Article by Ajay D.N
Original Translation by Pundit Shyam Sunderlal Tripathi from Muradabad
Translated In English by Ajay D.N
Editor: Virendra Battu
Head Of Translation Dept: Yenbeeyes
A ‘Mission Saptarishis’ Initiative
मुरादाबादस्थ पं० श्यामसुन्दरलालत्रिपाठिकृत
अथ पञ्चमोऽध्याय॥५॥
Chapter 5
ईश्वर उवाच॥ अथातः संप्रवक्ष्यामि नक्षत्रतुरगस्यतु।
तृतीयस्य ततो देवि प्रायश्चित्तमतः शृणु॥१॥
||Lord Shiv says||
Listen Devi, I am now going to tell you about the atonements to be performed for the native born in Aswini Nakshatra 3rd Paada (Quarter).||1||
अयोध्यापुरतो देवि दक्षिणे पूर्वदिग्गते।
नारयणपुरे रम्ये राजपुत्रोऽभवत्तदा॥२॥
Aswini 3rd paada native in his previous birth was son of a king (Prince) who was staying in a Beautiful city called Naaraayana Pura which is towards South of Ayodhya in the Eastern part (i.e in South-East direction or Aagney Disha).||2||
स्वकर्मनिस्तो दान्तः प्रजपोषणतत्परः।
नामतश्चलसिंहेति तस्य पत्नी प्रभावती॥३॥
He was very prompt in fulfilling his deeds, self-restraint and was giving utmost importance in looking after the people in the city. Chola Simha was his name and his wife was Prabhavati.||3||
तस्य मित्रं द्विजोऽप्येकः स्वकर्मपरिवर्जितः।
एकदा मृगयां यातो राजपुत्रः सब्राह्मणः॥४॥
Chola Simha had a friend who was a Brahmin and was not performing any of his daily rituals and religious deeds. Once Chola Simha and his Brahmin friend went for hunting in the nearby forest.||4||
मृगं हत्वा वरारोहे जग्मतुर्गहने वने।
मांसस्य देवि भागार्थं कलहो हि महानभूत्॥५॥
A wild beast came across and was killed by them. They took the killed animal and went deep into the forest. Meanwhile, Devi, they fought for their rightful share in the animal meat.||5||
ततः स ब्राह्मणो दुष्टः क्रोधेनैवापि च द्विषन्।
मरणं तस्य भो देवि बभूव गहने वने॥६॥
The Brahmin got furious and raged with anger and was killed in the dense forest.||6||
ततश्चिन्तापरीतात्मा राजपुत्रो गृहं ययौ।
गृहे च कारयामास तस्य कर्म यथाविधि॥७॥
Chola Simha felt sad with what had happened to his Brahmin friend and returned home distressed. After coming home he performed Apara Karma(funeral rites) to his friend.||7||
ततो बहुगते काले प्रयगे मकरे मुदा।
शरीरं त्यक्त्वान् देवि भार्यया सहितस्तदा॥८॥
Days passed by but Chola Simha was still heavy Hearted and with his wife went to Prayaag. On an auspicious day of Makara Sankranti in Prayaag Chola Simha blissfully decided to cast out his body and did the same together with his wife.||8||
स्वर्गं भुक्त्वा युगान् सप्त ततः पुण्यक्षये सति।
मर्त्यलोकेऽभवज्जन्म धनधान्यसमन्वितः॥९॥
After death both went to Swarga loka, enjoyed all kinds of pleasures and comforts there for 7 Yugas, after that both took birth on this Earth and were blessed with richness and comforts.||9||
भार्यया सहितो देवि मध्यदेशे वरानने।
पुत्रो न जायते देवि पूर्वकर्मविपाकतः॥१०॥
Hei Devi, because of his past life deed of killing a Brahmin he is issueless in this incarnation ||10||
ब्रह्महत्याफलेनैव मृतवत्सोऽपि वा भवेत्।
तस्य शुद्धिं प्रवक्ष्यामि यतः पुत्रः प्रजायते॥११॥
