Article by Anjaneyulu Marella
Position of Sun is the basis for creating an Annual Chart. When Sun attains same degrees as that of natal position in a particular year for that time, date and year a chart is created which is known as annual chart of that year to the native. The year’s predictions were given to the native based on this chart.
Muntha is a point of intersection between Birth Chart and Annual Chart. Muntha moves a sign in a year. Hence, it is called progressed ascendant. Specific results based on its position are forecasted to the native in that year.
The Annual Chart is valid for one year. The aspects here are of two types. One is Friendly (very friendly – 5 & 9 ; semi friendly – 3 & 11) and the other is Inimical (open inimical – 1& 7, secret inimical – 4 & 10). These aspects are different from normal Sage Parashar’s system. In the Annual Chart Sun, Mars, Jupiter are male planets, whereas Moon, Mercury, Saturn and Venus are female planets.
Planetary strengths are three types viz: first is Harsha , second is Pancha Vargeeya and the third is Dwadasha Vargeeya Bala’s.
The Lord of the Year is selected out of the five Office Bearers and controls the events of the year. These are (i) Lagna Lord of B.C (ii) Lagna Lord of A.C (iii) Muntha Lord (iv) Dina Ratri Pati (v) Tri Rasi Pati.
There are sixteen yogas in Tajika System. These Tajika Yogas (for e.g., Ithasala Yoga, Ikabala Yoga, Kamboola Yoga, Rudda Yoga etc) are keys for successful predictions of annual charts.
Besides, the Sahams are a special mathematical points arrived by manipulation of longitudes of planets. For eg., Punya Saham, Marriage Saham, Putra Saham etc.
As the marriage is one of the milestones in any one’s life, across the globe, this area has been chosen for analysis. Marriage basically means bringing together two physiologically different bodies along with their souls to live together with adjustments and to continue the natural process of procreation for the existence of human race. The Sahams should be analysed in the following formate to arrive at reasonable predictive conclusions.
- Promise in the Natal Horoscope.
- Appropriate Dasha System (Vimshottari/Yogini etc)
- The Transit Influences (Saturn and Jupiter) on Birth Chart.
- The promises in the Annual Chart
- Role of Sahams – Punya and Vivaha Sahams.
In the succeeding paragraphs, a brief account has been given to establish the relationship between Natal Chart with the appropriate Annual Chart with specific reference to Vivaha (Marriage) and Punya (Auspicious) Sahams of a native.
Calculation of Sahams:
Sahams are the sensitive points of the annual horoscope. These are calculated by the manipulation of longitudes of the planets with the longitude of Lagna and other houses. Saham yields specific result in a year. Here the scope is restricted to Vivaha and Punya Sahams, as the study of all Sahams is very vast and not necessary in a particular year. An annual chart has been taken for establishing the relation between Birth Chart and relevant to annual chart, by taking incidence of marriage; which is a milestone in everybody’s life.
- Punya Saham (Fortunes and Auspiciousness): The calculation formula is : if Varsha Pravesh occurs during
(i) Day = Moon – Sun + Ascendant
(ii) Night = Sun – Moon + Ascendant
Punya Saham provides a protective shield to the native during the year. It promotes happiness, auspicious ceremonies, gains of wealth, if the Saham and its lords are strong as per Pnachavargeeya bala. If weak, it yields bad results.
- Marriage Saham (Vivaha Saham) : The calculation formula is
Venus – Saturn + Ascendant (Same for both Day and Night Varsha Pravesha)
This Saham throws light on the prospects of marriage in an annual chart of the native in a given socio-economic background.
- Assessment of Strength of the Saham:
A Saham will be strong, if the Saham lord is exalted and posited in own house in the Annual Chart. Besides the Saham will further acquires strength if it is with benefic planets in a benefic house with the year lord. If the Saham lord aspects its own Saham, conjoins with benefic planets and aspects lagna or relevant house with high Panchavargeeya Bala (more than five units), the Saham is considered as auspicious. Otherwise, the Saham, is weak and does not yield good results.
