Article by Edith Hathaway, USA
Basics: Graha Yuddha is a Planetary war. It occurs when two planets are within one degree of each other, either in the same sign or in adjacent signs. Only five planets can participate: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Depending on various factors, the vanquished planet (especially as Ascendant lord) can bring drastic results, losing its power as house lord and as karaka (significator) over matters it rules. This condition can also be observed with transiting planets, especially if they mirror a Graha Yuddha in the birth chart or if the Ascendant lord is involved. Mars as loser brings exceptional results. Graha Yuddha is not considered in Western tropical astrology. However, using the rules given here, it should be considered with every planetary conjunction involving these planets, the most pivotal being the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.
Background: In a conversation in the mid-1990s, I began discussing Graha Yuddha with my friend and Vedic colleague, Chakrapani Ullal. My concern was how unreliable I found the classical rules then in common use, most notably, the dictum that the planet at the lower longitude wins. For me, this was a dry theory that did not work in my practice. But what else should one use? Many astrologers just ignored the issue, and there was no clear guidance from the classics. Chakrapani said he used a different set of rules for Graha Yuddha given to him years ago by his father, but further formulated over his own long career by use in his day-to-day consulting practice. Since they proved to be accurate in his experience, I began research on this topic, joined initially by Chakrapani.
These ideas on the subject are in conformity with the classical rules, even if at times in contradiction to generally accepted principles followed by many astrologers. In my extensive research through astrological charts of well-known people as well as from my own client base, I further crystallized and clarified the principles Chakrapani shared with me. What became increasingly clear was that they did indeed work most of the time in practice. I introduced the central points of this research, with 8 example charts, in my lecture on Nov. 27, 2002 in Calicut, India at the 9th International Symposium on Vedic Astrology, sponsored by the American College of Vedic Astrology (ACVA). Six months later, the first version of this article was published in the ACVA Journal, Vo. 9, no. 1, Summer 2003, pp. 27-46. This 2010 revised version contains the same core material, and same principles, with 25 Chart examples, 21 of them from the 2003 article. Additional charts are: #4, 13, 15 & 24. For the layperson or newcomer to Vedic astrology, footnotes have been added to define some of the Sanskrit terms. Though it is important to read the segments on the Working Principles, the newcomer may want to skip past the material on the Vedic classical references, and proceed directly to the 25 Chart examples. They contain some fascinating stories of how Graha Yuddha has dramatically affected the course of these lives.
Working principles for assessing the two planets in Graha Yuddha:
The following principles work extremely well in Graha Yuddha, and are also consistent with most of the classics, especially the text given later on from the Brihat Samhita by Varahamihira. That text contains additional material on mundane astrology indicating there may be a case for any of these five planets being able to defeat each other. While that may be true in mundane astrology, there seems to be far more consistency in the principles below, both for natal and mundane astrology. Most of the 25 example charts are birth charts of individuals, though Charts #13 and #25 are major event charts and Chart #22 is a chart of a major organization: the United Nations.
The winner of the Graha Yuddha is dependent on these factors, in descending order:
- Size and influence of the planet.
- Effulgence, or brightness.
- Speed of orbital motion.
- If the victorious planet (as determined by factors # 1 through 3 above) is also situated north of the defeated planet, by either celestial longitude, declination, or latitudes – but especially by declination – then it is also usually the decisive winner. However, the winner may also be to the south.
- Mars is a special exception, being generally the loser in Graha Yuddha, even when it is situated further north, or is bigger or temporarily faster than the other planet. And as the planet of war, it does not lose easily! Mars as the vanquished planet in Graha Yuddha can cause particular havoc.
Given the above, here is what happens most of the time in Graha Yuddha:
- Saturn wins most often due to its greater influence. With its multiple rings, it spans a greater distance than Jupiter, even if Jupiter has greater mass. In addition, as planet of Karma, Saturn dominates over Jupiter, planet of Dharma.
- Jupiter wins over Venus by its size, even though Venus is brighter than Jupiter. Other than our Sun & Moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky, as seen from earth.
- Venus wins over Mercury, as it is brighter than Mercury.
- Mercury wins over Mars, with its greater speed of orbital motion. Mercury’s average orbital speed, at 48km/s is twice that of Mars. Thus, Mars is the one planet among these five that is bound to lose.
- The Graha Yuddha is affected by the condition of the planet owning the sign and nakshatra where it resides, as well as by which house it occupies from the Ascendant. Secondly, its Navamsa house and sign position impacts the outcome.
- One planet will clearly emerge as the victor, pertaining to the specific arena ruled by that planet, both as house lord and karaka (general significator). This will become especially clear during the Dasa, bhukti or even antar Dasa of the planet in question.
- If the winner & loser are planetary enemies, the loser planet suffers more. Even if friends, the loser can also suffer greatly. Mutually friendly planets in Vedic astrology are: Mercury, Venus, & Saturn; and in another group: Mars & Jupiter. Pairs of planets mutually neutral to each other are Venus & Mars, Jupiter & Saturn. Venus & Mars mutual interaction can create an enormous drive for power, increased by emphasis in angular houses. The sexual urge can also be aggravated, including if Venus-Mars are conjunct in Taurus, Libra, or Gemini, and aspected by a classical malefic planet.
Summary of general principles: On the top level, Saturn can conquer the other four planets by virtue of its orb of influence and its size. Saturn possesses the largest and most complex ring system of any planet. In early Oct. 2009 an infrared telescope discovered yet another ring around Saturn, confirming the enormity of Saturn’s spread across the heavens. This new ring extends out 11 million miles from Saturn, and at a 27 degree tilt to the planet. Below Saturn, Jupiter has advantage by its size, winning out over the remaining planets except for Saturn. On the next level down, Venus has advantage by virtue of its effulgence, winning out over Mercury and Mars. On the lowest rung of influence, Mercury has advantage over Mars due to its speed. Thus, Mars is the one planet conspicuously without advantage at any of these levels. And ironically, Mars is the planet of war! Mars also has the most number of exceptions in Planetary war. For instance, it is bigger than Venus, which is brighter. It is also bigger than Mercury, which is faster. Nevertheless, Mars tends to lose all of the Graha Yuddhas, even when it is further north.
When a planet is further north by celestial longitude, it usually has a great advantage, especially if the planet is also further north by declination. However, if our list of criteria is not also considered, in the proper order of importance – the astrologer’s analysis will be incorrect.
Although it is usually called combustion, there is a type of Graha Yuddha that can also occur with the Sun – when a planet is within one degree of the Sun. That planet’s light can adversely affect the Sun’s light, especially in the case of Sun and Saturn, as these two are bitter enemies. For combustion, the worst condition is when the planet is within 5 degrees either side of the Sun, especially if the planet is at a lower longitude from the Sun. However, when Sun and Mercury are at the same degree and minute, there are the best results. These particular conditions will not be among our example charts.
In classical Graha Yuddha, the losing planet suffers relatively less if at least several of the factors below are present:
- The Graha Yuddha is between planetary friends, especially friends of the ASC lord. (See Chart #19: Margaret Mead.)
- The Graha Yuddha is placed in a Kendra or a trine at the same time being in a friend’s sign – ideally a friend to both planets. (See Chart #19: Margaret Mead. For the contrary, see Chart #8: Karen Carpenter.)
- The Graha Yuddha is well placed by sign and house in both Rasi and Navamsa (See Chart #19: Margaret Mead.)
- The sign lord of the Graha Yuddha is well placed and in good condition. (See Chart #7: Woody Allen.)
- The nakshatra lord of the Graha Yuddha is well placed and in good condition. (See Chart #7: Woody Allen.)
- The losing planet participates in a Raja yoga with the winning planet. (See Charts #11 & 12, Female clients, and Chart #19: Margaret Mead.)
- The Graha Yuddha is not Gandanta, especially not in Scorpio. (For the contrary, see Chart #3: Bruno Hauptman.)
- The losing planet is an enemy of the ASC lord. (See Chart #6: Barbara Walters.)
- The losing planet is in a different Navamsa or a different sign in the Rasi Vargottama status enhances even further. (See Chart #6: Barbara Walters.)
- The losing planet is not in the same house with either RAHU or KETU, and not receiving aspects from other malefics. (For the contrary, see Chart #3: Bruno Hauptman, Chart #5: Jacqueline Du Pré, and Chart #12: Female client.)
Definitions from the classics: In his work Uttara Kalamrita, Kalidasa offers the following: “When two planets are in the same house and within one degree they are at war (Graha Yuddha). The planet which is north of the second is the winner. It acquires the strength of the Vanquished.” The Surya Siddhanta states that “Venus is generally victor whether situated to the north or the south.” In general, it is understood that one of these two planets will win out over the other, thereby greatly diminishing the power of the vanquished planet, especially in the affairs of the houses or general matters over which that planet rules. Meanwhile, the victorious planet gains much power.
Paura and Yayi: In a discussion of Graha Yuddha in his work Uttara Kalamrita, Kalidasa speaks of two categories: 1) Paura: includes Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn; 2) Yayi: includes Mars and Venus. He considers war between one Paura and another Paura the worst. War between one Paura and one Yayi is the next in order of severity, and war involving two Yayis is mild.
Modern clarification: The ancient texts give general guidelines for Graha Yuddha which may pertain largely to mundane astrology. These guidelines can be interpreted in different ways, so one has to go through each case separately. The rules on Paura and Yayi appear to apply mainly to mundane astrology, and so may have less to do with natal astrology. But as Chart #13 below indicates, this event is not “mild,” and it has two Yayis – Venus-Mars in Graha Yuddha.
Regarding the other definitions given above from the classics:
1) In the Surya Siddhanta, a major textbook of Hindu astronomy, there is no mention of house position for Graha Yuddha, simply that “the interval is less than a degree.” The type of house can be either bhava or equal sign. We have found there is Graha Yuddha if the two planets straddle two different signs. They still behave like Graha Yuddha and they are guaranteed to be at the end or start of the two signs, which will still fall in the same house of the bhava chart.
2) None of the classical texts, including the Uttara Kalamrita specify what exactly is meant by “further north.” This could be by celestial longitude, declination, or latitude – though astronomers tend to prefer declination.
3) Regarding the winner “acquiring the strength of the Vanquished,” this is another point that needs to be clarified astrologically, as it is not a phenomenon in which the losing planet transfers its power to the winning planet. Otherwise, the affairs of the vanquished planet STILL win. He just doesn’t get credit for it! In the realm of astrology, a true transfer of power is more likely to be achieved in a Kamboola yoga, a yoga used in Prasna – in which two planets are not in aspect to each other, but the Moon is in aspect to both of them, and transfers the light and thus the power and effectiveness from the planet at lower longitude to the one at a higher longitude. In the case of Graha Yuddha, the winner takes on the energy of the losing planet, though totally overpowering it with its own energy and agenda. Meanwhile, unless other factors soften the outcome, the affairs of the loser, as karaka and house lord are diminished considerably.
4) To say, as it does in the Surya Siddhanta, that “Venus is generally victor whether situated to the north or the south” – is not to consider the situations when Venus is overwhelmed by a planet much bigger than itself, such as Jupiter or Saturn. However, the text may be referring primarily to mundane astrology. When astronomers or laymen of different eras translate texts with primarily astrological implications, they cannot be expected to get all the astrology correct. Furthermore, the material becomes even more susceptible to the opinions, prejudices or limitations of the translator.