and because of Brahmahatyaa Dosha his wife will deliver dead children. To be freed from all these karmas and to beget children he has to perform following atonement.||11||
तदुद्देशेन कर्त्तव्यस्तडागो वापिका पथि।
हरिवंशश्रवणं देवि विधिपूर्वमतः शिवे॥१२॥
Listen Parvati, He will be freed from Brahmahatyaa Dosha by constructing reservoir, wells etc. Then need to recite Harivamsha Purana||12||
दश गावः प्रदातव्याः स्वर्णयुक्ताः सहाम्बराः।
एवं कृते न सन्देहो वंशस्तस्य प्रजायते॥१३॥
and donate 10 cattle’s decorated with gold ornaments and cloths. On requital, the couple begets children and the lineage will continue,||13||
सा स्त्री स्यात्सुखिनी देवि सत्यमेव न संशयः।
काकवन्ध्यात्वमुक्ता स्यात् मृतवत्सा सुखावहा॥१४॥
his wife will be free from diseases and they will be happy and enjoy all comforts in their life without any doubt.||14||
व्याधिनाशो भवेद्देवि नात्र कार्या विचारणा॥१५॥
इति श्रीकर्मविपाकसंहितायाम् अश्विनीनक्षत्रतृतीयचरणप्रायश्चित्तकथनं नाम पञ्चमोऽध्यायः॥५॥
Iti Srikarmavipaaka samhitaa Aswini nakshatra triteeya charan praayaschittakathanam naama Panchamodhyaayaha ||3||
Thus ends the 5th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for Aswini 3rd Charan.
अथ षष्ठोऽध्यायः॥६॥
Chapter 6
Progeny (Son) of 4 distinctive natures
शिव उवाच।
||Lord Shiv says||
शृणु देवि वरारोहे नृणां कर्मविपाकजम्।
तदहं संप्रवक्ष्यामि यथाकर्मानुसारतः॥१॥
Listen Parvati, I will continue to tell about the returns that humans get to experience because of their past life deeds whether it may be good or bad.||1||
पुत्रा बहुविधा देवि लौकिका वै विचक्षणाः।
जायन्ते नात्र संदेहस्तत्सर्वं शृणु वल्लभे॥२॥
People may beget distinctive children out of which some may be clever because of their past life punya karmas||2||
प्रथमः पुण्यसंबन्धो मातापितृप्रियः सदा।
सुसेवानिरतो नित्यं पितुर्मातुश्च यन्नतः॥३॥
Hei Devi, Only because of the good deeds of past life couple beget children who love and adore them the most, look after them with care.||3||
आजान्ममरणाद्देवि पितुराज्ञां करोति च।
मरणे पितृमात्रोश्च श्राद्धं कुर्याद्दिने दिने॥४॥
they will be obedient to their parents and they obey all their orders and help them in their work and after the death of parents son’s will perform the last rites for them with utmost importance,||4||
पितृश्राद्धं विना देवि भोजनं न करोति हि।
द्वितीयः शत्रुसंबन्धी तस्य चेष्टां च मे शृणु॥५॥
and will not eat anything without performing shraadha to their parents. Hei Parvati, now listen to the details of how an enemy in the past life will be the son in the present Janma.||5||
पूर्वजन्मप्रसङ्गेन शत्रुः पुत्रः प्रजायते।
जन्मतः शत्रुरूपेण मातापित्रोर्विरोधकृत्॥६॥
Because of the past life deeds enemy of the previous birth can also be born as son for a native in this birth who always hates them (Parents), disobeys and opposes them.||6||
तत्कर्म कुरुते येन तयोः क्लेशोऽभिजायते।
तृतीय ऋणसंबन्धान्मत्तः शृणु वरानने॥७॥
Always does deeds which bring sorrow and distress to the parents. Hei Parvati, 3rd type of children will be born to a native in connection with the debt or obligation will be as such,||7||
