Article by D.M.Sudhindra Kumar
For the welfare of the universe , Goddess Parvati prays to Lord Shiva to explain the essence of Jyotish or the light of knowledge regarding the time and its effect on the life of people.
After listening to Lord Shiva’s teaching, Parvati blesses the people on the earth ,with the knowledge of the result of planets, with respect to moon postion .
The reference of moon is, because moon stays for 2.5 days in a rasi, which helps the common man to understand the results on the rasi basis, when the exact birth time is not sure of or not noted precisely.
Gouri Jataka is a good tool, in rectification of birth day even for lost horoscope. If the birth is in the beginning or closing of the day (oo hrs to 24 hrs time counting), then by the study of moon rasi and other planets, the exact birth rasi can be corrected to match the type of results indicated (which is experienced by the native ).
The meanings of the words in the sloka are coded (in a nut shell) and outwardly appears straight and simple, but in reality are much deep and broad. Instead of going by literary meaning, the investigators may streach the applicability over wide perspective. I have tried to furnish few applicable allternate meanings.
Gouri Jataka does not use any yoga by name, but indicates the results in a broader perspective covering personnel, social and spritual domains.
This translation work, I have tried, with my infant knowledge. Scholars may direct the brick bats towards me for the mistakes or deviation.
Any helpfull data, thanks and appreciation, shall go to SA team.
The result of Managala in 12 bhavas.
If Mangala is with Moon in the natal chart, the native is red eyed (fierceful eye, infected eyes), bloody (or rhetorical announcer/proclaimer /communicater) and is blood coloured .
1.Ramakrishna Hegde, 29.8.1926 , moon and kuja in mesha – sloka 1 applies.
2.K.N.Rao, 12.10.1931, moon in tula with kuja and sukra –sloka 1 applies.
3.A.K.Anthony, 28.12.1940, moon in neecha rasi vrischika with kuja ,sukra-sloka 1 applies.
If Mangala is in the 2nd bhava from Moon at birth, the native commands vast area of land, is an agriculturist (also can be interpretated as genuine systematic worker for results) without doubt.
(Note: Agriculture is artificial cultivation and processing . ploughing the field is one of the systematic process referred as agriculture – KRUSHI . In the following examples , sachin is an agriculturist in criket , winston curchill is an agriculturist over many countries with peoples management, Amir khan is an agriculturist in film land, Nostradamus is an agriculturist in prediction. They command over wide domain on earth. Krushi is their life programme)
1.Sachin Tendulkar, 24.4.1973, chandra ,rahu in dhanu and kuja, guru in makara – sloka 2 applies.
2.Winston Churchill, 30.11.1874, chandra in simha and kuja in kanya – sloka 2 applies.
3.Amir Khan, 14.3.1965, mumbai, moon in karka and vakra kuja in simha . sloka 2 applies and kuja being vakra sloka 1 also fructifies.
4.B.S.Yediyurappa, 26.2.1943, moon in vrischika and kuja in dhanu –sloka 2 applies.
5.Nostradamus, 14.12.1503, moon in mithuna along with vakra sani and vakra guru and vakra kuja in neecha rasi karka – sloka 2 applies also sloka 1 appies because of vakra kuja.
6.Akshay Kumar, 9.9.1967, moon in tula and kuja in vrischika – sloka 2 applies
If Mangala is in the 3rd bhava from the Moon at birth, the native is attended by many brothers (supporters), he is of comparable character and adventurous.
1.Michel Jackson, 29.8.1958, indiana, moon in kumbha and kuja in mesha.- sloka 3 applies
2.Edmond Hillary ,20.7.1919,auckland, moon in mesha and kuja in mithuna – sloka 3 applies.
3.PVR Narasimha Rao, 4.4.1970, moon in kumba with rahu and kuja in mesha with sani, budha, sukra – sloka 3 applies.
If Mangala is in the 4th bhava from the Moon at birth, the native happiness is lost, greedy, may be because of him his wife dies in the end.
