Mundane Astrology
This book will be helpful to any astrologers who wants to make foray into mundane astrology. The principles are simple and can be easily understood. Examples and the charts that are given in the book will help anyone to have easy understanding.
The book has basic principles of mundane astrology with explanation and examples that can be understood by anyone with basic astrology knowledge.
Shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan covered many areas like election analysis and prediction, oath taking chart analysis, analysis of the famous personalities through chart, war prediction. No book so far has given any clear cut format to give out predictions. This book gives everything in one pack.
Shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan wanted to put all the expertise he had gained during the mundane astrology predictions into simple principles that can be easily used for analysis. This urge bloomed into book format where he compiled all the principles and explanation. Shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan himself had set the template for the book and wrote all he matter for the book by himself. Once it was written, I started the editing part of it.
As I edited the book one thing stood clear. Between the year 2002 and 2005, my teacher shri. K.B. Gopalakrishnan had touched all above said aspects of mundane astrology and had given prediction. By the end of 2005 when we finally finished with the book every principles of the astrology he had discussed had examples to go with it.
The way he sees the horoscope and does analysis was always different. Along with it he will check for any astronomical incidence or nimitta. I still remember that after mars came closer to earth he kept on telling that Jayalalitha will lose power and most of CM of south India will change. It was ahead of the election where most of the politicians or political analysis would have thought or analyzed.
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