Marriage Time and Matching of Horoscopes
It is indeed a great pleasure for me to express my thoughts about the book on Marriage Time and Matching of Horoscopes written/compiled by Shri M.Anjaneyulu. But, before I do so, I would like to say a few words about the Author himself. Shri Anjaneyulu is known to me from the time he joined the Indian Defence Accounts Service in 1985. 1 noticed his talent and flair for Astrology and admired his deep knowledge of the subject. It is really heartening that in spite of his official commitments, which he has been discharging in a dedicated and outstanding manner, he has devoted himself to the advancement of astrological techniques. A true believer in the Art of Vastushashtra, he is known to practice Vastushastra and help the seekers. The author has a deep-rooted scientific background which helps him in the presentation of the divine material on Jyotish Shastra in all his writings in a clear manner.
Earlier, he published books on ‘Predicting Marriage Time through Annual Horoscopy and ‘Laws of Nature – Vedic Wisdom’ amongst others. He successfully proved his astrological techniques through statistical analysis and obtained more than 95% success. With his scientific temperament, he has now presented this excellent material on Jyotish Shastra which can be understood easily by all.
The subject in this book has been arranged in three parts. The first part covers basics of Astrology that governs fundamental forces of the Universe, Galaxies, Stars, Solar System, and physical phenomena associated with Earth, importance of Jyotish Shastra, concept of Karma Siddhanta, preparation of horoscope, Natal principles, Dasha methodology and Gochara concepts. The second part deals with the identification of time of marriage for a native. In the third part, matching of horoscopes has been illustrated with examples. It also gives importance of Gana/Kuta matching in marriage, combinations of marriage and selection of appropriate time for marriage has been explained in a lucid way. This book on “Marriage Time and Matching of Horoscopes” in modern style will be useful to the students of astrology, Savants of astrology und general readers on the subject of astrology.
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