Origin and nature of Mandi :-
Mandi is the son of Shani. The origin of Mandi is in the form of a myth, as told in the Puranas. Due to Maharishi Narad, there was a dispute between Brihaspati and Shani. This dispute led to a fierce war between the two. Shani who was injured in this war had shed a lot of blood. Mandi was born out of that blood. The form in which Mandi originated was very terrible. Mandi is described as a demonic form with a long serpentine body, five-faced face, blue complexion, red eyes and large teeth. Shani Dev accepted Mandi as his son with fiery eyes, lightning-fast, extremely hoarse voice and terrible disease. born out of that blood.
The form in which Mandi originated was very terrible. Mandi is described as a demonic form with a long serpentine body, five-faced face, blue complexion, red eyes and large teeth. Shani Dev accepted Mandi as his son with fiery eyes, lightning-fast, extremely hoarse voice and terrible disease. Evil by nature, Tamoguni, violent, cruel, destroyer of works, cause of premature death, authority by unknown powers. In our astrology, Shani is described as the age factor, but it indicates the time of death. Mandi being an inauspicious satellite gives more inauspicious results. When other auspicious planets are about to give promising results, MandiMandi creates a problem in those results. Just as Shani is the one who gives sorrow, in the same way, Gulika (Mandi) is also the provider of inauspicious results.
Mandi has a major place in Falit astrology. Mandi and Gulika are the same according to most of the mystics, yet the author of Uttar Kalamrita say differently. Mandi has been described in most of the Mandi astrology literature. So further in this article, Gulika and Mandi will be used interchangeably.
It is necessary to mention Mandi along with other planets in the horoscope of South India, therefore in South India Gulika (Mandi) is established at the time of birth. The belief of South India is that the effect of MandiMandi is very subtle.
Significations of Mandi:- Sesame, Durva, firewood, new clothes, fire, curd, things required for death rituals, dead body makeup, funeral rituals, witchcraft, snake hood, cat’s skull, human skull, Ghosts, low-class humans, filth, dirty drains, rats, reptiles, owls, ruined step-wells and ponds, alcohol, rotten fish, rotten fruits, rotten meat, vampirism, funeral pyre etc.
Aspects of Mandi :- Mandi’s three aspects are 1- seventh, 2- second 3- twelfth.
Mandi signs: Aries and Sagittarius are considered as exaltation signs of Mandi, Capricorn and Aquarius are considered as own signs of Mandi. Taurus, Leo and Pisces are considered as enemy signs.
Inauspicious conjunction or aspect relationship with Shani always gives more inauspicious results of Mandi. In Sagittarius gives good results by losing its inauspiciousness by Mandi. But the conjunction of Mandi with Jupiter in own sign (Sagittarius or Pisces) gives extremely inauspicious results.
Texts such as Brihad Parashara Hora Shastra, Prasna Marga, Phala Deepika and Jataka Parijata have explained the fruitsof Mandi in detail.
Calculation of Mandi:
We know that the eighth part of Shani is Gulika/Khand. The Ascendant which is rising at the beginning of this Khand, the same Gulika has to be used. We should always count Udit Gulika, let’s understand this by example.
Gulika / Mandi Sadhan – If you want to know Gulika during the day, then the time obtained by dividing the day scale by 8, multiplying it with the fixed Dhruvank and adding it to sunrise, the time you will get if you do Lagna Sadhan from this time. Gulika lagna or Gulika will be found clearly.
Starting Pole of Gulika
Example-1 : 26.1.2023, Thursday, at 14:00 hrs Gulika to be usedat Ahmedabad. Sunrise time of Ahmedabad is 07:25 Hrs and sunset time is 18:19 Hrs.
After subtracting the sunrise time of 07:25 from the sunset time of 18:19, we get the day time (654 minutes) of 10:54 hours and minutes. Its octant is 81.75 minutes (01: 21: 45 hours minutes seconds). If you are born on a Thursday, Gulikakhanda will start as soon as the second pole starts. Therefore, the Ascendant which will be clear in Ahmedabad at the beginning of the second section, that is our Gulika. Therefore, by adding two times 163.5 minutes or 2 hours 43 minutes 30 seconds to one octave of 81.75 minutes (01:21:45 hours minutes seconds) in sunrise time, Gulikarambha time will be known. This is the minute 10:08:30 in the morning in the example. This happened in Pisces at 02.08 ‘ Anshadi Gulika / Mandi.

Starting time of Gulika is 10:08:30 in Ahmedabad, the Lagna which is clear during the day time, only the Gulika will be clear, that is, the Gulika of Pisces 2 degrees 26 arts was received near the Lagna. Now according to this Gulika has to be clarified at 14:00 hrs in Ahmedabad. So he will be in the eleventh house and from Mandi’s Meen Rashi 2 degrees 26 arts, his Navamsa Rashi and fractional conjunction or aspect relationship can also be calculated.