Our research shows that a Graha Yuddha between Venus and Saturn usually eclipses the affairs of Venus, especially during the Dasa of Saturn or Venus. At the very least it modifies the activities of Venus to the duties dictated by Saturn.
The same applies to Jupiter and Venus combinations. But much will depend on the house and sign position of both planets in both birth and Navamsa chart, as well as whether the nakshatra lord is a planetary friend of that Ascendant chart. In Vol. 1 of his excellent work New Techniques of Prediction, Sheshadri Iyer is more or less in agreement on this subject. However, Iyer also says that Venus and Mercury are less bound by the conditions of Graha Yuddha, since they are constantly moving faster. Our research indicates that Mercury can suffer greatly when it loses to Venus.
The debate: One of the fascinating aspects of Graha Yuddha is how much it tests the parameters of astrology and astronomy, because whereas it has its various astronomical definitions in the classical texts – these often confused and unclear – the astrology must win out in the end. That is, as with all astrology – astronomy does not define the astrological implications, only the astronomical facts. Astrology decides the astrological implications. An added factor is that pure astronomers may have been translating some of these texts, especially the Surya Siddhanta, or other persons with no knowledge of how to weigh the subtleties of astrology in its relationship to astronomy.
It is of paramount importance to examine Graha Yuddha in a wide number of astrological charts. We find through experience with charts of many clients as well as charts of well-known people that the truth of Graha Yuddha reveals itself. Vedic astrologers often differ on what constitutes Graha Yuddha, and just as often change their position on the matter after having done further research, especially since the classic texts have a rather small margin of interpretation on this subject. Nor does astronomical theory alone work in this instance, or indeed in most instances in the practice of Vedic astrology. For example, you will be incorrect in your astrological assessment of the outcome of Graha Yuddha if you simply judge on the basis of the higher numbers in the Shad Bala categories – whether they are for brightness (Naisargika) or for speed of motion (Chesta). That is why we say emphatically that mathematics and astronomy do not decide whether one planet is winning or losing. Astrology decides this, as an interpretive art form – even if Graha Yuddha is the result of a particular astronomical condition in the sky.
One example of such a situation is the nature of transiting Sun in the 12th house. The Sun is, after all, astronomically above the horizon, and very visible, yet astrologically it is considered to be generally weak and less visible in the 12th house. Exceptions abound, of course, such as the chart of U.S. Pres. George W. Bush. But in general – the Sun, or indeed any planet located in the 12th house, is considered to be more hidden there, astrologically-speaking. Alternately, with natal Sun in the 12th house, the person is more visible in foreign countries, another astrological meaning of the 12th house being residence or visibility in a country that is not one’s country of birth. In either case, this is another example of how observational astronomy cannot lead astrology.
More definitions from the classics: In Varahamihira’s Brihat Samhita, Part I, Chapter XVII on Planetary wars, there is good coverage of the subject of Graha Yuddha, avowing its complexity, of course, and speaking of four kinds of war, as stated by Parashara and other sages: 1) Bheda, or occultation, cleaving, in which the orb of the lower planet completely obstructs the upper one; 2) Ullekha (grazing), in which the rims of the two orbs graze each other; 3) Amsumardana (clashing of the rays), in which the rays of two planets situated closely appear to be clashing with one another; and 4) Apasavya (passing southward), literally meaning “from the left, to the left, or moving towards the left.” Thus, says Varahamihira, the planet of victory is 1) stationed to the north of the other, 2) has glossiness, and 3) has largeness.
In another verse in the same text, Chapter XVII, Varahamihira states: “A planet possessed of characteristics contrary to those mentioned above [having 16 to 17 “marks of defeat”] should be considered as victorious, i.e. when it is large, glossy and brilliant, even though it may be placed in the south.”
25 EXAMPLE CHARTS: Includes 12 famous people, 10 client examples, two event charts, one famous organization. (Sidereal zodiac, Lahiri ayanamsha. Declinations and latitudes given for each Graha Yuddha planet.)
p-8 Chart #1: Amadeo Modigliani (painter & sculptor)
p-9 Chart #2: Male infant (early death from birth defects)
p.10 Chart #3: Bruno Hauptman (convicted kidnapper)
p.11 Chart #4: Female client (administrator/teacher of learning disabilities)
p.13 Chart #5: Jacqueline Du Pré (cellist)
p.14 Chart #6: Barbara Walters (television journalist & host)
p.15 Chart #7: Woody Allen (comedian, actor, writer, film director)
p.17 Chart #8: Karen Carpenter (singer of popular/romantic music)
p.18 Chart #9: Female client (duty vs. courage/strong-willed partners)
p.19 Chart #10: Adolf Hitler (politician, military leader, dictator)
p.21 Chart #11: Female client (career success/pressure to marry)
p.22 Chart #12: Female client (broadcast engineer/weak partners)
p.23 Chart #13: Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
p.25 Chart #14: John Belushi (comedian & musician)
p.26 Chart #15: Female client (astro twin to John Belushi)
p.27 Chart #16: Dominique de Villepin (diplomat, lawyer, author)
p.28 Chart #17: Female client (business & duty vs. the arts & love)
p.29 Chart #18: Female client (duty vs. love & desire to travel)
p.31 Chart #19: Margaret Mead (anthropologist, writer)
p.32 Chart #20: Francoise Gilot (artist, writer, famous partners)
p.33 Chart #21: Maria Callas (opera singer)
p.35 Chart #22: The United Nations
p.36 Chart #23: Female client (born 2 days from 1980 JU-SA conj.)
p.37 Chart #24: Male client (born 4 days from 1961 JU-SA conj.)
p.39 Chart #25: JUPITER-SATURN conjunction (Feb. 18, 1961)
Chart #1: Amadeo Modigliani (painter & sculptor)
Birth data: July 12, 1884, 9:00 AM LMT, Livorno, Italy,10E19, 43N33. Ascendant: 17:18 Leo. Mercury: 27:00 Gemini, Venus R: 27:40 Gemini. Mercury: 23:28 North Decl.; Venus: 17:09 North Decl., Mercury: 1:25 North lat.; Venus: 4:52 South latitude.
Though Mercury is further north by declination and latitude, Venus wins by its greater effulgence, as well as being at higher longitude. Mercury as Dhana yogakaraka in its own sign is destroyed, further emphasized by being located in the 11th house of finance from Leo Ascendant. During his brief career as a painter and sculptor (he died at age 36 in 1920), Modigliani had to struggle constantly against poverty and chronic ill health. Mercury, as karaka of the lungs was also adversely affected. He died of tuberculosis, exacerbated by his use of drink and drugs. By all reports he was driven desperate by his poverty, and bitterly ashamed of it. He never attracted a patron. All his artistic fame and recognition came after his death. He died in Saturn-Sun Dasa, Jan. 24, 1920. His Ascendant lord was Moon, placed in the 8th house, and receiving an aspect from Saturn.
Chart #2: Male infant (early death from birth defects)
Birth data: Jan. 14, 1970, 8:21 AM EST, Breadlow Falls, MA, 70W44 30, 41N44 15. Ascendant: 22:14 Capricorn. Mercury R 27:47 Sagittarius, Venus 28:04 Sagittarius. Mercury Retrograde: 18:35 South Decl., Venus: 22:28 South Decl.; Mercury R: 3:12 North Lat., Venus: 0:46 South Lat.
Though Mercury Retrograde is further north by declination and latitude, Venus wins by being the brighter planet and by being further north in celestial longitude. The child was born with his spinal cord and nerves malformed. Part of the spinal cord was exposed with no bone, muscle, or skin to protect it. The hospital diagnosis was that surgery might save his life, but would leave him crippled and retarded. Surgery was not attempted, and he died on Feb. 5, 1970.
These are several Balarishta yogas. Neither the Ascendant nor the Moon receives benefic aspects. Further, mutual contact between 8th house or its lord and the Ascendant or its lord is not considered good for physical health and longevity. In this case, the Sun is 8th lord and located in the Ascendant. The Ascendant lord is Saturn, ruling over bones & bone structure, debilitated in the 4th house in Aries. Saturn is in Ashwini nakshatra ruled by Ketu. Ketu, in turn is located in the 8th house. This is an especially negative factor with Ketu as Dasa lord at birth. Born in Ketu-Ketu-Saturn dasa, the infant lived only 23 days – literally until the first day of the Ketu-Ketu-Mercury sub-period. Mercury’s loss in the Graha Yuddha is revealed in this timing, and the infant was born on Mercury’s day.
Aside from key factors describing the Ascendant lord and Dasa lord Ketu, the Venus-Mercury Graha Yuddha is located in the 12th house from the Capricorn Ascendant, in a Sun-owned nakshatra, with both of them combust the Sun (karaka for physical health), within 2 to 3 degrees. This further emphasizes the prominence of Sun here. The Mercury-Venus combination is Vargottama, and located in the Navamsa 6th house, disposited by debilitated 9th lord Jupiter in Capricorn, not a good indication. However, as 6th lord situated in the 12th house, or 12th lord in the 6th house, this qualifies in both birth chart and Navamsa as the protective Viparita Raja yogas. What is notable here is that Mercury is also lord of the 9th house of good fortune, which is destroyed by Mercury’s losing the Graha Yuddha, and located in the 12th house of loss. There is no auspiciousness for 9th house matters. Even from the Moon in Aries, Mercury is 6th lord placed in the 9th house.
Chart #3: Bruno Hauptman (convicted kidnapper)
Birth data: Nov. 26, 1899, 13:00 Zone -1, Kamenz, Germany, 14E06, 51N16. Ascendant: 12:54 Aquarius. Mercury R 29:38 Scorpio, Venus 29:37 Scorpio. Mercury R 24:43 South Decl., Venus 24:00 South Decl., Mercury R 1:31 South Lat., Venus 0:48 South Lat.
Though Mercury is further north by celestial longitude and is moving much faster than Venus, Venus once again wins by its greater effulgence. Venus is also further north by declination and latitude. The Graha Yuddha occurs in the 10th house in the last degree of Scorpio, and recurs in the Navamsa 3rd house in Pisces, where Mercury is debilitated and Venus is exalted. Using Mean node, Rahu is at 28:54 Scorpio, recurring also in Pisces Navamsa. Rahu so close to the Graha Yuddha further exaggerates and destabilizes the combination, especially as they all reside in the last 3 degrees 20 minutes of Scorpio – the most treacherous area of all the Gandantas, or Rikta Sandhis. The severity of this combination will not go unnoticed by the public, since the Graha Yuddha occurs in the 10th house of status and public attention. In fact, there are six planets in Scorpio in the 10th house of the birth chart.
Bruno Hauptman is best known for being the convicted kidnapper of the famous Lindbergh baby (infant son of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh). The kidnapping occurred on March 1, 1932, during Hauptman’s Rahu-Saturn Dasa. He was caught and arrested Sept. 1934, went to trial in Jan. 1935, received the death sentence Feb. 13, 1935, and was electrocuted April 3, 1936. Though Mercury is generally an excellent planet for Aquarius Ascendant chart, its loss in the Graha Yuddha weakens many planets, including even Venus – the winner of the Graha Yuddha. This is because Mercury owns Jyestha nakshatra, where natal Mars, Rahu, Venus and Mercury are all located. Rahu-Mercury Dasa-bhukti was especially unfortunate for Hauptman: from June 11, 1933 to Dec. 30, 1935.