Results of assessment:
- Punya Saham: This Saham or its lord in general should be disposed in the Annual Chart in an auspicious way. It should establish a relation (position, aspect, conjunction, yoga) with lagna or lagna lord or 7th house or 7th lord either from lagna/ Chandra lagna of the annual chart in the year of marriage either singly or in more ways.
- Vivaha Saham: Either Vivaha Saham or its lord will establish a relation (position, aspect, conjunction, yoga) with 7th house or 7th lord either from lagna/ chandra lagna of the yearly chart in the year of marriage, either singly or in more ways.
The above observations/rules were found working in more than 80% of the Charts in a specific research done by the author of this piece of material. These can be tested by the research minded astrological savants for accurate timing of marriage.
- Analysis of Punya and Vivaha Sahams with reference to an example :
Birth Chart:
Jupiter Venus 7 5 8 Rahu 4 Sun Asc Merc 6 (R)
Sat 9 3 (R) 12 Ketu 2 10 Moon
11 1
Ketu 12:44
Moon 11:27
30.07.1959 10.29 am Ongole (Male) |
Sun 13:00
Merc(R) 23:53
12:45 Venus 20:22 |
Sat (R) 08:12
Jup 28:58 |
12.44 Asc 18:15 |
Mars 4 Asc 2 5 Jup 1 Moon Sat Rahu 3
6 12
Ven 9 11 Ketu 7 Merc Sun
8 10
Moon Rahu
Jupiter Sat |
Mars |
Ketu Sun |
Vimshottari Dasha Balance at Birth
Moon = 8Y 10 M 27 D
The native got married in November 1985. Let us examine with reference to the various parameters. The following is the annual chart of the year 1985-86
Varshaphala Chart
Rahu 21:00 |
29:31 |
Venus 02:21 |
30.07.1985 2.:27:15 PM Ongole
Annual Chart
9:23 Sun 13:00 |
19:06 V.S |
Merc 1:31 |
P.S. 17:09 |
Ket 21:00
Sat 27:49 |
Venus Rahu 3 1 4 Asc 12 Mars Sun 2
Merc 5 11
10 8 Jup 6 Muntha Vivaha Saham 7 9 Ketu Moon Sat Punya Saham |
Ketu Merc
Sat Jupiter
Navamsha |
Venus Sun |
Mars Moon |
Rahu, Venus
Sun 7 Asc 5 8 Moon 4 Mars 6
9 3 Sat Jup
12 2 10
1 11 Ketu Merc |
Pachadhikaries of the above Annual Chart
Name | Planets
(Grahas) |
In V.B |
1. Mutha Lord | Mars | 8.01 |
2. Jamma LagnaLord | Mercury | 11.91 |
3. Varsha Lagna Lord | Venus | 14.12 |
4. Trirashi Lord | Moon | 11.22 |
5. Dinaratri Lord | Jupiter | 5.39 |
Varshesha and Muntha of the above Annual Chart
Year Lord | Mercury |
1. Muntha in sign | Sco. 14.40 |
2. Muntha in house | 7 |
3.Muntha Lord | Mars |
4. Muntha Lord in house | 3 |
- Natal Promises
(a)Ascendant: Virgo and its lord Mercury ® in 11th house in Cancer with 12th lord Sun. Ascendant rises in Hasta Nakshatra whose lord is Moon. Mercury the lagna lord and 10th lord are in its own Nakshatra (Ashelesha) and is yogakaraka. The Seventh house is Pises from lagna whose lord Jupiter in 2nd house (Kutumba) in his own Nakshatra (Vishakha). Lagna lord and Seventh lords are well disposed.
(b) Chandra Lagna: Taurus where Moon exalts and is in Rohini Nakshatra. The Seventh House from here is Scorpio whose lord Mars aspects his own house is with marriage karaka venus, a benefic disposition. Saturn is yoga karaka from Chandra lagna.
(c) Surya Lagna: Sun is in cancer; its lord Moon a great friend and Sun is in Pushya Nakshatra. The seventh house from here is Capricorn whose lord is Saturn and aspects his own house from the Retrograde state.
(d) Navamsha Lagna: Gemini and its lord Mercury in ninth house. The seventh house is Sagittarius and is aspected by Jupiter and Saturn(R). The natural Vivaha karaka Venus is aspected by 7th lord Jupiter.
