Article by Ashutosh Bharadwaj
Indian has achieved numerous scientific advancements in the past. There are many suggestions which say that we had so many learning centers spread across the country. These centers have their own rich heritage of learning which has come down to us from one generation to another.
Kashi (modern Varanasi) and Darbhanga have been two important centers of learning especially for Astrology. Astrologers belonging to these two places have distinct calculating methods of foretelling future that are not found elsewhere.
In the beginning of last decade, I came to know about an astrologer based in Darbhanga who was known for his accurate predictions. He was exceptionally accurate in predicting profession of persons. I was doing Graduation around that time and was fortunate enough to meet him in May 2002. After meeting him, I found his methods were rather different from those of other modern astrologers. These days modern astrologers normally use Parashar or Krishnamurthi Padhhatis.
On seeing my keen interest in Astrology, this great astrologer agreed to help me learn his methods. But his methods seem very complex to me and I lost interest soon. I took off and came back to complete my studies. After some time I learnt that he died of natural reasons. My interest in Astrology didn’t evade and one day I found a book on Char Dasha by veteran astrologer K N Rao.
I have traveled across India and have met many astrologers. Some of them use unique methods. I found an astrologer who is doing Jamini like the one in Darbhanga, in Andhara Pradesh.
I wish to thank my friend Saptarishis Astrology who inspired me to write this article. I would also like to thank Mr K N Rao. If we study commentary on Jaimini we find it is difficult to know the actual calculation of Hora Lagna because every ancient astrologer has different view.
Now, Let Us See Some Basic Things About Hora
Hora (means solar day) is divided into 60 Ghatis. Now, 5 ghati before and after the sun rise is called Khanda and 5 ghati before sun set and after sun set is called Sudha. The 20 ghati of the day is called Purna and the rest 20 ghati of the night is called Mugdha. In this way, there are four divisions of hora lagna i.e. 10 ghati of sun rise 20 ghati of day time, 10 ghati of sun set and 20 ghati of night time. This is the basic distribution of Hora Lagna. All you may thinking what is importance of knowing the all measurement of Hora Lagana. Its use we will discuss later.
Now lets see the calculation of hora lagna, broadly it is of two types –
1st – Which Is Based On Rasi Division ( in a rasi division these are of three types)
2nd – Based On Ghati Division
In a rasi division these are of three types, in a ghati division these are of six types.
Rasi Based Calculation:
(A) The calculation of HL is as follows
1st half of Aries is Aries and the 2nd half is Taurus. The 1st half of Taurus is Taurus and the 2nd half is Gemini, so on we have to calculate.
(B) Pt. Ramyatna Ojha in his book called Phalit Vikas and Pt. Gopesh Ojha in his commentary on Jatak Parijat both mention about vriddh karika. The calculation of HL is as such- the 1st hora of Aries is Aries, 2nd is Taurus. The 1st hora of Taurus is Gemini the 2nd hora of Taurus is Cancer, and so on, we can find references of the method in many ancient books.
(C) The popular method of calculating Hora Lagna according to parashara is–
Rasis are given two categories namely odd and even.
The lord of 1st half (0 to15) of odd rasi is Sun and the 2nd half (15 to 30 ) is Moon.
Just opposite for even Rasis, the lord of 1st half (0 to15) is Moon and the 2nd half (15 to 30 ) is Sun.
Ghati Based Calculations
(A) Take Birth ghati divide it by 2.5, if Asc is an odd sign count quadrant from Asc in direct way and if Asc is even sign count from reverse.
(B) If Asc is an odd sign count from Sun and for even sign count from Moon in direct way
(C) Count 2.5 ghati from Sun rise each divided part is called a Hora. If birth time comes under 1st Hora count from Asc. If BT come under 2nd part of Hora, count 2nd from the 7th of Asc. The calculation will be as on.
There is much confusion over the rule. It’s very hard to know which HL is accurate. Every HL has special function. I tried my level best to understand the use of all the HL but I know only few HL calculations to use it.
Except these three HL, there are three popular methods to calculate HL-
There are three popular old/ancient commentaries on HL,
1) Vriddha Karika
2) Venkateswara
3) Raghava Bhatt
Vriddha karika says take birth ghati after sun rise divide at the rate of 2.5 ghati for each rasi and add the number thus obtained to the Janma lagna. The result will be HL. In short we will say it VK.
Venkateswara divides birth ghati after sun rise at the rate of 2.5 ghati for each rasi. If the lagna is an odd sign count obtained number from the sun and if the lagna is an even sign count from the moon. In short we will say it VEN method.
Raghava Bhatt divides the day into 12 equal part, and the night 12 equal part and reckon each part as a hora. Find the number of hora after birth and count from the Janma lagna according to odd or even rasi, clockwise or anti clockwise direction. In short we will say it RB method.