His execution occurred during Rahu-Ketu-Sun dasa. Mercury’s loss in the Planetary war weakens Hauptman’s ability to communicate and to defend himself, and he always maintained he was innocent of the crime. As a German-born immigrant in a time of rising anti-German sentiment, and hunted down for the “crime of the century,” there was and is still controversy as to whether he was framed, given the tremendous urgency to solve this famous case. His ability to speak English was not good, and a speech problem is indicated by the debilitated Navamsa Mercury in the 3rd house. Venus, as 9th lord and winner of the Graha Yuddha, should have brought him some luck. But during Rahu-Mercury he was caught and tried. Hauptman was born in Venus-Mercury period, thereby featuring both Graha Yuddha planets in some way in his life. These were AK and Amk planets, thus also Raja yoga planets in two ways, and in the 10th house of visibility. He was well known for being convicted of a famous crime, around which much controversy still swells. (For more signatures of a Graha Yuddha in Gandanta Scorpio, See also Chart #13, the JFK assassination chart. It contains a Venus-Mars Graha Yuddha in the Gandanta area of Scorpio.)
MERCURY-VENUS-JUPITER (double graha Yuddha: ME-VE, VE-JU)
Chart #4: Female client (administrator/teacher of learning disabilities)
Birth data: Nov. 13, 1971, 11:17 AM EST, Rochester, NH, 70W59, 43N18. Ascendant: 28:09 Sagittarius. Mercury: 16:55 Scorpio; Venus: 17:19 Scorpio; Jupiter: 18:02 Scorpio. Mercury 24:14 South Decl., Venus 22:30 South Decl., Jupiter 21:41 South Decl. Mercury 2:23 South Lat., Venus 0:34 South Lat., Jupiter 0:28 North Lat. Navamsa Asc. Vargottama
This woman has two Graha yuddhas clustered together in Scorpio in Mercury-ruled Jyeshtha nakshatra, with Sagittarius Ascendant. The Graha Yuddha occurs between Mercury-Venus and Venus-Jupiter. Venus wins the war over Mercury, and Jupiter wins the war over Venus, according to our principles. Jupiter is further north in declination and latitude from both Mercury and Venus, while Venus is further north than Mercury in declination and latitude. Scorpio is owned by Mars in Aquarius, and the nakshatra is owned by Mercury in Scorpio, the big loser in this combination.
The nervous system and cognitive learning is further emphasized by Mars in the 3rd house from the Ascendant, and the cluster of Scorpio planets in the 3rd house from natal Moon in Virgo. If I had believed that Mercury won the Graha Yuddha due to being at lowest longitude, I would have been wrong in my delineation. Instead, I knew that Mercury was severely diminished by being the loser to Venus, which in turn was the loser to Jupiter. Even so, Mercury has some power by being in its own nakshatra. I asked the client if she suffered from any cognitive or communication difficulties, or any problems with the nervous system. I was especially alerted as Moon is in Mercury’s sign, and from the 10th house Moon aspects the 4th house of mind and memory. The woman confirmed that she had almost no short-term or long-term memory.
Except for a few isolated and painful incidents, she could not remember anything that happened during Moon dasa (April 11, 1972 thru April 11, 1982, covering infancy and childhood up to age 10 ½). Her condition probably worsened during Moon dasa. She has suffered with it a lot due to her learning disabilities. But because these planets move to the Ascendant of the Navamsa chart, and especially because Mercury owns the nakshatra – a powerful Nadi principle – there is some reprieve, especially as Mercury own the 10th house of career and status. She runs a school catering only to students with learning disabilities, such as ADD (Attention Deficit Dysfunction), dyslexia, and even autism. I told her this was a major upaya (remedy for planetary afflictions) for improving that Mercury. She was glad to receive Mercury and Moon mantras as well. She works very hard to do what she does personally and professionally, writes EVERYTHING down – even the simplest of facts – and must review them repeatedly.
In this case, I would have also been wrong assuming Venus wins over Jupiter, and if this were true, she should have had a number of difficulties with her physical health, especially with Mercury-Venus-Jupiter in the Sagittarius Ascendant in the Navamsa chart. In that case, Venus would be operating in the Ascendant as 6th house lord, causing health problems. Its loss in Graha Yuddha to Jupiter minimizes its ability to do more harm. She also has the advantage of Vargottama Sagittarius Ascendant – excellent for health and vitality.
Chart #5: Jacqueline Du Pré (cellist)
Birth data: Jan. 26, 1945, 11:30 AM, BST, Oxford, England, 1W15, 51N46. Ascendant: 3:59 Aries. Mercury 22:20 Sagittarius, Mars 22:25 Sagittarius; Mercury 22:56 South Decl., Mars 23:18 South Decl., Mercury 0:24 South Lat., Mars 0:47 South Lat.
Although Mars is slightly higher in celestial longitude, Mercury wins the Planetary war as it is brighter in the heavens, moving faster, and is further north by declination and latitude. Mars is the one exception in Graha Yuddha when the losing planet is also the larger planet. Thus Mars suffers here as Ascendant lord, and we see this also with Chart #21: Maria Callas. In both cases, Mars as Ascendant lord loses the Planetary war. Though there is some compensation in each case (Du Pré had Sun at the top of the sky, and Callas Sun exactly rising), which allowed each of them to rise to prominence career-wise, there is also the continued sense of not really being seen. This made it difficult for each of them to sustain the full-blown career visibility due to the inner and (ultimately) outer fragility.
Du Pré’s Mars is well placed in the 9th house, but afflicted in an Arishta yoga by 6th Lord Mercury in terms of health issues. Mars does not lose easily, and creates particular problems as the loser planet. Du Pré suffered serious afflictions to her mental/emotional stability and also to the nervous system through multiple sclerosis. Even if Mercury wins, Mars is attacking and weakening Mercury in this situation. Mercury and Jupiter are in Parivartana yoga, giving Mars further reinforcement via Jupiter. Further, since both Moon and Mercury are involved on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, along with four malefics – Saturn, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu – the combination is devastating for both the physical body (Ascendant lord is Mars) and the mental and emotional health (Mercury-Moon), especially during Mercury Dasa or any sub-period of Mercury or Mars. This fact is worsened by the Graha Yuddha planets situated in the Navamsa 6th house.
Jacqueline Du Pré was a world class cellist, and came from a family of musicians. Kirkus Reviews says Du Pré “almost single handedly opened up the predominantly male field of cello playing.” They describe her as “an exuberant, musical dynamo known for powerful, evocative and provocative playing …[as well as her] unorthodox personal life.” She won out in a musical rivalry with her older sister Hillary, a fine flutist in her day. She also had a celebrity marriage (1967) with conductor/pianist Daniel Barenboim, with whom she frequently performed. But in 1973, at the age of 28, she was forced to announce her early retirement due to the effects of multiple sclerosis. She was in Saturn-Rahu Dasa-bhukti, and in the same year (from June 11) transiting Saturn entered Gemini. However, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis had been occurring during most of 1972, while she was still in Saturn-Mars Dasa-bhukti.
This disease is one in which the myelin sheaths protecting the central nervous system are damaged or destroyed. It is characterized by speech defects and loss of muscular coordination. Karakas (significators) for the nervous system include chiefly Mercury, but also Ketu, 3rd house, and Gemini, the natural 3rd house. Although she had a quick wit (ME-MA), and in the early years a strong sense of self-discipline and musical technique (MA-SA), along with major themes of sibling rivalry (Mars is karaka for siblings), tragically the Mercury-Mars Graha Yuddha would spell the early downfall of a great musician and performer. She lived another 14 years after retirement, in a steady downward spiral mentally and physically. Her mental/emotional imbalance increased dramatically with the years, especially during the 11 tortuous years of her Mercury Dasa. She died on Oct. 19, 1987 during Mercury-Mars-Venus. Venus is lord of Purvashada nakshatra, where the ME-MA combination is placed. (Purvashada means “the earlier victor.”) Venus is also double maraka planet for Aries ASC. Mercury-Mars period began on Dec. 21, 1986 for one year. Mercury-Mars-Venus ran from Aug. 31, 1987 to Oct. 30, 1987.
Chart #6: Barbara Walters (television journalist & host)
Birth data: Sept. 25, 1929, 6:50 AM EDT, Boston, MA 71W02, 42N22. Ascendant: 11:11 Virgo. Mercury: 00:28 Libra, Mars: 29:40 Virgo; Mercury 12:34 South Decl., Mars 8:31 South Decl., Mercury 3:46 South Lat., Mars 0:17 South Lat.
There is no doubt that Mercury behaves as winner of the Graha Yuddha in this chart. Though Mars is further north in declination and latitude, Mercury is higher in celestial longitude in the sign of a great friend. It is also brighter in the heavens and about to turn Stationary Retrograde in 7 ½ hours after the birth. This gives Mercury great power in the chart in the 2nd house of speech. Both Graha Yuddha planets are Vargottama in adjacent signs but in the same nakshatra of Chitra. Since Mercury and Mars recur in different signs throughout the varga charts, this gives each planet in the Graha Yuddha more power to act individually without overly damaging the other. No doubt Mercury-Mars has given Walters a quick wit, and a gift for repartee, but it has also has made her aggressive and a conscientious businesswoman, especially with the close Moon-Saturn opposition on the axis of Houses 4 and 10, affecting career.
Mercury’s Navamsa position in the 7th house (with Moon and Rahu opposite Saturn and Ketu) was bound to bring marital problems during Mercury Dasa. Indeed, it brought the end of her first marriage to Lee Gruber, and a second marriage and divorce from Merv Adelson, 1986-1992. However, her extraordinary and unprecedented career in American television journalism continued unabated – a tribute to the power of Mercury as Ascendant lord winning the Graha Yuddha over its traditional rival Mars. Her first appearance on screen was in 1964, at age 35. But her Dasas did not start producing big career results for her until the Saturn period (from 11-20-1966) and the Mercury period (from 11-20-1985 through 11-20-2002). In 1975, in Saturn-Venus Dasa-bhukti she signed a contract with ABC as newscast anchorwoman at a salary of $1 million per year, legendary for the time. She has never since lost her foothold in this often slippery and volatile realm.
Though Mars loses the Graha Yuddha to Mercury, Mars continues to have some prominence in the chart partly due to its status as Atma karaka, and as owner of Chitra nakshatra where Mercury and Mars both reside. In fact, a total of four planets reside in Mars-ruled nakshatras: Moon, Mars, Mercury (1st and 10th house lords), and Jupiter. Unlike the case of Bruno Hauptman: Chart #3, the losing planet as nakshatra lord does not appear to adversely affect these four planets. Instead – as loser of the Graha Yuddha, Mars has probably saved Ms. Walters from countless litigations, and generally diminished her enemies, competitors, and detractors – allowing her to stay in the forefront of a male-dominated and highly competitive communications field. It is a testimony to the relative equilibrium of this Mercury and Mars that no major career ordeals occurred during Mercury-Mars period, from May 24, 1994 for the next year. Perhaps some major battle occurred behind the scenes, and she emerged victorious, as always.
Chart #7: Woody Allen (comedian, actor, writer, film director)
Birth data: Dec. 1, 1935, 22:55 EST, Bronx, New York, 73W54, 40N51. Ascendant: 9:20 Leo. Mercury: 11:32 Scorpio, Jupiter: 12:09 Scorpio, Mercury 21:10 South Decl., Jupiter 20:31 South Decl., Mercury 0:17 South Lat., Jupiter 0:38 South Lat.
