Article by P.M. Gopalachary
This chart belongs to a lady, who was born on 17-08-1948 at 6.10 a.m., at Madhurantakam in Tamilnadu.
She was not blessed with any child. Her marriage took place on 20 June, 1975. In the year of 1979 I advised her that it is better to adopt a child, as the planets are not at all promising progeny.
In Sapthamsa chart also Lagna is Leo. Sun, Mars and Sat are Lagna. In second house Mercury and Ven are there. In the 4t h i.e., Mars’ house Jup is there. , in 6th Ketu, Moon and Rah are in 12th.
The 5th lord is in 4th as we see in Rasi chart. Rahu aspects Jup from 12th house. In one way it is kalasarpa Yoga. No benefic aspect on 5th or 5th house. Sani connected with Mars aspects putrarudha.
But Mars aspects it and conjoined with inimical Merc. At the time of Marriage she was running Rahu dasa.
In both Rasi & Sapthamsa charts we don’t see any encouraging and supporting points for child birth.
In navamsa chart also 5th house is spoiled as Rahu and Kuja are there. Rahu aspects the fifth lord Sun with his 9th aspect and putra arudha house with 5th aspect. Here also putrarudha is aspected by Rahu and Kuja.
Let us move to Ashtakavarga.
Here in sarvashtakavarga there are only 24 points. In Jup Ashtakavarga the 5th house from jup got only 3 points. In the asc. Chart there are only 2 and 1 dots in 5th and 9th houses respectively.
Pleases find after sodhana we see zero in 5th house in SAV and in 5th from jup In jup varga.
Now let us refer some pages of old Astrological books for further details to get actual pictutre.
Inability to conceive is also a disease.
In Prasna Marga edited by Dr. B.V. Raman see the pages 361,366,454,476.
This means that “Diseases have to be assumed from the planets occupying 6,8,12 houses, those
deposited or aspecting the lord of Lagna, and those that occupy or aspect the lagna.
So here, the houses concerned are 1,6,8,& 12 to determine the diseases.
In her chart the 1st house is occupied by lagnalord Sun, 6th lord Sat and 2nd lord Merc. Jup
occupies 4th aspecting 8th and 12th houses. Mars being malefic aspects 5th, 8th and 9th from 2nd.
So here, Sat,Jup and Mars are determinig factors (planets) to cause disease and failure of Uterus
(8th house) in performing its natural function.
Now let us check Kalapurusha chart.
The 6th is Virgo, the 8th is Scorpio and 12th is Pisces. Being the 5th and 8th lord in natal chart Jup
is in 8th of kalapurusha chart, aspecting 8th from Lagna of rasi chart, plays an important role.
The physical and Mental ailments can be determined or diagonised by considering the strength of
the 8th house, its lord, the aspecting or occupying planet.
Here guhya means the inner secret parts of the body. In this chart Guru occupies and aspects
the Kalapurushas 8th and natal 8th house respectively.
On the basis of We can say Jup rules over kapha and Vata humours. He causes big size, plump, and fatty degeneration.
Please refer Ar ibhava and RandhraBhava in “Kerala sutra sahasri”.
These two planets Guru and Kuja cause Kapha, granthi, and surgery. Sat is cold and hardening
the substances.
The afflicted Saturn brings in diseases caused by wind and phlem.
According to Sarvarth Chintamani in 12th Bhava
Here the 12th bhava is referred. The 12th lord is Moon. He is in 6th house aspecting 12th house.
Sun and Sat are in Lagna but 12th Bhava. Mandi is in Scorpio with Jup, who aspects 12th house with 9th aspect.
Hence ‘Bahupapa samayoga is on 12th is found, causing angavaikalya i.e., deformation of any part of the body.
When the lord of 12th is weak, occupies malefic amsa or neechamsa or in debilitation then there will be deformation of any part of the body. Here in this chart Moon being the lord of 12th and occupying 6th and 6th amsa owned by Sat, who is occupying 12th becomes weak. It causes Angavaikalya.
The part of the body which will be cut or be operated and causes angavaikalya is assesed hereunder
If lord of 6th is joined with Merc. In 1st house causes trouble to PENIS or Uterus (in female) .
When Saturn becomes 6th lord and there is no bebefic aspect then he causes cutting and removal
of LINGA or UTERUS . Here the 6th lord is Sat. He is in Lagna. Merc is with him. There is no benefic aspect. Sun is there and Rahu aspects that house.