Example- 2: 26.1.2023, Thursday, at 20:00 PM to clear Gulika at Ahmedabad. Sunrise time of Ahmedabad is 07:25 Hrs and sunset time is 18:19 Hrs. But to get the night time, the sunrise time of 27.1.2023 is necessary, which is 7.25.
Subtracting the sunrise time of 27.01.2023 at 07:25 (31:25) and the sunset time of 26.01.2023 at 18:19, we get 13:06 hours and minutes of night time (786 minutes). Its octane is 98.25 minutes (01:38:15 hours minutes seconds). Due to birth on Thursday night, Gulikakhand will start as soon as 5 Dhruvank starts. Therefore, the Ascendant which will be clear in Ahmedabad at this time, the same Gulika of our Ishtakal is clear. Therefore, by adding 5 times 491.25 minutes or 8 hours 11 minutes 15 seconds to one octave of 81.75 minutes (01:21:45 hours minutes seconds) in the sunset time 18:19:00, the Starting Point of Gulika time will be known. Starting Point of Gulika time came at 26:30:15. Now according to the English date of Starting Point of Gulika time, on 27.01.2023 at 02.30.15 in Ahmedabad, the ascendant will be clear. This happened in Scorpio at 02.59 ‘Anshadi Gulika/Mandi.

Starting of Gulika time 26:30:15 time on 27.01.2023 at 02.30.15 in Ahmedabad, the Lagna which is clear during the day, only the Gulika will be clear, that is, near the Lagna, the Gulika of Scorpio zodiac sign 2 degrees 59 kala was received. Now according to this Gulika has to be clarified at 20:00 in Ahmedabad. So he will be in the eleventh house and from Mandi’s Pisces sign at 2 degrees 29 degrees, his Navamsha sign and fractional alliance or aspect relationship can also be calculated.

Example-3 : 28.1.2023, Saturday, at 15:00 hrs to clear Gulika at Ahmedabad. Sunrise time of Ahmedabad is 07:25 Hrs and sunset time is 18:20 Hrs.
After subtracting the sunrise time of 07:25 from the sunset time of 18:20, we get 10:55 hours and minutes of the day (655 minutes). Its octane is 81.875 minutes (01:21:52 hours minutes seconds). Today being Saturday, Gulikakhand will start as soon as zero pole starts. Therefore, the lagna which will be clear in Ahmedabad at the beginning of the 0th section, Gulika is clear. Therefore, by multiplying one Ashtamansh 81.75 minutes (01:21:45 hours minutes seconds) by 0 and adding 0.00 minutes or 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds in sunrise time, Starting Point of Gulika time will be known. In this example the morning sunrise time is 07:25:00 minutes. Then 02.08 ‘ Anshadi Gulika / Mandi happened in Pisces.

Starting time of Gulika 07:25:00 time in Ahmedabad, the Lagna which is clear during the day time, only the Gulika will be clear, that is, the Gulika of Capricorn 13 degrees 41 kala was received near the Lagna. Now according to this Gulika has to be clarified in Ahmedabad on 28.1.2023, Saturday, at 15:00 hrs. So he will be in the ninth house and from the Makara Rashi of Mandi at 13 degrees 41 Kala, his Navamsa Rashi and fractional conjunction or aspect relationship can also be calculated.

Starting time of Gulika 07:25:00 time in Ahmedabad, the Lagna which is clear during the day time, only the Gulika will be clear, that is, the Gulika of Capricorn 13 degrees 41 kala was received near the Lagna. Now according to this Gulika has to be clarified in Ahmedabad on 28.1.2023, Saturday, at 15:00 hrs. So he will be in the ninth house and from the Makara Rashi of Mandi at 13 degrees 41 Kala, his Navamsa Rashi and fractional conjunction or aspect relationship can also be calculated.

Effects of Gulika in different houses
1st House:
रोगार्त्कः सततं कामी पापात्मानिगतः शठः ।
तिुस्थे गुनलके जातः खलभावोऽनतदुःक्षखतः॥ ( ृ.पा.हो.शा.)
रोगार्त्कः सततं कामी पापात्मानिगतः शठः। मूवर्त्कस्थे गुनलके मन्दः खलभावोऽनतदुःक्षखतः।।
If Gulika is in the Ascendant, then the person will be afflicted by diseases, lustful, sinful, sly, wicked and extremely unhappy.
मान्द्यब्दायदफलानि वक्षमम गुनलके लग्िक्षस्थते मन्दिी रोगी पापयुते तु वञ्चिपरः कामी दुराचारवाि् । (JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Mandi is situated in the ascendant, then the person is slow-witted and patient. If malefic planets are situated in the Ascendant, then the person becomes a cheater, lustful and vicious.