Jupiter is higher in celestial longitude and further north in declination, though Mercury is further north in latitude. However, due primarily to its superior size and also its brightness, Jupiter wins the Graha Yuddha. Since Mercury is Dhana yogakaraka (wealth significator), as in the case of Amadeo Modigliani, Allen could suffer financially due to Mercury’s diminishment. However, both his nakshatra lord and sign lord are well placed. Sign lord is Mars, exalted in Capricorn in the 6th house. Lord of Anuradha nakshatra is Saturn, located in the 7th house in its own sign of Aquarius. Saturn is Dig Bala in the 7th house. Saturn also receives special Raja yoga status as Mahapurusha Shasha Raja yoga. Further, there is a special yoga for wealth, as noted in Bhavartha Ratnakara, Ch. 1, Simha Lagna, Stanza 2: “For a person born in Leo Ascendant, if the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury are combined together, good wealth is indicated.” Allen has this combination. In the case of Modigliani, the nakshatra lord of Punarvasu is placed in the 12th house of loss and expenditures – even if exalted in Cancer.
Nevertheless, Woody Allen did suffer a lot of extra legal expense and character defamation in the opening years of his Mercury Dasa (most especially Mercury-Mercury Dasa-bhukti from Oct. 23, 1991 through March 25, 1994) due to the scandalous breakup with Mia Farrow, his partner of 12 years and 13 movies. He left that relationship to be with Farrow’s young adopted daughter. (Note that the Graha Yuddha occurs in the 4th house in the natal chart, and in the 5th house of children and creative endeavors in the Navamsa chart.) Allen’s prodigious filmmaking output continued unabated, though perhaps suffering more in the Mercury-Mercury period (see dates above) due to the court case with Mia Farrow. With the Graha Yuddha in Scorpio in the Sarpa Drekkana area, this can bring scandal and intrigue that lives on for many years. (See also Charts #12 & 17, for Graha Yuddha in Sarpa Drekkana. A similar effect occurs, though even more exaggerated when Graha Yuddha is Gandanta and in Scorpio. See Chart #13, the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.)
This damaging period was no doubt also alleviated by the Raja yoga and Parivartana yoga between Venus and Mercury in the 4th and 5th houses in the Navamsa chart. That double yoga softens the financial and personal blow considerably, even if Navamsa Moon-Rahu-Mercury-Jupiter in Libra aspected by Saturn and Ketu keeps Allen in a perpetual state of self-analysis regarding his emotional turmoil. He always has a lot to say about the current state of his mental and emotional well-being, and he says it in his many movies – on average one per year. This is a combust Mercury-Jupiter aspected by Saturn, also in a fixed sign. But over all, the excellent Dhana and Raja yogas formed by Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in a Kendra modify many of the potential ill effects of the Graha Yuddha.
Chart #8: Karen Carpenter (singer of popular/romantic music)
Birth data: March 2, 1950, 11:45 AM EST, New Haven, CT, 72W56, 41N18. Ascendant: 7:24 Gemini. Mercury: 28:35 Capricorn, Jupiter: 27:36 Capricorn, Mercury 16:03 South Decl., Jupiter 15:12 South Decl., Mercury 1:54 South Lat., Jupiter 0:40 South Lat.
Mercury is higher by celestial longitude, though Jupiter is further north by declination and latitude. In any case, Jupiter wins by total domination due to its size and effulgence. Unfortunately it is also debilitated in the 8th house from the Gemini Ascendant. And since Mercury is Ascendant lord, and loses the Graha Yuddha in the 8th house – this is bad news for the physical and mental well being of the person. It also denotes dramatic change and/or loss in partnerships and career due to 7th and 10th lord Jupiter situated in the 8th house of radical change. Also, as with both Gemini and Virgo Ascendants, Mercury and Jupiter represent the 1st and 7th house lords, respectively. So this Graha Yuddha with Mercury-Jupiter puts a particular burden on partnerships. Her singing partnership with her older brother Richard began in the 1960s, and by 1970 (Venus-Rahu dasa) Herb Alpert signed “the Carpenters” to A & M Records, producing their first album in Nov. 1970, called “A Ticket to Ride.” It was the start of the Carpenters’ rise to stardom. They sold over 60 million albums. Karen Carpenter was known for her melancholic, romantic songs such as “We’ve Only Just Begun to Live.” During Venus-Mercury dasa Karen Carpenter was married, on Aug. 31, 1980, for one year. The vanquished Ascendant lord shows she would suffer particularly during this Mercury sub-period, and indeed – it seems she never recovered. She suffered from anorexia nervosa, and dieted down to a starvation weight. Due to her condition she died of cardiac arrest on Feb. 4, 1983 – just 19 days prior to the end of the 20-year Venus Dasa. The next Dasa, that of the Sun, would not bode well for her physical health. (Natal Sun is closely opposite Saturn, in mutual sign exchange.)
Graha Yuddha in this case between Mercury and Jupiter contributes to her demise in that she could be overpowered by her partner due to the complete victory of Jupiter. Secondly, her physical body could suffer from several additional astrological factors: The sign lord containing the Graha Yuddha is Saturn – placed in the 2nd house (of eating and speaking) from the Moon in Cancer, and in the sign of its enemy, the Sun. The Sun, in turn, is placed in Aquarius in the sign of Saturn, while Saturn is in Sun-owned Leo. The Parivartana Yoga between Sun and Saturn is one of several factors implying potential emotional problems due to partnerships, which in turn can cause 2nd house afflictions such as eating disorders. That she died of cardiac arrest is a testimony to the Sun-Saturn interchange, which can be damaging to her physical heart, ruled by the Sun. Meanwhile, Mars is lord of Dhanishta nakshatra, where Mercury and Jupiter are placed in Graha Yuddha. Mars in turn is badly placed for mental/emotional equilibrium, in the 4th house in Virgo, tightly conjunct Ketu. Lastly, Mercury-Jupiter is well placed in the Navamsa in the 10th house in Virgo, Mercury’s sign of exaltation. This factor confirms that the Graha Yuddha does not prevent Karen Carpenter from experiencing personal success and visibility career-wise. In fact, her music is still known over two decades after her death.
Chart #9: Female client (duty vs. courage/strong-willed partners)
Birth data: Mar. 22, 1936, 14:00 CST, St. Louis, MO 90W12, 38N38. Ascendant: 18:51 Cancer. Mercury: 22:08 Aquarius, Saturn: 22:11 Aquarius; Mercury 7:59 South Decl., Saturn 7:27 South Decl.; Mercury 2:18 South Lat., Saturn 1:45 South Lat.
Though Mercury shows up on the Shad Bala as far brighter and faster than Saturn, Saturn wins the Graha Yuddha due primarily to its superior size, as well as being higher in celestial longitude (by 2 minutes of arc), and further north in both declination and latitude. Graha Yuddha occurs in the 8th house of a Cancer Ascendant chart. Ascendant lord Moon is in the last few degrees of its waning phase, which gives personal weakness, though helped by a Dhana yoga (of wealth), with Sun and Mars in the 9th house of fortune.
For almost the first 18 years of life this woman was in Saturn Dasa, during which time she was growing up and living at home with her parents. The family had a lot of financial prosperity and privilege, but she was required to follow the rules of convention (Saturn) and was not allowed her own views (Mercury) on most issues. By her own description, it took her many years to develop her own courage to stand up for herself in life. Aside from there being no planets in Kendras (angles) in the birth chart, this shows the vanquished Mercury, as lord of the 3rd house of courage and initiative, and with no younger siblings – also 3rd house. As vanquished lord of the 12th house – fortunately her losses and expenditures through life have been minimal. This point is solidified by three Viparita Raja yogas from the Cancer Ascendant, and Ascendant lord Moon well placed in the 9th house.
She married three times, each time to very strong-willed partners. Saturn is lord of the 7th house and winner of the Graha Yuddha. The first marriage occurred in 1956 during Mercury-Ketu Dasa. By 1972, her husband decided he was gay. Thus, most of her 17-year Mercury Dasa was spent with the first husband. It was only later she understood she waited too long for his decision on the matter. Reading from natal Moon in Pisces, Mercury is 7th lord of partnerships. Themes of sexual neutrality, unfulfilled commitments, and problems of communication can occur with a weak or negative Mercury as 7th house lord. But the woman’s own ability to assimilate information is not totally lost through Mercury’s loss in the Graha Yuddha. This can be confirmed by Mercury’s improved house position in the Navamsa – the 5th house of education in Aries, alongside Jupiter and Saturn, with Jupiter and Mars in a Parivartana yoga. (Mars is in Pisces in the Navamsa 4th house of home and educational degrees.) She has become a serious student of metaphysics, and reads and studies a great deal.
Chart #10: Adolf Hitler (politician, military leader, dictator)
Birth data: Apr. 20, 1889, 18:30 LMT, Branau am Inn, Austria, 13E02, 48N15. Ascendant: 4:22 Libra. Venus R: 24:23 Aries, Mars: 24:04 Aries, Venus: 22:54 North Decl., Mars 16:54 North Decl., Venus 6:21 North Lat., Mars 0:10 North Lat.
With Venus-Mars in Graha Yuddha in his 7th house in Aries, in Venus-ruled constellation of Bharani, Venus wins primarily by its greater effulgence. But in this case Venus is also situated further north by celestial longitude, declination and latitude, and Venus would win due to its effulgence alone, even if Mars were further north in longitude or declination. Hitler’s four planets in Aries are affected not only by Venus’s victory over Mars, but by her ownership of the nakshatra where house lord Mars resides. According to Nadi principles, Venus becomes the ultimate governing factor for 7 out of 12 houses, since a nakshatra lord can dominate over a sign lord. Seven house lords are situated in Venus-owned nakshatras: Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Ketu. Nadi principles also consider Venus debilitated when situated in a nakshatra it rules, as it exaggerates rajasic qualities (passionate, action-oriented). With Venus overly attached to action, 7 out of 9 planets in fire signs, and so many masculine, fiery planets – the action is likely to be military or militant. The arts are not favored, especially not watercolors, his preferred medium. This was a bitter disappointment to him.
Since the sign lord of Aries is destroyed in Graha yuddha, it drags down all four planets in Aries, even as Venus tries to lift them up and carry them all to victory. This creates enormous disequilibrium for the life, and for the country that has this chart as a temporary national chart as long as Hitler is the country’s leader. The two major karakas of military leadership, Sun and Mars, are both in Aries, with Mars combust and Sun approaching its maximum exaltation. If there were no detracting factors, we would expect this Sun to perform brilliantly. And it can do so for a while, though it suffers eventual defeat, with its sign lord in defeat. As with combustion, creating a problem for the combust planet, the vanquished planet in Graha yuddha may well overreact, most especially Mars. It is fighting for its life due to Venus’s overwhelming dominance and brilliance, temporarily hiding the presence of Mars in the heavens, which is already combust, or hidden by the Sun’s brilliance. Mars also has extra heat to its nature being so close to a strong Sun and in a fire sign that it owns. The effect is that the person with combust Mars also in Graha yuddha is always flexing the muscles of Mars to make sure he is there, and that others recognize him as well.
The victory of Ascendant lord Venus in Bharani nakshatra in the 7th house (of foreign residence) also accounts for Hitler’s over-involvement in every aspect of Word War II, and explains why his fortunes as well as those of Germany would go down in Rahu-Venus Dasa-bhukti (June 26, 1942 – June 26, 1945). Germany was largely victorious in WWII up through spring 1942. Hitler’s joint suicide with Eva Braun, his bride of one day, occurred on April 30, 1945.
