Let us meditate upon the one who is adorned with pure white apparel around , omni present, the colour of full moon, four shouldered, whose face ever blossoms with beautiful smile; the remover all kinds of hurdles
A WORD OF CAUTION: At the time I accepted to translate , chapters of Saptha rishi nadi, from Tamil , the language in which it has been authored, to English, I had the impression, that it was within my abilities, what with my mother tongue being Tamil and having done extremely well in Tamil at the University level.
But the work reproduces the conversation between Devi Parvathi and Saptha Rishis. The Rishis, who are highly evolved spiritually and in the 4th state of consciousness, turya , where jeeva, brahma distinction at its thinnest, are enjoying the audience granted to them by Devi Parvathi. They so enjoy the conversation with Maatha that very frequently they address her by her different names, submerged totally in Aanandha anubhava of being with the Mother. Devi, indulges in her children, asking them questions, encouraging them. I am certain that it is very difficult for me to bring that kind of ambience into my translation. The readers, if they could feel and realize the ambience of the conversation would be enthralled and understand the work in its entirety. The saptharishis, having transcended time, are able to see, the past , the present and the future with total clarity. But being submerged in an unparalled state of Anandha, and their vision, which encompasses everything in view, and they swing from one topic to another in quick succession while making the declaration of the results pertaining to the chart.
Further the Rishis always economise on words. Brevity is their forte, but not clarity. Their statements are always cryptic and difficult to understand. The verses contain several words which are apparently innocuous and are used to satisfy the requirements of grammar. I am unable to accept that Rishis would use words just to satisfy the needs of verse grammar. These words require deeper attention and meditation. Normally it is said that a translator has to enter into the mind of the author of the original work, in order to understand the state of his mind, and spirit in which the work was executed, as it would be woefully insufficient to effect a literal translation. In this case it would be a very tall expectation to get into the minds of the Rishis. We can only pray to those Rishis, beseech them to enter into our minds, illumine our intellect and make us understand the meaning and content of their words.
If even one reader receives the blessings of the Rishis and understand their words through this translation, prostrate before the Rishi, for he has heeded the prayers of that individual. I deserve no credit for the translation. Just like the post-man who cannot take any credit for delivering a Money order. Let my Guru guide me. Let the Saptha Rishis illumine my intellect.
Sarvam Krishnarpanamastu.
Devi Parvathi, continues her query giving planetary positions. This time she queries Sage Parasara, who has been continuously praying and chanting the glory of Devi Parvathi.
Ketu |
Asc. SunVenus |
Mercury | ||
Moon Mars |
Jupiter Saturn |
1. மதியுங் குசனுஞ் சீயமுற மால்வண் டியினில் பணி கோலாம்
விதியிணையும் குருவும் மேருவுற வெள்ளி பரிதி வினை தன்னில்
புதிரு மேடம் உயிர் மிதுனம் அறைகுவீர் பலனைத் தவமுநியே
துதிசெய் பராசர் தான் சொல்வார் ஜனிக்கு மாண்பால் ஜனனமுமாம்.
- Devi Parvathi queries, “Parasara! thou who performs Thapas shedding all attachments and who controls his sensory organs and Manas, declare results for the native, whose chart contains the following planetary position. Moon and Mars posited in Leo, Mercury in Cancer, Rahu in Libra, Jupiter and Saturn in Sagittarius Sun and Venus in Gemini, Ketu in Aries and Gemini rises. Parasara replies, “ The Chart belongs to a Male.”
2. ஜனனம் வடபால் வாசலது செப்பும் கீழ்மேல் வீதி யது
கனமால் தந்தி மேல் பாலில் கந்தன் மாரி கீழ்ப் பாலில்
சுனையும் அருகில் தென் முனியும் சிறுஊர் வடுகர் குலமாகுந்
தனயன் நான்காம் ஜனனமு மாய்ச் சாறு மென்றோம் சங்கரியே.
- “Sankari!”, replies Parasara and continues,” The birth of the native takes place in a house, which has its main door facing the Northern direction and in a street that runs in the East to West West to the house, a temple of Lord Vishnu and a temple of Lord Ganesa are located. East to the house, a temple of Mari amman and a temple of Lord Subrahmanya are located. A small stream flows. South to the house (i.e., behind the house) a Muni is located. (A Muni is a local deity, who usually stands guard and protects. Normally these local deities are powerful and acts pretty quick. Elders say that these deities cannot take one towards the path of realization.) The place is a small village and in such a small village the native is born as the fourth son in the community of Vadugas.