ऋणं यस्य गृहीतं तु न दत्तं हठतः प्रिये।
तदा पुत्रत्वमाप्नोति द्रव्यदाता नसंशयः॥८॥
Hei Priye, one who is in debt to a person and has not requited it, the latter who has given the debt will be the child of the former in the present birth without any doubt.||8||
पितृद्रव्यं प्रयत्नेन गृह्णाति हठतः प्रिये।
द्यूतवेश्याप्रदानेन व्ययं कुर्याद्दिने दिने॥९॥
Listen Devi, a native begets a child one who will forcefully acquire the money of the native and will waste it in gambling and on harlot.||9||
यदा द्रव्यविहीनश्च पिता भवति वै प्रिये।
तदा मृत्युमवाप्नोति युवरूपो न संशयः॥१०॥
And the native will die because of this worry of losing his wealth due of the expenses made by his son with no doubt||10||
चतुर्थो पित्ररूपेण पुत्रो जायेत पार्वति।
स्थापितं द्रव्यमन्यस्य न दत्तं पूर्वजन्मानि॥११॥
Hei Parvati, the fourth type of children will be born in relation with friendship. If a person has buried some one’s money or gold and has not returned it,||11||
तत्संबन्धस्वरूपेण पुत्रो जातस्तदा शिवे।
बहुप्रीतिं पितृभ्यां च पितृव्ये गोत्रजे तथा॥१२॥
he/she will become the son in the present birth for the former because of this relation. Hei Shive, that child will have love and care for the parents and kinsman.||12||
बहूद्यमो गुणी भोक्ता पितुः शिक्षासु तत्परः।
यत्करोति गृहे कर्म सुखदं जायते हि तत्॥१३॥
The child will be trustworthy, virtuous, obeys and respects father very much, does deeds which bring happiness to everyone at home.||13||
पूर्वरूपो यदा देवि पत्नीपुत्रसमन्वितः।
ततः शरीरं वै त्यक्त्वा धनं गृह्या ततः प्रिये॥१४॥
And when he attains teenage will be an apt husband, happily enjoys life with wife and children, inherit his father’s wealth and finally after death acquires paraloka. Hei Parvati, Obtaining wife and children depends only upon the past life karmas of a native.||14||
अथ वक्ष्यामि ते देवि चतुर्थचरणं शिवे।
नक्षत्रतुरगस्यैव प्राणिनां नियतं शृणु॥१५॥
Listen Devi, I will now continue with details of the past life of beings born in Aswini 4th charana.||15||
कोशलापुरतो देवि सरय्वा उत्तरे तटे।
तत्र क्षत्री वसत्येको नगरे नन्दने तदा॥१६॥
Aswini 4th paada native was a Kshatriya in the previous birth and stayed in a town called Nandana with is located on the northern bank of river sarayu which is in Kosala (Ayodhaya) Pura.||16||
स च धर्मविहीनस्तु लक्ष्मणेति च नामतः।
तस्य भार्या विशालाक्षी कल्याणी नाम सा प्रिये॥१७॥
His name was Lakshaman, irreligious and was not interested in performing any of his daily rituals. His wife Kalyani was auspicious in appearance and had eyes which were like lotus flowers.||17||
कुलटा यौवनोन्मत्ता परपुंसि रता सदा।
व्यापारं कारयामास वस्त्रहेमादिकस्य हि॥१८॥
She was an unchaste woman, inebriate of her youth and always interested in other men. She used to sell posh cloths and gold jewelry.||18||
उद्यमं बहुधा कृत्वा द्विजैः सह वरानने।
एवं बहुतिथे काले विप्रद्रव्यं तु चोरितम्॥१९॥
Kalyani always used to transact more with Brahmin customers, days passed by and once she got into stealing a Brahmin’s wealth.||19||
तेन शोकेन विप्रस्तु शीघ्रं पञ्चत्वमागतः।