If Mandi/Gulika is in Ascendant then the native will have a good place and house, abundant wealth, agricultural land and also he will have a long life. (Pulippani Jyotisham)
Discussion: If the degrees of the Moon and the birth ascendant of a person are same, then the person will be unhappy throughout his life and will not be able to make any progress, if the degrees of the Sun and the Moon are the same in the ascendant, then the person will be self-confident, always dependent on others. Obstacles come from superiors, authority or father figure. If the part of Mars and the part of Mandi are equal in the ascendant, then the person becomes cruel and evil. If Saturn and Gulika have equal parts in the ascendant, then the person lives like a servant and remains unhappy all the time. If the parts of Rahu and Mandi are equal in the ascendant, then the person is evil, fickle and suffers from mental anxiety. If the parts of Ketu and Mandi are same in the Lagna, then the person fails in every work and the mantra system suffers from obstacles. If the degree of malefic sign and the degree of an auspicious planet like Mercury, Jupiter or Venus are equal in the Lagna, then the person makes good progress in life. Happy but suffers from mental anxiety.
If the lord of the sign situated in Mandi is strong and is in the center, triangle, own area, friendly area or in its own exalted sign, then the person becomes rich, glorious, opulent, satisfied with all kinds of pleasures, respected by the government and honored by a famous person. In such yoga, other inauspicious fruits are destroyed. Similarly, when a strong auspicious planet has an aspect on Mandi, then the inauspicious effect of Mandi is reduced. Gulika deserves special attention in horoscope as well as Prashna astrology. It is a very important part in birth time correction, and other such important calculations. If Gulika is in the ascendant, then the person has serious vision defects. He will do something as bad as stealing. He will defy dharma, be bereft of children and be foolish. Their lifespan may also be reduced.
2nd House:
ववकृतो दुःक्षखतः िुद्रो व्यसिी च गतत्रपः।
ििस्थे गुनलके जातो निःस्वो भवनत मािवः॥ ( ृ.पा.हो.शा.)
ववकृतो दुःक्षखतः िुद्रो व्यसिी च गतातपः। ििस्थे गुनलके जातो निःस्वो भवनत मािवः’॥
(Prarashara Hora nhasSram)
If there is Gulika in the second house, then the person will be ugly, poor, addicted-vile, sinful, shameless and poor.
ववर्त्स्थे ववषयातुरोऽेिपरः क्रोिी दुरालापवाि् पापव्योमचराक्षन्वते गतििो ववद्याववहीिोऽथवा ॥ (जातक पाररजात)
If Mandi is located in the second house, then the person is eager for sensual pleasures, wanderer, grumpy and bitter. If Mandi is associated with a malefic planet in the second house, then the person becomes poor and foolish.
If it is in the second house, which is called money house, then the person will quarrel, have eye or vision defects. In time, he will squander wealth and be infamous as “an evil person” on earth. (Pulippani Jyotisham).
Discussion: If there is a conjunction of Sun and Mandi in the second house, then eye problems, speech problems, differences with father, obstruction in government work, disagreement with elders in the family, indulging in activities against religion and immoral relations with people older than age. With malefic Moon, bad name due to women, quarrel with brothers with Mars, loss of money, loss of property, fear of fire, fear of accident, loss due to mechanical equipment, injury due to accident, due to Mercury. The presence of Mandi with the embezzlement is infamous. With Jupiter, Mandi’s are generous towards family, fond of religious activities and soft-spoken and well-behaved, but they are frequent narcissists.
If there is a Mandi with Venus, they have illegitimate relations due to excessive sex drive, so the person may have health related problems. But you get a lot of wealth. Due to Mandi with Shani, the person indulges in low class work, suffers from lack of money, disputes with family members, suffers from loss from servant class, addicts etc.
bears inauspicious results. Due to Rahu’s association with Mandi, the person is afraid of snakes, greedy, greedy for money, addicted to theft, addict, violator of family success, honor, reputation. Due to Mandi with Ketu, the person has to bear the inauspicious results like defects in speech, problems related to vision, haunted, loss of wealth, addiction to esoteric knowledge, defeat in court disputes etc. Generally, malefic planets give more inauspicious results in the second house, but when they are in conjunction with auspicious planets, the proportion of inauspicious results decreases.
If Gulika is in the second house, then the person will be unfortunate. His studies will be interrupted from time to time. The person will be harsh in speech, will stay away from his people, will not have family happiness, will be untruthful, will be conspirator, will have inconvenience in dealing with other people. During the dasha of the ruler of the second house, there can be troubles and death-like suffering.
3rd House:
चावाकङ्गो ग्रामपः पुण्यसंयुक्तः सज्जादवप्रयः।
सहजे गुनलके जातो मािवो राजपूक्षजतः॥ (BPHn)
If Gulika is in the third house, then the person is attractive in appearance, head of the village, company of virtuous men and respected by the king.