- “Oh! Devi who strides the lion”, ( It could also mean – OH! Destroyer of evil) continues sage parasara, “ Now hear the character of the native’s father whose janma nakshatra was Jyeshta and Lagna Dhanus. His complexion is dark, akin to that of Lord Vishnu; Not well educated; he will not befriend persons with bad character or who are less educated; Will do business in a big way; he will acquire lot of lands; he will help those who praise him; beautiful women are his great passion; he is not hospitable to guests”
4. கொள்ளவும் விற்கவல்லன் சமர்த்தன்
கொடிஇடை மனைமேல் பிரியனாவன்
பள்ளுக ளுடையன் பலரையும் வசியம்
பண்ணுவான் புதுஇல்லம் செய்வன்
கள்ளமுங் கொஞ்சங் முடையனா மென்றோங்
கண்ணன்தன் ரேகையு முடையான்
விள்ளவே வுரைப்பன் சல்லியங் கொள்ளான்
விகடமும் பேசிடா னாமே.
- Sage Parasara continues, “ He is a very good tradesman, capable of buying and selling. He has lot of affection towards his wife who has beautiful hips; has many servants; he will have many people under his control using his ability; he will build a new house. His intentions are not always pure. He has got the lines of Lord Vishnu on his palms. (probably shanku or chakra rekha) . He is a blunt and forthright person, who does not mince words. He will not suffer from indebtedness. Has no sense of humor and cannot be humourous.”
5. பேசிடான் வீணாய் இருமொழி யாளன்
பிறப்பனா மிரட்டையாய் ஜன்மங்
காசுவீண் செலவு செய்திடான் பொறுமை
கணக்கினில் வல்லவ னாகும்
பாசமாய் வார்த்தை பால்தயிர்ப் பிரியன்
பனைஏர்கள் விருத்தியே செய்வன்
போசன சுகியன் பிறந்தவில் லடையான்
பூவையே கேட்டி டாயே.
- Parasara continues, “Hear me, Oh! Lady, He won’t talk without necessity; But he will not stand by his words and will change them according to the situation. He is born with a twin. He is thrifty and does not incur unnecessary expenditure. He is patient and very good at mathematics. He has expressive words to show his attachment to people. He likes milk and curd. He increases the number of ploughs. He eats comfortable and well. He will not inherit the house he was born in.”
6. தன்துணை யாண்பா லைந்து சக்திமார் மூவர் தீர்க்கம்
பின்னமாம் மற்ற வெல்லாம் பிருகுமே புகலு கின்றார்
அன்னவ னிரட்டை ஜன்மம் அறைந்திட்டீர் விவரம் சொல்வீர்
முந்துணை யாண்பா லாகும் மேதினில் தீர்க்க சீவி.
- Sage Parasara continues, “He is born with five male siblings and three female. Only these siblings will have a long life and the rest of the siblings will perish.” At this point, Bhrigu Maharishi interrupts and queries, “You stated that he is one of a pair, furnish more details.” Sage Parasara replies, “The other one is elder one to him and is a male with a long life.”
7. இருமனை யாக வாழ்வன் இதுவன்றி முன்னோ னுக்கு
வருமனை யிரண்டே யாகும் மடிந்துபின் நேரு மென்றோம்
அருபாக மாக வாழ்வர் அவர்பலன் பின்பால் சொல்வோங்
கரிமத வானை பெற்ற காதலி கேட்டிடாயே.
- Sage Parasara continues, “Oh! Mother of Lord Ganesa, the one with the face of an elephant, hear, the father of the native will have two wives. His twin also will have two wives. The second marriage will take place after the first wife passes away. I will declare the results pertaining to them in the later part.”
Note by Copy Editor: Father of the native will have two wives as also his twin who is elder to the native. If we consider 9th house as father, his wife is represented by the 3rd house which is Leo (even though 4th house indicate mother). The 2nd from this indicate the Longevity whose Lord Mercury goes to the 12th house of exit. Another maraka for the wife of the father represented by Leo is Saturn (being 7th lord) and he along with the 8th lord from Leo (Jupiter) is aspecting Sun-Lord of Leo.
8. இன்னெறி உடையா னுக்கு இப்பால னுதிப்பா னாவன்
அன்னவன் குணத்தை சொல்வேன் ஆதிமால் நிறத்தனாவன்
பன்னியே பேச வல்லன் பலபாவை மோக னாவன்
தன்பந்து பாரிப் பானாம் தைர்யமா மனத்த னாவன்.
