Article is written by Kritanjali Maltiar – Guided by Vinayak Bhatt
In this article, we will be using some techniques of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, mainly those of profession, along with BNN Progression (for timing of events), to see some of the major life-events in the chart of the famous Indian chef, Mrs.Tarla Dalal, who wrote many cook-books, came on cookery shows on television and was also given various awards for her achievements in her field.
The exciting thing about Bhrigu Nandi Nadi is that even without knowing the exact time of birth of a person (which is a mandatory requirement in other paddhatees), one can decipher a lot of things about a person’s life. This is because in Bhrigu Nandi Nadi, a special technique, known as ‘Progression’ is applied mostly on slow-moving planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu, to pin-point important events in natives’ lives.
Here, we will start with explaining the profession of Mrs. Tarla Dalal with rules of Bhrigu Nandi Nadi applied on her static birth chart, and then we will move on to decipher the important events of her life, through Bhrigu Nandi Nadi progression.
First, let’s decode what she was famous for, her profession. In common parlance, we refer to Bhrigu Nandi Nadi as BNN for convenience, and hence forth we will be using the same in this article. We will be analyzing her static chart for that. When we move on to important events in her life, we will then use BNN Progression to explain them.
We know that Saturn is the karaka of all karma a person performs, including his/her profession. As the profession is a significant proportion of a person’s karma in life, the Rashi in which Saturn sits in the natal chart and conjoins with which planets is important to decode the profession of a native. We need to know Saturn’s dignity, that is, whether it is in friendly sign or enemy sign; whether it is combust, and which planets are sitting with it. We also need to know the planets with which it is in trine (1-5-9) position. This gives a good idea about the profession.
The following are the rules for the decoding profession in BNN:
- Sign of Saturn, planets in its trine, its conjunction, 7th
- 10th lord from Saturn and its dignity, considering rashi, trinal aspects, and conjunctions.
- 10th lord from Jupiter (in the case of the male native) and its dignity in the chart.
- 10th lord from Venus (in the case of the female native) and its dignity in the chart.
- 10th lord from Sun, the karaka of name and status, and its dignity in the chart.
- 10th lord from Mars, the karaka of ‘deha’ and initiatives, and its dignity in the chart.
Now, using the above rules along with the planets and signs and their significations, we decode the profession of a native. If we see a planetary combination repeating while looking at all the above points, those planetary combinations more precisely depict the profession of a person.
Tarla Dalal:
Let us now look at the chart of Tarla Dalal for decoding her profession. Following is her chart. She was born on June 3, 1936 in Pune, India. As her birth time is not available in public domain, we have created her chart using 12: 00 Hrs as her time of birth.
BNN does not take lagna and houses from lagna into consideration. Rather, it makes use of planets and signs and their karaktatwas. Houses are considered from planets signifying certain karaktatwas, and not from lagna. This will be clear with the example of Mrs. Tarla Dalal in the following lines.

- Saturn: Saturn is in its moolatrikona sign, Aquarius. It is a strong Saturn on this account. In its trinal position are Moon (the natural karaka for food) and Ketu, a fiery planet. Further, if we look at the degrees of Moon and Saturn, they are very close. Taking just one karaktatwa of Saturn, which is ‘karma’ (as we are trying to decode profession) and mixing it with the karaktatwa of Moon which is food, we can get an idea that this native might have work related to food. Ketu’s being in trine with Saturn can mean that the native has had or will be having breaks in profession. Also, as Ketu is sitting in Gemini sign of multiples, in trine with Saturn, it can give the native multiple professions, or different flavours of the same broad profession. And we know that Tarla Dalal first used to teach cooking in her classes (teacher). Then she wrote cook-books (writer) and then she used to appear on television in cookery shows (a media artist). Still, the base of everything she did was, cooking.
- 10th lord from Sun: 10th lord from Sun is Saturn itself, in strong dignity, sitting in Aquarius (interestingly it is also the sign of broadcasting and technology) and trine with Moon, the karaka of food, as well as Ketu. We have discussed about Saturn in detail in the 1st
- 10th lord from Mars: 10th lord from Mars is again Saturn, and again, the previous combination of Saturn-Ketu-Moon is repeating.
- 10th lord from Venus: Because it is the chart of a female, we need to consider Venus as jeevakaraka and consider the 10th lord from Venus for decoding profession. In case of a male native, we will need to see the dignity of 10th lord from Jupiter. 10th lord from Venus in the chart of Tarla Dalal is again Saturn. Again, the combination of Saturn-Ketu-Moon is repeating here.
