Article by Saptarishis Astrology
It’s been long since we wrote on Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi (Bhrighu Circle System) and our attention has been dragged into the BSPs (Bhrighu Saral Paddathi). In Saptarishis Nadi Gemini Lagna Chart 6 commentary, we introduced a system of using BCP and Vimshottari Dasa. There are many variations of it; the Late Shri Narendra Desai wrote on one of them many years back and we will try to write on it at a future point.
- Take the year of native, note it down mentally and
- Observe where the Mahadasa lord is sitting
- Then rotate the year noted as per BCP keeping Vimshottari Mahadasa lord as the Asc.
- The house obtained & its lord will give clue as to what is going to happen in that particular year.
This can be termed as over romanticization of a technique too.
Chart 1: John F Kennedy
Take chart of John F Kennedy (Vi Asc) who died on 22nd Nov 1963 in his 47th year during Jup MD. Taking Jupiter as Asc, the 47th year will be the 11th house from it, which means that Jupiter, who is placed in the 9H will activate, as per BCP, the 7H of the chart.
The 7H is a maraca house. Its lord Jupiter becomes badhakesh & maraca lord & is also 4L of vehicles and assasination. So, such a Jupiter is sitting in Vimshottari Jup Asc with 12L Sun along with Venus who is the 3 & 8th lord of D6 (enemies chart) and 3L of short travel of D6. So something while travelling can happen to his life and his wife and children can be with him (Jup karaka for children and 7L of wife). He died while on a short trip in that year.
Master Key:
Take the BCP- Vim Focus Year as the central Point for a second. From there, the 11H contains A8 (death) whose lord is Saturn; Saturn is also the 12th lord from BCP Vim Focus Year, so if by ‘any chance’ within that 47th year when the BCP Vim Focus year is in the 7H, if Saturn AD comes in with this Jupiter MD, this Saturn will be triply activated to give result of exit and accident. Note that Saturn is in the 3rd house of short trips from MD Jupiter and on 22nd Nov 1963, a month prior to his death, Saturn AD started in the Jupiter MD getting triply activated and he died while on a short trip. The issue is always who is getting activated and how much.
Chart 2: Marilyn Monroe
If you speak of Kennedy, one remembers Monroe and vice versa. Let us examine the 37th year of the native, the date being 5th Aug 1962. During that period she was running Jupiter MD. Now take Jupiter as Asc and the 37th year, rotate it as per BCP and you will get the BCP Focus year in the 1H of Jupiter Asc itself – which happens to be the 8H of the natal chart, the house of death/longevity. The 8L goes in the 4H of home & assasination & its co-lord becomes Rahu the cause of mysterious deaths and drugs who sits in the 12H of exit. Now get the cue: further in the 8H you have the 6L of doctors and accidents Jupiter sitting with the 5L of addictions Mars – this Jupiter Mars is a yoga so something should happen when Jupiter MD & Mars AD is running; incidentally, she died on 5th Aug 1962 when Jup/Mars had just started. See the beauty of this technique though its not necessary everytime it should happen so dramatically. With this Vimshottari BCP Combine, one gets more accurate hints to determine how the Vimshottari Dasa is deciphering the results.
In the above chart Lagna lord Moon is in the 7H so some will say that Dwi-saptati sama dasa is applicable.
Dwi-saptati sama dasa (applicable if lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in lagna):
On date of her death, 5th Aug 1962 Sun MD:/Moon AD/ Sun PD: 1962-07-16 – 1962-09-05. Sun is the MD, so take that as the Asc and rotate BCP years to 37th year which would be the Asc itself since this is where Sun is placed. Incidentally, Sun disposits Gulika (poison) – note this clue – and Sun is conjoined with Mer who is the 12L of exit: she died during this dasa in her 37th year and Moon was the AD who is lagna lord (body) with Sun again as the PD.
Chart 3: Obama
He was running Jup MD when he won the Election and became President on 20 Jan 2009 which was his 48th year. Now take Jup as lagna and 48th year would be the 12H; the lord of it is again Jupiter sitting in the Lagna (a trikona and kendra) with Saturn forming a Rajayoga: he became a Raja (King) by defeating someone (since Jup is debilitated and getting neechabhanga raja yoga) and Saturn is involved in Sasa Mahapurusha Yoga.
How to Really See this
The difference between a predictor and a theoretician is how they apply the same technique: the predictor reads theory or articles and looks at it differently – he sees what the author has not written or how he has not presented and how to really use a technique in prediction. First he will identify the yoga in a chart, e.g. in above he would note the powerful Neechabhanga Raja Yoga that too in the lagna of Obama and then he will note that Sasa Mahapurusha Yoga in the chart caused by Saturn but he will quickly see the other karaka of Masses Moon and note that it is in the 5H of power. Then he will use the BCP Vim Dasa Combine and see when this Jupiter and Saturn both are activated and he would come to the conclusion that 48, 49, 50 and 51 years from this Jupiter MD are activating both these yogas. He will then strike Gold with his prediction with Jup MD Moon AD power in hand. This author has spent time with writers / theoreticians and has seen how they take a simple article and criticize it showing acceptable logic (note acceptable) whereas the predictor in front of them also criticizes it but goes back home and tells us how to use it. When we ask the predictor why he did not correct the theoretician, he said if he does how will he (predictor) make money.
Chart 4: Dr Raman
The legend of legends died on Dec 20, 1998, at the age of 87 when his Venus MD had just started. 87th year would be as per BCP in the 3rd House. So take Venus as Asc and the 3rd from it will be the 9H of Libra. Since Libra’s lord is Venus, we come back to Venus Asc making it a double strong year – note this. Then this Venus Asc who has got doubly activated in the 87th year is being conjoined with 8L of death Mer and 3L of death Mars. The BCP Vim Combine Lord Venus of 87th year is also the 4L of heart and he died of heart disease as his grandson had told us.