- The native shall be born to such a father. I shall detail the character of the native now. His complexion is dark, akin to that of Lord Vishnu; he repeats his utterances several times; he has passion for many women; he will protect and safeguard his relatives; he is bold and courageous;
9. பலகலை உணர்வா னாகும் பரஉப காரஞ் செய்வன்
நிலையதைக் காப்பா னாகும் நினைத்ததை முடிக்க வல்லன்
அலைகடல் துயின்றோன் பக்தி அவனுமே கொள்வ னாகும்
கலகத்தைக் கூறா னாகுங் கனத்ததோர் நேசஞ் செய்வன்.
- He knows and understands several art forms; he helps several people; he will protect his status; he completes anything he undertakes ; he will have bakthi (unswerving faith and trust) on Lord Vishnu; he does not engage in double talk or slander; he respects and befriends elders.
10. தந்தையின் தந்தை போலத் தானவன் வாழ்வா னாவன்
சிந்தையும் நல்ல தாகும் சேய்நிலம் விருத்தி செய்வன்
பந்தினர் மதிக்க வாழ்வன் பஞ்சைமே லிரக்க மாவன்
நிந்தைகள் ஏற்கா னாவன் நிமிஷத்தில் கோபி யாவன்.
- He will live like his grand father. He will harbour good thoughts. He will increase cultivable lands and increase production. He will command respect and prestige from among his relatives. He will be compassionate towards the poor and the indigent. He will not tolerate insults and could become an angry person instantaneously.
11. தேவதா தலங்கள் செல்வன் தேரினோர்க் கன்ன மீவன்
தாவினோர் தம்மைக் காப்பன் சத்ருவை நசிக்க வைப்பன்
பாவத்தில் மனது வையான் பார்மன்னன் மெச்ச வாழ்வன்
நாவது சுத்த முண்டு நற்சக டுகளு மேற்பன்.
- He will undertake pilgrimage to holy places and worship. He will provide food to the wise and elderly. He will protect those who reach out and seek shelter from him. He will decimate and crush his enemies. He will not harbour sinful thoughts. He will receive the appreciation and accolade from the king. He will stand by his words. He will have comfortable vehicles.
12. தன்துணை பெண் ஒன்று தங்கிடுந் தீர்க்க மாக
அன்னவள் குணத்தைச் சொல்வேன் அவளிரு நிறத்த ளாகும்
பன்னியே பேசு வாளாம் பாரினில் வறுமை காணாள்
பொன்பணி தந்தை யாலே பெறுவளாம் கபடு மில்லாள்.
- He has one sister with a long life. The details about the sister are; Her colour is a combination of dark and red. She repeats herself several times. She will never be poor. She will receive gold jewelry from her father. She will be innocent.
13. வரனுமே தென்பால் தன்னில் வருகுவான் இல்லம் வாசம்
வருஞ்சுதர் ஆண்பால் மூன்று பெண்ணது இரண்டு மாகுந்
திருகிலா ஐந்துந் தீர்க்கஞ் செல்வியும் யோக சாலி
அரிவைக்கு வயது தீர்க்கம் அம்பிகை யாளே கேளாய்.
- Parasara continues, “Hear oh! Mother, her husband will be from south to her place and she will live with She will bear three male and two female children, who will be long lived. She also will have a long life and will be very fortunate.
14. பின்துணை பெண்பா லொன்று பேசுவோந் தீர்க்க மாகக்
கன்னிகை யோக சாலி கஞ்சமாம் நிறத்த ளாகும்
அன்னியர் மதிக்க வாழ்வள் யாவர்க்கும் நல்லோ ளாவள்
உன்னத சீல மேற்பள் உயர்வான புத்தி ஏற்பள்.
- The sage further states, “The native will have a younger sister, who has a long life. She is blessed with good fortune; dark complexioned; will lead a respectable life; will be good to everybody. She will conduct herself in an excellent manner. Her intellect will be filled with noble thoughts.
15. அறமதி லிச்சை உண்டு அதிதிகட் கன்ன மீவள்
பெரிதான குடும்ப மேற்பள் பூவைக்கு வடகீழ் மாரன்
வருஞ்சுதர் ஆண்பால் நான்கு மங்கைமார் மூவ ராகும்
வறுமைஎப் போதுங் காணாள் வருவோரை ஆத ரிப்பாள்.
- She wholeheartedly desires to perform charities. She provides food to the poor. She will have a large family. Her spouse will be from the north eastern direction. She will bear four male and three female children. She will never be poor and will shelter those who seek from her.
