Article by Acharaya Anil Aggarwala
D.O.B 04/05/1948 08:23 :20 am New Delhi Male
Date 04/09/1983 09:27:30 Hrs New Delhi Dasha Mercury-Ketu-Saturn-Mars of the NATAL BIRTH CHART at the time of leaving Parents house after a tiff.
Muhurat Chartbelow at the time of leaving the Parents house after a tiff with Father. The Dasha Balance in Muhurat chart is 15 years 4 months and 21 days of Saturn. Surprisingly I came back to my Parents house exactly after this Dasha finished on the 25th Janurary 1999 morning around 10.00 am or so.
Muhurat chart could play such a role is amazing.
Let me analyse the Muhurat chart Parameters
Tithi KP Dwadashi KP-12
Var Sunday
Nakshatra Pushya
Yoga Variana
Karna Taitala
- Lagna Libra
Now according to Panchaka Rahita Vidhi for Muhurtha
Number of the Lunar Day was 12 ( Tithi)
Number of the week day Sunday 1
Number of the Constellation Pushya is 8
Lagna is Libra number is Therefore adding all these mumbers = 28. Dividing this number by 9 the remainder is = 1
Result: It is Mrityu panchak and indicates Danger. I was away from my parents’ house for 15 years 4 months and 21 days. Here very weak possibility of returning home is indicated .Which is so true.
Let me analyse the Chart and its promise in this period of 15years 4 months and 21 days in the Muhurat chart
- Lagna is Libra the 5th house of my Natal chart. Tula is a good sign and Saturn who is a Yogkarka for this chart is placed in the Lagna at 7 degrees and 17 minutes in Navamsha of Jupiter who is placed in the 2nd house and is in Pushkar navamsha and in Amrit Bhaga. Planets in Pushkar Navamsha give extremely good nector giving results, especially when it is the 8th lord and the 3rd lord of the chart. . Saturn is aspecting the 3rd, 7th and the 10th house, made me work very hard and gave me all the materialistic benefits in life during this period. Saturn is also aspecting the 10th lord moon who is with mars digbali the lord of the 2nd and 7th house. Mars is also the lord of the 10th from 10th house and Saturn is aspecting the 10th from 10th house the 7th house along with its Lord Mars. The Kendras are connected to each other making the Kendras strong. In D9 the lagna is Vargottama, further enhancing the Kendras.
- Lagna Lord Venus is placed in the 11th house with 11th lord Sun. Venus is retrograde, very strong. In D9 Venus is in Aries sign and aspecting the Lagna. Mars the 2nd and the 7th lord has become exalted who was debilitated in the D1 chart, Saturn has gone in the 3rd house in Navamsha of Jupiter as explained above.
- I did very well in this Dasha and Bought a DDA flat on 8th May 1988. Mars Significator is placed very well in the chart and 4th Lord is Exalted aspecting him.
- Bought a commercial place for my Business, after selling the existing one on 25th Dec 1993 in the heart of Lajpat nagar New Delhi and my business progressed by leaps and bounds
- Married my Daughter with out the help of my parents in Dec 1998. In fact when I had bought The DDA flat, I had absolutely no money, but with the grace of God I did extremely well
- Mother Died on 12th Oct 1998. My father called me up not to shift to his house
- My Brother and Sisters all tried their level best so that I don’t join my parent’s house.
- 23rd Janurary my brother fell sick, there was nobody to look after my father. My brother had urinary problem and was admitted in the hospital, My father called me up to join him permanently. My elder sister died on the 24th Feb 1999
- See the transit of planets on the 25th Janurary 1999.( My Natal Chart Dasha Ketu- Sun- Moon)
Mars in Lagna of the Muhurat chart on 4/9/1983, 09:27:30 hrs. close to Lagna and Saturn degrees. Lagna is 2 degree 3 minute, Saturn is 7 degrees 7 minute and Mars transit is 5 degrees 28 minutes. Saturn Transit at 3degrees 33 minutes along with moon at 10 degrees or so in the 7th house aspecting Natal Saturn of the muhurat chart. The 4th house and 4th from 4th the 7th House are activated again . The planetary degrees which are influencing the kendras are near the asc degrees of the Muhurat chart and also the asc. degrees of the Birth chart of the native .
- Applying the Dasha of Birth of Horoscope on the time of leaving the parents and the Dasha at the time of joining the parents house in the Muhurat chart
Dasha at the time of leaving the parents in the birth chart was Mercury -Ketu-Sun. Applying in the Muhurat chart. MD Mercury was Exh. Retrograde in the 12th house shows displacement, AD Ketu placed in the 2nd house with Jupiter who is the 3rd and 6th Lord of the muhurat chart, 3rd house is the 12th house from 4th house again showing displacement from home. PD Sun was placed in the 11th house its own house with the Lagna Lord of Muhurat chart, which is the 8th from the 4th house, showing the event crystal clear.
Dasha in the birth chart at the time of joining the Parents house Ketu– Sun- Moon.
11. Superimposing the transit planets on the Muhurat chart as explained above. The below chart only to be seen for Transit on the 25th Jan 1999 only
See only the planets influencing the Kendras and the 4th house. 4th from 4th house and the MD. AD, PD of the birth chart here . All making a connection with the 4th house, the Parents house. All planets near Asc Degrees of the Muhurat and the asc . Degrees of the birth chart amazingly as per the below chart.
Birth chart Muhurat chart 04/09/1983 Transit chart 25/ 1/1999
Asc. Gemini 3.14 Libra 2. 3 ——–
Sun Aries 20.24 Leo 17.26 Cap 10.32
Moon Aqu. 22.23 Cancer 5.51 Aries near natal deg.
