This humble work consists of my life –long study and research of Commercial Numerology. I have incorporated in it the best I know about the subject. I do not claim that this work is perfect as a man can never claim to be perfect. He is always liable to err. God alone is perfect and mistake – proof. But I have the satisfaction of my conscience that I have done my best in the preparation of this book. I have dealt with nearly all the rules governing “Commercial Numerology”. This book will be easily understood even by a layman. Not conversant with the knowledge of Astrology, as the book deals primarily in numbers 1 to 9 and their compound numbers.
Moreover, all the elementary principles of Astrology are explained in a simple way in this book. This book alone with teach all the principles of Commercial Numerology – in its varied form and various branches –to a layman who knows numbers 1 to 9.
The readers will find this book as wonderful work of its kind with all the Master –keys and secret points ever presented to world, as an aid to successful business, commerce, speculation, market forecasting, Lotteries, Horse-Racing, etc., with examples and Tables in full details. Thus this is an unique work of its kind and will solve the aforesaid problems, besides the problem of rise & fall in market prices.
Now It is universally accepted that such a book is greatly needed. Various attempts have been made to cope with the requirement, Several books on the popular gambling of “horse racing,”, lotteries, etc., have been written on the basis of commercial numerology. But I suppose this is the first attempt dealing with the application of commercial numerology in the field of market forecasting. The businessmen will calculate the probable future trend of prices in rupees and annas by the simple application of numbers 1 to 9 and their compound numbers. I have illustrated this principle in detail by concrete examples and secret tables. I have also given instructions to those who are able to invest money.
The system of racing numerology placed by me in this book claims the following advantages :- i. It does not require any knowledge of Astrology though the same is purely scientific.
ii. It is based on simple figure 1 to 9.
iii. It is workable in any part of the world as it has no connection with time, color, or sound.
iv. It always gives reliable and trust worthy proofs for the winners.
The commercial numerology is still in its infancy, We hope, in the future, by research and experience, it will be as perfect as any other science. The reader should always remember that great success is not attained over night, but one should toil diligently and intelligently.
On my part, I have spared no labour and time in its preparation. It is my most humble and earnest prayer to Almighty that this humble work of mine at Commercial Numerology may Prove correct. I do not boast that the rules given in this book are infalliable, but I hope these rules will help a novice to attain success in life without any loss.
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