1.Barack Obama, 4.8.1961 moon in vrishaba, kuja in simha along with rahu. we have to watch the results of sloka 4 to fructify.
2.Julian Assange, 3.7.1971, moon in tula , uccha kuja in makara along with rahu. Watch for the results of sloka 4 to fructify.
3.Veer Savarkar, 28.5.1883, moon in makara and kuja in mesha –sloka 4 applies.
4.PVN Rao, 28.6.1921, moon in meena and kuja in mithuna along with sun and vakra budha – sloka 4 applies.
5.Cassius Marcellus Clay / Muhammud Ali, 17.1.1942 , moon in makara with sun, budha and vakra sukra and kuja with vakra sani in mesha- sloka 4 applies.
6.Nitish Kumar, 2.3.1951, moon in dhanu and kuja in meena with sukra- sloka 4 applies.
If Mangala is in the 5th bhava from the Moon at birth, the native is without children (or children with low profile) in case of female it is certain .(here children also refers to students).
(Note: For male candidates , it is observed biological children are there and in the following two female cases , the candidates are not married. Also, it appears puÇhInae refers to unfortunate or destitute people whom the candidate takes care of, or adapted )
1.Mother Teresa, 26.8.1910, 14.25 moon in mesha and kuja in simha – sloka 5 applies.
2.Guru Maa Anandanurthi, 8.4.1966, amritsar, moon in vrischika with ketu and kuja, sun, budha in meena – sloka 5 applies.
If Mangala is in the 6th bhava from the Moon at birth, the native does not act against or contradict dharma or duties, is valiant and suffers from blood related diseases.
1.Cardinal Paul, 10.10.1932, brussels. Moon in kumbha and kuja in karka- sloka 6 applies.
2.Maharshi Mahesh Yogi,12.1.1917,jabalpur,moon in simha and uccha kuja in makara- sloka 6 applies.
3.Bill Gates, 30.10.1955 , moon in mesha and kuja in kanya with budha – sloka 6 applies.
4.Mohammed Rafi, 23.12.1924 , moon in tula with sani and kuja in meena- sloka 6 applies.
5.Mukesh Ambani, 19.4.1957 ,moon in dhanu and kuja in vrishba.- sloka 6 applies.
6.Dawood Ibrahim , 26.12.1955, moon in uccha rasi vrishaba with ketu and kuja in tula-sloka 6 applies.
If Mangala is in the 7th bhava from the Moon at birth, the native’s wife (spouse) is of bad character and she always speak badly (or is a harsh speaker).
1.Silvio Berlusconi, 29.9.1936, moon in kumbha and kuja in simha –sloka 7 applies.
2.Srinivasa Ramanujam, 22.12.1887, moon in meena and kuja in kanya – sloka 7 applies.
3.Queen Elizabeth II, 21.4.1926, moon in karka and kuja with guru in makara – sloka 7 applies
If Mangala is in the 8th bhava from the Moon at birth, the native is a killer, great sinner, devoid of truth and character.
1.Carla Dallioglio, 12.9.1940, la spezia, Italy. Moon in makara and kuja in simha, sloka 8 applies.
2.Carl Jung, 26.7.1875, moon in mesha and vakra kuja in vrischika – sloka 8 applies and also sloka 7 applies because of vakra kuja.
3.Elvis Presley, 8.1.1935, tupelo, missisippi, moon with sani in kumbha and kuja in kanya – sloka 8 applies .
4.Princess Diana, 1.7.1961, moon in makara with vakra sani, vakra guru and kuja with rahu in simha – sloka 8 applied.
5.Pranab Mukherji, 11.12.1935, birbaum,WB, moon in mithuna with ketu and kuja in uccha rasi makara – sloka 8 applies mildly.
If Mangala is in the 9th bhava from the Moon at birth, without a doubt the native’s children becomes rich in his old age.