16. பாலகன் மணத்தின் காலம் பகருவோம் பத்தொன் பாண்டில்
பாலிகை மேல்பால் நேரும் பகருவோ மவள்கு ணத்தைச்
சீலியாம் புத்தி சாலி ஜனசகா யங்கள் செய்வள்
மால்மனை ஒப்ப தாகும் வருவோரை ஆத ரிப்பள்.
- The sage continues, “ Now we shall declare the period when the native will get married and the characteristics of the wife of the native. The native shall get married in the age of nineteen. The spouse will be from western direction. She will have good conduct; will be intelligent; will help people at large; Just like Lakshmi, the consort of Lord Vishnu, she will help those who seek her help.
Copy Editor’s Notes: The native must be running Sun Maha Dasa, Mercury Antar dasa from his 18th year 18 days and this will last upto his 18th year 10 months and 24 days followed by Ketu Antara which will be taken as the 19th year. Normally the 7th house, its lord, Its lords dispositor and the planet placed in the 7th house, aspects on the 7th house as well as its lord and above all Lagna Lord are considered for marriage. Additionally, the 2nd house being addition to family, 4th house settling in life, 5th house leading to progeny, 9th house of Dharma and its 7th house viz. 3rd house (of Dharma of marriage (being 9th to 7th), 11th house as per BPHS, 10th house being sukhasthana of marriage are all to be considered. Venus, the natural karaka is also to be taken into consideration. In this chart the Maha dasa Lord Sun is the Lord of 3rd house placed in Lagna and aspecting the 7th house and its Lord Jupiter in turn aspected by him. Saturn is also involved in the aspect and Saturn becomes the 9th Lord and also the 7th lord from Chandra Lagna. Sun is placed along with Venus, kalatra karaka. The dispositor of this Sun-Venus conjunction is Mercury – 4th and Lagna Lord placed in the 2nd house. No doubt, marriage had happened during this period.
If we analyse it using BCP – 19th year represents the 7th house – we get the straight forward clarification for marriage. 7th lord placed in his own house along with the 9th lord Saturn and both aspecting and aspected by Venus-kalatra karaka.
As per Krushna’s Ashtakavarga System Lord of 4th house or 12th house is responsible for marriage. The Antar dasa Lord Mercury is the 4th Lord in this case.
17. அன்னம்போல் சாய லொக்கும் அன்புட மனத்த ளாகுங்
கன்னிகை யோக சாலி கருதிடாள் கட்டு வார்த்தை
தன்வரன் மனதுக் கேத்தோள் சாதமும் அன்பாய் ஈவள்
சொன்னசொல் சுகமே யாகுஞ் சுந்தரி தீர்க்க ஜீவி.
- She will have a gait akin to that of a swan; smooth and elegant; she has a loving heart; she is endowed with good fortune ; doesn’t create stories about others; will act according to the wishes of her husband; will provide food to others with love. She will stand by her words. She will have a long life.
புத்திர தோஷம்
18. சுதர்களுங் காணா ளாகுங் தோன்றினுஞ் சேத மாகும்
அதுகுற்றம் புகல்வீ ரையா அரவுமே அஞ்சில் தங்கப்
புதல்வகா ரகனு மேழில் புரயோனின் மகனுங் கூட
சதியுண்டு புதல்வ ருக்கு ஜயமுனி புகலு கின்றார்.
- The native will not beget children. Even if they are born, will not live for long. The sage was asked to give out reasons for this. Now Maha rishi Jaimini starts replying. Rahu is posited in the 5th Jupiter, the putra karaka, is posited in the 7th house and is conjuct with Saturn. Therefore there is denial of progeny.”
Copy Editor’s comment: For progeny issues we consider the 5th house, 9th house (being 5th from 5th), karaka Jupiter, their placement, association, aspects, dispositors etc.etc. Rishi himself has stated that because of the placement of Rahu in the 5th house and Jupiter in the 7th house with Saturn, there will be no issue. To give more clarity we can say that Rahu disposits its Lord Venus and is also aspecting Venus who again receives the aspect of Jupiter and Saturn. Now Jupiter is putra karaka and he is afflicted by malefic Saturn who happens to own both 8th and 9th houses (9th being 5th from 5th gains importance here) and this malefic combination is placed in the 5th from Chandra Lagna too. ‘Karaka Bhava Naso’ holds good in this case. 5th from Jupiter has Ketu another malefic and its Lord Mars though placed in a friendly sign with a friendly planet receives the aspect of Jupiter who we must remember is a Bhadha Lord for Gemini Lagna. Mars is also the lord of 6th house of maraka of children. The 5th lord Venus is placed in the house of Mercury and as such will be exhibiting the qualities of Mercury who is placed in the 2nd house of maraka from lord of putra bhava and 8th from putra karaka Jupiter. In this connection, I would request readers to revise the verses of Parasara in BPHS Chapter 83-slokas 7 to 16.
