Article by P.M. Gopalachari
In these series of articles I wish to present the different views of the Ancient Sages,Astropandits, modern research scholors, on Longevity and Span of Life.
We know pretty well , that no single principle or method will work correctly and efficiently in al cases.
So readers and scholars are requested not to be haste in predicting and declaring the Longevity of any native.
In Sanskrit Longevity is cal ed AYUSH. “Ayurda Agne”. The sacred fire is addressed as Ayurda. It means giver of Ayush. Not living years. But it means Energy, Vitality, Living force etc.
Ayurveda means the knowledge or treatise which deals with Ayush. Here also not the years one wil live. It deals with Physical and mental energy.
“Brahmee Muhurthe uttishteth swastho raksharthm ayushaha”
Here ayusha is energy. To protect it one should wake at about 3.30 a.m. (Brahmee muhurtha).
The general blessing “Satamanam Bhavathi, Satayuh Purusha ssatendriya
Ayushyevendriye prati thishtthi.”
Also gives the same meaning.
The word Ayush stands for Indriyas. Saatha means powerful and sharp. One wil live for more than hundred years with powerful indriyas (senses).
So Longevity is not equivalent to Ayush. Deerghayu means Very Very lengthy energy,
which causes to live more and more years. A battery with more energy works for a long period.
According to PRASNAMARGA
Depending upon the karma of previous birth the longevity will be long, medium or short. Yogas in a horoscope disclose the karma results.
In this Sloka the classification of yogas is given. The yogas are position 2. by Bhavas 3. by planets 4. by position, bhavas and planets 5. by sthana and bhava 6. by Bhavas and planets 7. by position and planets.
Bhava means lagna, second, third house etc.,: Sthana means Ucha, Neecha, Friendly etc.: Planets are Sun Moon etc.
Here the longevity is classified into two. One is yogayu and another is Dasayu.
Yogayu is of six types. Sadyorishta(within a year), Arishta (12 years), Yogarsihta (32 years),
Madyayu(70 years), Deergha(100 years) and Amita (above hundred years).
Sadyorishta, Arishta and Amitayu are independent of dasas. The time of death should be
predicted in the appropriate dasas and vidasas of death inflicting planets based on the term (Alpa, Madhya, deergha) of life indicated in the chart.
If the lords of lagna and 8th house and lords of Chandralagna and its 8th house it give Alpa, Madhya, Poorna Ayus as per the mutual relationship such as inimical, neutral and friendly.
If the lord of the sign in which Sun is in Navamsa chart, Lagna lord or the lord of the sign in which Sun is in Chandra Navamsa chart is inimical, neutral or friendly to the 64th navamsa therefrom, the longevity will be Alpa, Madhya or Deergha.
Various combinations causing Deerghyush are given hereunder.
- Lagna and Chandralagna are strong:
- Connected with benefics (by aspect or occupation):
- Benefics in 2, 8, Kendra and Kona:
- Malefics in 3, 6, 11houses:
- Guru in Lagna or Chandralagna:
- Lagnalord in Kendra:
- Strong Chandralagna lord:
- Lagnadhipathi in 11th house.
Various combinations causing Short life are given hereunder.
- Lagna and the Moon are weak or connected with malefics by aspect or association:
- Lords of lagna and Chandralagna are combust:
- Lord of lagna and Chandralagna are in 6th 8th or 12th house.
- Chandra and Ravi in Parivesha
- Birth taken place at earthquake or Eclipse or evil omens.
- Chandra in Mrityubhagas in Kendra or in 8th house.
- Chandra in 8th and aspected by any planet.
- Benefics in 6th or 8th and aspected by retrograde malefics.
- Evil planets in Kendra Kona or in the 8th.
We have to count and compare the afore said two combinations. The long life or short life is to be confirmed based on the majority of these yogas in a chart.
We have to study the yogas, the nature of dasas, the positions of the Ravi, Sani, Guru and Chandra, to ascertain the nature and cause of the death.
The lords of 8th from lagna and the Moon, Planets connected with 8th from lagna and the Moon, 22nd drekkana lords from lagna and the Moon, Lord of the sign in which Gulika is, lords of the houses and navamsas occupied by the above said factors and Rahu will cause death in their dasas and vidasas if they occupy the 8th, 6th 12th houses and connected with malefics.
The dasas and vidasas of lords of 3rd 5th and 7th stars from janma nakshatra will cause death. If two or more planets denote the death at the same time, that period also to be considered. The dasachidra (the fag end of any major dasa) also may terminate life.
We can predict the time of death—year, month, even day—by considering the transits of Sani, Guru, Ravi and Chandra.
Sani Niryana Rasis
Here the Sani’s revolution means completion of one cycle with reference to his own natal position, or the natal position of the Moon, or of Mandi.
If short life is indicated the death takes place in the first round, if it is medium life the death takes
place in the second round and if the indication is for long life then death takes place in the third round. If it is amitayu then death may be expected in the fourth round.
If it is day birth, death will take place when Sani passes through the sign occupied by Mandi or its kona signs. If it is night birth, death may take place when Sani transits 3rd, 7th or 11th houses from Mandi.