- 10th lord from Saturn: 10th lord from Saturn is Mars, sitting in Taurus sign, which falls in the 2nd house of food in the natural zodiac (kaala purusha kundali). This Mars is sitting with 3 more planets: Mercury, karaka of intelligence, Sun, the karaka of name-fame and status, and an own-sign Venus (lord of the 2nd house of food of the natural zodiac). Mars, along with these planets, has the aspect of Jupiter. It is interesting to note that Jupiter-Mercury combination is happening in the Taurus sign of food in this chart. We know that her profession started with teaching cooking to young girls in her cooking classes (Jupiter-Mercury). Mars, which represents ‘deha’ as well as initiatives, is also present here in Taurus, which explains why her efforts and initiatives were for cooking. It was as much physical work as it was mental. Sun, the karaka of name, fame, and status, is also sitting with Mars, the 10th lord from Saturn.
The prominent repeating combination in her chart is Saturn-Ketu-Moon. On having another look at this combination, discussed at length in the 1st point itself, we see that it clearly explains her profession and its various flavors.
Now, let us try to understand BNN progression and through it, we will try to explain some important events in the life of Tarla Dalal.
Progression is a concept applied in BNN denoting the movement of planets in the sky. Each planet stays in a sign for a specific period of time in BNN Progression. For example, Saturn stays in a sign for 30 years in Major Progression while Jupiter stays in a sign for 12 years.
Progression is categorized into Major and Minor Progression. Usually, the progression of slow-moving planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu are analyzed to look for significant events in a person’s life. While analyzing a birth chart for significant events and their timing in a natal chart, one needs to make use of both Major and Minor Progression together to ascertain the timing of those events.
In this article, we are restricting ourselves to the progression of Saturn and Jupiter as even these planets together are capable of explaining the events of a person’s life at a particular time.
Rules for Progression of Saturn:
Major progression: Saturn takes 30 years to cross one sign in Progression. To be precise, it takes 29.45 years to cover one sign and pass on to the next.
Minor progression: Saturn takes 2.5 years to cross one sign.
Rules for Progression of Jupiter:
Major progression: Jupiter takes 12 years to cross one sign in Progression. To be precise, it takes 11.86 years to cover one sign and pass on to the next.
Minor progression: Jupiter takes 1 year to cross one sign.
Natal chart can be said to be the transit chart at the time of birth. Hence in natal chart, planets are mostly somewhere in the middle of some signs and not at the beginning. They have already stayed in that particular sign for some time, out of the total time needed to cross the whole 30 degrees of complete sign. Therefore, in order to calculate the balance period (from birth) that a planet will stay in its natal sign before crossing over to the next sign, we need to first see the degrees (longitude) of these planets in the natal chart. We can calculate the balance period either by applying unitary method, or by the specific formulae given for different planets. For Saturn and Jupiter, the following formulae can be used to arrive at the balance period (in years) of these two planets in their natal signs, respectively. After the balance period, planets move to the next sign, where they stay for the full time (30 years for Saturn and 12 years for Jupiter), as they start their journey from 0 degrees and complete full 30 degrees.
Formula for balance period of Saturn from the natal position in the first Major Progression:
Bal (Saturn) = 29.46 – (Saturn’s longitude in degrees/ 1.02).
Period of Minor Progression in each sign in its first cycle, during the 1st major progression starting from birth is: Bal (Saturn)/12.
Formula for balance period of Jupiter from the natal position for the 1st Major Progression:
Bal (Jupiter) = 11.86 – (Jupiter’s longitude in degrees/2.53).
Period of Minor Progression in each sign in its first cycle, during the 1st major progression starting from birth is: Bal (Jupiter)/12.
Rules of Progression for Saturn and Jupiter when they are retrograde in natal chart:
Sometimes, planets can be retrograde in the natal chart. Special rules apply for different planets in Progression in this case. Here are we will discuss these special rules for the progression of retrograde Saturn and retrograde Jupiter respectively.
Saturn: When Saturn is retrograde in a natal chart, progression is assumed to start from the previous sign. So, it can be said that Saturn stays in the previous sign for the balance period, and then comes to the natal sign, where it stays the full course, that is, for 29.46 years in Major Progression. For example, if in a natal chart, Saturn is retrograde in Gemini, and the balance period, ‘Bal (Saturn)’ is calculated to be 12 years, we assume Saturn to begin its Major Progression from Taurus, and not Gemini, and the first Major Progression is of 12 years in Taurus. After Taurus, Saturn progresses to Gemini for the next 30 years, and after Gemini, Saturn’s Major progression happens in Cancer for the next 30 years of the native’s life, and so on.
