Article by Luisa De Giuli
Osama Bin Laden will leave the stage only from 2005 forwards”
Forecasts published on Weekly “Donna Moderna” n. 43, Oct. 24th 2001
Previsione: “…Il 17 ottobre George Bush attuerà un piano difensivo…”
Riscontro: La Repubblica, 18 ottobre: “Bush: difenderò l’America.
Prev.: “… Bin Laden … dal 19 ottobre rischierà molto …”
Risc.: La Repubblica, 20 ottobre: “Le truppe USA in Afganistan, comincia la guerra“
Prev.: “ … George Bush … il 1° novembre avrà una rivelazione …”
Risc.: La Repubblica, 1° novembre: “Dubai mistero Bin Laden, in ospedale con una spia USA”.
Prev.: “ …L’11 novembre, sarà Bin Laden ad aggredire …”
Risc.: La Repubblica, 13 novembre: “Aereo si schianta su New York”. “Incidente o attentato?”
Commento De Giuli: Non si sa ancora se è stato un attentato con cariche esplosive mirate a colpire le ali, i motori del jet erano intatti.
Prev.: “ … Dopo si eclisserà …”
Risc.: Commento De Giuli: “A tutt’oggi non si sa dove sia Bin Laden”.
Prev.: “… Il Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi tra il 6 e il 12 novembre dovrà prendere una decisione urgente …”
Risc.: Commento De Giuli: “Decide l’invio di un contingente armato in Afganistan.
Prev.: “…Il momento critico per il nostro Paese inizierà il 14 novembre …”
Risc.: La Repubblica, il 15 novembre: “I carabinieri a Kabul, il Governo si divide”; il 17 novembre: “Il segretario dell’Iman in manette”; il 6 novembre: “Una circolare indica il 12 e 13 novembre come pericolosi”. ; il 19 novembre: “Partite da Taranto le navi italiane, Martino: missione difficile”. La Repubblica, il 20 novembre: “Agguato ad una giornalista italiana”. “Per la Cutuli l’Italia sotto choc”. La Repubblica, 21 novembre: “In Italia la centrale di Al Qaeda per passaporti e documenti falsi”. Il Corriere, il 24 novembre: “Dalla Cecenia a l’Italia, piano segreto di Osama:
incontri e basi in Lombardia. Estradato il libico delle armi chimiche”.
Prev.: “…l’orgoglio americano risorgerà tra il 18 e il 21 gennaio e allora gli Stati Uniti saranno in grado di stravincere.
Prev.: “ … Dal 10 gennaio sarà in difficoltà e subirà un colpo decisivo …”.
Risc.: Il Corriere della Sera del 10 gennaio: “Prigionieri Talebani, ponte aereo verso la Corte Marziale USA. Allestito un supercarcere nella base di Guantanamo a Cuba. Interrogatori, processi e giudizi senza appello.
Bigger text from Italian article)
Explanation Legend
- Green President Bush’s chart analysis related thoughts and news..
- red Osama Bin Laden related thoughts and news..
- blue PM Silvio Berlusconi’ s related Horoscope analysis and news
brown Italian Republic’s related news
“Osama Bin Laden will leave the stage only from 2005 forwards” Forecasts published on Weekly “Donna Moderna” n. 43, Oct. 24th 2001
Osama Bin Laden will leave the stage only from 2005 forwards.
George Bush Jr., the USA President, Cancer, the 17th of October (2001) will plan a strategic defensive plan, and the 1st of November will have revelation. The American pride will rise again between the 18th and the 21st of January (2002) when the States will be able to overwhelm the enemy .
Osama Bin Laden, Pisces, is persuasive and, like a snake, magnetic. Will we get rid of him! In the karmic horoscope is evident that he will leave the stage only from 2005 forwards. But, he will be defeated in March 2003. And the 19th. October. 2001 he will run a high risk, the 11th November, he will be planning an aggression that may be connected to a chemical attack. After he will disappear. From the 10th January he will be in a difficult situation and live an hard moment: he will take a decisive knock. But he will struck again at the end of March. The critical moment for our country (Italy) will start on the 14th November of this year. The situation will improve on the 18th of March..
From the 7th to the 12th of May we will have a difficult moment and a maximum peak of high tension will be reached at the 1st of June. The Premier, Silvio Berlusconi, will make an urgent decision between the 6th and the 12th November. The Stock Exchange will rise up on 29th of April.
Prediction Confirmations
“Osama Bin Laden will leave the stage only from 2005 forwards”
Forecast: “George Bush Jr., the USA President, is born under the sign of Cancer, the 17th of October (2001) will plan a strategic defensive plan…”
Confirmation: “ La Repubblica ”, Oct. 18th: “Bush: I’ll defend America”
Forecast: Oct. 19th. “He will run a high risk”
Confirmation ” La Repubblica”, Oct. 20th: “ American Army in Afghanistan, War begins… ”
Forecast: Nov.1st. “He will have a revelation…”
Confirmation: “ La Repubblica ” , Nov.1st : “DUBAI“: Mystery on Bin Laden, is he in Hospital with an American Spy?”
Forecast: Nov.11th: “Bin Laden will attack…”
Confirmation: ”La Repubblica” Nov.13th:“Aircraft crash in New York..”
“Accident or attack?”
Mrs. De Giuli|: “We still don’t know if it was an accident or a bomb attack aimed to hit the plane wings as the plane motors were intact.”
Forecast: “He will disappear afterwards…”
Confirmation: Mrs. De Giuli|: “We still don’t know where Bin Laden is ”
Forecast: “The P.M Silvio Berlusconi will have to make an urgent decision between Nov. 6th / 12th ”.
Mrs. De Giuli|: “He makes up his mind and sends Army in Afghanistan ”
Forecast: “It will be a hard time for our Country from Nov.14th …”
Confirmation: ”La Repubblica”, Nov. 15th : “Government conflicts upon Carabinieri’s presence(Italian Military ) in Kabul…”
Nov.17th:“Iman’s Secretary under arrest in Italy …”
Nov. 6th : “Nov. 12th and 13th are indicated as dangerous in a newsletter…”
Nov.19th :“Italian Marine Ship leave Taranto|: it‘s a difficult mission”
”La Repubblica” Nov. 20th : “Italian journalist being attacked…”: “Italy shocked for Ms. Cutuli…”
”La Repubblica” , Nov. 21st :“Found in Italy an Al Quaeda office to issue fake docs and passports…”
Il Corriere della Sera, Nov. 24th :“Chimic weapons Libian expert expulsed from Italy. Osama’s Secret plan discovered: offices found in Italy and Cecenia…”
Forecast: “It will be a hard time for him from Jan.10th and he will take a decisive knock…”
Confirmation: Il Corriere della Sera, Jan.10th “ Taliban prisoners, they will be sent to USA Court by airplane…”
“ Super Prisons created in Cuba/Guantanamo to interrogate and judge them without any possibilities of making any plea.”
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