Article by Horoscope of Shri Ram
Principles for Interpretation
At the time of the examination of an horoscope, due attention has to be given to the strength/weakness of the house, its lord and the significator of the house. Navamsa and other charts are to be given due weightage. The basic principles based on astrological cannons are:
(a) ‘NANAK DUKHIYA SAB SANSARA’ Guru Nanak says all the people are suffering. There are five malefic planets Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mars and Sun. There are twelve houses. These planets will occupy one or the other house and will spoil the house where they have an influence by way of aspect/position.
(b) ‘APNI GALI MAY KUTTA BHE SHER HOTA HAI’ Even the dog enjoys the power of a lion in his own locality. That house is strong which is aspected/posited by its own lord and
such a planet will promote the affairs ruled by that house. In case of a retrograde planet, that planet becomes detrimental to the house and does not support it.
(c) ‘KHARBOOJA CHAKU PAR GIRE YA CHAKU KHARBOJJE PAR GIRE. KATATA KHARBOOJA HE HAY’ Whether the melon (Kharbooja) fall on a knife (chaku) or knife falls on the melon the harm is only to the melon. Houses 6th, 8th and 12th are inauspicious (Knife) and the remaining houses are auspicious. Lords of the 6th, the 8th and the 12th spoil the indication of the house where they are posited and any planet which joins these houses also loses its vitality.
(d) ‘WHEN TWO BULLS FIGHT THEY SPOIL THE CROP’ Two or more malefic planets associated with a house weaken the signification of that house.
(e) ‘CHALTI CHAKKI DEKH KAR DIYA KABIRA ROI, DO PATAN KE BICH MAY SABIT BACHA NE KOY’ If the house is hemmed in between two malefics it loses its vitality, like the two wheels of the grinding machine which grinds the grains. Such a weak house promotes the affairs of that house to a very limited extent, suppose the 5th house is hemmed in between malefics, there may be delay in getting progeny and if the progeny is granted the person may not enjoy satisfaction through them.
(f) The house will prosper if it is aspected by the benefic planet(s).
(g) The house aspected or associated with malefic planet(s) will lose vitality. Malefic planets are weak Moon, Sun, Mars, Rahu, Saturn and Ketu. Mercury in conjunction with a malefic will give the result of a malefic.
(h) Close association of planets. In the chapter ”Strength of a planet” Rahu and Ketu have been shown as the most powerful ones. Any planet which is very close to them loses its vitality. The more the closeness the more the miseries. Total conjunction is very harmful. The total conjunction is when the degree of two planets are equal and they are posited in a house or the malefic aspects from some other house. A closeness of Saturn with any planet will delay/deprive the event(s) connected with that house or the properties of that planet. Saturn closely associated with Moon will bring too much depression to a person. In case of a lady there will be irregularity in the periods too. Any planet which is very close to Sun loses its vitality. Combust planets are like the burnt roti/bread. The more the bread is burnt, the little salvage value it has. The more the closeness of the Sun to Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, the more is the damage concerning the significations ruled by that planet.
The planets give maximum result, positive or negative, in their main periods and sub periods. In their sub-sub periods, together with the help of ‘Transits’ the actual date of an event can be worked out. The lords of the 9th and the 5th house promote the affairs connected with the house provided they are not rendered weak on account of one of the above mentioned reasons. The lord of the 6th, the 8th or the 12th house do not give good results in their sub periods, and sub-sub periods. Planets which are 6/8 to each other 2/12 to each other try to create problems connected with those houses.
Let us apply these rules to Shri Ram’s horoscope. The Ascendant is Cancer. Its lord Moon is posited in the Ascendant and is associated with the Jupiter who is the lord of the 6th house. It is aspected by exalted Saturn, Mars and Ketu. Exalted Jupiter associated with ascendant lord Moon is responsible for Gaj Kesari Yoga, a yoga which provides general prosperity. It indicates that the person should have faith in religion should be pious and man of principle. Exalted Jupiter in the Ascendant. Causes ‘Hams a Yoga’ Jupiter is also a functional malefic on account of its ownership of the 6th house and is aspecting Scorpio, the 5th house, Capricorn the 7th house and the Pisces the 9th house. According to natural characteristics of Jupiter the children, the wife, the father and the preceptor all should be devoted to God. But Jupiter does not spare them on account of the reason that it becomes a functional malefic on account of its ownership of the 6th house. The 6th house represents hidden enemy. In the initial stage Ravana was a hidden enemy. Being lord of the 6th house (enemy) Shri Ram’s enemy was not only pious but very powerful also. Exalted Jupiter is the 6th lord in the Ascendant, (See Chaku Kharbooja per gira saying above).
Mars is aspecting the Ascendant. This makes the native a very powerful person. Exalted Mars in the 7th house is responsible for Ruchaka Yoga. Mars is also aspecting where powerful exalted Sun is posited. This gave Shri Ram all the powers. But exalted Saturn, which is a planet of delay and frustration, is aspecting the 10th house (Aries) the 6th house and the Ascendant. Exalted Saturn in the quadrant causes Sasa yoga. Saturn by nature is a planet of delay, its intensity increases on account of its, exalt-ness. Saturn is retrograde, It shows exit. Sh. Ram had to go to the forest, the day he was to be crowned as a king. Saturn did not allow him the crown for fourteen years (a planet of delay). Saturn withdrew all the facilities which are afforded to a king. Exalted Saturn in the house of property indicates that he had vast property but retrograde planet who is also lord of the 8th house (knife) withdrew the benefits accruing to him with this property. Retrograde Saturn did not bestow the crown on account of its aspect on the 10th house and the significator for the 10th house Sun. The aspect of retrograde Saturn on the 6th house did not spare Ravana also and he was deprived of all his property. Saturn is aspecting the 6th house and its lord Jupiter.