Chart 5: R Teachers SIL
Currently the native is in her 40th year and is running Jupiter MD. So taking Jup as Asc, the 40th year will be 4H of house: she is right now trying to split up from her house and the 4L Saturn sits in the 7H of marriage so something should happen to her when Jupiter MD is running during her 40th year. She has approached the police station and filed case against her husband and put some case of domestic violence which is non-bailable.
Chart 6: R Teacher
The native is currently in her 56th year running Saturn MD
Sat MD/Moon AD: 2008-12-08 – 2010-07-09
So take Saturn as Asc and rotate as per BCP the 56th year which would be 8th house of death from Saturn as Asc. In the 8th from Saturn sits Ketu which signifies someone’s death and change of life; Ketu’s dispositor is Mer who is also the 4L of mother sitting in the 5H of children with Saturn, the MD lord, thereby making it doubly powerful. So in the 56th year taking Saturn Dasa into account, we can expect something to do with children, mother and change of life incidents; by the way, during Saturn Moon, her mother expired in the 56th year, her daughter went through lot of mental (Mer) problems and she was recommended 1008 recitation of Vishnu Sahasranaam which she got done at the Narasimha wadi, the siddha kshetra of Lord Dattatreya, after which her daughter became better and passed her board exams.
Chart 7: Sex Scandal Of Bill Clinton
News of the scandal first broke on January 17, 1998, on the Drudge Report website, which reported that Newsweek editors were sitting on a story by investigative reporter Michael Isikoff exposing the affair. The story broke in the mainstream press on January 21 in The Washington Post. Said story swirled for several days and, despite swift denials from Clinton, the clamor for answers from the White House grew louder.
Haven’t worked on the time of birth of Mr. Clinton as his birth time has been the debate of astrologers; have therefore above taken the time of birth as per ADB which gives only an A rating,_Bill
He was running Jupiter MD on Jan 21st 1998 (52nd year) when the scandal broke out, so take Jupiter as Asc and rotate BCP to 52nd year which will be the 4th from it that is the 5H of one’s reputation & ones name aspected by Saturn (troubles – peeda) who is 6L of court cases. He went into court in a way. The next year that is after Aug would be the 53rd year of A8 (scandals) and court cases again. Now take 52nd year from Jup which is the 5H as the Asc, see 5th from it is ones name for that year and it has Rahu (sex scandals) and AL (ones name), so some scandals will come out is what can be seen in the 52nd year.
Another unique way we have discovered is to just create an Arudha Chart with MD or AD Planet as lagna and see the result of the Mahadasa vis-à-vis it. To explain
- See arudhas from natal Asc
- Construct arudhas keeping the MD or AD lord as the Asc
Part A:
1)Jupiter is Asc being MD lord, 5th house from it denotes ones name and fame and over there A8 (sex scandals) of natal chart is placed in the 6H of debts and court cases, so that will be the flavor of the Jupiter MD which is what happened in Clintons Case.
2) The 8H is the house of darkness, sex is something that you do in the dark, for those who are into something sinister or un social in terms of sex need to be careful whenever Rahu is in the 8th from the Dasa Planet, here Rahu is in the 8th from Jupiter the MD. AL being in the 8th from Mahadasa lord is bad especially if it is with malefics or scandal causing graha like Rahu. Here 8th from MD lord Jupiter is Rahu with AL, UL and A7 and worst Uranus (it will rock the world), which is what happened in Jupiter MD this sex scandal rocked the world.
Part B:
- Jupiter is Asc, now computing arudhas from this Asc, the AL goes in the 12H of sex and expenses and exit, over there a prakashit graha (giving light) Sun is placed so these sex exploits will come out and spoil ones name (AL). You can note that during Sun AD within Jupiter MD on 21 Jan 1998 the scandal broke out in the open (just like Sun’s rays shine out).
- The Upapada shows ones 12th house matters (very generally speaking) and taking Jupiter as Asc the Upapada of the 12H of Virgo will be Taurus where original UL is also placed with Rahu and this occurs in the 8th from Jupiter MD lord thus causing major harm to the dasa.
Chart 8: Volunteer and Writer for Saptarishis Astrology
In May 2010, he would be running his 42nd year and he is running Jup MD. Taking Jupiter as Asc, the 42nd year would come to the 6th (job) from it which is the 4H of Throne bringing us to the sign of Capricorn. Its lord Saturn sits in the 7H of limelight, whose dispositor Mars sits in 10 H of career and aspects the BCP Vim Combine House here which is the 4H. So one can deduce that in the 42nd year, something concerning his career can happen and he can get a significant post due to it. Native is a govt servant and has had double postings in the 42nd year and given independent office to administer. He wrote:
Dear …..,
Your prediction has come true. You said that mars is getting activated in my chart on 26-04-2010 and i may expect some change in my job. It so happened that on last Saturday i was shifted to a more responsible post from the earlier one. Previously i was to monitor 5 people now i have to monitor 20 people and which is in the limelight.
Although our prediction was off by some 15 days, it is still to be noted that we had used BCP Part 2 and Jay Weiss Excel sheet on it which is available in our download section under Misc Downloads. One must observe that BCP Part 2 is rarely to be used in practice due to various vedhas and transits phenomenon that all of us are not masters of.
The above technique is just a part technique and readers are requested to aggressively test it and fine tune it further.
We offer it to the holy feet of Lord Ganapati & Sage Bhrighu who is most merciful and the finest of astrologers ever.
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