Minor Progression of Saturn starts from birth itself, from the sign from where the Major Progression starts. So, the first major and minor progression start at the same time for every planet, including Saturn. While First Major Progression for Saturn lasts for a period of ‘Bal (Saturn)’, Minor Progression of Saturn keeps happening over every sign one by one. Period of Minor Progression in same in each sign and for the first Major Progression, Minor Progression period is calculated by dividing ‘Bal (Saturn)’ by 12 (as there are 12 signs). After the first Major Progression, when Saturn crosses over to the next sign for the next 30 years of the native’s life, Minor Progression of Saturn also starts from this sign for a period of 2.5 years (30/12 =2.5), and in each of the subsequent signs thereafter, for 2.5 years respectively.
Considering the above example of Retrograde Saturn in Gemini where ‘Bal (Saturn)’ is of 12 years, Minor Progression of Saturn is 1 year in each sign (starting from Taurus and not Gemini due to retrogration). During the first 12 years of the native’s life, Minor Progression of Saturn occurs over each sign for 1 year successively till all signs are covered. All this while, Major Progression is in Taurus. After 12 years, when Major Progression of Saturn starts in Gemini for the next 30 years, the Minor Progression too starts in Gemini for 2.5 years. After 2.5 years, Minor Progression of Saturn begins in Cancer. Please keep in mind that the Major Progression of Saturn is still in Gemini and it will continue there for a total of 30 years, while Minor Progression of Saturn changes sign after every 2.5 years, till all the 12 signs are covered in these 30 years.
Jupiter: Progression-rule for retrograde Jupiter is different from the progression-rule for retrograde Saturn. When Jupiter is retrograde in natal Chart, first Major Progression starts in the natal position (sign) itself, where Jupiter completes its balance period. Next major progression of Jupiter happens in the previous sign, for the whole course that is 12 years as Jupiter progresses from 0 degrees and completes the whole of 30 degrees.
This is a point to be noted here that, it is the second Major Progression that happens in the sign previous to the natal sign, in case of retrograde Jupiter, and not the first, which is a deviation from the retrogration rule for Saturn.
The third Major Progression of Jupiter is in the sign next to the natal sign. For example, if in a natal chart, Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini and ‘Bal (Jupiter)’ is calculated to be 3 years, then for the first 3 years of the native’s life, Jupiter will progress in Gemini itself and not in Taurus. For the next 12 years, Jupiter’s Major Progression will be in previous sign of Gemini, Taurus for the full course of time, 12 years. After this, the 3rd Major Progression for Jupiter will be in Cancer, the sign next to Gemini. This will again be for the full course of 12 years. After each 12-year period, the Major Progression will begin for Jupiter in the next sign.
Minor Progression of Jupiter starts at birth from the natal position itself. Again, at birth, both Major and Minor Progression of Jupiter begin from the same place. However, while 1st Major Progression of Jupiter lasts for a period of ‘Bal (Jupiter)’ in the natal sign, Minor Progression of Jupiter keeps occurring over every sign one by one till all the 12 signs are covered. The period of first Minor Progression of Jupiter in each sign is the same and it is calculated by dividing ‘Bal (Jupiter)’ by 12. So, if ‘Bal (Jupiter)’ is 3 years in Gemini, the period of Minor progression is 0.25 years (3/12), beginning from Gemini, then moving to Cancer, Leo Virgo and so on, each for 0.25 years respectively till all the signs are covered in the first 3 years of the native’s life. It is to be noted that during this time the Major Progression of Jupiter is still in Gemini.
After 3 years, 2nd Major Progression of Jupiter begins in Taurus (previous sign of Gemini). for a period of 12 years (full course) because here, the planet will cover the whole sign from 0 degrees to 30 degrees. Hence, the question of balance period does not arise here and hence forth for any of the next progressions. Minor Progression of Jupiter also begins in Taurus, but only for a period of 1 year. Minor Progression of Jupiter successively happens over each sign for 1 year each for these 12 years when Jupiter’s Major Progression is still in Taurus.
The 3rd Major Progression of Jupiter happens in Cancer for next 12 years and Minor Progression also begins in Cancer but only for 1 year, after which it will happen in every successive sign one by one, for 1 year each for the next 12 years till all the signs are covered. Please note that during this time, Major Progression of Jupiter is still in Cancer.