19. இருநான்குக் குடையோ னேழில் இருப்பதால் பூர்வந் தன்னில்
மருவிற்று வினை அநேகம் மைந்தர்கள் தோஷ மெய்தும்
உரைகுவீர் வினையை நீங்கள் உத்தமன் பூர்வம் கேளாய்த்
திருகணா மலையி லேதான் ஜனித்தனன் ரெட்டி வம்சம்.
- He continues, “ Saturn, the 8th lord, being posited in the 7th house, indicates that the karma from the past has caught up with the native now. Lot of past sins have accumulated and culminated in Putra Dosha. The sage was requested to inform the actions of the native that were causative. The Rishi replies, “ The native was born in Tiruvannamalai. He was born in Reddiar community.
20. ஸர்ப்பத்தை கொன்ற தோஷம்: பசுக் கறந்த தோஷம்
பாலகன் மனைவி உண்டாய்ப் பாரினால் சீவித் தேதான்
சாலவே வாழு நாளில் தங்கின வினையைக் கேண்மோ
ஆலமு மில்லம் வாசம் அதனையும் குடங்கள் கொண்டு
சாலவே முத்தந் தன்னில் தயங்கியே கிடக்கும் போது;
- He was married and was living with his wife. While he was living with his wife comfortably, an event that created his bad karma occurred. A snake was living in his house for quite a long time. One day when the snake was swaying with its risen hood in his court yard;
Copy Editors’ Notes: Note the placement of Rahu in the 5th house and its aspect on the 5th lord Venus coupled with the aspect of Saturn on Venus definitely is indicative of Sarpa Dosha.
21. அரங்குமே செய்து இன்னோன் அடித்தனன் கழியி னாலே
மரலியின் பதிக்குச் செல்ல மருவிற்று அந்தத் தோஷம்
உரைக்கிறோம் வேறு ஒன்று உத்தமன் கன்றுக் கேதான்
குறைபட பாலைத் தந்தான் குலவிற்று அதுஓர் தோஷம்.
- He hit the snake with a wooden staff and the snake died. The sin arising from killing a snake attached to him. He committed another kind of sin. He did not allow calves to suckle to their full from their mother cows and milked more than a fair share from those cows. The sin arising out of this act also attached to him.
22. வறுமையோர் சாபந் தானும் மருவிற்று என்று சொல்வோம்
இருகண்ணும் ஊன மாகி ஏகினான் கால னாடு
பிரமனால் வரையப் பட்டுப் பிறப்பனா மென்று சொல்வோம்
மருவிடும் நாக சாபம் ஆவின்பால் கறந்த தோஷம்.
- “One more curse also attached itself to this native, from poor people”, continues the sage and states further, “ On account of these curses, he become blind towards the end of his life and died. Brahma, the creator, made him to be born once again. The sins on account of killing the snake and depriving calves of milk from their mother, did not go away. They attached themselves on his re birth.
23. புத்திர தோஷ மெய்தும் புகலுவோங் கிரியை தானும்
வித்தகன் சிலையால் நாகம் வருவியே அரசின் கீழே
சுத்தமாய்ப் பிரதிஷ்டை செய்யச் சேயர்கள் விருத்தி யாகும்
குத்தமாய்ச் செய்யா னாகில் குழவிகள் தோஷ மெய்தும்.
- The sage continues. The denial of progeny arising on account of the sins that follow him from his previous birth can be set right, if the native performs the following remedial action. He should cause a snake to be made from out of stone and should cause it to be properly established under a papal tree. If he performs this remedy, then and only then he will be able to get sons. If he does not perform this remedy, harbouring ill thoughts, he shall be denied progeny.
24. சொற்படி செய்வா னாகில் தோன்றிடும் ஆண்பா லொன்று
மெய்ப்படி பெண்பால் ரண்டு வரகிறோந் தீர்க்க மாகச்
செப்புவோ மன்னை சேதி சீலியாம் மாநி றத்தாள்
தப்பித குணமில் லாதாள் சரசமாய் வார்த்தை உண்டு.
- The sages further states, “ If he performs the remedial action, then he shall get a son and two daughters, who will have a long life. Now we shall continue with the details about the mother of the native. She is fair complexioned; does not have qualities that are not good; talks to people in an easy way.