ववरहगवकमदायदगुणैयुकतः प्रचुरकोपििाजकिसम्भ्रमः । ववगतशोकभयश्च ववसोदरः सहजिामनि मन्दसुते यदा॥
(JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Gulika is situated in the third house, then the person is alienated, proud, intoxicated, very angry, confused in earning money, without grief and fear, inferior to siblings and poor.
Mandi in the third house, the native will be quarrelsome with his brothers and friends. At the same time, he will be truthful and do religious works.(Pulippani Jyotisham)
Discussion: Failure in government work, hindrance in enterprise if there is a conjunction or vision from the malefic Sun in the third house. If there is a conjunction of Moon and Moon, then there is a rift with mother, disdain due to woman, suffering from phlegm, obstruction due to disease, due to the presence of Mars in conjunction with Mars, defeat in court dispute, quarrel with younger brothers, loss from machinery. Mandi with Mercury, obstruction in studies, loss in business. Fall in the company of Guru, fame, increase in prestige, attainment of authority, attainment of wealth. Depression with Venus will bring defamation in the family due to immoral relations, but for male natives there will be increase in income because of women. Obstruction in economic efforts with Shani, loss from low class people. Due to Rahu’s association with Mandi, the cohabitation of low-class people and profit from the business of poisonous drugs, with Gulika in the third house, the native’s younger brother has trouble. However, even if he is very rich, he will feel distressed. Due to depression with Ketu, there is pain due to secret disease, incidents of defamation in the society, quarrel with younger brothers, opposition in religious works etc.
4th House:
रोगी सुखपररत्यक्तः सदा भवनत पापकृत् ।
गुनलके सुखभावस्थे वातवपर्त्अनिको भवेत॥्) BPHn(
रोगी सुखपररत्यक्तः सदा भवनत पापकृत् । यमात्मजे सुखस्थे तु वातवपर्त्ानिको भवेत् ॥
If Gulika is in the fourth house, the person will be patient, devoid of happiness, sinful and suffering from excess of Vata and Pitta.
यह ुकभविसंस्थे मन्दजे वीतववद्या- ििगृहसुख न्िुिेत्रयातोऽेिः स्यात् । (JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Mandi is in the fourth house, then the person is education less, poor, homeless, inferior to relatives, landless and a wanderer.
In the fourth position, Gulika drives the native out of his village even if he is innocent and may reside in an unknown place for some time. (Pulippani Jyotisham).
Discussion: If there is a conjunction of Sun and Moon in the fourth house and this conjunction is aspected by Jupiter located in the house of expenditure, then the native has to go away from his motherland for his progress. If Mandi is conjunct with the Sun in the fourth house and this conjunction is aspected by Jupiter in the eighth house, then the native is likely to get a sudden inheritance. If there is a conjunction of the Sun and the Moon in the fourth house and this conjunction is aspected by Jupiter, then the native is likely to travel abroad. Sun and Mandi conjunct means success, respect, loss of glory, distance from father and suffering from diseases. Moon and Mandi conjunct means happiness of mother, sorrow and disease due to separation from woman.
If there is a combination of Mars, Moon and Mandi, then separation of the mother. No progress in birth place. You don’t have the happiness of your home. Pain from Pitta disorders. If there is a conjunction of Mars with Mandi in the fourth house and Jupiter in the tenth house aspects this conjunction, then the person becomes bright and makes a lot of progress in life due to his masculinity.
If there is an alliance of Mercury and Mandi, then the destruction of business, quarrel with maternal uncle and suffering from skin disease.
Due to the combination of Jupiter and Mandi, diseases, pain, loss of wealth, staying away from religious activities and being deprived of the blessings of elders and Brahmins.
Excessive sex drive due to the combination of Venus and Mandi, domestic discord due to extramarital affairs, illness, loss of money due to excessive sex drive.
If there is a combination of Shani and Mandi, then there is a possibility of frequent change of place of job for the job profession, mother’s disease.
If there is a conjunction of Mandi and Shani, and this conjunction is aspected by the Jupiter in the tenth house, then the person becomes the owner of house, land, property and property and makes good progress in business.
If there is a conjunction of Mandi Saturn and there is a mutual vision of the Moon situated in the tenth house on this conjunction, then there is a possibility of separation from the mother.
Due to the combination of Rahu and Mandi, fear of thieves, disease due to addiction like alcohol, hindrance in studies and deprived of female happiness.
The native will not be friends with anyone but will be hostile towards other people including his relatives. He shall be devoid of vehicles or shall face the risk through conveyance. He will not have a good house to live in. His last days will be miserable and a long illness will be followed by an agonizing death.