ततो बहुतिथे काले राजपुत्रस्य पञ्चता॥२०॥
The Brahman was distressed and died worrying about that wealth. Her husband Lakshaman too died as the days passed by||20||
गतः स नरकं घोरं निरुच्छ्वासं सुदारुणम्।
षष्टिवर्षसहस्त्राणि भुक्त्वा नरकयातनाम्॥२१॥
and for repentance got into a hell which was dreadful, he was tortured there for 60,000 years||21||
नरकान्निः सृतो देवि वृषयोनिः पुराऽभवत्।
ततो वै राजपुत्रस्तु मानुषत्वमुपगतः॥२२॥
Hei Devi, after getting out of that furious hell he took birth as an Ox, and then as a human.||22||
पुरा तु यत्कृतं पापं तदिहैव प्रभुज्यते।
मित्रस्य वञ्चनाद्देवि पुत्रस्यैव च पंचता॥२३॥
Because of decent punishment in the hell he was cleansed with the bad karma of betraying his friend. Hei Parvati, the past karma of betrayal, made his progeny die||23||
काकवन्ध्याऽभवत्पत्नी दुःखशोकसमन्विता।
तस्य पुण्यं प्रवक्ष्यामि पूर्वपापस्य निग्रहम्॥२४॥
and because of Kakavandya Dosha his wife was not able to deliver a child and was very anguish with it. I will now let you know about the atonement to be done to beget children.||24||
गायत्रीलक्षजाप्येन सर्वं पापं प्रणश्यति।
कूष्माण्डं नारिकेलं वा स्वर्णयुक्तं सहाम्बरम्॥२५॥
Chanting Gayatri Mantra for 1 Lakh times cleanses the bad karma and then with some gold and cloths as dakshina, a Kushmaanda (A kind of Pumpkin gourd with pumpkin ash in color) and Coconut should be donated||25||
गङ्गामध्ये प्रदातव्यं सन्तानार्थं वरानने।
वर्तुलाकारकुण्डे च होमं यत्नेन कारयेत्॥२६॥
standing in river Ganga. Then build a homa kunda which is spherical in shape and perform havan.||26||
स्वर्णशृङ्गीं रौप्यखुरां पट्टवस्त्रसमन्विताम्।
आचार्याय प्रदद्याद्रं सपात्रां विधिवत् प्रिये॥२७॥
After havan donate a Cow and its calf decorated with gold on its horns and with posh cloths as said in shastras to his Guru or a Brahmin.||27||
एवं कृते न सन्देहो वन्ध्यात्वं च प्रणश्यति।
पुत्रपौत्राश्च वर्द्धन्ते न सन्देहो वरानने॥२८॥
Hei Devi, with performing all these Kakavandya dosha will not obstruct the couple from getting children and the lineage will continue, there is no doubt in this.||28||
इति श्रीकर्मविपाकसंहितायाम् अश्विनीनक्षत्रचतुर्थचरणप्रायश्चित्तकथनं नाम षष्ठोऽध्यायः॥६॥
Thus ends the 6th Chapter of Karma Vipaaka Samhita containing Atonement’s for Aswini Nakshatra 4rd Charan.
About Author: Ajay. D.N born in 1984 was brought up in Bengaluru and has completed Master of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering. He started learning Astrology at the age of 18 under the guidance of his brother Sri D.N.Venkatesh who was his first guru. Then under the guidance of Veda||Brahma||Sri Tarkam Krishna Shastry learnt Parashara’s hora sastra and other texts on Astrology. Being a student of KPSARI (K.P. Stellar Astrological Research Institute) has completed Jyothisha Vachaspati in Nakshatra Jyothisha and Sub Lord Theory and also practicing it till date. Currently he is practicing Vedic Science under the guidance of Veda||Brahma||Sri Gunjur Prakash Shastri a renowned Astrologer and Author.
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