The astrologer of Darbhanga says take birth time divide it by 2.5. If lagna is even sign count from lagna and if lagna is an odd sign count from Sun position. In short we will say it DA method. The method is almost same to Vriddh Karika only difference is counting from Sun for odd sign.
Also to be noted is that the Darbhanga astrologer’s method of calculation is the same as given in the rare classic Vaanchanadiyam translated by Raghavendra Rao, published during 2011 or 2012 issues of Saptarishis Astrology. The other methods are taken from the articles of the great Shri Madhura Krishnamurthy Shastriji as published in 2008/2009 issues of Saptarishis Astrology.
Further we will discuss this with various examples:-
Example 1: Amitabh Bachchan
DOB 11- 10- 1942
Time 2-50pm
Ista ghati -22.52
Sun rise-6/02
Sun set-17/36
- DA method
Ista ghat-24.50/2.5=9.08
The lagna of Amitabh is Aquarius so we count 10th from Sun’s position. Sun is Virgo 10th position from Virgo is Gemini so the Hora lagna is Gemini.
2) VK method
10 lagna is Aquarius 10th from
Aquarius is Scorpio so the Hora lagna is Scorpio
3) VEN method
Sun is in Virgo, 10th from Virgo is Gemini so the Hora lagna is Gemini
4) RB method
Duration of day is 11/33 hrs = 58 minutes of 1 part. Count 11th from lagna so Sagittarius is Hora lagna.
Now we have three hora lagna Gemini, Sagittarius, Scorpio. Amk –Mercury is in moola trikona and aspect Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, two of them is HL.
If we take Gemini as HL –
In D1 chart -lord of HL mercury is 8th from lagna with Amk, Gemini is the triangle from GK but the main thing is that GK is not from the triangle of mercury.
In D9 chart- lord of HL is in the sign of Leo 11th from lagna with Sun and GK neither triangle to HL nor HL lord.
In D10 chart – mercury is with Mars in 11th from lagna and GK neither trikona to HL nor HL lord.
If we take Sagittarius in D1 chart –
Guru is 6th from lagna and 8th from HL in his exalted sign. Amk mercury aspect HL but there is not a aspect of HL lord. There is no aspect on GK either HL or HL lord.
In D9 chart there is Ketu in the sign of HL and exalted Guru in 10th house with debilitated Mars, GK is just 7th to him , and 8th lord Venus aspect them.
In D10 chart HL lord Jupiter in the house of wealth and Amk and BK both are in the 11th house from lagna , but one notable thing is there that Amk is a 8th lord, and Amk & BK both aspect Jupiter.
If we take Scorpio as a HL –
In D1chart BK mars in 8th house from lagna with 8th house lord Mercury.
In D9 chart— Mars is debilitated there in 10th house with exalted Jupiter, and HL and HL lord both are aspected by 8th lord Venus.
In D10 chart – HL lord Mars and Amk & 8th lord mercury both are in Sagittarius sign.
In this case we have three HL. But computing every aspect we can easily find what is accurate .
Example 2: Indira Gandhi
Dob-19- 11 1917
time-23- 11
place –Allahabad
Ista ghati- 41.88
Sun raise -6-26
Sun set-17-09
Amk -Venus
1) DA method
Birth ghati 41.88/2.5 =16.75 Asc is even sign so we have to count from lagna. 17th from lagna is Scorpio so HL is Scorpio.
2) VK method, 41.88/2.5=17th
Again 17th from Lagna is Scorpio as a HL
3) VEN. method
Lagna is an even sign so we have to count 17th from moon. Moon is in Capricorn. 17th from Capricorn is Taurus as a HL.
4) R B method
Duration of night is 10-43 Hrs. If we divide it by 12 we find 53.41 min. as a one part. The birth time will be 7th part from Sun set so 7th from lagna is (as we know lagna is even sign) Capricorn so Capricorn is a HL. Now we have 3 HL.
1st HL – Scorpio – the lord of Scorpio in the house of wealth & trikona to Amk. Dara karaka Sun & Pitri karaka Mercury is in the HL makes rajyoga.
In the D9 chart HL lord Mars is with Sun in Leo there is aspect of Amk.
In D10 lord of HL again in the house of wealth in exalted sign and the lord of 2nd house (where HL lord situated) is also in 11th bhava Libra in exalted sign. After examining all the chart of D1 ,D9 & D10 shows good & powerful position of the chart.
2nd HL-Taurus- in d1 chart lord of HL Venus is with Rahu in the sign of Sagittarius which is 6th from Asc. ,
But in D9 lord of HL Venus in his moola trikon, that is strong rasi of Venus but Venus is 8th from lagna and trikona to GK .
In D10 Venus is 8th from HL in the rasi of GK .
3rd HL -Capricorn
In D1 chart GK is there. Amk is 12th from Capricorn and 6th from HL lord Saturn.
But in D9 Capricorn is in strong position.