5th House:
ववस्तुनतववकििोऽल्पायुद्वेषी िुद्रो िपुंसकः।
गुनलके सुतभावस्थे स्त्रीक्षजतो िाक्षस्तको भवेत् ॥
ववस्तुनतववकििोऽल्पायुद्वेषी िुद्रो िपुंसकः । सुते सगुनलको जातो स्त्रीक्षजतो िाक्षस्तको भवेत् ॥
Gulika in the fifth house makes the person slanderer, poor, short-lived, hateful, atheist and dependent on his wife.
तियभवियाते मन्दसूिौ ववशील-श्चलमनतरघ ुवद्ः स्वल्पपुत्रोऽल्पजीवी ॥ (JaSat ParFjaS)
If Mandi is in the fifth house, then the person has no modesty, fickle mind, sinful mind, few sons and short life himself.
Saturn’s Son Gulika in the fifth house gives good morals. He will be childless. He will shine as a great warrior. He knows the way to win over enemies, will be rich in food, brave and wealthy. (Pulippani Jyotisham)
Discussion: If there is an alliance of Sun and Mandi, it gives inauspicious results like obstruction in government work, failure in attempted work, disease, suspicious nature, father’s illness etc.
If Moon and Mandi combine, then failure in love, problems and humiliation from girl child, gives disinterest in religious work and divine works, if Mars and Mandi combine, then extremely angry nature, shameless, merciless, destruction of children, abdominal diseases. Reason surgery, fear of fire, pain to child, devoid of love. If there is an alliance of Mercury and Mandi, then there is obstruction in studies, differences with maternal uncle, childlessness. If there is a conjunction of Jupiter and Mandi, it reduces the defect of Mandi and gives happiness of children, success, respect, prestige, wealth etc. to the native.
The combination of Venus and Mandi gives more sensuality to the native. Before marriage gives opportunity for pleasure of the body and indulges in sexual pleasure with more than one person. The combination of Shani and Mandi gives more inauspicious results. Causes disease, mental retardation, disability, problems in child birth and more labor for livelihood.
If there is an alliance of Rahu and Mandi, then the person becomes selfish, evil, stubborn and childless. If there is an alliance of Ketu and Mandi, then the person will have a disabled or mentally retarded child. There will be hindrance in religious works and suffering from enemies. Being Gulika in this house, the person does not believe in the fear of nature and God and remains under the control of his wife. People do not like his personal nature.
Yoga of Mandi and adopted son in the fifth house:
If there is Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn or Aquarius in the fifth house and Saturn is in malefic conjunction in the fifth house, then an adopted son is obtained.
If Lagnesh or Panchmesh or Saptamesh is weak and related to Mandi, then Adopted son is Yoga.
If there is a Virgo, Libra, Aquarius or Taurus Ascendant and Saturn in the fifth or eleventh house is in conjunction with Mandi, then the person has Adopted Son Yoga.
Mandi and child defect:
If there is a combination of Mandi, Panchmesh and Rahu in the fifth house, then there is a strong possibility of not having a child due to snake defect. If Mandi, Ketu and Panchamesh conjunct in the fifth house, then there will be no child due to the curse of a Brahmin.
If the conjunction of Mandi, Shani and Rahu in the fifth house hinders children.
If Mandi is in partial conjunction with Jupiter in the fifth house, then there will be many obstacles in the birth of children. If Gulika is in the house of a child, the virility or progeny of the native will be greatly affected.
If Jupiter and the lord of the 5th house are not in good situation, then there is a problem in getting a child.
6th House:
वीतशत्रुः सुपुष्टाङ्गो ररपुस्थािे यमात्मजे।
सुदी ः सम्भ्मतः स्त्रीणांसोत्साहः सुदृढो यहत:॥) BPHn(
‘वीतशत्रुः सुपुष्टाङ्गो ररपुस्थािे यमात्मजे । सुदी ः सम्भ्मतः स्त्रीणां सोत्साहः सुदृढः यहतः ॥
If Gulika is in the sixth house, then the person is free from enemies, has a strong body, is luxurious, beloved by his wife, enthusiastic, very sociable.
हुररपुगणहन्ता भूतववद्यावविोदी, ययद ररपुगृहयाते मन्दपुत्रे तु शूरः ।(JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Mandi is located in the enemy house (sixth house), then the person is a conqueror of many enemies, a seeker of witchcraft and strong.
In the sixth House, this Gulika makes the person long-lived, charitable and heroic. This can be decided according to the strength of other planets. (Pulippani Jyotisham)
Discussion: He is capable of controlling evil spirits (witchcraft) and earns livelihood and wealth by such accomplishments. He will get a child. He would be very courageous. Gulika gives auspicious results in the sixth house, so if the sixth house is full of Gulika, then there is freedom from diseases.
Due to the combination of Sun and Mandi, father’s disease, obstruction from the government, suffering from bile disease. Mental disturbance due to conjunction of Moon and Mandi, obstruction in endeavours, Balarishta Yoga for new born baby. Conjunction of Mars and Mandi Quarrel with brothers, loss from fire and machinery, debt, illness due to heat, enmity. Conjunction of Mercury and Mandi, conflict with maternal uncle, loss in business.