(Note: In this sloka based on the following examples , the children becomes very rich in the old age of the native. Also, it appears , the meaning is , native gets children in his old age)
(Copy Editor Chandrashekhar’s Notes: Perhaps “without a doubt the jataka becomes and get progeny in his old age” would be right as ca is uses along with laxmivan.)
1.G.D.Birla, 10.4.1894, moon in in vrishba and kuja in makara both in the uccha rasi – sloka 9 applies.
2.A.Raja, 10.5.1963, moon in vrischika and kuja in karka- (parivarthana yoga , both the grahas are in neecha sthana indicates the type) -sloka 9 applies
3.Subash Chandra Bose, 23.1.1897, moon in kanya and kuja in vrishba- sloka 9 applies.
4.John F Kennedy, 29.5.1917, moon in simha and kuja with vakra budha in mesha.- sloka 9 applies.
5.Karunanidhi, 3.6.1924, moon in uccha rasi vrishba with sun and kuja in uccha rasi makara- sloka 9 applies.
If Mangala in the 10th bhava from the Moon during birth, highend ( costly) vehicles shall be parked at his doorsteps, without doubt.
1.Benazir Bhutto, 21.6.1953, afternoon . Moon in kanya and kuja in mithuna – sloka 10 applies.
2.Dhiru Bhai Ambani, 28.12.11933, before 5.30, moon in mesha and kuja in makara- sloka 10 applies
3.Clint Eastwood, 31.5.1930, moon in karka and mangala in mesha in own house – sloka 10 applies
4.Alfred Noble, 21.10.1833, moon in makara and kuja with sun , budha in tula – sloka 10 applies.
5.Marie Curie, 7.11.1867, moon in kumbha with guru,ketu and kuja in vrischika with budha, sukra.sani- sloka 10 applies .
If Mangala is at 11th bhava from the Moon during birth, the native is honoured or famous in the court of king and successful as well handsome (charismatic).
1.Sathya Sai Baba, 23.11.1926, moon in mithuna and vakra kuja in mesha – sloka 11 applies. Because of vakra kuja sloka 10 also fructifies.
2.Sirimao Bhandarnaike, 17.4.1916, colombo, moon in kanya and kuja in karka-sloka 11 applies.
3.Chiru, 22.8.1955, moon in tula and kuja in simha – sloka 11 applies.
4.Elizasabeth Kubler Ross, 8.7.1926, moon in vrishba and kuja in meena –sloka 11 applies.
5.Muhammad Paigamber, 20.4.571, moon in simha and kuja in mithuna- sloka 11 applies.
6.Homi J babha, 30.10.1909, moon in uccha rasi vrishba with rahu and kuja with vakra sani in meena- sloka 11 applies.
7.Komilla Sutton, 15.7.1953, moon in simha and kuja with sun in mithuna- sloka 11 applies.
8.Sheik Abdullah, 5.12.1905, moon in meena and kuja in makara – sloka 11 applied.
9.Mamata Banerji, 5.1.1955, moon in mesha and kuja in kumbha – sloka 11 applies.
If Mangala in the 12th bhava from the moon during birth, the native makes mother (also mean the person who nourishes or mother land) unhappy and always possess problem.
1.Swamy Nityananda, 1.1.1978, moon in simha and vakra kuja in neecha rasi karka.-sloka 12 applies. Also sloka 11 applies because kuja is vakra.
2.Bindi Sue Irwin, 24.7.1998, moon in karka with sun and kuja with sukra in mithuna – sloka 12 applies.
3.Helena Blavatsky, 12.8.1831, moon in kanya with sukra and kuja in simha with budha, sani, rahu – sloka 12 applied.
About Author : Sudhindra Kumar served in the Indian Telephones Industries Lid, Bangalore from 1966 to 2001. His work specialized in microwave systems for civilian and defense applications of communication systems. His interest in astrology has been from childhood and has turned into the more serious aspects of why and how events takes place in different manner to different people. Why two people do not read anything identically but still compromise commercially .
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