Saturn is also the lord of the 7th house. Jupiter and Moon, two natural benefics, are aspecting the house of marriage, Exalted Mars is posited in the house of marriage. Sitaji had the qualities of Jupiter and Mars. Retrograde Saturn in the first instance took her to the forest, than she was separated from Shri Ram and tortured by Ravana. When she came back she was again sent to the forest on account of the criticism by the royal washer man. Saturn is a slow poisonous planet. Manthra slowly poisoned Kaekai. Exalted Saturn indicates royal servant. Manthra and the washer man were the royal servants. Saturn represents servant. Exalted Saturn means servant to a royal family. So Manthra was responsible for the exile of Shri Ram. Mars is aspecting the Ascendant. He inherited the qualities of Mars and he was courageous, powerful and a strong warrior.
The 3rd house (Virgo) represents co-born. Its lord Mercury is posited in the house of gains. Sh. Ram’s younger brother helped him a lot. Exalted Venus with Ketu is posited in the house of fortune, foreign and father. His father was a great king on account of the presence of exalted Venus. The lord of the 9th house Jupiter is also exalted. This shows the strength of the father.
In my book ”Experience in Horary Astrology” a special chapter has been given which indicates the results of the mutual aspect of Ketu and Jupiter. Mutual aspect of Jupiter and Ketu is responsible for using the Mantra Shakti against the person. Ravana and his son had to make use of the Mantra Shakti to harm Shri Ram. He was successful on many occasions when his son Meghnad used a mantra arrow against lord Hanuman and the snake shakti against Shri Ram’s and Laxman. Thereafter he was not allowed to regenerate that Mantra shakti. Rahu and Ketu are invisible. Ketu represents a secret plot and Venus is the significator for the wife. Ravana kidnapped Sitaji. In the 9th house Venus is posited. Venus represents South East direction and Shri Ram has to go towards the southern direction in search of his wife.
Ravana was a secret enemy till he was not traced. He became an open enemy thereafter. The 7th house represents the known enemy. Retrograde Saturn representing the 7th house, the house of open enemy, did not spare Ravana and he had to lose everything including his life. Exalted Sun in the house of profession indicates a man of fame and power. Aspect of Saturn on Sun (significator for father) also frustrated the father.
Dasarath got sons at the fag end of his life, that too after performing a yagna (ritual). The 9th house represents father. In Sh. Ram horoscope Pisces sign is in the 9th house. Treating it as Ascendant, let us recast this chart.
Let us analyze the 5th house. The 5th house is Cancer and its lord is posited there together with exalted Jupiter, which is significator for the 5th house. Karaka sun (significator) and its lord, all are under the frustrating and delayed rays of exalted but retrograde Saturn. The power to delay becomes more prominent as Saturn is most powerful. Retrograde Saturn is also the lord of the 12th house. Thus there was delay in having a progeny. From the 9th house, we screen the preceptor, the lord of the 9th house Mars is exalted which shows that his preceptor should be knowledgeable. The qualities further increase on account of aspect of two natural benefics Moon, Jupiter to Mars. There is a mutual aspect of Ketu and Jupiter. Dasarath had to perform the rituals and had to take the help of the divine power through Mantra Shakti. The 7th lord Mercury is under the influence of secretive Rahu and Rahu is posited in the 7th house. The significator of the 7th house Venus is also under the influence of invisible Ketu. Jupiter is aspecting Venus and Ketu. Kaekai tried to crown her son with the malefide intentions and invoked a boon. Dasarath’s own wife became instrumental in spoiling the peace of the family. Dasarath died of a heart attack. Thus is clear on account of aspect of powerful Saturn on Sun (Heart).
The role of retrograde Saturn in case of Shri Ram’s Horoscope indicates that though Shri Ram’s had vast property inspite of that he was not able to use that property because he went out to an Ashram and spend the time there. There after he went with Vishwamitra to help him in performance of the Yagya. After that retrograde Saturn did not allow him to stay in any village and he had to stay in the forest through out the period of fourteen years.
It was one of the conditions that Shri Ram’s will not enter any state and he will have to move from one place to another place. That is why Shri Ram had to go from one place to another place. It was the influence of retrograde Saturn on Sun that he was denied the kingship and retrograde Saturn compelled him to leave the thrown.
On account of influence of retrograde Saturn on Sun indicates that there should be defamation to the family and death of father on account of influence of retrograde Saturn on Sun. It is also the quality of retrograde Saturn it does not allow the house to prosper to which it belongs.
The influence of Ketu on Venus indicates kidnapping of the wife and Sri Ram and Sri Laxman were also kidnapped by Ahi Ravan, in the form of Bhibhishan took away both the brothers to a temple where they were to be sacrificed. This happens on account of the influence of Ketu on Jupiter which is responsible for use of mantra shakti and then sacrifice the person concerned at the alter of a deity.
About Author: S. S. Gola, is a Delhi based renowned astrologer and Professor, specializing in predictive and remedial astrology. His main interests are in Mundane Astrology on which he has been predicting in various astro journals for a long time. He is the author of 8 books in Hindi & English, some of which are Experiences in Horary Astrology, Significant Mundane Events, Rationality in Astrology & Remedial Measures in Astrology.
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