Disruption in religious or auspicious works due to the conjunction of Jupiter and Mandi, anxiety due to enmity and disease. Due to the combination of Venus and Mandi,
excessive indulgence, discord in married life due to extramarital affair. With the combination of Shani and Mandi, due to excessive physical labor, cohabitation with low caste people, one has to bear contempt and humiliation in the society. Conjunction of Rahu and Mandi, lack of money due to poison, enemies, addictions. There is a possibility of an incurable and chronic disease due to the combination of Ketu and Mandi.
Idea of diseases caused by Mandi:
If there is conjunction of Shani and Rahu with Mandi in the sixth house and there is no relation with any auspicious planet, then the person will suffer from hysteria.
Depression of the sixth house is the main cause of such diseases as ghosts, allergies, epilepsy and stuttering.
7th House:
स्त्रीक्षजतः पापकृज्जारः कृशाङ्गो गतसौहृदः ।
जीववतः स्त्रीिििैव गुनलके स मक्षस्थते ॥) BPHn(
स्त्रीक्षजत: पापकृज्जारः कृशाङ्गो गतसौहृदः । जीववतः स्त्रीििेिैव स मस्थे रवेः सुते’ ।(BPHn)
If Gulika is in the 7th house, then the person is submissive to his life partner, sinful, goes to other’s women, weak, devoid of friendship and dependent on the wealth of the wife (or woman).
कलहकृयििपौत्रे कामयाते कुदारः, सकलजिववरोिी मन्द ुवद्ः कृतघ्िः ॥(JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Gulika is in the seventh house, the person is discordant, quarrelsome, associated with an evil woman, antagonistic, slow-witted and ungrateful.
Gulika native in seventh position will cause loss of wealth through his erratic activities, face crisis in life (in critical period of life time) due to wrath of Lord Shiva.(Pulippani Jyotisham)
Discussion: With Gulika in the seventh house, the native flourishes through the wealth of a woman or through the contribution of his own spouse. Their married life will not give them any happiness. He may possibly have more than one marriage. His knowledge is limited. He will be a victim of misunderstanding and hostility while dealing with the general public. ,
Conjunction of Sun and Mandi, delay and separation in marriage, disease of life partner due to conjunction of Moon and Mandi, lack of sexual pleasure.
Conjunction of Mars and Mandi, disturbance in love, quarrel with brothers, divorce, vehicle accident. Conjunction of Mercury and Mandi Loss in partnership business, impotence due to genital diseases. With the combination of Guru and Mandi, one gets authority in religious institutions, but there is difference of opinion with elders and teachers.
Conjunction of Venus and Mandi Excessive indulgence, profit in business, profit from woman. Conjunction of Shani and Mandi, illness of life partner, loss by servants, struggling with financial problems. Conjunction of Rahu and Mandi Worry about diseases caused by blood disorders, association with low class people and loss of reputation in the society due to characterlessness. Conjunction of Ketu and Mandi, suffering from unknown diseases, separation in married life, worries about permanent income.
8th House:
िुद्रदुःक्षखत ऋरस्तीक्ष्णरोषोऽनतनिघृणः ।
रन्िगे गुनलके निःस्वो जायते गुणवक्षजकतः॥)BPHn(
‘िुिालुदुकःक्षखतः क्रूरस्तीक्ष्णशेषोऽनतनिघृकणः । रन्रे प्राणहरो नि:स्वो जायते गुणवक्षजकतः ॥
If Gulika is in the eighth house, then the person is distraught with hunger, poor, cruel, very angry, very cruel, poor and devoid of virtues.
ववकलियिवक्रः स्वल्पदेहोऽष्टमस्थे । (JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Mandi is located in the eighth house, then the person suffers from the disease of keeping the eyes clean, weak body. In the eighth place, Gulika makes the person evil in mind. The face of the native will be ugly.(Pulippani Jyotisham)
Discussion: Due to the position of Saturn’s son Gulika in the eighth house, the native will be a victim of malnutrition. His face will be ugly. His teeth will be yellow. His height will be very short. If there is an alliance of Sun and Mandi, then the person suffers government punishment for theft and violence and has a cruel nature. If there is an alliance of Moon and Mandi, then there is defamation in the society due to misogynistic, immoral acts. The combination of Mars and Mandi, the person suffering from diseases caused by heat and bile, the possibility of injury from quarrels, vehicles and machinery.
If there is a conjunction of Mercury and Mandi, he will be involved in criminal activities with anti-social elements. deals in liquor and other intoxicants. If there is an alliance of Guru and Mandi, then he gets away from the elders of the house, away from brothers and religion. The union of Venus and Mandi, he lives on his wife’s earnings, yet he is misogynistic.