Decoding the timing of significant events in the life of Tarla Dalal through Progression of Saturn and Jupiter:

Mrs. Tarla Dalal was Born on June 3, 1936, in Pune. Here we will take some important events of her life and explain them through Bhrigu Nandi Nadi. We will not be making use of lagna and houses from lagna. We will only use signs and planets in this analysis.
In the natal chart of Mrs. Tarla Dalal, Saturn is at 28.9 degrees.
Bal (Saturn) = 29.46 – (28.9/1.02) = 1.13 years. We can take it to be approximately 1 year in Major Progression.
In the natal chart of Mrs. Tarla Dalal, Jupiter is retrograde and is at 27.6 degrees.
Bal (Jupiter) = 11.86 – (27.6/2.53) = 0.95 years. We can take it to be 1 year in Major progression.
Event 1- Marriage in 1960.
Age: 25th year.
One rule of BNN is that whenever Saturn or Jupiter, in Progression, make connection with Mars and Venus, that is, they progress over 1st, 5th, 9th and especially 7th house from Mars (in case of female) and Venus (in case of male), marriage happens in the native’s life.
Jupiter is retrograde in this chart. Hence, the rules for retrograde Jupiter will apply here. It spends the 1st year of her life [ Bal (Jupiter)] in Scorpio itself (natal position). For next 12 years Major Progression is in Libra (previous sign).
Tarla Dalal’s 25th year falls in the 3rd Major Progression of Jupiter, which is in Sagittarius sign, whose lord Jupiter is the karaka of marriage ceremony. Jupiter’s Minor Progression at this time was over Scorpio, over natal Jupiter (very significant). Jupiter was progressing over the 7th house from Mars, the karaka of husband in any female chart. So, Progressed Jupiter, in Minor progression, did make a 7th aspect connection with Mars in her chart during this time. Moreover, Jupiter is the significator of marriage ceremony. Also, Scorpio sign denotes transformation in life, and we know that marriage is a big transformation in anybody’s life.
It is notable that Major progression of Jupiter was also in the sign of Jupiter at this time, the significator of marriage ceremony. Hence, we see that Jupiter’s progression is beautifully explaining Mrs. Tarla Dalal’s marriage during her 25th year.
Even though both Saturn and Jupiter are capable of giving marriage alone, let’s look at Saturn’s Progression as well in her 25th year.
In her 25th year, Major Progression of Saturn was in Pisces, while the Minor Progression of Saturn was in Sagittarius. Both these signs are Jupiter’s sign and Jupiter is the karaka of marriage rituals. Hence, even Saturn’s progression is showing marriage at this time.
Event 2- Started cooking classes in 1966.
Age: 30th year
Major Progression of Jupiter is over Capricorn sign, signifying hard work. It is Saturn’s sign and Saturn is ‘karmakaraka’ significator of all karma including profession. This progressed Jupiter is in trine with Venus, Mercury, Mars and Sun in Taurus sign. As Taurus sign denotes food in the natural zodiac and also Venus, the lord of the 2nd house of food in the natural zodiac also represents food, Major Progressed Jupiter’s being in trine with Venus in Taurus is important. Sun is the karaka of name, fame, status, which she achieved through her cooking classes. Mars is a fiery planet signifying efforts/initiatives. She took a big initiative by starting her own cooking classes and made tremendous efforts. Mercury is the karaka of business and this was the own Venture of Mrs Tarla Dalal. Major Progressed Jupiter was casting its trinal aspect on all these planets in Taurus sign of food, in the 30th year of her life, triggering her venture of cooking classes.
Coming to Minor progression of Jupiter, it was in Taurus itself with all the planets discussed above. Jupiter’s Minor Progression is absolutely beautifully explaining this major significant event in the life of Mrs. Tarla Dalal.
Let us now look at where Saturn was at this time. Major Progressed Saturn was in Pisces, in trine with natal Jupiter. Jupiter is the karaka of wealth and she did start earning at this time. Minor Progressed Saturn was in Aquarius (moolatrikona sign of Saturn) and over natal Saturn. One rule of BNN is that whenever a planet progresses over its natal position, it gives very significant events. Here, we see that Saturn progressing over natal Saturn in Minor progression did trigger her career and made her work. Saturn is the karaka of career, work, profession, vocation, occupation. This Saturn is in trine with Moon and Ketu. Moon is the karaka of food and Ketu of karmic events.
Again we see that Saturn’s Progression, both Maroe and Minor, is showing the start of cooking classes of Tarla Dalal in her 30th year.