So saturn causes the removal of Uterus making Angavaikalya.
Please refer to “Special Pathology” of Dr.C.G. Raue M.D., Professor in Medical College of Philadelphia.
Describing the morbid growth within the womb he gives a good picture about fibroids. “Fibrous polypi consists of submucous fibroids , which project into the cavity of the uterus, and are covered by the mucous membrane which they push forward. Their size varies greatly and attain to the dimensions of a child’s head and over. Such growth should properly be called submucous fibroids….preventing the free ingress of semen into the uterus.
Here the mucous and fibroid growth are caused by Jupiter and Sat.
Let us examine the medical history of this native. She was married in june,1975. Till 1978 she waited and then consulted a doctor. She got 1st
D&C (Dilatation and Curettage). Then it is found there are two pimple like swollen parts on the wall of the uterus towards the left side of the fallopian tube.
Then afterwards she consulted a number of doctors, specilists gynocologysts. In 1991 she was ready to go for D & C for 6th time. Everytime doctors assured her that she surely going to get a child.
Then a speciolist in gynocology advised for scanning. Then it is found there is a growth of some fibroids inside of the utreus.
She advised her and recommended a specialist and chief doctor in Madras KMC..
The lady was was admitted into a reputed hospital in Madras in August, 1991. After a laparascopic test the doctor came to a conclusion that there is a necessary for a small operation and the lady was told after operation she surely will be able to get a child.
On 14th September, 1991, the operation took place. For the austonishment and shock of the doctor as well as the relatives of that lady, in the operation theatre, on the operation bench after opening the abdomen, it is found that the uterus is not at all useful to carry a child, as there is no room for it, as it is occupied by a large fibroid.
As per the doctor’s advice, the uterus was removed, fearing that later on it may give trouble in the form of cancer.
This is the activity of Saturn and Mars.
Let us see the dasa and anthardasas.
This incident took place when she was running ending Saturn anthara and the beginning of merc antara in Jup Mahadasa. And ind the sub sub sb of Rahu.
Please find the running DBA are Jup Sat Rah
Here in Narayana dasa we can see Makara dasa and Simha antara. Both lagans are inimical as well as in shashtashtaka position.
Check the Thithi pravesa chart and the ashtottari janma thithi dasa. From lagna ninth is occupied by Rahu and the fifth and the fifth lord and the apatyakaraka is aspected by Rahu. The lagna lord is in sixth and inimical sign. Mars is roga significator being in sixth house. Guru caused hospitalization being 12 lord.
Running dasa alaso belongs to Guru Md, Guru Ant. And Sukra praty. Sukra is Maraka adhipathi.
Now let us pass on the another dasa system i.e.., Yogini Dasa.
At the time of operation she was running Pingala major, Ulka sub and Ulka sub sub in Yogini mahadasa system.
According to Kalachakra dasa system the running dasa belongs to Simha. The anthara belongs to Kataka. The lord of
Makara aspecting 12th house. Pratyanthara belongs to Kanya maraka sthana. Again the shukma and prana are Kanya and Sima. So the native experienced mental strain, loss of organ, hospitalization, away from husband etc.
Let us examine Lagna vimsottari dasa system.
Here also the running DBA belongs to Mars,Jup and Sat who cause the disease and negation of progeny.
Now let us proceed to Gochara at the time of operation.
The day was ruled by Saturn, Star was Anurdha, Lagna was Scorpio. Ketu was in 8th house, Sat
was aspecting 12th and 5thhouses. Mars being in his natal position in virgo was aspecting her natal 8th house.
Though this is postmortem Readers may find how the dictims of our age old Astrology treatise work. On the basis of Vedic Astrological principles we can diagnose before hand.
The contributor is having multiple Post Graduate qualifications, many astro titles to his name, besides being the member of leading Astro forums.
Mr. Chary has written and got published many articles in Astrology, including Astrological Magazine, Bangalore.
About Author: P.M. Gopalachary has been giving advice through Vedic (Conventional, Jaimini, Lal Kitab, K.P. ), Chinese, Feng Shui and Western, Astrology, Numerology, Yoga, Ayurveda etc., and suggest proper, useful remedies. since 1979. He teaches astrology, Sanskrit. His articles have been published since decades in Dr Ramans Astrological Magazine & Planets and Forecast from Orissa.
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