If Shani and Mandi conjunct, physical weakness, suffering from Vata, possibility of suicide while traveling, fear of thieves, Rahu and Mandi conjunct, prolonged pain in the body due to blood defect, eating poison or food poisoning untimely. death. The combination of Ketu and Mandi is obstructed by unknown forces, physical pain due to witchcraft and living in an environment of constant fear.
On the basis of Mandi in the eighth house, the time of death of the person can be determined by the following yogas.
If Saturn transits partial from the zodiac sign of Mandi degree, subtracting the zodiac sign of Saturn degree, which is clear (Rashi Anshadi), the zodiac sign of that zodiac or the ninth zodiac sign of that point or the triangle zodiac sign of Navamsha zodiac. There is a strong possibility of death.
If Saturn transits on the degree- from Lagna, Ashtamesh, Lagna or the lord of 22nd house from Moon, Mandi or Navansh sign of weak Moon or Trikon sign of Navansh sign, then there is a possibility of death of the person.
9th house:
हुक्लेशः कृशतािुदुकष्टकमाकनतनिघृणः ।
गुनलके िमकगे मन्दः वपशुिो यहराकृनतः ॥ )BPHn(
हुक्लेशो कृशतिुदुकष्टकमाकनतनिघृकणः । गुनलके िमकगे मन्दः वपशुिो यहराकृनतः ॥
If Gulika is in the ninth house, then the person will pass through many trials, will be weak, will do bad deeds, will be very cruel, lazy and storyteller.
गुरुजिवपतृहन्ता िीचकृत्यो गुरुस्थे । (JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Gulika is in the ninth house, then the person will pass through many trials, will be weak, will do bad deeds, will be very cruel, lazy and storyteller.
If Gulika is in the ninth house (which is the place of charity), then the person will have an attractive face. He will be ungrateful to his father. He enjoys his wealth.(Pulippani Jyotisham)
Discussion: If there is Mandi in the ninth house with the combination of Saturn and Rahu or there is a vision of Mandi, then the person becomes a rapist.
If Navamesh and Gulika’s conjunction is in the ninth house and this conjunction is aspected by a malefic planet, then the person becomes unrighteous. And by pretending to be a religion, he cheats the society and the public and earns a lot of money.
If there is a malefic planet in the ninth house, then after the birth of the native, the progress of the father and the elders of the house is obstructed, especially the father has to face many problems and the life of the father also decreases.
Besides this, the native will be emotionless, atheist, always engaged in sinful activities, unfortunate and bereft of progeny. The malefic planet in the ninth house gives more inauspicious results than auspicious results.
If Gulika is in the ninth house, then there is a possibility of the person being fatherless, the person will be without father’s happiness and good luck in childhood itself. Any undertaking of the native will not get success.
10th house:
पुत्राक्षन्वतः सुखी भोक्ता देवग्न्यचकिवत्सलः ।
दशमे गुनलके जातो योगिमाकनश्रतः सुखी ॥ )BPHn(
पुत्राक्षन्वत: सुखी भोक्ता देवाग्न्यचकिवत्सलः । दशमे गुनलके जातो योगिमाकनश्रतः सुखी ॥ (BPHS)
If Gulika is in the 10th house, then the person is blessed with sons, happy, enjoys many things, interested in worshiping gods and fire, practicing meditation and religion.
अशुभशतसमेतः कमकगे मन्दसूिौ, निजकुलयहतकमाकचारहीिो ववमािः ॥ (JaSata ParFjaSa)
If it is located in the tenth house, then the person becomes a false worker, anti-self-realization and despised.
Gulika in the 10th house (which rules business), will make the native miserly, do ungrateful work, be proficient in calculating planetary positions i.e. astrology and lead his life by getting food in the houses of malecchas (of polluted houses). Will do After ascertaining the strength of the planets, boldly tell this prediction to everyone. (Pulippani Jyotisham).
Generally Mandi situated in the tenth house destroys the auspiciousness of the auspicious planet situated with it. The person is stubborn and arrogant by nature. He starts any work with great enthusiasm but fails to complete it. Will always be afflicted by enemies. Such people have to work hard to complete their work and have to wait for a long time for success.
If malefic planet is conjoined or aspected by a malefic planet in the place of work, then the person will always suffer from enemies in his work area. There is a possibility of frequent transfer or change of job and business. Parents are also not treated properly.
If there are any kind of obstacles in his field of work, if there is Mandi, conjuncture or vision of auspicious planets in the place of work, then he can overcome such obstacles and progress in his field of work. Native loves to do researches. Vehicle happiness will be perfect. Continuous efforts are made to do independent industry, but success in such efforts is due to luck only.
If it is in conjunction with Mandi-Mars in the tenth house, then the person is an expert in the engineering industry and a revolutionary thinker.
If there is a conjunction of malefic Saturn in the tenth house, then the person is always hardworking and no matter how hard he tries, there is no special progress in his life.