Event 3 – First cook-book published in 1974.
Age: 38th year
Both Major and Minor progressed Jupiter was in Aquarius, the moolatrikona sign of Saturn, the karmakaraka, over natal Saturn (Note that the natal Saturn has a very strong placement in Aquarius). This Jupiter is in trine with Moon, the karaka of food and Ketu, the karaka of obstacles. Jupiter is the karaka of knowledge (gyan), which comes over karmakaraka Saturn, in trine with karaka of food Moon. Through her cook book, Mrs Tarla Dalal gave the knowledge of recipes of dishes. So, the involvement of all the three planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Moon is seen here. Ketu, the karaka of obstacles is also in trine to Major progressed Jupiter and it has been documented that she did face obstacles in publishing her very first cook book.
Major progressed Saturn was in Aries, casting aspect on Moon, the karaka of food, in the Libra sign of relationships. And natal Mars, the dispositor of Major Progressed Saturn is with Venus, karaka of food, Sun, the karaka of name, fame, and status, and Mercury, the karaka of communication, writing, publishing, broadcasting, etc. Mars itself is the karaka of efforts and initiatives. Major Progression of Saturn over Aries triggered all these planets. The result was that her first cook-book was published which made her famous for her cooking recipes and she became a medium for imparting this knowledge among others (work of Jupiter as well as Mercury).
At this time, Minor progressed Saturn was in Gemini sign of communication, writing, broadcasting, knowledge-dissemination. It was in trine with natal Moon (food) and natal Saturn (karmakaraka), and it was over natal Ketu, the karaka of obstacles which did give her obstacles in the publication of her first book.
Again, both Jupiter Progression and Saturn Progression very aptly show this significant event of her life.
Event 4 – Received ‘Woman of The Year’ award from the Indian Merchants Chamber in 2005.
Age: 70th year
In the 70th year of Mrs. Tarla Dalal, Jupiter’s Major Progression was happening over Aries. Progressed Jupiter was casting aspect on its own sign Sagittarius, where natal Rahu, the karaka of expansion was placed. It was also casting its aspect on Leo sign signifying name and fame/recognition. Dispositor of Major Progressed Jupiter, Mars, is also sitting with Sun in natal chart in Taurus sign along with Mercury and Venus – all having the aspect of natal Jupiter in the birth chart. All these planets got activated by Jupiter’s Major Progression in Aries. Together these planets explain her being given the prestigious award which was for her life’s work in cooking and teaching cooking, writing cook books, being television host of cookery shows and spreading her knowledge to millions of people throughout the world.
Minor progressed Jupiter at this very time, was in its own sign (also moolatrikona sign), Sagittarius, and over Rahu. Minor Progressed Jupiter had trinal aspect on Leo and Aries, triggering their lords, Sun and Mars respectively.
One important thing is that in her 70th year, Major progressed Jupiter and Minor progressed Jupiter were in trine to each other, showing something very significant in her life.
Now, let us try to analyse Saturn’s Major Progression in 70th year of Mrs. Tarla Dalal. In Major Progression, Saturn was in Taurus over natal Venus, Mars, Mercury and Sun. This began from the 62nd year and would have continued till 91 years if she had lived that long.
In Tarla Dalal’s 70th year, Minor Progression of Saturn was in Leo sign of name, fame and status. This Saturn comes in trine with Rahu, which made her status larger than life. At the same time, Minor Progression was also over Sun, sitting with Mars, Mercury, Venus and having the aspect of Jupiter. Hence, Sun and Leo both were activated through Saturn’s major and Minor progressions, which clearly explains her being given the prestigious award which was for her life’s work in cooking and teaching cooking, writing cook books, being television host of cookery shows and spreading her knowledge to millions of people throughout the world.
Again, one notable point in this whole analysis is that Minor Progressed Jupiter (in Sagittarius, over Rahu) and Minor Progressed Saturn (in Leo) were in trines to each other. Again, this shows very significant event in a native’s life regarding the karaktatwas of the planets and signs being triggered.
Event 5 – Death of husband in 2005.
Age: 70th year
In the 70th year of Mrs Dalal, the Major and Minor Progressions of Jupiter and Saturn are the same as discussed in the above event of award, which also occurred in the 70th year. Major Progression of Jupiter was in Aries and Minor was in Sagitttarius.
In a female chart, the significator of husband, according to BNN, is Mars, which is the lord of Aries. In this chart, Mars is also the 7th lord (signifying spouse) from Venus, the female jeevakaraka.