The steepest rise and fall of Hitler’s personal and political fortunes occurred during his 18-year Rahu Dasa, from Oct. 30, 1930. By contrast, his 7-year Mars Dasa, from Oct. 30, 1923, began with his nine months in prison, where he wrote Mein Kampf – soon to become the bible of the Nazi party. His influence spread, but Hitler held no overt political position of power during the years of his Mars Dasa. The immediate, but temporary success of his writing and ideas also reflect three planets in the 3rd house of written communication (Moon, Jupiter, and Ketu) in Purvashada, “the earlier victor.”
As Ascendant lord, Venus is powerful in a Kendra and aspecting its own house. It gives good physical health and stamina, and brings a lot of personal power in this chart. Venus is a planet of charisma, in large part due to its ability to magnetize people when strong in the chart. The dominance of Venus over Mars and over the whole chart provides much underlying fuel for discontent, as it resides in Aries, owned by Mars – the classic planet of discontent, delivering the most trouble as loser in Planetary war. Meanwhile, Ascendant Lord Venus in Aries can be very aggressive in its pursuit of some ideal of harmony, in this case – an ideal of the supremacy of the Aryan race and an expanded Germany, minus certain ethnic groups considered offensive. Venus can become very war-like here through taking on some of the energy of a vanquished Mars. Mars in this condition often feels wronged, and is further fuelled by Moon (the nature of the mind) in righteous Sagittarius contacting Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. This exaggerates an already self-confident and optimistic nature: a perfect setup for megalomania.
Chart #11: Female client (career success/pressure to marry)
Birth data: April 22, 1972, 14:15 EST, Ottawa, Canada, 75W42, 45N25. Ascendant: 16:52 Leo. Venus 24:05 Taurus, Mars 23:49 Taurus; Venus 26:52 North Decl., Mars 23:56 North Decl., Venus 4:02 North Lat., Mars 1:07 North Lat.
Graha Yuddha occurs in the 10th house from Leo ASC. Venus wins primarily by greater effulgence, but it is also higher in celestial longitude, and further north in declination and latitude. In this case, the sign lord is Venus is in its own sign, and nakshatra lord is Mars. Together they form a Raja yoga beneficial for career, with 9th and 10th lords in a Kendra along with Saturn, 7th house lord. Mars is Dig Bala and Sun is close to its exact degree of exaltation in the 9th house. Thus career dominance is assured. Since 4th and 9th house lord Mars loses the Graha Yuddha, one might expect some lack of dharmic fulfillment and educational degrees. This was partly true, but with Mars Dig Bala as well as owning the nakshatra, Mars did not suffer too badly. She attained a Master’s degree in her 2nd choice field, and good work opportunities because of it. But she was often in heated competition for job positions, and suffered some harassment from male colleagues, over whom she triumphed. Since lord of the 10th house wins the Graha Yuddha, the woman was very much focused on her work as a research assistant. Career is extremely important to her, especially with Venus – lord of the 10th house strong in its own house (a Malavya yoga) and in a fixed sign.
However, her parents – being from a traditional East Indian family – wanted her to find a suitable husband. She had already passed through her Venus Dasa by the age of 24, and was still not married six years later, by the tail end of Sun-Venus period. The fact that no marriage occurred throughout Venus Dasa or in Sun-Venus Dasa is a testimony to the karaka for marriage – Venus – winning over Mars in the 10th house of career. It had to stay on top career-wise. In the Dasamsa chart, Venus is the 10th lord in the 9th house, while Mars is in the 8th house. Navamsa Venus is situated with Mars and Jupiter in Leo in the 12th house. This may relate to her career success in a foreign country; alternately, it possibly indicates one or more clandestine lovers – of which her parents may be unaware. From her parents’ point of view, she was too demanding in her choice of mate and overly self-sufficient in her general attitude. From the astrological point of view, Venus in this chart is more oriented towards career than marriage. I predicted more of a possibility for marriage during Moon Dasa, as Moon is the Darakaraka planet. However, conflict may come in that area with the 7-year Mars dasa starting in March 2012.
Chart #12: Female client (broadcast engineer/weak partners)
Birth data: Oct. 21, 1965, 9:14 AM EDT, Bronx, New York, 73W54, 40N51. Ascendant: 27:13 Libra. Venus 19:59 Scorpio, Mars 19:00 Scorpio; Venus 25:09 South Decl., Mars 23:20 South Decl., Venus 2:46 South Lat., Mars 1:04 South Lat.
Ascendant lord Venus wins the Graha Yuddha through greater effulgence and higher degree of celestial longitude, though Mars is further north in both declination and latitude. Graha Yuddha occurs in the second house from Libra Ascendant, in the sign of Scorpio, owned by the vanquished Mars. Up to the present time, this woman has had to carry the brunt of the responsibilities in most partnerships, including marriage. Though in its own sign of Scorpio, Mars has shown itself in her life with weak partners, who have required a lot of assistance on her part, financial and otherwise. (Mars owns the 2nd house of finance and 7th house of marriage/partnerships). She met her first husband early in Mars Dasa and married him in Oct. 1987, during Mars-Saturn dasa. He turned out to be a heroin addict, and died of AIDS in Jan. 1992, just two months into her Rahu dasa.
As the vanquished planet in Graha Yuddha, Mars-ruled Dasa would be the absolute worst period for her partner and marriage. Both while she was married and also later as a single mother, she had to raise her two children mostly by herself, and take care of the family finances. Her own physical health and stamina have been excellent, though life has been emotionally wearing for her. By her own admission, this woman “cares too much in relationships,” and tends to put too much energy and time into building the confidence of her mate(s). She helped another boyfriend in the 1990s set up his own business, personally trained him, and helped him financially.
Moon opposite Saturn is another indicator of a very conscientious and dutiful person. But another interesting effect of the Graha Yuddha is that this woman does very technical work, and because of it dresses most days in non-feminine work clothes (i.e. work pants, etc.). She has excelled in a job in broadcast engineering that is rare for women to take on, even in the large metropolitan area where she lives and works. The fact that this Graha Yuddha often plays itself out in intimate relationships shows in the Navamsa chart, where Venus-Mars-Jupier occurs in Sagittarius in the 7th house of partnerships, further emphasizing this theme. She married a second time in June 2002, this time to a foreign-born man. Since she was then in Rahu-Ketu period, the second marriage may have a better chance than the first, since natal Rahu is exalted in Taurus, the sign owned by Venus. Rahu is in the 8th house opposite Ketu-Venus-Mars in the 2nd house. Venus and Mars are still involved by planetary aspect. Dasa lord Rahu is the foreigner, and though not ideal in the 8th house, benefits from the Venus connection and aspect.
Chart #13: Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Birth data: Nov. 22, 1963, 12:30 PM CST, Dallas, TX, 96W48, 32N47. Ascendant: 26:00 Capricorn. Venus: 28:05 Scorpio. Mars: 27:10 Scorpio. Venus 24:04 South Decl., Mars 23:54 South Decl., Venus 0:55 South Lat., Mars 0:49 South Lat.
The Graha Yuddha occurs in Scorpio in the 11th house from Capricorn Ascendant, itself in Dhanishta nakshatra – “the wealthiest.” Moon and Saturn in Capricorn (public grief) are also in the Ascendant, with four planets in hidden Scorpio in the 11th house of friends: Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. It is difficult to distinguish between friend and enemy, all of this exaggerated by an aspect from retrograde Jupiter. Venus and Mars are both in the Gandanta area of Scorpio, the most treacherous and tumultuous area of the zodiac. Though Mars is further north by declination and latitude, it loses to Venus, and is far more troublesome as loser. It has already been established here that Mars as loser causes particular havoc! Venus suffers as well by being in the sign ruled by vanquished Mars, and in a difficult sector of Scorpio.
It appears that violence (Mars) won on this day, but Kennedy’s name, and the magnitude of his charm (Venus) lived on long after his truncated and thus far mostly undistinguished presidency. President Kennedy’s assassination caused him to be mythologized, and many of his flaws to be overlooked. Venus is 10th lord in this event chart, and the 10th house is the house of leadership and status. Kennedy’s strongest allies are diminished here, with Mars as lord of the 11th house of friendship. They are also perhaps unwittingly commingling with his enemies, and unable to protect him. As 6th house lord, Mercury in Scorpio symbolizes his enemies, and Jupiter’s aspect to all four planets in Scorpio (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars) brings a monumental amount of information, confusion, and emotions generated by this single act of violence. All these factors contributed to the probable escape of the actual perpetrator(s), while the alleged “lone assassin” (Lee Harvey Oswald) was quickly identified and captured. This befits the ensuing swirl of events with four planets well above the horizon, but in Scorpio. The fixity of Scorpio also evokes the ongoing and relentlessly controversial flow of information that refuses to go away. Due to the subsequent revolution in technology, for instance, increasing evidence from video footage confirms that Kennedy was shot from at least two vantage points.
Four Scorpio planets in Mercury’s nakshatra show how critical information could be suppressed and/or false information conveyed on what caused the event and why. Other speculations abound on what Kennedy would have done in the Presidency had he lived longer. Over 1000 books exist on the subject, as well as ongoing debate, and public dissatisfaction with the Warren Commission’s “official” conclusions regarding the lone assassin, Oswald. A nearly exact aspect of Jupiter (16:27 Pisces) to Mercury at (16:23 Scorpio) reflects the sheer volume of media coverage and books generated from this one event. But Jupiter as 12th house lord does not necessarily bring the truth to light, even if spawning countless theories and possible scenarios, including the death of Bobby Kennedy, who if he had won the U.S. Presidency in 1968, promised to reopen the investigations. (He too was assassinated, on June 5, 1968.) The Graha Yuddha in this instance remains in a water sign (Pisces) in the Navamsa chart, and in the 8th house, confirming secrecy and trauma in the power struggle causing John F. Kennedy’s assassination. The 8th house is one of scandal and mystery, and in this case it perpetuates the idea that the mystery has been solved, provoking further questions, and further proving the Venus-Mars power connection, in life or in death. From the Venus-Mars Graha Yuddha alone in JFK’s Assassination chart, we can say that satisfactory answers to these questions are never likely to come.
Chart #14: John Belushi (comedian & musician)
Birth data: Jan. 25, 1949, 5:12 AM CST, Chicago, IL, 87W39, 41N51. Ascendant: 8:37 Sagittarius. Venus 21:57 Sagittarius, Jupiter 22:51 Sagittarius, Venus 22:37 South Decl., Jupiter 22:32 South Decl., Venus 0:02 South Lat., Jupiter 0:03 South Lat. Ascendant: 8:37 Sagittarius.
The Graha Yuddha occurs in the 1st house of the chart. Though Venus is brighter, faster and further north in latitude, Jupiter wins through its greater size, as well as being higher in celestial longitude and further north in declination. Jupiter is Dig Bala (best angular house for Jupiter) in the Ascendant in its own sign, a factor that normally safeguards the physical body and grants a longer life. In addition, Mars in Capricorn gives excellent stamina, though it is combust the Sun. However Venus owns the nakshatra in which the Graha Yuddha resides. This factor often gives some extra fight to the losing planet, in this case a planetary enemy of Jupiter, being lord of 6th and 11th houses from the Sagittarius Ascendant.