Mars Leo 1.26 Cancer 20.07 Lib 5.28
Mercury Aries 26.12 Virgo 6.56 (R) Cap 3.35
Jupiter Sag (R) 5.15 Scorpio 9.26 Pieces 2.10
Venus Gem 4.26 Leo 2.12 (R) Aquarius 1.21
Rahu Aries 20.56 Tau 28.03 Cancer 28.24 Ketu Libra 20.56 Scorpio
28.03 Cap 28.24 Saturn Cancer 22.52
Libra 7.17 Aries 3.33
Applying the Dasha of the Birth chart in the Muhurat chart on 04/09/1983
EVENT 1. Purchase of DDA Flat on the 8th May 1988 Dasha Mercury- Moon-Saturn. MD Mercury is placed in own sign Exalted Retro and in the 9th house from 4th house. AD Moon is aspecting the 4th house and is with the Karaka of Property Mars and both are aspected by Yoga Karak Saturn who is exalted in the Lagna and is PD. Mercury placed in the 12th house shows expenses. TRANSIT Saturn was in Sagittarius Retrograde, had activated the 4th house already, Jupiter was in the 7th house activating Saturn by 7th aspect who is the 4th Lord. Double transit was activated. MD Mercury was in the 8th house of suddenness and aspecting the 11th house from 4th house, the 2nd house. Mercury in 8th house is not bad…
EVENT 2 Daughters Marriage on the 2nd Dec 1998. Dasha Ketu-Venus-Marcury. MD Ketu placed in the 10th house fructification from the 5th house of children . Ketus dispositor mars is aspecting the 5th house from the 10th house . AD Venus is Lagna Lord and is placed in the 11th house with 11th Lord Sun, which is the 7th house from the 5th house ( Marriage House for the Children) and both are aspecting the 5th house . PD Mercury is placed in own house and is the 9th Lord also of the chart and aspecting the 2nd house from the 5th house . 2nd house for the female is important for Marriage . TRANSIT Transit Saturn aspecting the 5th Lord Saturn in Lagna from the 7th house of the chart. Transit Jupiter was in the 5 th house. Both activating the 5th house.
EVENT 3. Mother death on 12th Oct 1998 Dasha Ketu-Venus-Saturn MD Ketu is placed in the 2nd house and its dispositor is Mars and is placed in the 7th house from 4th house with Moon Karka , Mars ia also aspecting the 4th Lord Saturn in Lagna. Ketus dispositor MARS is playing the whole game of killing the Mother . AD Venus placed in the 8th house from the 4th house with 8th Lord Sun, Venus is also in the 2nd house from Karka Moon .PD Saturn is the 4th lord aspected by Mars which has been explained above.
TRANSIT MD Ketu was in the 2nd house from the 4th house, which is the 5th house of the muhurat chart. AD Venus was Deblitated and placed in the 12th house of the chart over the 12th Lord . Venus was also over the 6th Lord from the 4th house . PD Saturn was in the 4th from the 4th house Deblitated. Saturn and Jupiter had both activated the 2L and 2H from the 4th house.
EVENT 4. 23rd Jan . 1999 to 25th Jan 1999 Younger brother fell sick and was hospitalised . Dasha Ketu- Sun-Moon . MD Ketu is placed in the 12th house from the 3rd house with 3rd Lord Jupiter , who is also the 6th Lord of the chart. AD Sun is placed in the 9th house from the 3rd house the 11th house of the chart and is with the 6th Lord Venus from the 3rd house. PD Moon is placed in the 8th house from 3rd house with 12th Lord Mars.
TRANSIT MD Ketu and AD Sun both were in the 4th house and the 2nd house from the 3rd house the marka sthan, Moon was in the 6th house of the chart.
EVENT 5. Elder Sister died of Heart problems on the 24th Feb 1999 Dasha Ketu- Sun- Rahu. MD Ketu is placed in the 4th house from the 11th house of elder siblings. Ketu is with 8th Lord Jupiter from Leo sign the 11th house. Ketu is in the sign of Mars and is placed in the 12th house with 12th Lord Moon from 11th house and is Deblitated. AD Sun is 11th Lord is placed in own sign and with retrograde Venus lord of the 3rd froun SUN.
TRANSIT MD Ketu Placed in the 6th house from the 1th house and AD Sun placed in the 7th house from the 11th house and PD rahu placed in the 12th house from the 11th house, showing the event.
From the above it is crystal clear that the Muhurat chart has a direct relation with your Birth chart .The Muhurat chart did not show the promise of the Native coming back till its completion of the balance dasha which ended on the 25th Jan. 1999 and the native shifted back to his parent’s house. The Panchaka Rahita Vidhi for Muhurtha viddhi has proved correct, as calculated above. Till the completion of the balance dasha I could not go back to his Parents It is really amazing to see the results. The events can also be connected to the relevant Varga charts and will also show the events.
About Author: I am an Engineer by Profession and did my Engg. from PEC chandigarh in the year 1971. Worked for multinational companies of repute M/s Escorts Ltd. and Joint venture with MUL at DGM position . Trained in Engg. Projects in Suzuki Motor corpn. Japan and Daweoo Corpn South Korea. My intuitional instinct from childhood brought me in Astrology and successfully completed Jyotish Alankar and Acharaya in the year Jun 2011. I had joined Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan Astrology Course in the year 2007 Jan and purposely did not appear in the exams till I got the insight of astrology finally in Jun 2011. Now doing research on Ups and down in career & submitted my Research on Marriage. My article has been published in Journal of Astrology. I am also learning astrology from the Jyotish Guru Pandit S. Ganesh. I do Astrology with my heart and soul.
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