Mars gets activated by the Major as well as Minor Progression of Jupiter (Aries sign gets trinal aspect of Minor Progressed Jupiter from Sagittarius, and Major Progressed Jupiter progresses over Aries).
Also, Major Progression of Jupiter is in the 12th house of loss from Mars, the karaka of husband. The Minor Progression of Jupiter is in the 8th house of death/longevity from Mars. And both these houses from Mars, where Jupiter progressed, are unfavourable houses, the trika houses, showing trouble for the karaktatwa of Mars (husband).
If we see Saturn’s Major and Minor progressions in Mrs. Dalal’s 70th year, Major Progression of Saturn was over natal Mars (husband). Saturn is the significator of trouble and diseases, which comes over natal Mars for 30 years. At this time, the Minor progression of Saturn was in Leo, and in trine with Rahu. So, Leo sign gets the energy of two malefics, Rahu and Saturn. The dispositor of Minor Progressed Saturn, which is Sun, is placed with Mars (husband). Also, this Minor Progressed Saturn creates a 1-7 association with its natal place. Whenever progressed Saturn makes a connection with natal Saturn, significant events happen in the life of the native.
Event 6 – Received Padma Shri Award in 2007.
Age: 73rd year.
Major Progressed Jupiter was in Aries in the 73rd year of Mrs. Tarla Dalal. It had the aspect of Moon, the karaka of food. It also had the aspect of Rahu, karaka for larger than life image. Dispositor Mars is sitting with natal Sun, karaa for name, fame, status, Venus, the karaka of food and Mercury, the karaka of business. These planets are aspected by natal Jupiter. By the Major Progression of Jupiter over Aries, all these planets get triggered and the result is that she was given the prestigious award, Padma Shri at this time, for her business and contribution to the world of cooking. This made her stature grow larger than life.
Minor progressed Jupiter in her 73rd year was in Pisces sign (own sign), and in trine with natal Jupiter (Progressed Jupiter in trine with natal Jupiter means significant event in native’s life).
Event 7 – Death.
Age: 78th year
Major Progressed Jupiter was in Taurus over Venus, Mercury (Marakesh, considering houses from the female jeevakaraka, Venus), ‘dehakaraka’ Mars, and Sun, the overall significator of health in any chart. All these planets get the aspect of natal Jupiter from Scorpio sign of death and transformation. Please note that Jupiter is the 8th lord from Venus in this chart. Being the 8th lord from Venus, it came to sit with it at this time.
Hence, one important point here is that Major Progressed Jupiter had the 7th aspect of natal Jupiter. This gives significant event (in this case, death, as Jupiter itself is the 8th lord from Venus).
Minor progressed Jupiter came to Virgo sign at this time, in trine with Venus (jeevakaraka), Mercury (maraka), Mars (dehakaraka) and Sun (health), along with the Major Progressed Jupiter, progressing over the same sign at this time. Jupiter is the 8th lord from Venus in thiss chart and it impacted the karaktatwas (jeeva, deha, health) of all these planets at this time.
Major Progression of Saturn was in Taurus Sign. Again Venus, the jeevakaraka was triggered with ‘dehakaraka’ Mars, ‘maraka’ Mercury and significator of overall health, Sun. Again, all these planets have the aspect of natal Jupiter, the 8th lord.
A noteworthy point here is that during her 78th year, Major Progression of both Jupiter and Saturn was happening in Taurus, activating all the above planets. Minor Progressed Jupiter (in Virgo) was also in trine with Major Progressed Saturn and Major Progressed Jupiter in Taurus.
Minor Progression of Saturn in the 78th year was in Scorpio, over natal Jupiter, casting its aspect on Major Progressed Saturn in Taurus. Again, it activated all the above planets discussed above.
At this time, that is, in the 78th year of Mrs. Tarla Dalal, both Saturn and Jupiter were strongly associated with each other in Major and Minor progression as well as with natal Jupiter (8th lord) and Venus (jeevakaraka for this chart). Let’s also remember that Saturn too is the 6th lord of akala mrityu from Venus in the natal chart (And Mrs. Dalal passed away with sudden heart attack).
This was a very significant time in the life of Mrs. Tarla Dalal, which is seen through BNN progression of Saturn and Jupiter, and through which her death can be shown clearly.
Learn Bhrigu Nandi Nadi in Hindi with Horary Astrology (Prashna – Kashyap Hora)
Trainer: Vinayak Bhatt & Sunil John
Duration: 6 Months
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