Article by Constantine Semenov ,Crimea
Part 1
Chapter 6
Companies’ horoscope houses rectification
The rectification is the most important step in process of making and analyzing horoscope of company. Without it astrologer can’t work and predict correctly because houses of companies horoscope very significant elements which create the process of share price changing! That’s why we have to study several methods of analyzing and making true houses horoscope. These methods must help each other to lead astrologer through uncertainty and doubt in process of search.
The main principle is that jigsaw must be fitted together! You must use all possible methods to check the position of all possible cases of houses in horoscope and they must do not oppose each other in process of combining. Anyway, if you correctly, as you consider, find the position of 2nd house by position of Jupiter transit in 2nd house, when during the year there was rise of stock price and but another element doesn’t fit well, probably 8th house and Saturn transit did not dive share price, you are wrong! The best way to start is using search a position of 8th house by transit of Saturn through it! That’s why you must study it well and spend much time.
Part one
Saturn in 8th house
Saturn in 8th house the most common constellation to check the correct position of horoscope houses in companies charts. Common size of house in horoscopes of the U.S. companies is 30-40 degrees. Saturn moves through it in 3 – 4 years sometimes less. This fact helps to rectifies horoscope correctly because Saturn transit through 8th house affects company finances and as the result the share price drops significantly almost always. How to determine? You can monitor the basic stock chart of company you survey, and find the deep fall which lasted during approx. 2 years! This factor from category of very strong that influences on companies share price! Post September 11 economic decline 2001 -2003 was caused by Saturn passing through 8th house in horoscopes of the most American companies in signs of Gemini and Cancer.
The most big American companies have the same 8th house position – Taurus, Gemini, Cancer. This fact makes possible crises stronger and recession lasts the period while Saturn is transit passing through 8th house of company horoscopes.
The Hewlett-Packard Company, Dell inc., General Electric Co., Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, P&G, The Boeing Company, Ford Motor Company, General Motors Corporation, Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Caterpillar Inc.
ect. have same sector of 8th house in company horoscope Taurus, Gemini, Cancer! All these companies are the components of DJIA.
General Motors Corporation
Fall 2000- 2003. Share price fell from 97dol. to 30 doll. – transit of Saturn in 8th house! Almost bankrupt in 2008! Bailout plan was rejected by U.S. Congress, companies shares down below 3 doll. per share. Very significant! GM! Stock price fell twice during Saturn transit 8th house of GM horoscope from 1970th. First time in 1973-1974. In the beginning of 1973 GM share price was 80 doll. Later it went down and in 1974 dropped to the level of 29 doll.
Additional factors
Sometimes we can see in analyzing some more negative factors that drive share price down besides same time the transit Saturn position in 8th house. This makes negative influencing stronger and as the result share price dive deeper! For example.
Caterpillar Inc.
Fall 1999 – 2000. May 1999 – value 66 dol. per share, till September 2000 stock price dropped 29 dol. per share. The main reason was passing of Saturn through 8th house. But additional low price factors were move of transit Saturn through Mars and Mercury natal, moving retrograde of Mars transit on natal Saturn in Scorpio, and transit Mars and Chiron – despositor of 8th house, in 2nd house of company horoscope! Also it’s important to say about opposition of Saturn transit to natal Saturn in Scorpio! All these factors were additional to the main low drive price trend – Saturn transit position in 8thhouse.
Yahoo! Inc.
This corporation is well known by all who use internet! The huge rise in the late 1990th showed the real value of Dotcom Bubble in the beginning of 2000!
Decline of 2001-2002. This period was marked as the deepest fall of share price of Yahoo! Inc. Share price dropped from maximum 45 dol. to 8 dol. per share. The same reason – passing of Saturn through 8th house. Some additional low price factor was the opposition of Saturn and Jupiter transit to natal Pluto and Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Not all companies have same 8th house position in Zodiac.
American Express
Founded 15th of March 1850. Credit crises 2008 was caused by Saturn transit in 8th house of company horoscope in Virgo, when price dropped below 20 doll. from 65 in 2007! In 1977 stock price was 42 doll. and in 1980 it dropped to 25 doll. In March 1980 Saturn and Mars transit were retrograde in 8th house of company horoscope in Virgo and price dropped to the lowest level. Reason is the same – bad constellation of Saturn in 8th house of company horoscope in Virgo.
Factor is invisible. When Saturn transit is passing through 8th house and creates trine with Saturn and Jupiter in natal chart low trend caused by this factor occurs not always!
Bank of America was founded as Bank of Italy 17 of October 1904.
Fall 1989 – 1990. In August 1989 stock price was more then 55 doll. on maximum, but in the and of autumn 1990 share price dropped below 16 doll. level! The fall was caused by lack of positive aspects and dominance of destructive position of Saturn in Capricorn in 8th house of horoscope Bank of America. Same time DJIA was rising during this period! It means that Bank of America has another horoscope houses position defers from the most companies which are component of DJIA.
Despite of Citigroup Inc. Bank of America made a profit during 2008! But shares still are down valued!
Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.
Credit crises 2007 – 2008. There was no such strong decline of Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.
for all time! Stock price decline was from 100 doll. in the beginning of 2007 to 10 doll. in the end of 2008! This crisis was caused by Saturn transit position in 8th house of company! Same problem was in the period in the end of 1970th when share price dropped 12 doll. and in 1978 plunged to 7 doll! As the result you can make a conclusion about it! That every cycle of Saturn in this sector stock price of Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. dropped significantly!
I guess it’s clear that this Saturn position is almost grave for company!
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