Typical of a dual sign Ascendant person, Belushi excelled in at least two fields of endeavor. He became a celebrated comic actor as well as blues singer and musician. Known initially in Chicago’s Second City comedy troupe, he later gained international fame in television’s satirical revue program Saturday Night Live. He was with the show from 1975 to 1979, but his fame really began once Chevy Chase left the show in 1976, at the start of Belushis’s Sun Dasa. This was followed by several movies, including Blues Brothers in 1982. Due to his excessive eating, drinking, and drug habits his life began to go perilously over the edge. Belushi died of a cocaine and heroin overdose on March 5, 1982, during Sun-Venus Dasa-bhukti, and almost two months prior to the start of his Moon Dasa. Note Navamsa Sun, exalted in the 11th house, opposite Navamsa Venus-Jupiter in Libra, extends the theme of bountiful physical energy and appetites. A lunar eclipse Jan. 9, 1982 occurred close to his natal Jupiter, and a solar eclipse June 21, 1982 occurred close to his Ascendant degree.
A combination of Venus and Jupiter interacting closely in either Venus or Jupiter-ruled Ascendant charts is bound to breed some form of excess, dictated by the house and sign position of the planetary combination. Being in the 1st house denotes potential excess in the lifetime physical habits, exacerbated in his case by Sun-Mars-Mercury in Capricorn in the 2nd house of eating habits. Venus as lord of the 6th and 11th houses brought him major health problems, often through the influence of friends (11th house). The fact that Belushi survived his Venus Dasa from spring 1956 to spring 1976 is confirmed astrologically by the excellent position of Venus in the 5th house in the Navamsa chart, but primarily by Jupiter’s victory and dominance as Ascendant lord. Even so, it is important to note that it was immediately after his Venus Dasa was completed that Belushi’s fame increased exponentially, along with his high octane, excessive life style.
Chart #15: Female client (astro twin to John Belushi)
Birth data: Jan. 25, 1949, 4:52 AM EST, Sarasota, FL. Ascendant: 4:01 Sagittarius. Venus: 21:53 Sagittarius; Jupiter: 22:50 Sagittarius. Venus: 22:37 South Decl.; Jupiter 22:32 South Decl., Venus 0S01 Lat., Jupiter 0S03 Lat. (John Belushi also has Sagittarius Ascendant, and with same birth date & year, this gives them astro-twin status, especially with the Ascendant only 4 ½ degrees apart.) She has Taurus Navamsa Lagna, whereas his Navamsa Lagna is Gemini.
Belushi’s astro-twin is age 57 as of summer 2006, whereas John Belushi died at age 33 on Mar. 5, 1982 of a cocaine and heroine overdose. The difference in longevity is largely explained by Navamsa Venus-Jupiter in Libra located in the 6th house, while the same combination is in Belushi’s Navamsa 5th house. For her, this creates two excellent and protective yogas, including for health in this case: the Viparita Harsha yoga and the Viparita Sarala yoga. It made her more cautious about health measures, and she took preventative steps over her lifetime. She also never had a drug or alcohol habit. In Belushi’s case, the VE-JU in Navamsa 5th house, and Moon in Navamsa 10th house fuelled his short, but meteoric career as a musician, comedian, film star and filmmaker.
She did have a series of health problems, and nearly drowned several times in the first four years of life. Most of her health problems were up to age 20 (1969), with the exception of cancer caught in its early stages at age 52 (2001), so early she did not need radiation or chemotherapy. She has also been a very good athlete in her life, running and jumping, has long limbs, and is very fast. With all significators for eyesight (Sun, Moon, & Venus) quite afflicted, she has had severe myopia since age 8, wearing very thick lenses in her glasses. I had warned her about a troublesome Venus, and it came in the form of cervical cancer in spring 2001. We now know that this form of cancer is spread by a virus from intimate sexual contact. Since she was monogamous with her husband, it had to be her husband who gave it to her. They have worked through that and are still together, but it was the semen of shukra (Venus) that brought on a required hysterectomy at that time. The point is that she would not be still in good health at age 57 if her Ascendant lord Jupiter had lost the Graha Yuddha, though there has been some impact from Jupiter being in an Arishta yoga with Venus, 6th house lord in the birth chart. Venus also gets extra potency by being the nakshatra lord of Purva Ashada – where the Graha Yuddha is located. However, its destruction in the Graha Yuddha disables Venus from destroying the basic physical health and vitality.
Chart #16: Dominique de Villepin (diplomat, lawyer, author)
Birth data: Nov. 14, 1953, time unknown, 12 noon GMT used, Rabat, Morocco, 6W51 Long. 34N02 Lat. Ascendant: 6:40 Capricorn. Venus 10:12 Libra, Saturn 9:31 Libra; Venus 25:17 South Decl., Saturn 23:20 South Decl., Venus 2:06 South Lat., Saturn 1:42 South Lat.
Venus is higher in celestial longitude, though Saturn is further north by declination and latitude. Saturn wins through superiority of size. The Moon must be in late Capricorn or early Aquarius, and the Graha Yuddha of Venus-Saturn exists for all but the last 4 ½ hours of this 24 hour period. Sun and Mercury Retrograde are also situated in Libra. However, the life description of this striking French diplomat would seem to confirm a Graha Yuddha between Venus and Saturn, with Saturn winning the war.
De Villepin is a career diplomat with a great love for the written and spoken word. He has published several volumes of poetry, and a book on Napoleon Bonaparte, along with historical and political essays. Easily capable of being a university professor of literature, for most of his adult life he has instead accepted a series of continuous appointments as a diplomat. Thus, duty (Saturn) to the state as a civil servant prevailed over his love of literature (Venus). But since both planets are very well placed in Libra, in either the 9th or 10th house from the Moon, he is likely to be known for his elegant style and his eloquence in his career as a diplomat. Appointed in March 2002 to represent France at the United Nations Security Council, de Villepin distinguished himself during his televised public statements at the Security Council in March 2003, prior to the US-UK invasion of Iraq. Such was the eloquence and forcefulness of his speech, decrying “the logic of war” in this instance, that he received a long round of applause, a very rare occurrence at the Security Council. Unfortunately, the invasion took place as scheduled, undeterred by opinions expressed at the United Nations. (See Chart #22: the United Nations.)
As a protégé of Jacques Chirac, he rose through the political ranks, becoming Prime Minister of France from May 2005 to May 2007. He is returning to public favor in 2010 as an important right-wing opponent of President Nicolas Sarkozy, and considered a potential candidate for President of France in the 2012 election. Mercury is auspicious as Atma Karaka, and he is most likely in Mercury dasa.
Chart #17: Female client (business & duty vs. the arts & love)
Birth data: Aug. 12, 1947, 7:15 AM Zone –2, Pfaffenhofen, Germany, 11E31, 48N31. Ascendant: 7:47 Leo. Venus 19:24 Cancer, Saturn 20:08 Cancer, Venus 18:03 North Decl., Saturn 17:33 North Decl., Venus 1:03 North Lat., Saturn 0:45 North Lat.
Though Venus is further north by declination and latitude, and much brighter than Saturn, Saturn is at higher celestial longitude, and wins by superiority of size. This also becomes clear by the life events of the person, and once again this in direct contradiction to the statement in the Surya Siddhanta that “Venus is generally victor, whether situated to the north or to the south.” Both planets are severely combust the Sun, within 5 to 6 degrees behind the Sun, and poorly placed in the 12th house. There are several compensating factors, however. Sign lord Moon is placed in the 10th house in Taurus, its sign of exaltation. Nakshatra lord Mercury is also in Cancer in a Nadi yoga with Saturn. (This exchange of nakshatra lords is considered very powerful in the Nadi system.) Also, the woman has been living abroad, away from her country of origin, since 1966. This eases the condition of the 12th house planets, as 12th house is also residence in a foreign country, and that may reduce loss, as here.
Nevertheless, she has constantly had to tend to duties and business concerns in life (Saturn), and worked mostly in the realm of business, administrative assistance, accounting, and stock market. On many occasions, she has been thwarted in her desire to set up an antiques business or to be more artistically oriented with crafts projects and home decoration. Money that had been set aside for such a business had to be allocated at the last minute to the building of a new house. Even the purchase of a new diamond ring (Venus) got jettisoned in a similar manner. In July 1988, about 1½ years into her Saturn Dasa, she met her true spiritual master, and that has changed her entire life and its purpose. Everything is dedicated to that end, including her residence, which she periodically shares with other spiritual devotees, and intends to do more so as the years progress. This takes total precedence over the more traditionally worldly demands of Venus. Saturn’s focus for spiritual matters can be further confirmed in the Navamsa chart. Again in a house of moksha (spiritual liberation), Saturn is in its own sign of Capricorn in the 8th house. A third marriage to another spiritual devotee took place in December 1993, a few weeks into the Saturn-Venus period. Her partner is 12 years older than herself, and she considers him “a suitable companion.” She says this meeting and marriage was made possible by her guru. They met in July 1991 during Saturn-Mercury. Thus we can say vanquished Venus did not prevent marriage, but Saturn-Venus brought a marriage in this instance that is more spiritual in nature and purpose.
Chart #18: Female client (duty vs. love & desire to travel)
Birth data: Oct. 30, 1955, 3:08 AM CST, Minneapolis, MN 93W16, 44N59. Ascendant: 0:24 Virgo. Venus 28:23 Libra, Saturn 28:28 Libra; Venus 18:05 South Decl., Saturn 16:17 South Decl., Venus 0:05 North Lat., Saturn 1:58 North Lat.
This Graha Yuddha occurs in the 2nd house from the Virgo Ascendant. (She was born almost 28 hours after Microsoft mogul Bill Gates, who narrowly misses having this same Graha Yuddha). Saturn once again wins due to its superiority of size, as well as being at higher celestial longitude, and further north by both declination and latitude. Similar Venus-Saturn themes prevail of capitulating to concepts of duty (Saturn) over sensual pleasures, love relationships, or the arts (Venus). During Venus Dasa, from age 6 to 26, she learned to be a dutiful person. Even in terms of dress (Venus), she wore a school uniform for most of her school life. When she returned home, she changed into horseback riding gear. Wearing soft feminine clothes, including skirts (Venus), was then and is still for her a rarity. As a landscape gardener she mostly wears pants and practical clothes for the outdoors.
Normally an excellent planet for the Virgo Ascendant chart, Venus is lord of the 2nd and 9th houses. Regarding 2nd house matters, the woman had difficulty earning her own money. Luckily the 11th house is strong in her chart, and she has lived well and comfortably with financial help from family and friends. She owns her own house and rents out part of it. In terms of the 9th house of long distance travel and higher education, she would have liked to go teach in a foreign country in her early 20s, but did not because her grandmother was elderly – though healthy – and the woman imagined that she should stay nearby in case anything happened to the grandmother. There was no pressure from her family or from her grandmother to do so. This started during Venus Dasa. Then 10 to 15 years later her grandmother, still alive and well, asked her why she never went off to the foreign country to teach! The woman deeply regrets having surrendered to irrational duty (Saturn) to an elder (also Saturn) rather than traveling and teaching in a foreign country – all three items ruled by the vanquished Venus.
In terms of relationships (Venus in Libra), they have been few and far between. She is usually attracted to men who turn out to be married, and thus also unavailable due to their obligations (both Saturn). This is still true, as of mid-way into the Mars Dasa. Rahu Dasa may hold greater promise for relationships, but Venus as significator of love matters is not helped by its location in the 6th house in the Navamsa chart (its worst house placement), where again themes of duty or self-sacrifice can dominate. Furthermore, in the birth chart, Venus is in Vishakha nakshatra, owned by Jupiter, located in turn in the 12th house of loss, but also foreign residence, something she prevented herself from doing.
