Secrets of Ashtakavarga
In most of the computer generated horoscope you may have seen a set of charts with 12 numbers in each of them. Normally we are used to seeing the names of planets (Grahas) instead we see either 2 digit numbers in 1 chart and single digit numbers in many other charts. So what are these numbers? Is this some kind of a numerical way of understanding our life? Yes it is. This is what the ancient masters of Astrology have often used while reading a chart and Maharshi Parasara calls it that part of Astrology that is more dependable and that which never fails.
In fact these charts were used along with the other charts with planets in them, combining them seem to make a horoscope reading more reliable. You may have seen several Ashtakavarga charts. Usually there is one for every planet. The chief amongst them is called the Sarva-ashtakavarga and is always the biggest chart when compared to the other Ashtakavarga charts. Sarva means all-encompassing and this chart is a sum total of all other ashtakavarga chart. Rahu and Ketu do not have separate Ashtakavarga charts as they are shadow planets. So you will have 7 plus 1 and that makes it 8.Most people have no idea that it is one of the very useful information available in their horoscope. Many Astrologers ignore these valuable charts mainly because they do not have proper understanding of what they mean.
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