If there is a conjunction of Mandi-Rahu in the tenth house, then the person will work in the engineering or medical field, but due to the habit of deceit, he will not be able to make any progress in life.
If Mandi is conjunct or aspected by Ketu in the tenth house, then the person has to face repeated obstacles in his field of work, due to which he is not able to make any progress in the field of work. Such people are not able to make good relations with their mother also.
Mandi situated in the tenth house always gives mixed results like benefic and inauspicious because Mandi alone always gives good results and Mandi aspected by benefic planets also gives good results but Mandi aspected by inauspicious planets always gives inauspicious results.
The position of Mandi in the tenth house will prove favourable for yoga, meditation and other such achievements. The native will, at one stage, turn into a heretic or give up his religious path.
11th House:
सुस्तभोगी प्रजागरो न्िूिां च यहते रतः।
लाभस्थे गुनलके जातो िीचाङ्ग सवकभौमकः॥)BPHn(
If Gulika is in the 11th house, then the person will enjoy low-class women, leader of men, helper of his relatives, small in stature and emperor.
अनतसुखिितेजोरूपवाि् लाभयाते यदिकरसुतपुत्रे चाग्रजं हक्षन्त जातः ।(JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Mandi is in the eleventh house, then the person is very happy, wealthy, bright and beautiful, but it is not auspicious for the elder brother.
If Gulika is in the eleventh house, then the person will be respected and virtuous. He also bestows justification and wealth. His life span should be calculated from the strength of his planets. The person can take the help of an evil leftist tantrik. (Pulippani Jyotisham)
• Jatak becomes rich. But because of friends there is loss in business.
• There is a loss in the business of lending.
• There is delay in getting a child and there is concern about the health of the child.
• There is a rift with the life partner.
• If Mandi is under the influence of a malefic planet, then losses in business, premature death of elder brother, loss of children, betrayal of friends, etc. are possible.
• If Mandi has a partial conjunction with Mars, then the elder brother will be in danger of a vehicle accident, daughter-in-law or son-in-law will be afraid of blood-related diseases or surgery or accident.
• If there is an alliance of Mandi with Saturn, then the person is afraid of loss from his servant class, child may have to be adopted due to childlessness, leg pain, entrepreneur gets benefit from delay in business.
• If Mandi is with Rahu, loss of reputation due to immoral marital relationship.
• If Mandi is with Ketu, the elder brother of the native suffers from an incurable disease or the elder brother dies prematurely (suspicious death).
• If Mandi is related to auspicious planets or alliance, then it gives better results. For example, there is prosperity in business, material happiness, land gain, excellent service from servants, attainment of fame-respect-prestige etc.
• If Gulika is in the eleventh house, then the person will be in the company of many women. He will be devoid of good character. He will enjoy progeny, good wealth position etc. and will be attractive in appearance.
12th House:
िीचकमाकनश्रतः पापो हीिाङ्गो दुभकगोऽलसः।
व्ययगे गुनलके जातो िीचेषु कुरुते रनतम्॥ )BPHn(
If Gulika is in the 12th house, then the person will be involved in lowly deeds, sinful, having organ defects, unfortunate, lazy and lowly people.
ववषयरयहतवेषो दीिवाक्यः प्रवीणो निक्षखलििहरः स्यान्मन्दजे ररःफयते ॥(JaSata ParFjaSa)
If Mandi is of twelve nature, then the person is devoid of sensual pleasures, a low-spirited person, a hoarder of wealth in all ways.
Gulika in the twelfth house will make the native a usurper of his wealth by wrong and unjust means. He ruins the family.(Pulippani Jyotisham)
Discussion: If Mandi is in twelve-House, then
The person is selfish, greedy, stingy and ready to do any mean work for his selfishness.
If Mandi is in the twelfth house under the influence of malefic planets, then the person is free-spirited, lazy, wasteful.
If there is an alliance of Mandi with Mars, then there is a lack of fear of fire, leg surgery, marital happiness.
If there is a conjunction of malefic Saturn in the twelfth house, then such a person can earn more money from travel related business or industry, despite having inauspicious results such as insomnia, leg diseases, weakness in the body etc.
Mandi conjunction with Rahu makes the native addicted and unhappy due to loss of wealth and inferiority complex due to excessive addiction.
Mandi person with Ketu will spend well in religious activities or in welfare works of the society.
If there is a combination of auspicious planets, then Mandi makes the person religiously active, doing good deeds, enthusiastic in satsanga and gaining knowledge, lover of pilgrimage.
Reference: In writing this article, I have taken the help of these books Muhurt Chintamani / Uttar Kalamrit / Faldipika / Jatakparijat / Prashna Marg / Jatkadesh Marg / Brihad Parashar Horashastra / Importance of Mandi in astrology / Gulika in astrology / Falit Jyotish Ma Upgraho Nu Yogdan.
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