Chart #19: Margaret Mead (anthropologist, writer)
Birth data: Dec. 16, 1901, 9:00 AM EST, Philadelphia, PA 75W10, 39N57. Ascendant: 25:18 Sagittarius. Mars 24:41 Sagittarius, Jupiter 25:22 Sagittarius; Mars 23:26 South Decl., Jupiter 22:30 South Decl., Mars 1:07 South Lat., Jupiter 0:15 South Lat.
Jupiter is not only far bigger in size and brighter, but also is higher in celestial longitude as well as further north by both declination and latitude. Jupiter wins the Graha Yuddha in every single category, luckily as it owns Sagittarius Ascendant and is Dig Bala in the Ascendant. Even so, Mars is a great good friend to Jupiter as ruler of the 5th house. The Graha Yuddha recurs in Scorpio in the Navamsa Ascendant, further strengthening Mars – even as the vanquished planet, especially with the Raja and Dhana yogas (of power & wealth) formed in both birth and Navamsa charts in the Ascendant in friendly signs. Even in the Dasamsa (career) chart the Mars-Jupiter combination is very well placed in the Leo Ascendant. The Graha Yuddha is placed in Purva Ashada, (“the earlier victor”), ruled by Venus, which in turn is very well placed in the birth chart in Capricorn in the 2nd house. With all these positive factors, Mars is far less damaged as the losing planet in the Graha Yuddha.
Vanquished Mars in the Ascendant did not take away from her youthfulness or zest for life. Dr. Mead was one of the more adventurous women of the 20th century. As a renowned anthropologist, her primary fieldwork was among peoples in Oceania – regarding childrearing practices, personality and culture. Mars ruling the 5th house of children is interesting in this regard. She wrote 44 books and thousands of articles in her field, was affiliated with the Museum of Natural History from 1926 to 1978 (the time of her death), and was a Professor of Anthropology at Columbia University. She was well respected in her field, and not without controversy, due to her desire to broaden attitudes about sexual habits. She was also Anglican Christian, reflecting the conservatism of Jupiter in the Ascendant in its own sign. (Jupiter is the priest or minister.)
When Mars is in the Ascendant aspecting the 7th house of partnership, it is one of the conditions for Kuja Dosha (a difficult position of Mars for outcome of marriage.) Kuja dosha may be responsible for her multiple marriages, as well as her dual sign Ascendant. Both factors may also reflect her serious romantic relationships with two women, one of them her teacher Ruth Benedict. She had three formal marriages, all to anthropologists, and one child with her third husband Gregory Bateson (1936-1950). For years doctors had told Mead she would be unable to bear children, but she did bear one child with Bateson at age 38. Their daughter, (anthropologist) Mary Catherine Bateson was born Dec. 8, 1939, a few years into Mead’s 19-year Saturn dasa (from July 1937). Jupiter’s win over Mars, lord of 5th house of children was especially pivotal during the previous 16-year dasa of Jupiter. But as of 1937, she was in Saturn dasa, which gave less prominence to the weakness of Mars. However, she would be vulnerable during any sub-period of Mars. Her 2nd marriage (1928-1935) probably ended during Jupiter-Mars dasa. While in Saturn-Mars dasa (Jan. 25, 1950 thru March 6, 1951), she was devastated when Bateson ended their marriage in 1950, though they remained close friends until her death in 1978.
Even as 5th house lord, Mars was not powerless, and fought for dominance. Her interest in studying childrearing and the behavior of children was paramount. She considered that politics could not be separated from it, and she liked most of all to teach educators in the civilized world what could be learned from so-called “primitive” peoples, and from human cultural diversity. Jupiter describes this, and Mars describes the urgency with which she approached her subject. She even influenced Dr. Benjamin Spock (her pediatrician) regarding breastfeeding, and other childrearing principles she learned from other cultures.
Another important astrological factor in Mead’s chart is the close Jupiter-Saturn combination in Sagittarius. She was born just 19 days after the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 21:30 Sagittarius, within a few degrees from Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and the Ascendant. Since it occurs in her Sagittarius Ascendant along with 9th lord Sun, the theme of international travel and academic studies becomes truly vaunted. In summary, I have to say that this is one of the few Graha Yuddhas where, because of the inherent strength of Mars through sign and house position in both Rasi and Navamsa charts – the losing planet is not doing too badly in the chart. Dr. Mead was born in Mars-Venus Dasa-bhukti, and enjoyed her early rise to fame in Jupiter Dasa, from 7-19-1921. It was during Jupiter-Saturn dasa that she traveled to Samoa in the South Pacific for her first fieldwork. This resulted in her writing her most popular book: Coming of Age in Samoa, published in 1928. She was married all three times within the Jupiter Dasa, though her 3rd marriage extended into the early years of the Saturn Dasa.
Chart #20: Francoise Gilot (artist, writer, famous partners)
Birth data: Nov. 26, 1921, 1:00 AM GMT, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, 2E16, 48N53. Ascendant: 1:10 Virgo. Mars 19:03 Virgo, Jupiter 19:31 Virgo, Mars 3:26 South Decl., Jupiter 3:46 South Decl., Mars 1:20 North Lat., Jupiter 1:11 North Lat.
According to our principles, Mars loses as it often does – in this case due to Jupiter’s superior size. Jupiter is also higher in celestial longitude, though Mars is further north in both declination and latitude. As with Dr. Mead, Ms. Gilot has many planets in the Ascendant, (Virgo, in this case) including the Graha Yuddha planets. The difference is that Gilot’s Ascendant lord is not involved in the Graha Yuddha – which is fortunate in this instance. However, the ASC lord gains strength by being placed in the nakshatra of Jupiter, the victorious planet, which is also Dig Bala in the Ascendant. Gilot has five planets in the Ascendant in Virgo, including Graha Yudda planets MA-JU. Being in the sign of Virgo, MA-JU has a different effect from Mead’s chart. Since Mars loses, it eliminates her competitors. But since Jupiter wins, it gives enormous power to her partners. She spent 10 years with Pablo Picasso, bearing two of his children; in 1955 she married Luc Simon, and in 1970 Jonas Salk, the scientist who became famous and a revered world figure from the mid-1950s, when he invented the first polio vaccine. Gilot was married to him until his death June 23, 1995.
Her Graha Yuddha recurs in the 6th house in the Navamsa chart in the sign of Gemini, and in the Dasamsa chart in the 7th house in Scorpio – a modest improvement, showing that she can do well in career and in terms of visibility, though she would have some legal battles, or at the very least struggles to deal with a very dominant mate. (Jupiter is the ruler of the 7th house of partnerships.) Francoise Gilot is a visual artist who became known initially as Pablo Picasso’s mistress, from 1943 to 1953. He was 40 years her senior. She separated from Picasso in Sept. 1953, and he never forgave her for it, or for her later writing a book on their years together. “I was always my own self,” said Gilot, who is internationally recognized as a painter, printmaker, lecturer and author of seven books, including a biography of Picasso and an account of his friendship with Matisse. “I think that is very important because I don’t think you could be following in somebody’s footsteps and become an original afterward.” Gilot believes it was this sense of independence that preserved her from the fate of Picasso’s other partners: Two of them went mad and the other two committed suicide.
Chart #21: Maria Callas (opera singer)
Birth data: Dec. 2, 1923, 7:07 AM, EST, New York, NY 73W59, 40N46. Ascendant: 16:41 Scorpio. Mars 6:11 Libra, Saturn 5:33 Libra; Mars 10:15 South Decl., Saturn 8:43 South Decl., Mars 0:55 South Lat., Saturn 2:19 South Lat.
Saturn wins as usual due to its vastly superior size, though it is lower in celestial longitude. The Graha Yuddha occurs in the 12th house, unfortunately diminishing Scorpio Ascendant lord Mars – though there are a few compensating factors. Natal Sun is close to exactly rising, excellent for both vitality and career as the 10th house lord. Jupiter is also Dig Bala in the ASC, though combust. Mars is in its own nakshatra, and that gives some benefit to Mars though not to Saturn. Graha Yuddha recurs in the Navamsa 12th house in Sagittarius, and as 12th house can be foreign residence, note that the great opera diva made her professional debut in 1941 while living in Greece. (Though of Greek parentage, her birthplace was New York City.) In 1942 she played her first major role, that of Tosca, which brought her first major publicity. In her stellar operatic career she sang over 40 roles.
Her professional debut occurred in Mars-Saturn Dasa-bhukti. This had to occur outside of the USA, her country of birth. Also, the success of the early debut is definitely related to Callas’s mother (Saturn rules the 3rd and 4th houses). They did not have an easy relationship, but the mother pushed her daughter from early childhood to develop her talents as a singer. The mother has also been described as “almost pathologically ambitious.” The two factors of Ascendant lord losing the Graha Yuddha, and her career starting during Mars-Saturn Dasa-bhukti shows the following: 1) her professional success, especially abroad, 2) the desire to please first her mother, and 3) her later dependence successively on two men, both much older than herself. The losing planet gives all its power to the people represented by Saturn. The Graha Yuddha of Mars-Saturn in the 12th house also indicates Callas’s deep lack of emotional equilibrium – especially after the start of her affair with Onassis in 1959. Though her talents were stupendous, she gradually lost any sense of life’s meaning, especially during the last 10 years of her life, from age 43 on. Note that in the Navamsa chart Saturn aspects Moon in Capricorn in the 2nd house of voice and throat, and Mars aspects Mercury-Ketu in Aquarius in the 3rd house of hearing, stamina, and courage. From the early 1960s she contracted a throat disease that caused her voice to lose quality.
Callas had a reputation for operatic performances that were titanic musically and emotionally. She had an explosive temperament on and off stage, and was known for her frequent cancellations and walkouts. She was hounded by the press, especially after she was linked romantically with Greek shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis – with whom she carried on an almost unbroken liaison from their first meeting in July 1959 (while she was still married to industrialist Giovanni Meneghini – from 1947) and up to the time of Onassis’s death on March 15, 1975. Her husband was 26 years older than Callas, and Onassis 18 years’ her senior. Astrologically, we can see the indelible influence of older men with the Mars-Saturn combination, and also how radically these two men affected her life, Onassis more disastrously.
Meneghini is credited with transforming Callas from a gawky 200 lb. opera singer into a 130 lb. glamorous star. This major transformation in her appearance occurred in 1954, a year which began – literally on Jan. 1st – with a Mars-Saturn conjunction in Libra at 14:20 degrees – in Swati nakshatra, and a year marked by a Saturn station close to her natal Mars in June 1954. Mars transited most of 1954 in either Scorpio or Sagittarius – a very beneficial placement for her regaining more youthful looks. This was also the first Saturn return to its natal position, and she was in Rahu-Mercury Dasa-bhukti. She married Meneghini during Rahu-Rahu, and was swept away by Onassis in Rahu-Venus, and bore his child – who was born prematurely on March 30, 1960 and lived for two hours. Rahu is placed in Purva Phalguni, a Venus-owned nakshatra. Also, ASC lord is placed in Venus’s sign of Libra, and Venus is 7th house lord of partnerships. This was to benefit her love life in terms of a very wealthy lover, but it devastated her already fragile emotional nature, and was detrimental to her operatic career.