Niryana rasis for Sani
- The Signs and Navamsa signs where the Ravi, Sani and 8th lords are.
- The Kona signs of these rasis.
- The 2nd and 12th from the Ravi and their kona signs.
- The rasi where the 22nd drekkana lord is, and its trines.
Niryana rasis for Guru
When Guru transits in the rasis where the lords of lagna, rising drekkana and kalahora, and their trines death will take place.
Same will happen whenever Guru passes through the 2nd and 12th signs from Sani and their trines.
Whenever Guru, joined with malefics, transits the rasis arrived at by the addition of the longitudes of the lagna and the 8th house.
Death takes place whenever Guru passes through 3rd, 5th, 6th and 11th from Sani and among them whichever has got least aspect from Guru, in the horoscope.
Niryana rasis for Ravi
- The rasi occupied by 8th lord
- The Moonstar (janmanakshtra)
- The Lagnastar (the star in which lagna rise has taken place)
- Ravi’s Dwadasamsa rasi if Ravi is in chara rasi in the horoscope.
- Rasi occupied by the lord of the navamsa held by the lord of the 8th, if Ravi is in a Sthira rasi in the horoscope.
- The navamsa rasi occupied by the lagna lord if Ravi is in a ubhaya rasi.
- And the kona signs of the above dealt houses.
Niryana Chandra rasis
The Chandra Niryana rasis are mentioned below.
- The signs occupied by the Sun, lord of the 2nd and lord of the 8th.
- The 7th from the sign occupied by the lord of the 2nd.
- The navamsa rasi of the lord of the 2nd.
- The star occupied by Rahu and 8th lord.
- The kona signs of these places.
If the disease starts when the Moon touches the Gulika degrees, then the death takes place when the Moon passes the seventh from it.
Of these numerous niryanarasis, that alone be considered as the powerful Niryana rasi, which has the least number of bindus in their (Ravi, Chandra, Sani and Guru) ashtakavarga.
another opinion
The Niryana rasi of the Moon is the Yogasphuta rasi of the Sun and Sani.
The Niryana rasi of Ravi is the yogaspguta rasi of the Sun and the lord of the drekkana occupied by Sani.
The Niryana rasi of Guru is the yogasphuta rasi of Ravi and the lord of the navamsa occupied by Sani.
The Niryana rasi of Sani is the yogasphuta rasi of the Sun and the lord of the dwadasamsa occupied by Sani.
The navamsa rasis, the 7th houses there from, and the trines of the above said houses constitute niryana rasis.
Lagna in which death takes place (Lagna Niryana)
- The 8th from lagna.
- The 8th sign occupied by 8th lord
- The 8th from the rasi occupied by lagna lord.
- The 8th from navamsa rasi of lagna lord
- The kona rasis of above said rasis.
- The 4th from navamsa rasi of lagna sign.
- The 4th from the rasi occupied by the lagna lord.
Pramana Gulika
For a day birth, add 180 degrees to the position of the Gulika in the previous night and for a night birth, the position of Gulika during the day is PRAMANAGULIKA.
Death takes place when Sani passes through this rasi, when Guru moves in the rasi occupied by the lord of the navamsa held by the lord of pramanagulika sign, when Sun transits the sign occupied by the lord of the dwadasamsa in which the lord of pramanagulika is placed and when the Moon moves through the rasi occupied by the lord of thrimsamsa held by the lord of pramanagulika rasi.
According to Parasara
Pindayu is based on the planetary positions. They contribute different length of span of life according to their being Uchcha or Neecha position and also their strength and weakness and position in various Bhavas.
The planets from Ravi to Sani contribute 19,25,15,12,15,21,and 20 years respectively, when they are in their paramochcha (deep exaltation) position. If they are in paramaneecha bhagas (deep debilitation position), they will produce half of the above said years, as their individual contribution. If they are in between these two, they give proportionately. We have to use thrirasika method. Deduct the actual position of the planet from its deep exaltation position. Suppose the product is less than 180 degrees, it should be deducted from 360 degrees. The product is to be multiplied by the number of years contributed by the particular planet. And to get the longevity years this should be divided by 12.
Planets Uchcha Bhagas Neecha Bhagas
Ravi 10 190
Chandra 33 213
Kuja 298 118
Budha 65 345
Guru 95 275
Sukra 357 177
Sani 200 20
The years of longevity contributed by various planets need four types of rectifications. They are 1. Astangatha harana 2. Satrukshetra harana 3. Vyayadiharana 4. Krurodaya harana.
Excepting Sukra and Sani the contribution made by other planets should be halved, if they are combust (asthangata).
Excepting vakra planet (under retrogration), for others one third of their contribution should be reduced.
Full, half, one third, one fourth, one fifth, and one sixth are the deductions of contributions made by the malefics placed in 12th to 7th house from Lagna. Benefics in such a case lose only half of what malefics do.
