Article by Chandrashekhar Sharma, India
Nadis are one of the most ancient literature on astrology at times written by Sages and at times by stalwarts of astrology who named it after a planet or a diety. In this space we translate one such unheard of nadi called Guru Nadi. This Guru Nadi finds mention in “Chandra Kala Nadi” AKA Deva Keralam, wherein the author tells that certain interpretations be done as per Guru nadi. Guru Nadi is obviously written by Achyuta as is evident from the manuscript and is part of Deva Keralam. Unfortunately it did not get translated and the public at large remained a stranger to it. Guru nadi was never published but its manuscript was copied by P. Mavibasavaradya and checked by K.S. Mahantadevana on 11th May 1961, perhaps from Oriental Library Madras, and was kindly made available to “Saptarishis Astrology” by a student of Late C.S.Patel who bought it from him & now has given it freely for all in the Manuscript section of Saptarishis Astrology website. It is interesting to note that some of the nadi amsha that are mentioned in Guru nadi have different names than those given in “Chandra Kala Nadi” AKA Deva Keralam. It was put on Saptarishi website for translation by scholars of sanskrit & I have undertaken this task of translating it with the best of my abilities. Some letters ae difficult to decipher in the manuscript, but I have tried to keep the logic in the same fashion as it appears. Bhoot sankhya is used in the calculations given in manuscript and so they will have to be carefully decodified. I am sure there can be other interpretation of the text as Sanskrit uses many similies, encrypts and allegories. So if there is any mistake in the translation, the blame for that lies with me alone.
guru näòé
gué nafI
vasudev< präü naray[namym!,
lúmIso< nmSk«Tva vúye=h< devkerlIm!. 1.
väsudevaà parabrahma näräyaëanämayam|
lakñmésakhaà namaskåtvä vakñye’haà devakeraléma||1||
Having saluted the Parabrahma Vaasudeva, who is called Narayana the husband of Laxmi, I (now) tell about Deva Keralam.
kerle iv;ye ki½dCyutaenam ÉUsur>,
b&hSpit< smuiÖZy s c³e tp %Ämm!. 2.
kerale viñaye kaccidacyutonäma bhüsuraù|
båhaspatià samudviçya sa cakre tapa uttamam||2||
Achyta a brahman, having labouriously studied and understood the zodiacal science as explained in the treatise called Keralam.
àsadsumuoetSMmE àah devpuraeiht>,
tpsatvtuòaeiSm vTs ik< te kraeMyhm!.3.
prasädasumukhetasmmai präha devapurohitaù|
tapasätavatuñöosmi vatsa kià te karomyaham||3||
Guru (lord Brihaspati or the preceptor of Achyuta), of the pleasing contenance, said graciously that I am pleased with your (Achyuta’s) great labour (in studyof the science) and said, oh my son what is it that you desire from me.
Achyuta says:
nmSte muinnaway vcsa<ptye nm>,
yid mý< àsÚaeiSm y*nu¢h Éaghm!.4.
namaste muninäthäya vacasämpataye namaù|
yadi mahyaà prasannosmi yadyanugraha bhägaham||4 ||
I salute you Oh Lord of Sages , Oh Lord of Speech. If you are pleased with my efforts and you want to grant me a boon.
AtItanagt}an< yen me SyaTsureñr,
s<i]PyJyaeit;< zaô< mTk«te v´…mhRis. 5.
atétänägatajïänaà yena me syäatsureçvara|
saìkñipyajyotiñaà çästraà matkåte vaktumarhasi|| 5||
Kindly tell me, in brief, about the Science of Jyotish which is the knowledge of great antiquity, Oh Lord of the Gods.
Guru Said:
saxu saxu mhaàa} yNme mnis vtRte,
v´VyimitvTsaXya tdev< àaiwRt< Tvya. 6.
sädhu sädhu mahäpräjïa yanme manasi vartate|
vaktavyamitivatsädhyä tadevaà prärthitaà tvayä||6||
You have said well, oh learned, that which was in my mind. I shall tell you that which you have prayed for and desire to know.
puranaray[ae dev> kmlasnyaicRt>>,
jatulR]imt ¢NwEí³e Jyaeit; s<ihtam!.7.
puränäräyaëo devaù kamaläsanayärcitaùù|
jäturlakñamita granthaiçcakre jyotiña saàhitäm||7||
In ancient times (or in the beginning), Brahma created 100,000 (One hundred thousand – One Lakh) treatises of Jyotish about the zodiacal circle related to that which shines (grahas) and arranged them in a careful order and offered them respectfully to Narayana.