From the early 1960s onwards, she performed less and less often, spiraling downward emotionally and physically. When Onassis married Jackie Kennedy in 1968, she lost hope in life’s meaning, even though they continued to see each other. She died alone in Paris of a heart attack at age 53, on Sept. 16, 1977. She was in Jupiter-Rahu period. Jupiter Dasa (from May 1963) would reflect the Graha Yuddha in that Jupiter was in Saturn’s nakshatra, and in her case Saturn always implies loss to the Ascendant lord Mars. It implies how she was overpowered by Saturnine figures in her life, some more beneficial to her well being than others. This happened increasingly during Jupiter Dasa. She died before the start of Saturn Dasa (May 1979), and 9 months after Jupiter-Mars.
Chart #22: The United Nations
Birth data: Oct. 24, 1945, 16:45 EST, Wash., D.C., 77 W02, 38N54. Ascendant: 26:58 Pisces. Mars: 00:53 Cancer, Saturn: 1:39 Cancer; Mars 22:25 North Declin., Saturn 20:58 North Decl., Mars: 1:08 North Lat., Saturn 0:12 South Lat.
Graha Yuddha occurs in the 5th house, in the 1st pada of Cancer, thus Vargottama. Debilitated Mars loses the Planetary war even though it is further north by declination, being overpowered by Saturn’s magnitude. Saturn is also further north in celestial longitude. Mars, as Dharma planet (9th lord) of this chart and its Pisces Ascendant is vanquished by Saturn. This factor could perhaps go relatively unnoticed during the 19-year Saturn Dasa, which ended Aug. 4, 2002. Saturn’s strength for bureaucratic procedures could temporarily mask the fact that the U.N. is not tending to its major Dharma – which is to prevent wars between nations. This has been blatantly clear on a number of occasions, but especially, as the United Nations struggled for its life in the showdown over Iraq with the G.W. Bush Presidency. As Robin Cook pointed out in his resignation speech from the Blair Cabinet in the British House of Commons, March 17, 2003, “It’s over 30 years since [the United Nation’s] Resolution #242 called on Israel to withdraw from the occupied territories.”
As with the case of Bruno Hauptman, the United Nations was born into the Dasa-bhukti of the two Graha Yuddha planets, in the Mars-Saturn period. This was not generally fortunate for the ability of the United Nations to carry out its stated purpose. Eleanor Roosevelt headed a U.N. Commission that produced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It was passed in the U.S. Senate on Dec. 10, 1948, during the United Nation’s Mars-Sun period, and is probably the most important single document on human rights in modern times. Unfortunately, as Mrs. Roosevelt well knew, this final version of the Universal Declaration was never legally binding, so the U.N. had no official mechanism to prosecute those countries that operate against its precepts. Mars as 9th house lord in this chart, connected intimately with legal matters, yet destroyed in the Graha Yuddha – did not allow this to happen.
Chart #23: Female client (born 2 days from 1980 JU-SA conj.)
Birth data: Dec. 29, 1980, 10:07 AM CST, Skokie, IL, 87W44, 42N02. Ascendant: 5:50 Aquarius. Jupiter 15:45 Virgo, Saturn 15:50 Virgo; Jupiter 2:30 South Decl., Saturn 1:34 South Decl., Jupiter 1:18 North Lat., Saturn 2:21 North Lat.
Born two days prior to the exact Jupiter-Saturn conjunction at 15:54 Virgo in the constellation of Hasta, the native’s Saturn wins over Jupiter due to its superior size and influence – if we include the span of its numerous rings. Saturn is also higher in celestial longitude, and further north both in declination and latitude. However, Saturn’s victory here is bittersweet, as the winner of Graha Yuddha, it is poorly placed as Ascendant lord in the 8th house of the birth chart, from Aquarius Ascendant. Saturn is also badly placed in an Arishta yoga with 6th lord Moon, in Moon-owned Hasta nakshatra.
Compounding these already difficult influences to her physical well being, Saturn in the 16th degree of Virgo is at the Mrityu Bhaga degree, a so-called fateful degree, and one that can cause death. Two months before her 16th birthday, and several months after she entered the Rahu-Saturn Dasa-bhukti (from June 1996), this young woman was hit by a car, and sustained very serious spinal cord-brain stem injuries. She went into a coma for the next 13 months, and the ensuing medical care severely strained the financial resources of the family. Jupiter is Dhana yogakaraka here, as lord of the 2nd and 11th houses. Placed in the 8th house, it already indicates potential financial losses. But as loser in the Graha Yuddha it could – and did – present extremely heavy financial burdens on her family, although they saw this as their loving obligation up until the time of her death, which occurred in late Dec. 1997 during Rahu-Saturn-Sun dasa.
Several pivotal astrological events surrounded the accident:
- From Dec. 5, 1995 thru June 23, 1997 eclipses occurred in Virgo or Pisces.
- Transiting Rahu was within a few minutes of arc of the Graha Yuddha degrees at the time of the accident. This destabilizes the combination.
- Transiting Saturn turned Stationary Direct at 6:48 Pisces opposite natal Jupiter-Saturn-Moon month after the accident, providing the initial frame.
- Transiting Saturn turned Stationary Direct at 19:43 Pisces opposite the same combination 6 days prior to her death, providing a final frame.
- Rahu-Saturn Dasa-bhukti was operating from the time of the accident (Nov. 1996) up to the time of her death (Dec. 1997). ASC lord Saturn was placed in Moon-owned Hasta nakshatra. Dasa lord Rahu was located in the 6th house of health issues in the Moon’s sign. She was also born on a Monday (Moon-ruled day). The accident occurred on a Monday, and she died on a Monday.
Chart #24: Male client (born 4 days from 1961 JU-SA conj.)
Birth data: Feb. 22, 1961, 7:30 AM MST, Tucson, AZ, 110W56, 32N13. Ascendant: 20:04 Aquarius. Jupiter: 2:38 Capricorn; Saturn: 2:15 Capricorn. Jupiter: 21:10 South Decl., Saturn: 21:00 South Decl., Jupiter: 0:11 South Lat. Saturn: 0:03 South Lat. Close to exact parallel in declination, Saturn is further north in both declination and latitude.
Moon rules the planetary day of Monday, starting from sunrise on Monday thru sunrise Tuesday. The position of the Moon is critical on that day.
This man was born four days after the major Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, the first to occur in the earth element series in 675 years. (See below.) The Navamsa chart has Aries Ascendant with Moon situated in Aries. All the planets in the birth chart are in much improved positions in the Navamsa chart – in Houses 9, 10, and 11, giving this individual an even stronger Navamsa chart (indicator of future developments), after initial difficulties. From his mid to late 30s, it seems he has had some notable success as a visual artist and secondarily as a writer on the arts, although I have not been able to confirm this as of 2010. However, all the astrological indications are in place, starting with Jupiter dasa, and going straight into Saturn dasa. Because of their lordships of the 9th and 10th houses in the Navamsa chart, and their Vargottama position in the 10th house of career and status, some high degree of success comes in both Jupiter and Saturn dasas. His 16-year Jupiter dasa ran from Sept. 15, 1993 to Sept. 2009, when he entered his 19-year Saturn dasa. This is in part because Jupiter and Saturn are such major timers for all of us, and can give the person greater power and authority and a link to their times, especially if the planets are placed in angles of trines of the chart. This occurs in the Navamsa chart.
However, tr. Saturn is in Virgo Sept. 9, 2009 thru Nov. 16, 2011. Since this is the 8th house from Aquarius Ascendant, it can create some losses in the initial stages of the Saturn dasa. An element of extremes and of high drama can occur, not only when one has a major conjunction in the birth chart, but when one of those two planets is the Ascendant lord, as in this case. Also, there is the likelihood of a strong resonance when other Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions occur, every 20 years. In his case the next one after his birth was in Virgo in 1980-81 and in the 8th house from his Ascendant. The 8th house is a house of loss, suffering, and major transformation. He experienced all those things within a 6-day period, when on March 1, 1980 his house burned down, and on March 7, 1980 his girlfriend was killed in a car accident. There was a Full Moon eclipse on March 1, 1980 at 17:22 Leo in his 7th house of partnerships, and 10 months later the first of three Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions in Virgo occurred at 15:53 Virgo, close to his 8th house cusp. He was in Rahu-Jupiter-Moon dasa in early March 1980. His natal Jupiter is situated in the 12 house of loss in the birth chart. Rahu and Jupiter are in 6-8 house relationship, indicating tension and conflict between them, especially in Dasa-bhuktis involving both of them. Further, natal Mars aspects Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn.
But above all, Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and will bring some setbacks either in its sub-period and/or the start of is major period. The intense period of huge loss came with the eclipse period across the Ascendant axis, leading into the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in his 8th house. Tr. Saturn Retrograde was already in his 8th house at 1:05 Virgo, while tr. Jupiter also Retrograde was in his 7th house at 11:01 Leo. The Full Moon eclipse on March 1, 1980 at 17:22 Leo was preceded by a Jupiter Stationary Retrograde at 16:40 Leo on Dec. 26, 1979.
Chart #25: JUPITER-SATURN conjunction, Feb. 18, 1961
Birth data: Feb. 18, 1961, 19:01 EST, Washington, D.C., 77W02, 38N54. Ascendant: 22:06 Leo. Jupiter and Saturn 1:53 Capricorn; Jupiter 21:17 South Decl., Saturn 21:03 South Decl., Jupiter 0:10 South Lat., Saturn 0:03 North Lat.
Both planets are very close to the equator, but Saturn is further north in declination and latitude. Saturn also wins for numerous other reasons, especially due to its superior size and influence – when including the size of its rings. Saturn also owns the sign of Capricorn, and is Vargottama in its own sign, whereas Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and its Vargottama status doubles the impact of its debilitation and its loss to Saturn.
In mundane astrology, we note that one Paura (Mercury, Jupiter, or Saturn) in war with another Paura is considered the worst of the wars. In this case it occurs in Uttara Ashada nakshatra, meaning “the later victor.” On the level of mundane astrology, this gives eventual and total power to the nation-state and to the corporation, both of which are at the highest and most ambitious material status in Capricorn. Jupiter’s role as administrator of justice, ethics and humanitarian concerns has been smashed by the victor, Saturn. As the first Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in earth in 675 years, we should note that at the start of the last earth-sign sequence of Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions, the descendants of Genghis Khan were in control. They ruled over the largest empire (land-wise) in the history of the world. They were known as Mongols, also “moguls” – a word used today to designate someone who has power financially.
In the previous Jupiter-Saturn series a mogul also had to have military power. And so it is today that national and corporate interests are working more and more closely together to protect their commercial interests, specifically with the use of military might. In this chart set for the U.S. capitol, with Graha Yuddha in the 6th house (of conflict) – aspected by Mars – this point is made abundantly clear. At this time also (Feb. 1961), the world’s largest industries got under way, fuelled by America’s involvement in the Viet Nam War. The 6th house is appropriate for all these top-grossing industries, in this order: illegal drugs (as of 2003 unofficially estimated at well over $1 trillion annually), legal drugs, illegal arms, and legal arms.
In 2010, with the United States engaged in the longest wars in its history, in Iraq and Afghanistan, perpetual war becomes a more urgent topic in some quarters, while hardly noticed in others. Several recent books confirm the notion of “Permanent war” – including Andrew Bacevich’s Washington Rules: American’s Path to Permanent War, 2010. Bacevich retired as U.S. Army Colonel after 23 years, and is Professor of History and International Relations at Boston University. Not optimistic about this pattern being reversed, Bacevich reflects the pattern (of 675 years) indicated by the Feb. 18, 1961 Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. And on Jan. 17, 1961, as if warning us of what was to come, outgoing U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered his Farewell message to the nation, a speech increasingly worthy of study:
“…Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry…. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.”
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