25. இளமன முடைய ளாகும் இடுக்கணென் றோரைக் காப்பள்
நளபாக முடைய ளாகும் நல்கிடும் பித்த பாதை
களைத்தோர்க்குத் தாக மீவள் கண்முகம் வசிய முண்டு
குளவிபோல் கோபங் கொஞ்சங் குணமது நல்ல தாகும்.
- She is tender hearted; reaches out and helps those who are suffering; she is an excellent cook comparable with Nala, the king whose name is synonymous with most delicious dishes; has bilous body; provides water to thirsty and needy people; she has attractive eyes and face; when she gets angry quickly, and stings like a bee; but she has many good qualities.
26. தன்துணை மூன்று தோன்றுந் தங்காது ஆண்பா லுந்தான்
கன்னிமா ரிருவ ராகுங் காதலி மார்கள் ரண்டும்
அன்னையின் உதவி யாலே அவர்களுஞ் சீவிப் பார்கள்
பின்பாகம் அவர்கள் சேதி பேசுவோம் முனியே கேளும்.
- The sage continues to other rishis, “ She has three siblings. One brother will not last long. Two sisters will live and only on account of the help rendered by the native’s mother. Oh! Rishis, I shall furnish details about them in the later part.”
27. அன்னையின் பூர்வஞ் சொல்வேன் அருணைக்குக் கீழ்ப்பா லாகச்
சின்னஊர் தனிலு தித்தாள் சேடர்தன் குலமே என்றோம்
பொன்பணி உடைய ளாகிப் பூமியில் வறுமை இன்றிக்
கன்னிகை வாழு நாளில் கலந்ததோர் வினையைக் கேண்மோ.
- We shall furnish the details regarding the previous birth of the mother of the native now. She was born in a small village, which lies to the east of Now I shall narrate the ill fate that befell her, while she was living a luxurious life, adorned with gold jewelry and with not even a hint of poverty, please listen;’
28. அருமறை மதலைக் காக ஆவின்பால் இவளைக் கேட்கத்
திருகாக வார்த்தை கூறச் சேர்ந்தது அந்தத் தோஷம்
இரவினில் அதிதி அன்னம் ஈகுவாய் என்று கேட்க
அரிபோலக் கோப முற்று அளிக்காது அன்ன மென்ன;
- Once a Brahmman, sought cow’s milk for his child from her. She replied sarcastically; sin arising out of denying milk to child attached to her .On one night a poor man sought food as alms. She got angry akin to the anger of a lion and refused to give food.
29. சிவவேடம் கொண்டோர் தானுஞ் செப்புவார் மனவெ றுப்பால்
பவமுள பின்ஜன் மத்தில் பாலர்கள் முதலில் தோஷம்
நவனியில் துணைஆண் தோஷம் நல்கிடு மென்று சொல்லித்
தவசிவே றில்லஞ் சென்றான் சார்ந்தது அந்தத் தோஷம்.
- The poor man, whose appearance was like that of Lord Shiva, cursed her. He declared, “ In your next birth you shall suffer on account of progeny and siblings.” Having said this, he went to another house in search of his food.
30. அந்திய காலந் தன்னில் அவளுக்குக் குன்மங் கண்டு
அந்தகன் பக்கல் சென்று அயனுமே வரையப் பட்டு
வந்தவ ளிவளே என்றோம் மருவிடும் இரண்டு தோஷம்
தன்சுதர் முதலில் பீடை தன்துணை ஆண்பால் தோஷம்.
- The sage continues, “ She went to the world of Lord Yama, and during the last part of her life, she suffered from stomach ailment. Due to the grace of Lord Brahma, she was born again as the mother of the native. In this birth she shall suffer on account of her progeny and then on account of her brother”
31. அத்திரி புகலு கின்றார் அவள்துணை தோஷஞ் சொன்னீர்
சத்திக்குக் கர்மம் செய்வோர் சாற்றுவீர் முனியே நீர்தாம்
வித்தைகள் தந்தை செய்வன் மேலிடும் அவர்கள் ஆஸ்தி
சத்திக்குச் சேரு மென்றோங் சங்கரி கேட்டி டாயே.
- At this point, maha Rishi Atri interjects and queries Parasara. “ It was stated that she will suffer without a brother. Tell us, who will perform the last rites of her father?” Sage parasara replies, “ Devi Sankari! Please hear.The father of the native will perform the last rites and she will inherit the wealth of her father.”
32. மங்கையின் அன்னை தானும் மருவுவாள் தன்பால் தன்னில்
சங்கைஇல் லாமல் வாழ்வாள் ஜாதகர்க் கீரே ழாண்டில்
துங்கமாங் கால னாடு செல்லுவாள் என்று சொல்வோம்
சங்கரன் தனைவ ளர்த்த அம்பிகை யாளே கேளாய்.