In the Rasi chart, the natural karaka Venus is in 12th house and its place here in the 12th house is hailed positively by all classical writers; is with Mars.
From three lagnas the following qualify for givining the marriage to the native.
-Jupiter, Mercury
-Mars, Venus
-Saturn + Rahu
- Dasha sequence
Rahu: M.D. (from June /75 to June/1993)
Mercury: A.D. (from 6/83 to December/ 1985)
Saturn: P.D. (from 8/85 to December/1985)
- Maha Dasha: Rahu is in Lagna aspecting 7th house Pisces. Rahu is benefic to the native as he is in his own house (Virgo). His dispositor Mercury is in eleventh; the house of gains.
- Antar Dasha: Mercury is lagna lord and 10th lord (yoga karaka) in eleventh house of gains, favours with physical comforts and financial gains; clears the martrimony.
- Partyantara Dasha: Saturn has already qualified from Surya lagna for clinching the marriage.
- Transit influence on Birth Chart
- Saturn: Transiting in Scorpio during 85 that is the 7th house from Natal Moon and is aspecting the Transiting Jupiter, the 7th lord from lagna.
- Jupiter: During 1985, Jupiter was in Capricorn, aspecting Chandra lagna and lagna, blessed the marriage; thus completed the transit principles.
- Promises in the Annual Chart
The natal promises of Birth chart will be expressed through annual chart. The native’s annunal chart for 1985-1986 has been examined along with other details. Varsha kundali ascendant is Taurus whose lord Venus is in 2nd house, aspected by Mercury; Saturn and Moon. The seventh lord is Mars aspecting his own house. The navamsha lagna is Virgo aspected by its own lord from Retrograde position. The Seventh lord of Navamsha lagna is Jupiter aspecting his own house.
The Mudda Dasha operating is Jupiter = Venus, who are qualified for giving the marriage. The year lord is Mercury who is 2nd and 5th lord of annunal chart aspecting both the houses from 4th and also 7th house of Varsha kundali where Muntha is posited. He is auspicious and ensures free flow of results, promised in the Natal Chart, as lagna lord and as year lord in the annual chart.
- Role of Sahams
(a) Punya Saham: Punaya Saham is in Sagittarius, whose lord Jupiter in 9th house. It is a very auspicious position in the annunal chart.
(b) Vivaham Saham: It is positioned in 9th house along with Punya Saham lord. Its lord Saturn aspects his saham, forms a strong Ithasala yoga with Mars, the 7th lord. The Vivaha Saham is disposed in an auspicious way during the year.
From all angles, marriage of the native has been cleared by all the celestial Gods and hence the event occurred in November 1985. These principles can be used with any annual chart for timing of the marriage.
About Author : A Post Graduate in animal sciences from Andhra University. Undertaken research work after getting UGC fellow ship and worked as junior lecturer initially, had a diploma in education. Then joined civil services as group I officer in 1985 through civil service examination (IDAS) on all India basis. Currently working as senior govt. officer in central government. Developed interest in Jyothish Vignan from 1985 onwards as a personal hobby. Passes Jyothish Visharada of ICAS, Chennai with Gold Medal. Awarded various titles by ICAS viz. Jyothish Kovid, Jyothish Bhusan, Jyothish Kalamani for dedicated selfless honorary services rendered to the society. Specialised in predicting marriage timings and quality of marriage. He is presently engaged in doing research on earthquakes and cyclones. Delivered lectures on earthquakes and Vedic wisdom in several universities viz. Andhra, Osmania and Nagarjuna Universities. Delivered a talk to American youngsters in air and space museum Washington on the importance of Jyotir Vignan in present day situation. At the same time completed M.A (Astro) from Sri Potti Sriramulu University. Worked as Hon. Faculty member of Bangalore, Delhi and Secunderabad ICAS chapters. Founded ICAS Vizag Chapter. In the examination wing of ICAS worked as Asst. Registrar initially and Registrar later. During this time edited three books for ICAS students. Published three books, two on astrology and one on general science. The two latest books are: Predicting Marriage Time and Laws of Nature Vedic Wisdom. Has published several articles in leading astrological magazines and news papers.
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