Learn Navamsa Transits Rules Applicable to Nadi of Late CS Patel Sahib
Artificial Intelligence Used Advanced Research by Chawla Saheb
Includes Basics of Navamsa Method & Transits Rules Applicable to Nadi with additional Excel Calculation Workbook containing 5 Sheets on How to use Progression, Transits, Basics of Medical Astrology.
Course Content:
- Introduction and Importance of Navamsa, its uses
- Casting of Navamsa Chart easy way
- Recognising Nakshatra and pada from Navamsa and Rasi Position
- Importance of Dispositors (Rasi and Navamsa) in everyday predictions.
- Dharma Artha Kama & Moksha Navamsa.
- Pushkar navamsa as recognized from certain Nakshatra padas & its importance in Astro prediction.
- Vargottama Navamsa, Shubh, or NeechVargotama. Dhatu, Moola or Jeeva Navamsa.
- Brighu Bindu
- Importance of 5th Navamsa, how each planet behaves in 5th Navamsa.
- Importance of of 55th Navamsa , Use of 36th 64th & 72nd Navamsa from Moon in transit
- Circular chart Modified for Numerical Navamsa.
- Rasi Tulya Navamsa & Navamsa Tulya Rasi with Navamsa Transit in Navamsa Chart only.
- Navamsa Progression for eventful years, advanced rules as Visioned for the First time ever.
- Eventful years in one’s life good or bad – assessment at the beginning of every birthday.
- Longevity is a simple way by 64th Navamsa and mode of death in certain combinations.
- A Quick Glance sheet – A first-time effort ever in Astrological Lineage.
64th Navamsa, as to why stigma is attached to 64th Navamsa, (Astro reasons). When the 64th Nav is bad or Good, the 64th Nav position and 64th Nav Lord, its position from Sun, Moon, and Asdt as well rest of Planets& other navamsas e.g., 88th& 108th why bad in matching horoscopes, other Good or Bad Numerical Navamsa rules in transits.
Additional Course Bonus:
- 1 Year Recording Access to this Course (No Need to worry if You Miss any Classes)
- Provide Complete Study Material with Doubt Clear Session
- Practical-Based Learning Environment
- Course Certificate after the Completion of this Course
Note: All course fees are non-refundable under any circumstances.
Learn Navamsa Transits Rules Applicable to Nadi of Late CS Patel Sahib

Learn Navamsa Transits Rules Applicable to Nadi - In this Advance Course Shri Vijay Chawla Ji will reveal how to recognize Nakshatra and pada from Navamsa, Importance of Dispositors (Rasi and Navamsa) in everyday predictions, timing of events, and so many astrology techniques.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: 5
Course Provider URL: https://saptarishisshop.com/product/navamsa-transits-rules-applicable-to-nadi-course/
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