both Venus and Sun are in Kendra (4th house) from birth-lagna and Rasi. This caused another powerful Neecha-bhanga-raja-yoga. Both these raja-yogas also contributed for his rise to lofty position in his career and life.
About Author: My name is Sri Komaragiri Venkata Ramana Rao. I retired as a Professor from the Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam (India), after 35 years of service. I earned a Ph.D. Degree in Electronics & Nuclear Physics during 1970. I published many original research articles in International Journals on Nuclear Physics & Nuclear Pharmacy. I have been practising Vedic astrology for the past 45 years. I was honored with the award of Jyothisha Vidya Praveena in 1975. I wrote over 32 books on Vedic astrology during (1972-2008).
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