- The sage continues, “Oh! Mother, thou who praises Lord Shiva, hear this. The mother of the native’s mother,(maternal grand mother) will come down and live with her daughter, without worries and difficulties. When the native attains the age of fourteen, she will pass away.
Copy Editor’s Notes: Maternal grandmother is indicated by the 7th house (4th from 4th house). Maraka planets for this 7th house are 2nd lord from 7th – Saturn and the 7th lord from 7th house – Mercury. 7th house lord Jupiter is thus afflicted by the conjunction of Saturn and aspect of Venus (-Mercury who having been placed in the house of Mercury will tend to act like Mercury). At the age of 14 native was running the fag end of Venus dasa (placed in the maraka house of grandmother) followed by Sun dasa-Sun Antar dasa also placed therein.
As per BCP native will be running 14th year which will be indicated by the 2nd house wherein the 7th lord of maraka of grandmother Mercury sits displacing its lord Moon to the 9th house of grandmother who is aspected by the afflicted Jupiter.
33. முப்பது மூன்று ஆண்டில் விளம்புவோம் அன்னை கண்டஞ்
செப்புவோ மிவளின் ஜன்மம் திருமுக்கூடல் தன்னி லேதான்
ஒப்புடன் வைச்யச் சேயாய் உதிப்பளா மென்று சொல்லுவோம்
அப்பணி சடையோன் தேவி அருளிய மொழிகுன் றாவே.
- When the native reaches his thirty third year, his mother might face great physical danger and might pass away. She shall be born again in a place called ThiruMukkoodal ( May also refer to Cape Comorin where the three seas meet), in vysya community.”
Copy Editor’s Notes: In almost all Nadi granthas Jupiter and Saturn alone are taken and majority of the issues get solved with these two lords. Here again Jupiter and Saturn paly an important role. The Maha dasa running at this time was that of Mars who is the longevity indicator for mother (4th house) having ownership of 3rd and 8th house from 4th house. He is placed in the 3rd house (12th house of exit from 4th house) along with karaka Moon. From Chandra Lagna Mars is the 4th lord and is having association with its 12th lord who happens to be Moon. Maraka houses of mother reckoned from Lagna of the native are the 5th house and the 10 th house. 5th has malefic Rahu and its lord Venus is aspected by Rahu as well as the 10th lord Jupiter. From Chandra Lagna maraka houses for this chart are Sagittarius with the maraka Lord Jupiter placed therein aspecting the lord of 4th house from Chandra Lagna. Another maraka lord Venus (7th from 4th of Chandra Lagna) is placed in the 8th from 4th of Chandra lagna and is aspected by maraka Jupiter. The Antar dasa of Rahu was over by 31 years and 8 monthe. Thereafter, Jupiter Antar dasa is upto 32 years and 7 months which is the 33rd year of the native.
From BCP point of view 33rd year is 9th house which becomes the 6th house of disease for the 4th house. Lord of this house Saturn is placed with the 7th lord from 4th house Jupiter as pecting Venus the 2nd lord for mother.
பாகப் பிரிவினையில் மோசம்
34. பிறந்தசேய் தந்தை பூர்வம் பேசுவோங் காஞ்சி தன்னில்
பொருளுமே அதிக முண்டாய்ப் பிறந்தனன் செளடாஷ்டிர வம்சம்
பெருமையாய்ச் செட்டுச் செய்து புனிதனும் வாழு நாளில்
வருந்துணை பாக மீயா வாதாடி விலக்க லுற்றான்.