Sani, Ravi and Kuja are treated as kruras for longevity calculation purpose. If even one of these three planets are situated in Lagna bhava krurodaya harana takes place. The lagnabhava sphuta should be multiplied by the years given by the planet and then the product should be divided by 21600. (360*60). These years must be reduced from that planetary contribution.
If a planet attracts more than one reduction, then only the highest reduction is to be taken. The others are to be ignored.
In Vyayadi harana, if there are more than one planet in one bhava, the strongest planet’s portion alone, should be reduced and not of the remaining planets.
Pindayu Example
Ucha Neecha
Years Half years MonthsExaltations
Ravi 19 9.5 114 10
Chadra 25 12.5 150 33
Kuja 15 7.5 90 298
Budha 12 6 72 165
Guru 15 7.5 90 95
Sukra 21 10.5 126 357
Sani 20 10 120 200
In this method the seven planets Chandra, Kuja, Budha, Sukra, Guru, Ravi and Sani are allotted 1,2,9,20,18,20,50 years respectively. Like in Pindayu here also these planets contribute the above allotted years, when they are in deep exaltation. And half of these years will be produced when they are in deep debilitation position. The reductions also to be done like in Pindayu. Lagnau also to be added here.
In navamsa chart, count from Mesha to the sign where each planet is situated. It may be called as Q. Number of years given by each planet is Q-1. N is the total number given by all the planets. Suppose Jup is in Kanya in navamsa chakra. Counted from Mesha it is 6. So Jup gives 6-1 years longevity. Like this prepare the years given by all the planets. Then afterwords we have to observe Vriddhi and Harana.
- Suppose a planet is in its own sign in Rasi or Navamsa or Drekkana chakras or in Vargottamasa, the years given by that planet should be multiplied by two (doubled.) .
- Suppose a planet in retrograde or exalted position then the year should be multiplied by 3 (tripled)
- The planet which is in an inimical sign in rasichakra, it looses 1/3 of years it promised.
- The planet which is combust or debilitated foregoes half of its years.
Budha and Sukra are exempted for the combustion rule.
The inimical rule does not apply to Mars.
Again, the planets which are from 7th Bhava to 12th Bhava in Rasichakra forego some amount of years. It is given below.
Bhava Benific planet Malefic Planet
12th house ½ 0
11th house ¼ ½
10th house 1/6 1/3
9th house 1/8 ¼
8th house 1/10 1/6
7th house 1/12 1/8
The harana and vriddhi is to be done only once.
Accordin to Jivasarama the paramayu is 120 years and five days. If it is divided into seven, for seven planets equally each planet gets 17 years one month two days eight liptas and 34 viliptas. If a planet is in deep exaltation position it will give fully and if it is deep debilitation it will give only half of its portion as we see in pindayu. The planet which is in between these two it will contribute proportionately.
Parasara says if the Lagna, the Sun, or the Moon being stronger than the other two, Amsayu, Pindayu or Nisargayu be respectively chosen.
If among these two are equally strong then the longevity be worked out as per both systems and the average is o be considered.
If all the three are equally strong, then average of the three is to be considered.
But in Saravali it is said if three are not strong then the longevity given by Jeevasarma matham is to be taken.
The position of the Lagna lord, 8th lord, Sani, Chandra, Lagna and Hora lagna are to be considered for longevity calculation.
These six are grouped into three.
- Lagna lord and 8thlord.
- Sani and Chandra. 6
- Lagna and Horalagna.
If the two constituents in any group are in movable signs or one in fixed and another in a dual sign, will give long life.
If the two constituents in any group are in a dual sign or one is in Movable sign and another is in a fixed sign, will give medium life.
If the two constituents in any group are in a fixed sign or one is in Movable sign and another is in a dual sign, will give short life.
Out of the three groups, the span of life indicated by two has to be taken. If the three show different span of life importance should be given to the Lagna and Hora lagna group. But suppose there is Chandra in Lagna or in its seventh, then the span of life given by the group Chandra and Sani stands correct.
The quantum of life also is considered.
Long life
by three pairs 120 yrs.: by two pairs 180 yrs.:by one pair 96 yrs.
Medium life
by three pairs 80 years: by two pairs 72 years:by one pair 64 years
Short life
by three pairs 32 years: by two pairs 36 years:by one pair 40 years
If the contributor among above said pairs is in zero degree of the sign, it gives full years and if the planet is in the 30th degree, the given years will be zero. In between zero to last degree the years will be proportionate. The longitudes of the contributors are to be added and the product is to be divided by the number of contributors. This should be multiplied by basic years (such as 180, 120, 96, 80, 72, 64, 32, 36, and 40) and divided by 30.
The eighth house and the eighth from it are places of longevity. The 12th from these two i.e., 2 and 7 houses are maraka sthanas. Between these two 2nd bhava is more powerful. 12th bhava also causes death. Weak lagna also is a sort of maraka. The lords of 6th and 11th houses also sometimes cause death. The natural benefics if become kendralords cause trouble. Guru and Sukra though they are benefic planets, will cause death if they occupy marakasthanas. Sani connected with maraka planets will become maraka. Balarishta grahas, Chidragrahas, arishtadagrahas also will become marakas.
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