My Experiences In Astrology
This combined volume, of the first part (18 chapters) published earlier and the second part, consisting of an additional sixteen chapters now added as “My Experiences in Astrology”, should have two-fold value;, one for the trained and academic professional, savant or the student of Astrology in general; and the other, for the non-professional who is interested in understanding a branch of knowledge, unique and profound and the experiences of one, dedicated to its exposition for six decades, to make the educated public astrology-conscious.
For the latter, the book will prove a reference volume and provide information on practical astrology.
There, is a further value in the study of astrology by the layman and that is the appreciation of the insights provided by Astrology to understand human psychology and human life in general.
“My Experiences in Astrology” covers a period of immense significance in my early life because of my successful forecasts on the outbreak and progress of the second world war and other historical developments. Several interesting experiences gained by way of examining innumerable horoscopes of people belonging to different temperaments, sections and strata of society who sought my astrological guidance will no doubt evoke the admiration of lovers of Astrology.
This book can also be called an auto-biographical sketch as it takes the reader back 60 years when I first began the study of astrology, a subject I have loved so much. Anecdotes of human interest also dot the narrative. The book written in simple language is liberally interspersed with my astrological discussions with pandits, scholars and savants and the lessons I learnt from them.
The book is a compilation of “My Early Experiences in Astrology” earlier serialised in The Astrological Magazine. It is thoroughly revised and re-written at several places. Chapters 16, 17 and 18 detail my first professional visits to Bombay and Madras, the predictions I gave and my first performance as a public speaker and my first encounter with Nadi astrologers.
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