In D10 chart BK Mars exalted there and lord of Capricorn Saturn also exalted with GK .
In this chart D1 is week but d9 is strong & d10 is average strong.
If we examine carefully both D1, D9 &D10 chart we find HL Scorpio is more accurate than these two.
Example 3: Rajiv Gandhi
DOB- 20-8- 1944
Time -8-11am
Place –mumbai
Ista ghati= 4.45
Sun rise=6-24
Sun set=18-59
Lagna –Leo
Amk –Venus
1) DA Method
- lagna is an odd sign so we have to count from Sun position, Sun in Leo 2nd from Leo is Virgo so Virgo is a HL
2) VK Method –
We have to count 2nd from lagna that will be same Virgo lagna
3) VEN method
Lagna is an odd sign so we have to count 2nd from Sun position. Sun is in Leo 2nd from Leo is Virgo so HL is Virgo
4) RB method
Duration of the day 12h 36m so if we divide this part to 12 equal part we will get one part =1h 3min. so birth time come under 3rd part from the sun rise. Lagna is an odd sign so we have to count from Leo and 3rd part from Leo is Libra so Libra is a HL
In this case we find two HL Virgo and Libra.
If we consider Virgo as a HL in D1 chart Dara karaka Mars is there. HL Virgo is 2nd from Amk Venus & the lord of HL and Amk both are in Leo.
In D9 Amk is placed in HL that shows very high class raj yoga. Lord of HL mercury is in lagna. That also shows positive result.
In D10 HL lord mercury is in lagna with darakaraka mars & GK is there shows average position of the planet.
If we consider Libra as HL- lord of Libra Venus is in lagna with so many planets that shows average result.
In D9 chart Amk & HL lord Venus in the house of karma the position of lord of karma is in lagna, but Venus is 12th from HL and GK Sun is triangle to HL lord that shows average position.
In D10 chart again Venus in the house of karma and the lord of karma is exalted in the 6th house and GK is not triangle to HL or lord of HL, strong placement of HL.
After examining carefully all points we find that Virgo is more accurate lagna compression to Libra.
Example 4: Priyanka Gandhi
Ista ghati 16.74
Sun rise 7-19
Sun set 17 -38
Lagna Taurus 5
1) DA Method
Lagna is even sign so we have to count 7th from natal horoscope
So Scorpio will be HL
2) VK Method
Vriddh karika also shows Scorpio is HL
3) VEN Method
Asc. is even sign so we have to count 7th from moon position that is Aries as a HL
4) RB method
One part of day is 51min. BT comes under the 9th position from sun rise. Asc is even sign so count reverse 9th from Asc .That is Virgo as a HL
If we consider Scorpio as a HL –
In D1 chart — the lord of HL is in the house of income, and Amk, PK GK aspects Mars & GK is not posited in the triangle of HL or lord of HL.
In D9 chart HL lord mars is in own sign and GK is not posited in the triangle of HL or lord of HL.
In D10 chart mars is moola trikona sign Aries .GK and AMK both are in the triangle of mars.
IF we take Aries as a HL –
In D1 chart Aries is 7th from Amk and the HL lord mars is 6th from Amk .
In D9 chart Mars is in his sign Scorpio , GK & Rahu both are in the house of HL .
In D10 chart Mars is mool trikona sign Aries. GK and AMK both are in the triangle of mars. If we take Virgo as a HL- in D1 chart– lord of HL mercury 8th from lagna with GK & AMK
In D9 chart– HL lord is 6th from Amk also shows week position
In D10 chart –HL is 8th from Asc lord of HL is in Asc .
IN my opinion the rule given by Darbhanga astrologer (that is the same as in Vaanchanadiyam) works the best. I have seen this applicability of Hora Lagna & Raj Yogas in many charts but here I have shown on very few selected charts of celebrities. In this article we have used D1 D9 D10 chart for our analysis and Amk has been taken. D1 is most important and it should be strong, if I was to give percentages, I would give D1-50% D9 & D10- 25% each. There are many cumbersome rules in the field of astrology but here I have used only simple rules of Parasara or Jaimini.
The rule has been used is –
- HL & HL position has been taken.
- Aspect of 8th lord either on HL or HL lord
- Amk position from HL or HL lord
- Triangle position of GK from HL or HL lord
- Exalted, debilitated or own position of planets
One remembers an astrologer of Varanasi who used to say – beta jyotish ka gyan samanya simple niyamo mein he chhipaye hua hai – Son, the real knowledge of astrology has been hidden in simple rules of astrology.
About Author: Ashutosh Kumar is a young amateur Astrologer from Ranchi, India with specialization in Vedic Astrology and Jaimini Paddathi. He has been in astrology from the very early age of 15 & started working on Astrology. His deep passion is to share knowledge and not hide it. He travels extensively all over Northern India meeting rare astrologers not known in the English reading astrology circles.
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