- The sage continues to state, “Now we shall speak about the previous birth of the native’s father. He was born in Kancheepuram, in a Sourashtra family. He was born wealthy. He was a prestigious business man. But, at one point in time, he partitioned off the property without allotting due share to his brother, using false argument;
35. மனமது வருத்த முற்று வரைகிறான் துணைவன் சாபங்
கனமுள பொருளீ யாமல் கடனது தந்த பாவி
இனிவரும் ஜன்மம் தன்னில் இருவரும் ஒருகர்ப் பத்தில்
சினமிலா உதித்து யானுந் தாய்முலைப் பாலும் பாதி;
- The brother who was deprived of his due share, in deep remorse cursed his brother(native’s father) . “The sinner, who without giving my due share in the huge wealth from the common property, has given me only debts to repay. Even if we were to be born as siblings in our next birth too and perchance had to take the same mother’s milk ;
36. பங்கிட்டு உண்பேன் யானும் பக்கமில் தன்னில் வாழ்வேன்
சங்கையாய்ச் சொல்லிச் சென்றான் ததாஸ்துஎன்றார் முனிவர் தாமும்
அங்கவ னந்தி யத்தில் அவன்பொருள் குறைவு நேர்ந்து
மங்கினான் கால னாடு கஞ்சனால் வரையப் பட்டு;
- The brother continues with his curse, “ I will share the mother’s milk equally. But never shall I reside under the same roof, I shall live in an adjacent house.” As these words were uttered by him, Rishis confirmed it by saying “ Be that as it may” ( Thathasthu). Therefore the native’s father in his previous birth died a poor man. He was once again made to be born:
37. வந்தவ னென்று சொல்வோம் மருவுவா னிரட்டைச் யாகச்
சந்தத மிருபா னாறில் தந்தையுங் கண்ட மெய்தும்
பின்ஜன்மங் காஞ்சி தன்னில் பிறப்பனாங் கங்கை சேயாய்
விந்தையாய்ச் செட்டுச் செய்து வித்தகன் வாழ்வா னாமே.
- “As native’s father, and one of the twins” continues the sage.” The Native’s father shall face a great physical danger during the twenty sixth year of native and may pass away. In the next birth, he shall be born in an agricultural community in Kancheepuram. He shall do a unique form of business and live well.”
Copy Editor’s Notes: The native was running Moon Dasa Jupiter Antaratill 24 years and 6 months. Thereafter Saturn Antara will start and end in his 26th year 1 month which will indicate his 27th year running. So his 26th year is influenced by Saturn Antara. Saturn is the lord of 9th indicating father. Saturn has conjoined the maraka lord for father Jupiter and aspected by another Maraka Lord Sun who is karaka for father. From Chandra Lagna 9th house is Aries occupied by Ketu and the maraka planet here is Venus who has conjoined karaka Sun. Now this Venus will act like Mercury as he is in his house (one of the important principles of Nadi astrology). Mercury again is lord of 2nd house of Maraka from Chandra Lagna.
From BCP point 26th year represents 2nd house. Its Lord Moon is placed in the 7th house from 9th house of father nad 3rd house from karaka Sun. 8th lord of longevity of father Mercury is placed in the 2nd house. Again note the presence of Mercury the 4th lord in the focus house reiterating the rule that the 4th house lord is indicator of father’s longevity and 5th house lord indicator of mother’s longevity.
38. பாலகன் மரண காலம் பகருவோ மறுபா னெட்டில்
சாலவே கூனி மாதம் ஜாதக னுடலம் ஏகும்
ஏலவே இவன்பின் ஜன்மம் இயம்புவோம் வேலங் காட்டில்
சீலமாம் மறைக்கு லத்தில் ஜனிப்பனா மென்று சொல்வோம்.
- “ Now we shall state the time of death of the native.” Says the sage and continues, “ During the age of sixty eight, in the month of Phalguna (Meena masa in solar calander), he shall pass away. He shall be born as a Brahmin in Velangadu”
Copy Editors’ Notes: Jupiter Dasa- Sun Antar dasa will be over for the native at the age of 66 years and 7 months. The next Antar dasa is of Moon. Jupiter is being lord of 7th house and Badhakesh is capable of inflicting death and he is placed in the 7th house with the company of Saturn-8th lord and karaka for longevity. Moon is the 2nd lord of Maraka being placed in the 3rd house of longevity along with the 6th lord Mars. The month is Meena which is from 15th March to 14th April. When the Sun will be in Pisces ruled by Jupiter. Three constellations Purvabhadrapada, Uthrabhadrapada and Revati ruled by Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury fall under this sign. Jupiter is 7th Lord from Lagna and 8th Lord from Chandra Lagna. Mercury is placed in the 2nd house of maraka and 12th house of exit from Chandra Lagna. Saturn is lord of 8th placed with 7th Lord. Hence all the three constellations indicate death.
39. பிறந்திடு காலந் தன்னில் பூரத்தின் ரண்டாம் பாதம்
சிறந்தசுக் கிரனி ருப்பு செப்புவோ மீரே ழாண்டும்
மருவிடுந் திங்கள் மூன்றும் வரைந்தனம் பூர்வ பாகம்
அறைந்தனம் பூர்வ பாகம் அம்பிகை யாளே கேளாய்.
- The sage continues, “ Mother, Hear, the native was born in the second pada of Poorva Phalguni nakshtra. He was running Venus Dasa at the time of birth with a remainder of fourteen years and three months. And this is the preliminary part of the Native’s chart”.
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