äüa àvtRyamas snkaid;u tTSvym!,
tÇsar< smx&Ty c³…Ste s<ihta< p&wk. 8.
brahmä pravartayämäsa sanakädiñu tatsvayam|
tatrasäraà samadhåtya cakruste saàhitäà påthaka||8||
Brahma then instructed the knowledge, himself, to Sanaka, Sanandan, Sanatkumar and Sanaatana Rishis (sages), its essence by combining the (essence of) texts.
Aak;RimhmÙe[ àaiwRt> pUvRmadrat!,
¢NwEiÖRyut s<OyakEnaRça guémt< iÖj. 9.
äkarñamihamantreëa prärthitaù pürvamädarät|
granthairdviyuta saìkhyäkairnämnä gurumataà dvija||9||
Having been attracted to this science and requested with respect, earlier, Guru said, that as per his opinion, there are three granthas/texts (or Principal divisions), Oh Brahmin.
AyutEÉaRgRví³e k«pyav&;pvR[I.
%mayE Égvan zMÉu> àaevacayut s<Oyya. 10.
ayutairbhärgavaçcakre kåpayävåñaparvaëé||
umäyai bhagaväna çambhuù proväcäyuta saìkhyayä||10||
Lord Shambhu, the greatest among astrologer (having created the zodiac), while explaining the science of division of time, told Goddess Uma (his consort) that there are innumerable texts (of this great science).
yNmya suk«t< pUv¡ jatkSkNxmuÄmm!,
iÖshöe[ s<iúyPy TvTk«te àaeCyte=xuna. 11.
yanmayä sukåtaà pürvaà jätakaskandhamuttamam|
dvisahasreëa saìkñyipya tvatkåte procyate’dhunä||11||
Now you abridge the Jataka Skandha (which is the best amongst the three divisions of Jyotish), which I have beautifully created in 2000 texts (shlokas?).
@v< mu®va guéStSmE %pivZy< Svk<mtm!,
mnuí ÉagRv< ipÇa tÇEvaNtr xIyt. 12.
evaà muktvä gurustasmai upaviçyaà svakammatam|
manuçca bhärgavaà piträ tatraiväntara dhéyata||12||
In this manner did Guru tell his opinion (while sitting in front) to the wise astrologer (Brahma), who then used his intellect to decipher the science of Jatakaskandha.
ACyutae=ip pun> àItae tpsaraXyÉagRvm!,
tSmaTshö s<Oyak< àaÝvan ÉagRv< mtm!. 13.
acyuto’pi punaù préto tapasärädhyabhärgavam|
tasmätsahasra saìkhyäkaà präptaväna bhärgavaà matam||14||
Achyuta again pleased the deity of astrologer (Guru that is Shiva ), who is obtainable with performing great austeries, and received 1000 granthas that were received from the great astrologer (Shukra or Guru).
zu³àsad l_yen mÙe[araXy z»rm!,
shö¢Nw s<i]Ý< yu´< leÉe 1 saMbizv<mtm!. 1 leoe . 14.
çukraprasäda labhyena mantreëärädhya çaìkaram|
sahasragrantha saìkñiptaà yuktaà lebhe 1 sämbaçivammatam|| 1 lekhe ||14||
On account of the grace of Shukra (purity of mind/great astrologer) the Lord Shiva is attainable and I (Achyuta) have put the knowledge of the 1000 granthas in an abridged form which gives the opinion of the Lord Shiva who is with Goddess Amba.
snkaidiÉraidòa> s<i]Ýa> s<ihta> p&wkœ,
sMàaàdan ³me[Ev te;a< te;a< àsadt>. 15.
sanakädibhirädiñöäù saìkñiptäù saàhitäù påthak|
sampräpradäna krameëaiva teñäà teñäà prasädataù||15||
Many concise orderly texts have been handed down from the times of Sanaka and other rishis due to their grace (over long period of time).
