Article is written by By R Selvam – Edited by Vishal Sharma
Samakool Prashna
Saamakool Prasnam is a very ancient and unique type of Prasnam. Jaina Sages practised this type of Prasnam, Gnana Prasnabigai and Jainendriyamaalai being two such source books written in Tamil and Sanskrit before 1000 years.
In this type of Prasnam, the calculation is based on the weekday and 16 saamams . Each day of the week is divided into 16 divisions 8 during daytime and 8 during nighttime, and the Saamakool Planets are aligned in the zodiac in the following order Sun , Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Moon, and Snake; and they travel anticlockwise at a uniform
speed starting from Pisces at 30 degrees, starting exactly at 6 am as per the day of the week.
Snake (or) Paambu will be a combination of Rahu and Ketu, but Snake (or) Paambu will have the characteristics and karakas of Rahu and will not denote the karakas of Ketu .
Here, Udhayam is similar to Lagnam, but Lagnam will take 24 hours to go round the zodiac, whereas here, Udhayam will take 12 hours to go around the zodiac, and Udhayam will go around the zodiac once during the day and once during the night.
In Saamakol Prasnam prediction can be done based on a query by erecting a chart based on the time of query and can give a prediction ( or) an astrologer can erect a prasna chart at the time when he receives the birth chart to know the purpose of client visit without any query from the client. By knowing the client’s purpose of visit he can concentrate more on that aspect and also he can understand whether they are telling the truth.
By combining the second type of prasna with the natal chart, he can do good work. Here he has to erect the Prasna chart as per the time of the visit and he can know the purpose of his client’s visit like the problems they are facing and the type of questions in his mind and by combining the prasna chart with the natal chart he can give very astonishing predictions.
Munkanipu Murai means by knowing the question and reason why the client had come only through Prasna chart.
Example chart 1
A prasna chart created for a girl going through a tough phase, presented by her parents
- Snake is approaching Udhayam; whenever Snake approaches Udhayam, it indicates a problem.
- Arudam is in the 7th from Udhayam, so the query will be related to marriage.
- 7th Lord Venus is debilitated and placed in the 6th house, which indicates problems in marital life and indicates separation from her husband.
- Kavipu is in the 9th house, which represents the 2nd marriage, and Mercury is under the Kavipu , When Mercury is under the Kavipu, it indicates failure and separation in marriage if it is a marriage prasnam.
- The parents are going to ask how will be the 2nd marriage since the 1st marriage is a failure.
The parents confirmed that their daughter faced severe problems within 6 months of her marriage and tried to commit suicide and was hospitalized. Now the girl has applied for divorce, and the case is pending in court. Their question is whether she will get a divorce smoothly and how will be her 2nd marriage.
Example chart 2
- In the Prasna chart Saturn is coming towards Udhayam which indicates that his disease will take a long time to cure.
- Udhayathipathi Samakool Mercury is exalted so he will have no problem with longevity and will live a long life.
- Samakool Snake -29 deg in Pisces is closely conjunct with Guligan – 27 deg Pisces. Snake indicates Cancer disease and Guligan & Snake conjunction indicates the Cancer cell will be destroyed soon through medicine . Here Guligan decimates the cancer cells due to this Cancer cells had decreased considerably.
- Guligan is another name for Maandhi .
- Guligan always kills, here Cancer cells in the form of Snake are destroyed by Guligan.
- 3rd house indicates Communication and Kavipu also called Chatra is placed in the 3rd house and it influences Venus , Venus is the karaka of wife, hence he is not having good terms with his wife and they have frequent quarrels.
The client confirmed that his visit was to inquire about his diagnosis of the disease and his relationship with his wife. The next day, he further confirmed that his cancer was in control and would be cured by chemotherapy sessions.
Example chart 3
Client query: Can I buy the land for which negotiations are going on now?
- Udhayam is Aquarius , here we have to see 4th bhav , 4th lord, and Mars who is the karaka for land.
- Here Kavipu ( or ) Chatra is placed Taurus the 4th house and influences the samakool Mars in Aries . Kavipu is like a shadow that will always influence in the anti clock wise from where it is placed.
- Since Kavipu in the 4th house and influencing Mars in the 3rd house
As per the current Prasnam, buying the land does not seem like the right option. The client confirmed that he had dropped the idea to buy the land as the seller of the property is not cooperating and not disclosing all the information. If Kavipu is not placed in the 4th and Mars is not influenced by Kavipu then he would have purchased that property.
If astrologers were able to tell their clients the problems faced by them and their purpose of visit it will bring confidence to their clients. We can answer any type of query perfectly and accurately through Saamakool Arudam.
About The Author:
Selvam is a professional astrologer for 25 years. He’s from a lineage of astrologers in his family: grandfather, mother and uncle were astrologers. He’s been into various forms of Astrology: Jamakol Prasnam, Brighu Nandi Nadi, and Advanced Jaimini. He’s written several books based on Jaimini systems. He’s also conducted several classes online and offline. He’s developed four Astrology and Numerology software packages in Tamil and English. He’s based in Coimbatore, India. He can be contact at
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