k«tk«TySttae ivà> g&h< àaPyaCyutae muda,
iz:yanXyapyamas zaô< tÎevkerlm!. 16.
kåtakåtyastato vipraù gåhaà präpyäcyuto mudä|
çiñyänadhyäpayämäsa çästraà taddevakeralam||16||
Oh Brahmin, having brought/received (from Guru) the science (Text) of Deva Keralam on this earth (loka) Achyuta is happy to give it, for its study, to (his) shishyas.
teip nanaiv*a< c³…Ssara<zE> k«its<Sk«itm!,
AtItanagt}ane yaSyaiSt àIitéÄma. 17.
tepi nänävidyäà cakrussäräàçaiù kåtisaàskåtim|
atétänägatajïäne yäsyästi prétiruttamä||17||
The (science of Jyotish/Deva keralam) has also been interpreted and refined, through knowledge of different sciences of ancient times that are of excellent (and dear to Achyuta).
AXyetsimd< zaô< ten sMyGguraemuRoat!,
Éavaep¢hs<yu´ oecrS)…qsaxnm! . 18.
adhyetasamidaà çästraà tena samyaggurormukhät|
bhävopagrahasaàyukta khecarasphuöasädhanam||18||
The study of calculations of the exact degrees of the grahas together with bhavas and upagrahas in this shastra should be learnt correctly from the mouth of Guru (from Guru himself)
¢haSSvêpkwn< razInamupl][m!,
Éavana< c pir}an< )l< tTvprI][m!. 19.
grahässvarüpakathanaà räçénämupalakñaëam|
bhävänäà ca parijïänaà phalaà tatvaparékñaëam||19||
Knowledge of Bhavas, principles of giving results, attributes of grahas, rashi’s attributes,
AòvgRàkar< c àkI[Rkwt> prm!,
raJyyaegae ÉaeGyyaegae prjatk l][m!. 20.
añöavargaprakäraà ca prakérëakathataù param|
räjyayogo bhogyayogo parajätaka lakñaëam||20||
The results be given on (duly expanding the results of) analyzing the 8 parameters (namely) Yoga for ruling a kingdom, yoga for luxuries, indications of being born from a stranger,
A<gÉ<gaidyaeg< c ivprItjinStwa,
dirÔjatk< cEv kmRjIvmt> prm!. 21.
aìgabhaìgädiyogaà ca viparétajanistathä|
daridrajätakaà caiva karmajévamataù param||21||
Yogas for breaks of limbs and body parts, yogas giving reverse effects, penury, results of past karmas,
laekyaÇa pir}an< idzana< in[Ry< twa,
ANtdRza<ivcar< c dzairò)l< twa. 22.
lokayäträ parijïänaà diçänäà nirëayaà tathä|
antardaçäàvicäraà ca daçäriñöaphalaà tathä||22||
Knowledge of travels and deciding the direction of travel, analysis of Antardashas and the arishta (calamities) causing Dasha results and,
dzairòàzmn< m&telR][mev c,
twalaekaNtr àaiÝéCyte sÌ‚raemRte. 23.
daçäriñöapraçamanaà måterlakñaëameva ca|
tathälokäntara präptirucyate sadgurormate||23||
The pariharas to stop or reduce the ills or arishtas that will happen during a dasha, the indications of death and what loka one shall get after death should be told, is the opinion of the pious Guru (Sadguru).
1 AyuxaRypir}an< Apm&Tyaeíl][m!, 1 AayudaRypir}an<
pirìajk yaegí pdæ<zkrStÄa. 24.
1 ayurdhäyaparijïänam apamåtyoçcalakñaëam| 1 äyurdäyaparijïänaà
parivräjaka yogaçca padabhraàçakarastattä||24||
Knowledge of life span, the indications of accidental or unnatural death, parivrajaka yoga and yogas that lead to break of the vow of a parivrajaka ,
About the Author: Chandrashekhar Sharma, from Nagpur, has translated the first two pages and sent us to be posted on the web, so that other learned could read and modify the translation done, if necessary. Chandrashekharji has also promised to translate rest of the pages over time. He has also asked us to make it clear that if there is any mistake in the translation, the fault is entirely his alone. Chandrashekharji is the author of the book “Vedic Astrology Demystified”, published by Parimal Publications Delhi “
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